The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 01, 1892, Image 1

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THE HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. VOLUME XVI. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, j)R. «. P. OAMPBIILL, DENTIST, MqDonovqb Oa. Any one desiring work done can l>c ao .eommodated either by calling on me In per son or addressing me through the mails. Terms cash, unless special arrangements tire otherwise made. W. Brian j W. T. Dioxin. brtam a dicken, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, McDonough, Ga. Will practice in the counties composing the Flint Judicial Circuit, the Supreme Court cf Georgia and the United States District Court. apr27-ly JAB. 11. Tl R^illß, ATTORNEY AT LAW, McDonough, Ga. Will practice in the counties composing fthe Flint Circuit, the 3upreme Court of 'Georgia, and the United States District 'Court. marl6-ly P J. RHAGAE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MoDonougij, Ga. Will practice in all the Courts of Georgia Special attention given to commercial and othercollections. Will attend all the Courts At Hampton regularly. Office upstairs over The Weekly office. | F. W AM,, ATTORNEY AT LAW, McDonough, Ga. Will practice in the counties composing the Flint Judicial Circuit, and the Supreme aud District Courts of Georgia. Prompt attention given to collections. octs-’79 yy A. KltOtVA, ’ ATTORNEY AT LAW, McDonough, Ga. Will practice in all the counties compos ing the Flint Circuit, the Supreme Court of Georgia and the United States District Court. janl-ly j j A, PEEPLES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hampton, Ga, Will practice in all the counties composing the Flint Judicial Circuit, the Supreme Court of Georgia and the District Court of the United States. Special and prompt atten tion given to Collections, Oet 8, 1888 Jno. D. £?tr\. art. | R.T. Daniel. STEWART ,V RAAIEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Griffin, Ga. JOHN L. 'I'VE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Gate City Natioal Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga, Practices in the State and Federal Courts. THE “’•“Mi ' lU if/' •> «e\OR6U > i i_ 08u,,5w 'VM ° « r u A c'yj- » I jAUKSONUILU 4', *T.4UGusrmi\i East Taao. Virginia & Ga. R’Y. SHORT AND DIRECT LINE TO THE NORTH. SOUTH, EAST AND WEST. PELIAYS FINEST VES TIBULE SLEEPERS BETWEEN ATLANTA & KNOXVILLE MACON & CHATTANOOGA BRUNSWICK & ATLANTA WITIIorr CHANGE. Direct Connections at Chat tanooga with Through TRAINS AND PULLMAN SLEEP ERS TO Memphis end the West, nl Knoxville with Pullman Sleeper* for WASHINGTON, PHILADELPHIA, AND NEW YORK. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS, B. W. WRENN, CHAS. N.KICHT lien’l. I’m*. Ag'., A, O. P. A. KNOX VII. T.E. ATLANTA Georgia Vlidlan.l A Golf R. R. SOUTH. Leave McDonough 7:00 ». m Arrive Greenwood 7.27 “ “ Louella 7:25 “ “ Griffin B*s •* Foam. Leave Griffin 4:00 p. m. Arrive Loualla 4-40 *■ Greenwood 4:46 “ “ McDonongh 5*5 “ M E GRAY, Sop’t THROUGH GEORGIA. Interesting Notes Gathered Fran Here and There Over the State. At a meeting of the M rchants’ Week association, at Savannah, recently, it was decided to have a gala week in May. Two thousand dollars was subscribed, and a soliciting committee appointed. The programme will be unusually attrac tive, and practically everything will be fre°. V * * Mr. Ira W. L. Maddox, of Stockbridge, has discovered a valuable deposit of mica on his place. The mica vein is three and a half feet wide and three-fourths of a mile long. It is said by experts to be finer than the celebrated North Carolina mica. The vein is from ten to fourteen feet deep, and the mica is woith sl3 a pound. * * ¥ Colonel J. H. Estill, of the Savannah Morning News, has forwarded his resig nation as a member of the national dem ocratic committee trom Georgia to Chair man Brice, and has notified the chairman of the state central committee oi his ac tion. Colo Del Estill stated that his res iguation was due to the fact that lie has been in ill health for nearly two years past, and therefore desires to be relieved of all unnecessary care. * * * Spalding county will issue ten thousand dollars’ wor.h of bonds to maintain the ohaingang system on her public roads. The matter has been decided by a practi cally unanimous vote in favor of the bonds. This means a good deal for that section. It will give a good money circu lation, and in putting it into circulation the commissioners will give the people a system of good roads. The bonds are 6 per cent interest bearing, the first falling due