Newspaper Page Text
.1006 1893.
Chamberlin, Johnson & Co.,
VG> Ti inli Wo Have the ( HEAI’EST STOKE in the Uni e<l States.
(lire Us a Chance to Prove It.
ft'' ‘ stuck Staph? imtl Fancy, Domestic ami Kuiiii'n Dress
* : ! '■ i \t'<;\f SF. > ( Goods, Silks, Linens, Gin.irlnihts. Gloves, Hosiery, White
floods, Laces, Embroideries, etc.
it 1 )J ijrvili- \ Stool; complete in every detail. Our luij;o trade proves that our
' .'lh I I'J 1 > A ( prices are lowest. Largest and best stock Draperies in the soulli.
iP i ■ 5 5 ’• ’|T] ’PL 1 * Largest stock to select from . Cheapest poods as well as
Ui.Vj.V_l 11 14 1j ( the Lest. We can save you money in Furniture.
011 ( j Y'. 1 ( Made to octet- to tit and to wear Ali ill Lest and latest styles. Give
Kjlltc ...'-’A ’( usa trial order, or write for information.
(Hi & (is Whitehall, and I, 3,5, 7, It, 11, 13 Al 5 Hunter St.,
Aoknts ni'TTPiiies’s Pattkiiss. ATLANTA, G-A.
For Coal, Coke or Wood—for Churches, Stores or
Residence—cheaper than ever.
The largest assortment South.
Coal Vases, Fire Sets, Coal Hods, Brass Fenders
and Andirons.
Galvanized Iron Cornice Work a specialty. Write or call
and get our prices ; we can save you io per cent.
We Are Showing the
Ever shown in Atlanta.
Call an see us.
Clothiers, Hatters, Furnishers & Tailors,
26 Whitehall St, ATLANTA, GA.
GEO. E. KNOTT, with the above firm invites his
friends to call and see him.
McDonough, Ga., April 1, 1892.
Goin" north 1:37 a in
“ “ 7:18 a m
“ “ 1U:40 a in
“ south 4:58 p m
“ “ 8:10 prn
“ “ 4:5!j a in
Leave 7:20 a in
Arrive 7:10 p in
For Tax Receiver.
To (he People of Henry County—l lioreby
iinnouuce myself a candidate for tlie office
of Tux Receiver, subject lo the Democratic
nominal ion. Being lame and disable leads
me to ask this favor of the people. I as
sert that I am competent to till the office.
Respectfully, SEATI HAUKNESS.
For Tax Collector.
To (In- People of Henry County—l here
by announce myself a candidate for the of
fice of Tax Collector, subject to the Demo
cratic nomination whenever it occurs. Be
ing so crippled that it is impossible fur me
to do an; farm work, leads me to ask this
favor of I lie people. If elected I can fttrn’sh
one of (he strongest of bonds, and promise
io till the office io a perfectly satisfactory
manner, and will sincerely appreciate all
the support that may be given me. Re
spectfully. T. H. S I’ALLW OR IH, Jn
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in (he world for
cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, letter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 2 i> cents per box.
For Sale By C. D. McDonald.
W omei! « lio IJic Karly.
Many of our most beautiful aud ac
cotnplished ladies die before they liave
reached the prime of life. Of those
who live to middle age only one in two
hundred is sound : the other one hun
dred and ninety nine are suiferers. Why
is it t Self-in gleet. The shattered health
can be restored ; the home made hap
py, and your life lengthened if you
commence at once.
‘•Rose Buds” have been used for 20
years iti the private practice of one of
the most eminent physicians of Baris,
and the following diseases and their
digressing symptoms yi«ld lo them
like magic: Ulceration, Congestion
and Falling of ttie Womb, Ovarian
Tumors. Dropsy of the V\ omit, bear
ing Down Pains, Rupture at Child
birth and Miscarriages. One package
of “Rose I’uds” w ill make a new wom
an of you.
(Leucorrhea or W hites are general
ly cured by one application ) Price
per package (one months treatment)
tf 1-00 sent hv mail post paid, securely
packed. Tin: Leverette Snxmc
Co., 339 Washington St, Boston Mass.