January 1, 1907, and one bond of SI,OOO each succeeding year. * * * Phosphate deposits have been discov ered in the Big Ogeechee river. For a long time it has been predicted that phosphate mining would be an important industry in Georgia, and a number of counties have claimed the honor of con cealing the coveted deposit in their soil. The legislature in 1885 passed a law pro viding liberal privileges for phosphate mining in the rivers of the sta‘e, and a number of licenses have been taken out, but so far nothing of any consequence has been done. Now, however, a com pany engaged in oyster culturo reports a phosphate find which it is believed will amount to something. * + * Tbe Cost of liaising Cotton. Tho question of the cost of raising cot ton ha- created great discussion among planters, ootton buyers and business men in general, since Commissioner Nesbitt’s statement that it could bo made for 8 j cents was questioned. In a little book called “Cotton Facts,” which is pub lished annually, appears each year an estimate of the cost of making cotton. That for the season of 1887-8 was made by Colonel W. L. Peek, president of the state exchange of the alliance, then a member of the Georgia senate. It was as follows: Average cost of cotton in Georgia (for a farm of 35 acres—one mule farm): Cost of one hand seven months, at sl3 per month $ 91 00 “ one hand five months, at sl3 per month 85 00 “ feed for one mule, seven month-..- 43 U 0 “ 70 bushels cotton seed lor planting, 12 1-2 cents per bushel 8 75 4i 7,000 pounds fertilizers, at 1 3-4 cts. 122 50 “ ginning, hanging and ties 35 06 “ picking 17,500 pounds seed ootton, at 50 cents per 100 pounds 87 50 “ hauling to market 3 75 Rent of land 105 00 Total cost of crop $660 66 Yield—s,B33 pounds lint cotton—or a bale of 500 pounds to 3 acres, Cost of cotton about 9 3-5 cents per pound, making no allowance for seed. At a yield of a bale to 2 1-2 acres, the cost would be 8 cents per pound. ** • * An Kpldemfc of Glanders. That scourge of live stock, the glan ders, is doing its deidly work among horses and mules in the state. The dis ease was brought in by drovers who sold diseased stock rcga’dless of consequences, SDd an epidemic of glanders is threat ened. Upon the appeal of a Coffee coun ty farmer Colonel It, T. N> sbitt, commis sioner of agriculture, s nt a veterinary surgeon to an infected district to inves tigate and report the s tuation. The surgeon’s le’ter reveals a startling state of affiirs. We extract the following: “I went to the plantation of Mr. Sam uel Harral, ten miles from Pearson sta tion, in Coffee county, to investigate the disease among his stock. The horse de scribed in his letter was dead when I got there. Two mules, his only remaining stock, had well-developed cases of glanders, both of which he killed and cremated. The horse which wasfiist to develop the disease was b mght in January last from an itinerant trader from Texas. It has been singu larly fortunate that the many cases of glanders that have developed in this central and southern portion of the state have all been isolated from other stock, and the disease has been checked by the destruction of the animals affected. It has been no leas remarkable that the owners, in the absence of any compulsory law. have consented to kill them. I would most respectfully recommend some legis’ation in this matter that would fix a penalty on the 'raffle of glandered stock and make it compu'sory on tbe part of owners to destroy them. It also suggests itself to me that a minimum rc< mpense wou'd be just to parties sac r'flring their s'oek for the protection of t'i ir neighbors. It certainly is a great h i dship for an individual to sacrifice all his stock without having the means to replace it- Mr. Harrall is left without a single horse or mule to start the season’s planting. Also the case of Mr. Pate, of Sumner, a short distance from the last cases mentioned, who sacrificed six head of valuable stock in order to protect his neighbors from loss, while some unscru pulous dealers are selling the diseased stock and spreading the seeds of conta gion over the entire state.” * * * In Fnvnr of Form Villose*. Communal life seems to have taken root in Georgia at last. Governor Northen M’DONOUGH, GA.. FRIDAY, APRIL I, 189*2. has taken hold of the idea of village f rming and is presenting it to the people of Georgia in his speeches. He advo vocated it in his own county among his neighbors, pioposing to include his own farm in tho experiment, and now he is suggesting it in his addresses. The idea is one that has I) en taken up with enthu siasm by some of the most sagicious men of the country. Governor Northen thinks it will do more to make country life pleasant, and will solve more of Its knotty problems than anything that has been suggested. “One way by which the plan may be consummated,” says the gov ernor, “is for the capitalists to buy up large tracts of land, and luv it off in’o sections, with a convenient number ol farms and a village in tbe center, where all the farmers aud their lamilies reside. Anoiher plan is for the farmers to got together aud arrange the thing among themselves, so that they may get all the benefit of tho en’ acament of values due to the presence of a vil lage. The advantage is that when you bring fifty or a hundred farmers together, you have a village of several hundred, with its social pleasure, its church and its school, and with a convenient store, butcher’s shop and all the comforts of such a community, increasing as it grows in size. Then you have frequent mails, with the probability of a telephone, and as the town grows larger uerhips an clectnc line or a railroad. Tho idea is not now. It has been in operation in Europe for a long time, but I think we can improve on tho European plan. Their method of dividing farms into long strips is not suited to the character of our country. The better plan would be to have the farms in more compact shape and put the vi lage in the center. Farm villages will solve more knotty problems of country life than any other one thing. The social intercourse of the village brightens people up, lends to promote public spirit and does away with the dullness and the loneliness of rural life. ♦ * * A Flan lo Save the Fruit. There is a chance to save the fruit from frosts. Tho freeze of the 19th has lclt some, and it will be well to guard that with jealous care. The weather burenu proposes to send out frost warnings to fruit growing districts and if the simple precaution of keeping up smothered fires should be adopted for the next four weeks, the rest of the fruit will be saved. Th'i remedy suggested will be the use of smudges. A smudge is a smothered fire. At the bottom, in the center, some dry, combustible material is placed and set on fire. This is covered with two or three wagon loads of dampened straw, or some material that will make the fire burn slowly aod emit a great volume of smqke. The farmers of the Red river valley saved their wheat from damage by early frosts last year, and at times the whole valley wrut otnipred with smoke from tha smudges. Mr. Park Morrill, director of the Geor gia weather service, proposes to apply the same system to Georgia. He says smoke will hardly protect fruit from such a freze as that of the 19th, when the temperature went down to 16J degrees, but it will protect it from damage by frost, and it is not likely that we will have another such freeze. The Georgia weather bureau has been greatly changed within the past three months, and wiather indications, includ ing cold w ,ve, storm and frost warnings, are sent to the observers at thirty five regular stations and to seventy-nine other points, where there are no other observers. Mr. Morrill proposes, for the next thirty days, to send frost warn ings to as many as fifty additional points for the bemfit of fruit grow ers. Those who are engaged lii that business will do well to write imme diately to the director of the weather service at Atlanta and have their stations put on the list. The government pro poses to give fair warning, but the par ties interested must take the precaution nece sa:y to protect fruit after the notice of frost is received. The precautions are few, simple aud inexpensive. Happily the materials are abundant everywhere in Georgia. * * * Georgia Will Have No Building at Chicago Georgia will have no bu lding at the world’s fair. And the money which was first intended to b? spent in the direc tion of a state building will be used in making Georgia’s exhibit more magnifi cent. At least this seems to be a fair prophecy regarding the Georgia build ing, Architect Norrmau, who, with Mr. Martin Amorous, has been to Chicago and investigated the whole matter, will so recommend in his report, and he will be supported in his view by several if not all the members of the executive committee of the world’s fair committee of which Governor Northen is chairman. These gentlemen visited Chicago about three weeks ago and performed their duties. They found the space alloted the state in a very inconvenient corner of the grounds. It was alto gether out of tho current and would not bo visited by one-half of tho people who go to the