£h-. -Sol::: Knll's Worm Me-
Ntroyers tab- good and tjuickly remove
worm* from children or grow n [people, re
storing the weak and puny to robust health.
Trv them. No other norm medicine is so
safe and sure. Price 25 cents at drug store,
or sent bv mail by John D. Park A Sons
Co.. 175 and 1(7 Sycamore St., Cincinnati,
A full supply of justice’s summons
and executions just printed at this of
fice, in good form.
Alec Lemon is selling Baldwin’s
guano, best article in the market, and
invites those desiring something good
at the closest figures to call on him.
It is as cheap as any strictly first class
ertilizer c an be sold.
Bright people are the quickest to
recognize a good thing and buy it. We
sol 1 lots of bright people the Little
Early Risers. If you are not bright
these pills will make you so. D. J. San
Specimen <'ns<—.
S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was
troubled witli Neuralgia and Rheumatism,
his Stomach was disored, his Liver was ar
ticled to an alarming degree, appetite fell
away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh
and strength. Three bottles of Electric
Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a
running sore on his log of eight years’
standing. Used three bottles of Electric
Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen’s
Arnica Salve, ami his leg is sound and
well. John Speaker, Cidwaha, 0., had five
large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said
he was incurable One boltle Electric
Bitters and one box Bucklcn’s Arnica
Salve cured him entirely. Sold bv 0. D.
McDonald, Drug store.
l*fles! Piles! Itching I'il -s.
Symptoms —Moisture; intense itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tumors
form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be
coming very sore. Swayne’s Ointment
stops tlie itching and bleeding, heals ulcer
ation, and in most eases removes the tu
mor At druggists, or by mail for 50 cents-
Dr. Swavne & Son, Philadelphia.
Aon Try Tliisi.
It will cost you nothing and will surely
do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, oa
ai y trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs
Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to
give relief, or money wi 1 be paid back
Sufferers from La Grippe found it just
the thing ami under its use had a speedy
and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle
at our expense ana learn lor yourself just
how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free
at C. D. McDonald’s Drug Store. Large
size 50c. anti SI.OO.
CET ’I IS it it IST.
An elderly physician, whose experi
ence with debility and blood diseases,
has been very successful, informed the
writer that there was only one patent
medicine that he ever recommended
his patients to lake, and that was Dr.
John Bull’s Sarsaparilla. He advised
its use as a tonic and ulteiative In
cases of blood poison it always acts like
a charm. Under its influence sores and
eruptions quickly healed and disappear
ed, aches and pains vanished, and the
user of
Ur. ,M)it A It (ill's *i:i |i:> ri 11 ;■
soon found himself better every w-ay.
No belter blood remedy can possibly
be compounded, and it invaribly gives
pet feet satisfaction to the user. You
wrong yourself if you fad io give it a
trial. It is the very best spring medicine
and blood purifier that can lye made.
Large bottle (192 t< a-spoonfuls) 11.00.
For sale by druggists,
ty Byron F. Franklin, Little Rock,
Ark , writes : “1 was reduced to al
most a skeleton, and so weak I could
hardly walk. My appetite and diges
tiou both were poor. 1 was extremely
nervous, sleepless all night and restless
all day. Seven bottles of Bull’s Sar
saparilla made me as healthy and sound
as when a boy.
iniuutes. For sale bv I). J. Sanders.
All Fool Bay.
Darden ] micd over.
.Next Tuesday is sale day.
l’uispi-ets for fruit tilill good.
Ordinary's court uext Monday.
lias Tomlinson was in the city Sitn
! day.
Miss Dhe Sloan is visitiug relatives
[ in Flippen.
M iss Sallie Tomlinson is visiting
relatives in Atlanta.
l’rof ,). .1 Simmons, ol the Knob,
was in the city Tuesday.
flood uuutber of people in town
Monday and trade lively.
Best Glove fitting Corset in the
south for SI.OO. Racket Store.
Boykin Newman filled his regular
appointment at Jonesboro last Sunday.
Will the rain never cease? Lookout
for some of it to be needed in the sum
Mr and Mrs. J. B. Dickson spent
Sunday with their Locust Grove
Best Corset ever offered for oOcts
made especially for the Racket Store.