world’s fair. Even with three times as much ground, a build ing in that out-of-the-way place would be a useless expenditure of money. The first obstacle of too small grounds then disappeared. and a greater and more in surmountable one arose in its stead . The gentlemen found that it would not be a hard matter to secure additional space, but after looking at it they decided that it was not desirable. They came home to Georgia with this fixed impression. Now, Mr. Non-man has prepared his re port to the executive committee. In the report he details the true state of affaiis as they exist, and recom mends that Georgia do not build a state building at the world’s fair at all. He states that it was eriimated to spend about ten thousand dollars in the erection of a Georgia building. The or iginal purpose of the building was for a state exhibit and for a headquarters for Georgia people, comfortabe sitting rooms, cloak rooms and other conveni ences. He states that the Gco r gia ex hibit can be placed in tbe main building, where it cm be seen by every visitor to the World’s fair, and will do incalcula ble good to Georgia in advertising her resource, and possibilities. He thinks that the money which would be neces sary to erect a Georgia building could be much better expended in improving the Georgia exhibit. FIGHTING OVER THE CENTRAL. The ReeelversWp Case Up Before the Court. The Central railroad receivership case came up for a hearing at Macon Thursday morning at 10 o’clock, before Judge Don Pardse and District Court Judge Emory Speer. Judge Pardee was present by special invitation of Jtnlge Speer, and has charge of the case. The hearing occu pied all of the morning. After the noon hour argument wag commenced At 3 o'clock court adjourned until Friday morning when arguments will be re sumed. When oeurt convened there Was a large array «f lawyers and many spectators presnt. Judge Pardee appeared thoroughly ■ ouvcHwnt with all the questions that arose and his purpose seemed to be to divest the proceedings as quickly as possible all superfluous and entangling questions. Counsel for plaintiff stated that be would like to know if the necessary paß*rs of the de fendant were in the answer ing ready. He then proceeded to read the notice to produce the pagers. Captain Jackson announced thit'lresappeared in behalf of the Richmond and the Georgia Pacific, amf that -he would produce such papers as it, waft-jrossible to obtain. He also stated tnßtßfc had the lease to tho Georgia Pacific.' ■ran lbasb REjsrcp. Mr. Rountree asked if Captain Jackson would produce the coi^ract tho Richmond and DarndWe prorated the Central. Captain JaekioirTgjtlied that he had no such paper and thfPthe lease of the Central to the Georgia pacific was never authorized or rsilfigd Etjelhe direc tors of the Richmond and DalvviHe Tho attorneys on both sidLsfl&tK?umse<3 ready. The bill of Mrs. Rowco43uSnrko was read. The reading of bill took up a considerable lenf|W) tj«e. The Richmond and‘YWliAe answered that on or about the re quest of the Georgia ;Jtpilroad company, this defeodWfg*Resinned the mangement of the railwrflp®6d£|tßamship lines of the Central J Bunk ing company, and basWuee and operated the same unfM.tfctfafpoint raent of E. P. Alexander recelvei*. When this defendant discovered tilit objection was made by said railway ancHteamship company, it immediately possession of all the property and lines of said company. All the q|her allega tions which are not expressly admitted herein, the defendant does not admit,and denies all unlawful combindtjjns and conspiracies, and this pendant prays that the parties plaintiff igay be held to strict proof of the allegatidav This de fendant holds a stricWnfd valid claim against the said company for money far exceeding the sum of eight hundred thousand dollars, which is now duo and unpaid. The detend int now prays that in surrendering possession of all the property of the Central Railroad and Banking company to the possession of E. P. Alexander as receiver. 1. That it may be ratified and affirmed to ail intents and purposes. 