Ilariy Schaefer stopped over in Mc-
Donough yesterday, on his way to
What lias become of McDonough’s
bank ? Hope it has not been killed by
the hard times.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson have been
stopping at the Brown House several
days tins week.
Tax Receiver Awtrey will start on
his first rnund next Monday. See no
tice in this issue.
Miss Kate Maxwell came down from
Tunis Saturday and remained until
Monday with home folks.
Iliindsonie Lon Johnson was down
from Atlanta again last Sunday, circu
lating among McDonough friends.
Col. J. 11. Turner, the coming so
licitor general of this circuit, was in
the city yesterday.—Griffin News.
Mr. James A. Dukes, of Birming
ham, Ala., was in the city last Sunday,
visiting his uncle, Mr. Jesse Johnson.
When The Weekly endorsed
Northen for Governor, of course it
meant if we couldn’t get Col. Zachry.
When desiring first class piano or
organ tuning done, write to W. J.
Cloud, 31 Orange street, Atlanta, Ga.
It comes to The Weekly that Hen
ry county will probably furnish a can
didale for Congress. Particulars la-,
Mr. Henry Tollesoii drives one of
the finest and best horses in the coun
ty. It is a large iron gray, and a beau
ty to behold.
A landslide occurred at the tunnel
on the Georgia Midland during the
wet weather last week, delaying all
trains a day.
Our clubbing rate with the Consti
tution will remain open until aftai
court week. Don’t fail to take ad
vantage of it.
Mr Jim Cochrane, with his talented
lady, of Atlanta, were in the city Sun
day, visiting Mr. Cochrane’s sister,
Mrs. J. Q Nolan.
Mr. Stokely, the artist who was in
McDonough some time ago, spent Sun
day with his friends here. He is now
located at Locust Grove.
Miss Annie Mooney, the accomplish
ed music teacher of McDonough In
stitute, went over to Griffin Saturday
to to see the home folks.
TI e word “mortgage” ought to be
defined by its literal meaning. “Mort”
mi nus death, and gage means grip, the
two together meaning death grip.
We are glad to note that the peach
crop is not so badly injured as at first
reported and that with no further dis
aster there will be plenty of fruit.
Mr. Charles Speer has been select
ed as delegate, with Mr. M. C. Low
alternate, to the meeting of the County
Alliance at Stockhridge next Thrus
Mrs. Nannie Beeland left Wednes
day evening for her home in Macon,
after spending several weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Airs 11. W. Car
Passeuger trains on the East Ten
nessee road were badly delayed last
Saturday and Sunday, on account of
the track being covered with water at
several places below Alacou. It was
the heaviest freshet known in several
Ihe pupils of AlcDouough Institute
had planned a big April fool for their
teachers, by running off in a body to
the woods, but Prof. Du Bose surpris
ed them by announcing it as a holiday
before the time arrived. Consequently
there is no school to day.
Rev. Air. Trammell, of Hampton,
will fill hi- appointment at Payne’s
chapel to morrow (Saturday) night,
and The Weekly is requested by
or.e interested to urge a full attend
Don’t let court pass without
taking advantage of our clubbing rate
with the Constitution. Such an op
portunity will never occur again. See
full announcement in another column.
New correspondents should remetn
j her that it is positively against news
paper rules to publish anything unless
the real name accompanies the article.
Wo have been cupelled recently in tie
clino several good communications be
cause of a failure to comply with this
Prof. W. J. Cloud has been in Me
Douough this week tuning up piano
and organs. The professor does ex
cellent work in his fine, The
Weekly takes pleasure in recommend
ing him to all needing tuning done, as
we have just tried him and know
whereof we speak. His services can
be secured any time by addressing him
at 31 Orange street, Atlanta, Ga.
A new schedule went into effect on
the Georgia Midland last Sunday, by
which the regular passenger trains are
running again between McDonough
and Griffin, much to the delight of
passengers along this end of the line.
The trains now arrive at McDonough
7:10 p. m. and leave 7:20 a. in. Jt is
to be hoped we will continue to have
them this way. Only one freight train
is now run, going out one day and re
turning the uext.