2. That it may have a de cree in its favor for the said mm, $300,- 000. This is sworn to by the president of the company. The answer of the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia sets up that the bill is not verified as pre scribed by the ninety-fourth equity rule of the United States, and therefore un der the rule it could not be sustained, and should be dismissed; that the bills should be dismissed because the Central had the power, under its charter, to make the lea-e complained of in said bill; because the complaint in said bilt participated in the dividend declared by the said defendant In December, 1892; because the only persons who may under the facts complain or demur to the illegality of said lease is the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, and the complainant docs not show that she has ever applied to said defendant company for relief or that her petition lias been refused; because no necessity has been shown for the appoint ment of a permanent receiver for the Central railroad and that no re ceiver should beappsinted and the prop erty of the said Ceatral Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia bo taken away from the legally appointed board of directors; because there is no equity in the bill. Further rea sons given aro because the Ocean Steamship Company, the New England and Savannah Steamship Company and the Eufaola and Montgomery Railrond Companies are not parties to the hill; because court is without jurisdiction in a matter between the state of Georgia and the corporation itself. —— • THE ARGUMENT CONTINUED. Argument in the Central receivership case was resumed by counsel for plaintifl when court convened at 10 o’clock Fri day morning. Mr. Rountree began hit argument on the validity of the lease, dividing the subject as follows: That it was ultra vires, or llfyond the authority of the dir< ctors. 2 That it was void becau-e contrary toffie constituti n. Ift was followed by Hcfry Cunningham, ol Savannah, counsel fyr the Cential. Mr. Cunningham spoke until 3 o’clock when court adjourned until Saturday morning. Mr. Cunningham relied largely upon the ninety-fourth equity rule. Mr. Marion Erwin occupied Saturday morniog’s session of the court in arguing for the complain&sts. Court adj mrned at 8 o'clock until Munday morning. WHAT AN AUTOPSY REVEALED. The Late Walt Wlitman’s Lungs Were Almost Entirely Gone. A Philadelphia dispatch of Suuday says: An autopsy on W'alt Whitman disclosed the fact that the poet had died with his organs in* state of disease that should by all lan of mediemee hnvr killed him years ap>. His left lung was entirely gone, wide of the right there was but a breathing spot left. His heart was surrounded bv a large number of small abscesses aL<J about two and a hall quarts of water. The pain in his left side that has bedk diagnosed by tome physicians as an interna! cancer, was found to have beta caused by peritonitis. The brain was fdrnd to be abnormally large, and in a fwrly healthy condition. OYSTERMEN AT WAR. A Conflict in Which Several Men ave Killed and Wounded. Telegrams of Thursday from Tasley, Va., state that a furious battle occurred Tuesday between the oyster men in Ches apeake bay. Several years ago some per sons residing in Accomack county took up a large tract cf oyster ground in the Pokomokc sound. The oyster men in the neighborhood of Tangier claimed that the planters had violated the law by taking up a natural oyster lock. The courts decided against the planters who, under an act passed by the Virginia legislature, proceeded to take up the oysters from their reservation. This greatly enraged the islanders, who de termined to prevent it at all hazards. TUIiY MAN THRIR VKSBEI.S. Early Tuesday morning they manned two sloops with a force numbering 75 men and proceeded to where the dredgers were operating. They found twelve schooners at work, and close by was one of the Virginia oyster police boats to pro tect the dredgors. The commanders of tho stato police boat ordered the island ers to keep off, and when they disre garded his orders, he opened fire on them with his cannon. The islanders wer6 armed with rifles, ami soon the firing became genera l . The dredgers caruc on deck and fired volley after volley into the islanders, who finally withdrew from the unequal contest. THB KILLED AND WOUNDF.D. In the engagement Captain Thomas Dies, of Pungateague, Va., was killed, and several islanders received slight wouuds. The tight took place in full view of Fangier island, and while it was goii g on the entire population of the islanil watched its progress. Great excitement prevailed on the island all Tuesday night, and scarcely any of the inhabitants went to bed. Tho dredgers and islanders aro both greatly incensed against each other, and it is feared that hostilities will break out afresh. COUNTERFEITERS CORRALLED. A Quartette of Yoiiug Men Caught Shoving Bogus Coin. A dispatch from Gadsden, Ala., state, that during the last few days merchants of that city have have detected counter feit money in circulation but could not remember who pas-ed it. On Saturday Frank Head, John White, Bob Btchus and Tom Wade were in tho city and were detected in the act of passing the spuri ous coin. Deputy Sheriff Melton got after them and they lied to Attalla, where they were again detected and pluced uu der arrest. They were subsequently bound over to await the action oj the United States grand jury. It seems that tlu: young men formed a company and Head and made the rrtfme and Wade and White passed it. They all live at Walnut Grove, and come of good families. Wade is a son of Etowah’s representative, Hon. O. B. iVnde, who i also a Baptist preacher. Bachus is a sou of the late Warren Bachus, formerly of Gadsden. White and Wade were allowed bond in tho sum of $5,000 each, which they soon made. Head and Bachus were required to make a $7,000 bond each, which they fni'cd to do, and were place i in the Gadsden jail. The exact place where they make their money is not known, but an t fl'ort i. being made to locate the place, when the molds and plates will be destroyed. GREETING TO VETERANS. The General Commanding Extends Ills Congr,filiations. The following order has been issued to United Confederate Veterans from head quarters at New Orleans: General Orders 42.—The general commanding congratulates the ex-Con federate veterans thst a. many as 103 cmips have been enrolled to date into the phil inthropic brotherhood of United Confederate Veterans, the gallant Ken tuckians having just reported seven camps, besides many more forming in every state, and that the brave survivors ar i at last to be all united into tho great federation social, literary, historical and benevolent— for the benefit of the living and care for the graves and mem ory of our dead. Every southern state is now repre sented except Virginia, and the general c unman ding expresses the earnest wish aud hope that the hrroic veterans of that proud old commonwealth will also join their comrades in the peaceful, bcneficient and Christian purposes contemplated, and that veterans and camps everywhere will immediately organize and apply by telegram or letter to these headquarters for the necessary information and docu ments, and be represented at tho great reunion to be held in New Orleans on the Bth and 9th of April next. By order of J. B. Gordon, general commanding; George Morgan, adjutant general. A BANK GOES UNDER. Liquidation Decided Upon toNtraigther Out Us Affairs. The American National bank, of Birm ingham, Ala , went into liquidation Wednesday. The bank originally had * capital of" $250,000, which was, to i large extent, loaned out on securities that depreciated in value. Not long since, it threw out its worthless securi ties aud scaled its stock down to $125,- 000. Somo of the stockholders kicked on this arrangement and went into court to enjoin some of the directors from act ing. As the best way out. liquidation has been determined on. Nobody will suffer, unless it be the stockholders, through the failure of fho securities t< realize the amounts loaned. NEW COTTON MILLS Which Arc fe Ire Erected in the Snath Iry Northern Capitalists. A Chattanoog t dispatch says: The Tradesman announces the receipt of ofK eiai information that Massachusetts capi talists will begin the immediate erection ert Nottingham, Ala., of a cotton mill to contain 40,000 spindles aid 1,000 looms, the plant to cost $400,000. The Trades man reports the organization of several other large cotlon mills is now in prog ress in the south and their erection ia as sured. Highest of all in Leavening Power—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. Rd fo,| Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE NEWSY GLEANINGS. Cuba has a large sugar.crop. Frozen gas is now use 4 for fuel. Thf,rk are 15,000 lepers in India. There is a grain blockade in Kansas. Scotland insists on having Home Rule. A revolution is in progress in Venez aela. Denver, Co!., is to have a belt line rail road. Maine packed 1,500,000 tons of ice this season. Russia ant Austria are drawing on us for gold. France is apprehsnsive of a war with Morocco. Ohio will not raise half the average wheat crop this year. The spring sowings in Russia give promise of good crops. There is $7,000,000 in cash in the United States Treasury. Cotton continues on its way ton doubt ful boitom price. ExTBAOrtniNARV shipments of cereals are being made in Europe. There are fifty million dollars in the savin; banks in Maine. CHICAGO has a bicycle electric railway. Cars aro run on one fail. Five million dollars’ wortli of vessels are being built ou the lakes. Non-orthodox churches are being closed wherever the Czir roign*. Secretary