The editor spent the day at Mont
St. Jeau Tuesday fishing with “Old
Guard,” aud to our utter astonishment
caught the biggest fish in the crowd.
Whatever disappointment may have
been caused by failure to catch fish was
more than overcome by the excellent
dinner prepared by Mrs. Alexander,
and it is useless to sav the hungry edi
tor and his “devil” enjoyed it to their
‘•fullest” capacity. Fortunate is he,
indeed, who sits down to the table of
“Old Guard” and his estimable lady.
It affords The Weekly pleasure to
note the success of the Racket Store.
Its enterprising proprietors deserve not
only credit, but the gratitude of their
many customers. They have created
a market for a line of nice fine dress
goods never before carried in McDon
ough, and are be’ng rewarded with an
excellent trade. For this season they
have received an elegaut stock, which
will be sold as cheap, and cheaper than
the same goods can be bought in At
lanta. Here is a chance not only to
help your town, but save actual money
by trading with home merchants. Hur
rah for Tiie Racket Store !
Rev. J. E. Rosser preached a stir
riug seamoii at the Methodist church
last Sunday, for which, though freely
commented upon, we have heard noth
but words of commendation from good
and pure Christians ; aud if in our pow
er we would be glad to publish a syu
opsis giving the main points of the dis
course. It deserved the unqualified
endorsement of all good friends of
home and society. Brother Rosser is
a faithful, fearless worker for the Alas
ter ; and as such, lie draws our peo
pie closer and doses to him in the
bonds of true Christian love and labor,
the longer he goes in and out among
them upon his mission of spreading the
gospel of tlie Saviour. May lie live
loug to serve his fellow-man in this no
ble work
A small robbery was committed in
McDonough Wednesday night, the
store of Mr. T. J. Upchurch being the
scene of operations.
Eutrance was made by crawling uu
der the bouse and prising up a plank.
It seems that the thief was not after
Mr. Upchurch’s goods, as only a little
tobacco and a few cammed goods were
taken. The object of the raid proved
to be watches, consequently Kelly, tlie
colored jeweler,was the principal suf
erer. Nearly everything he had in his
shop was carried off, a number of the
watches belonging to parties who had
left them for repairs.
After satisfying himself, the thief
unbarred the back door, went out and
left it open. No clue yet.
Cotton Burnt.
A car load of cotton caught fire on
the East Tennessee track at the dopot
here last Friday night and about fifty
bales were consumed.
It was compressed cotton, in trans
portation, though we failed to learn
where from. A number of the buru
ing bales were gotten out, and it wa«
thought saved, but after being left
some time, they blazed up again and
were entirely burnt up.
The origin of the fire is unknown,
but as the car was next to the engine
the supposition is that it caught from
the engineer’s torch while oiling his
Sunday School Association.
The executive committee of the Hen
ry County Sunday School Association
will meet at the Baptist church, at 3
o’clock p. in ,on the second Saturday
ill April, (9th.) Every member is
urgently requisted to be present.
S. W. Di Bose, Sec.
Tlie man who called sarsaparilla a
fraud, had good reason ; for he got
hold of a worthless mixture at “re
duced rates.” He changed his opin
ion. however, when be began to tak
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. It pays to be
careful, when buying medicines.
It is a truth in medicine that the
, smallest does that performs the cure
|is the best, lie Witt’s Little Early
Risers are tlie smallest pills, wdl per
form the cure and aire the best. D. J.
Hall’s Hair Keuewer enjoys the con
fidence and patronage of people all
over the civilized world who use it to
restore and keep the Bair a natural
Solicitor General ,f. 11. Turner .mil
W. A. Itiown They Are.
i ....
Solicitor General .1. H. I uruer.
Judge W. ATBrowu.
Gent'emen : we salute you.
A short while ago, when the resigua-!
lion of Emmett Womack as Solicitor 1
ol the Flint ( ircuit was announced, of I
course there were at once a number of j
able applicants for the position.
Among these was .Judge .J. 11. Tur
ner, of McDonough. 1 lis friends were
eager for his appointment, and did
everything in their power to secure it,
a delegation waiting upon Governor
Northen in person, etc.