Foster says sliver is the burning question abroa I just now. The outflow of the precious metals has again assumed large proportions. The losses of cattle and sheep by the lace blizzard in Texas reached $300,009. Cincinnati is to have a sixth bridge be tween that city and Covington, Ky. Ok the 290 fishermen naught in the storm off Newfoundland twenty-flve were lost. In many parts of the Madras Presidency, in India, famine has been averted by raina Exports of breadstuffs continue enor mous and show wonderful increases in value. A syndicate is going to cultivate tobacoo on a large scale in the Congo Free State, Africa. Guiteau, President Garfield’s ass assiu, is declared to have been drunk whon he was executed. Senator Stankord. of California, has re fused an offer of SIIO,OOO for the stallion Advertiser. Eight thousand unknown dead were buried in the Potter’s Field of New York City last year. The coal agents of New York have ad vanced the price of chestnut coal twenty live cents a ton. A wood-chopper at Redding, Cal., shot a stranger the other day “because he was putting on too much style.’’ A MAN in lowa starved himself to death through grief for his wife. They had beeu married seventy-four years. It was reported that it cost $3,000,000 to secure the passage of the act legalizing the Reading combine by the New Jersey Legis lature. Carnegie, Phipps A Company, of Pitts burg. Penn., have a 110-ton steel saw which will cut through nickel steel armor plate twenty inches thick. WHOLESALE GROCERS Hold an Important Meeting in Mem phis Friday. The Southwestern Wholesale Grocers’ Association assembled in convention at Memphis, Tenu., Friday morning. Dele gates were present from Richmond, Nor folk, Lynchburg, and Roanoke, Va.; Nashville, Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tenn.; 8a atinah, Atlanta, Macon, Col umbus and Rome, Ga.; Birmingham, Selma, Montgomery and Anniston, Ala.; New Orleans and Shreveport, La.; Gal veston and Dallas, Tex. ; Jacksonville, Fla.; Louisville, St. L uis and Little Rock. “JACK THE RIPPER.” A Murderer Captured in Australia Sup posed to he the Whitechappel Fiend. Considerable excitement was caused at Melbourn, Australia, Saturday by the statement published by a reliable news paper which declared Hemming, the murderer, had made a confession. There ha. been strong suspicion entertained that Demining is none other than Ihe notorious “Jack the Ripper,” tha slayer of ihe Whitechappel, London, outcasts, and this suspicion is borne out in a meas ure not only by I) mining’s appearance which elos' Ir t lilies wiih the dc-crip io civ uof the W itrchappel fiend, bu iiv his all -"• L*. n* MINING COMPANY IN LUCK. They Strke a Gobi Vein Assaying $30,000 a Ton. A lucky strike of g dd has been made at Fremont, Colorado, by six young men making up the Rosette M ning company The property is located at Beaver Paik and tbe strike was made at a sixty-foot abaft sunk throughsolid rock. The sam ples of rock show nuggits almost solid, gold as large as the end of a lead pencil, while the whole rock is covered with fl kes and wires of the same metal. Thi tampl'S assay' d $30,000 to the t n. In Case of Croup, While waiting for the doctor, in oases of croup, quickly apply soveral sponges, squeezed out iu tho hottest water, to the ohild’s neck for about twenty minutes and place him in a hot blanket. If tho ohild is choking, give a teaspoonfulof ipecacuanha wine every five minutes until violent sickness takes place. It is a good thing for the child to breatho over steam. l’our boiling water into a basin or on a hot brick or fiat iron, and let him inhalo the vapor, [fit. Louis Re public. A wonderful development has been that of the ugly waterproof to the stylish si kmtiish. M SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. /7j ATTEND THE'//7j, .7 Ictimmctaallli Of Kentucky University, LEMNGTOri, KY. SL W. €ornw W ll\ him] I'PPy.B Streets, * o|»po«iU) C’ourt Bloumo. WI-BUR R. SMITH, President. C-jT Cheapest, lifHt and IllehrAli Ilounrcil C*!icc& K. W. k W. R. Smith. cWuers of lM« C, ’k*c, reeefrei the (Jo! 4 Medal an I Diploma of II »nor at U (i; lil'« K tpoall lon, tr Sritftm of Book-Kreplns, InclinliD! Ociutml Haiinrut Kilarnthm. Nearly 1000aiudonlt In atlr•••!nti:!i<»pa t ;<mr. Ron SO Stales aiul Porttlfa Ooutitrifi. IY>.<lo<> Griwf un(t*s la BtHilnfM. IS Teachers cm plot e.|. |Ju in-, c. nr con <i- 1« ®f Book keeping. M ihlqo s Arithtn t \ pMjniiinshlp. Commercial Law, Merahandiiinr. Banking. Joint Stock. Mi*u»Tacturing, Looturoe, Business Prncile . Mercantile f’.rt.-•• cadenee. etc Coat of Full It ii«l n C 'onrae. I'>cladlnt Tulfi n Pfnlonprjr •nd Board tn n nlc • familr, *tv»ut #9O. Mior-t-lluml. Type- IV Htin* and T<>lo*rnpliy nr« st.rolaltir* I have special teachers ami rooms, and can ha tn':en slonn or with the Business Course. Bpeoial department for LadlsS. I.ndy Principal emplored. C /* Merchants' Spool ml Course of Book-Kcc(iior, flO fy’Burt *pm Arlthraotlo and Penmanship when taken ali.-i-, f 5 ( >.;r month. ( oMega own day ao<l night ft Students receive! on earn- pay manta vT Arran*emenis k made with Railroad Com* panics fbr a aheap dailv pass to attend this CoUagr. Ko voca flnn. Kokgr now Graduate* suecensful. C"7* For circulars • B 11. aSITII, Pml 1.ei1,.,;..,,. Ky. PROMINENT PEOPLE. President Carnot is one of the very few Frenchmen who never get excited. Senator Sherman, of Ohio, is about to build a mansion in Washington to cost SIOO,OOO. Ex-Senator Edmunds, of Vermont, takes only cases of importance, and his smallest retainer is s‘.>ooo. The late W. H. Smith, the London news man who became a British Cabinet Minister, left $30,000,000. John D. Rockefeller’s income from his Standard Oil interests is probably nearly $7,000,000 a year. Ex-Governor Thayer, of Nebraska, has decided to contest anew the right of Gover nor Boyd to his office. Baron Hirsch, the wealthy Austrian banker anil friend of the Prince of Wales, is just sixty-one years old. The Queen of Greece is at present in a very bad state of health and causes her hus band aud family much alarm. Ex-Senator Ingalls is reported to have declined an offer of SIO,OOO a year to edit a Kansas City (Mo.) evening paper. Prince George of Wales now has an annual allowance amounting to $75,000 a year. Previous to the death of his brother ho had $35,000 a year. Few people are aware that the late evan gelist, Mr. Spurgeon was never ordained. Fie began and ended his remarkable min istry as a lay preacher. Ex-President Cleveland and Governor Flower, of New York, were guests for a few days of the New York Rod and Gun Club at their club house on Hpesutia Island, Md. Bismarck sprinkles bis conversation, which is at all times interesting and some times epigramatic, with choice and pertinent extracts from Shakespeare, of whose works t e is especially fond. One of the largest salaries received by any mail in this country is drawn by C. A. Gris coin, the Chief ct the International Naviga tion Company, of Philadelphia, Penn., who receives $50,0!>0 a year. Wi[xiam Walter Phelps, the United. Btates Minister, returned to Herliu.Uennany,' from his trip to Egypt, enjoying splendid health. He says ho feels in good form for work after his vacation. Alexander Kibot, the new French Pre mier, is just two weeks over fifty years o! age. He is sometimes called u youthfu Thiers, and he has had a meteoric career in politics during the last ten years. The United States Army now carries on its retired list thirty-two Brigadier Uenerals and four Major Uenerals. The quartet of Major Uenerals is composed of John Pope, H. H. Carroll, J. C. Robinson and Daniel E. Sickles. Congressman Stone, of Kentucky, owes his life to his wife, who, when a young girl, found him lying dangerously wouuded after one of the battles of the Civil War, and tak •ug him to her father’s house nursed him back to health. Mrs. Harrison, wife of the President, i* reported to have m«de great progress in her urt studies, to which she lias devote 1 much time during ft!l her occupancy of the Whit) Douse. She fas become especially skilful in water-color work. Senator Voorhees, of Indiana, is a de voted admirer of art, and is often to be seen In the Corcoran Uellery, in Washington, standing before some favorite painting or statue in evident delight. He is said to be an able critic in the matter of art, and quite acu oisseur. A BANK ASSIGNS And Its President Has Absconded for Parts Unknown. Dispatches of Friday from Cleveland, 0., state that developments in the Pains ville bank failure are startling. Forged paper, to theamauntof about sixty thou sand dollars, has come to light, and R. K. Paige, head of the bank,is missing. Three forged notes have been placed on various banks. Seven thousand dollars, left at the bank a week ago by the Fair port Dock Company, to pay its men. is missing, and the men have not received a cent. Paige left Painesville on Wednesday evening, but nobody knows in what direction he went, al though it is believed he has gone to New York. lie did not even have an attorney to represent him. The assignee, says the liabilities win amount to over six hundred thousand dollars. Steps will be taken to prevent Paige from leaving the country.