It was therefore with delight that
the Judge’s numerous friends read this
announcement of victory over the for
midable array of candidates, in last
Thursday’s Atlanta Journal :
“This morning Governor Northen
appointed .Judge J. H» Turner, of Mc-
Donough, solicitor general of the
Flint circuit to till the vacancy occas
ioned by the resignation of Emuiett
Womack. .Judge Turner is at present
judge of the county court of Ileury.
lie has made a most acceptable
judge and his friends all over the cir
cuit will be gratified at his appoint
The ileury County Court judge
ship was tiius left vacant.
Lists were at once circulated for
names to petitions asking the appoint
ment of Col. W. A. Drown and Mr.
G. G. Weems, respectively.
Though short, the contest was quite
spirited, but the following in Tuesday’s
Journal decided the matter :
“ This morning Judge Turner, re
cintly appointed solicitor of the Flint
circuit, was sworn in.
This left a vacancy, be being judge
of the county court of Henry.
'The governor filled the vacancy to
day by appointing Mr. W. A. Brown
judge of the Henry county court. Mr.
Brown is a Henry county man, but
he otioe resided here, and has a num
ber of friends who will be gl*d to hear
of bis promotion. He is a bright and
able young lawyer.”
Thus it is—
Solicitor Turner,
Judge Brown.
Thk Weekly extends cungratula
tions, wishing both gentlemen all suc
cess iu their new liehls of labor.
The prostration after the Grip is en
tirely overcome by Hood’s Sarsapa
rilla. It really does make the weak
liy Mo' Groat Southern Weekly, tin* Atlan
ta Constitution.
Ten thousand dollars will he distrihutcd
this year by the Weekly Constitution, pub
lished at Atlanta, Ga., vmoug its subscri
bers. This great- newspaper has already
the largest circulation of any weekly news
paper in the United Slates, and with one
exception, London, the largest in the worid.
It, is, lirst and foremost, a newspaper, chron
ieling every week the lull news ol the world
and devoted especially to the development
of the south. Its circulation now exceeds
150 Ot'O, and it is pushing for 200,000.
A *lO,OOO Distribution.
Five thousand dollars will be divided
among its subscribers between now and
July Ist and $5,000 between then and the
epd of the year.
The first division will be based on the re
sult of the nominating conventions of the
two great parties in June, and the other on
the result of the presidential election.
J'he national democratic convention will
meet at Chicago June 21st. The national
republican convention meets at Minneapo
lis June 7th. both will nominate a candi
date lor president and vice-president.
IS.RDO for tlie First Prize.
Twenty-live hundred dollnis in gold*will
be given by The Constitution to the suc
cessful answers of the question:
“Who will lie the nominees of each party
for president and vice president?”
Any person selecting the four names thus
chosen will lie entitled to the first prize of
$2,500 cash, and if by ciiance more than one
answers correctly, the prize will be divided
Five hundred dollars in cash will lie di
vided among those who guess correctly on
ly three names to lie thus chosen as party
standard bearers, so that the guesscr may
prophesy wrong as to one of the names, and
by getting three correct will come in tor
this prize.
*2,000 More—aso Frizes.
In addition to the above $3,000 in gold,
$2,000 more will be distributed in 250 pri
zes. consisting of twenty-five gold watches
and twenty-five silver watches, the retail
value of which is $2O and $lO respectively:
and 200 copies of Webster’s .Mammoth Dic
tionaries, original edition, fully illustrated
and consisting of 1,500 pages.
The gold watches will lie given to every
hundredth ballot of the lirst 2,500 received,
the silver watches to the next series of hun
dredth ballots, and after that every fiftieth
will receive one of the 200 Webster’s mam
moth dictionaries.
All ballots must lie accompanied by one
year’s subscription to Ihe Weekly Constitu
tion, at only $l, and must be written on a
separate siip of paper from that containing
order for subscription.
The winner of any of tlie 252 prizes above
noted will be given a free guess at the next
$5JiOO distribution after July Ist. This
costs you nothing and you may gel $2,500
or $5OO in gold. You will certainly receive
the greatest weekly newspaper published in
the south lor one year, and there will never
be a year when a great newspaper will be
more interesting titan ibis one.
Address all communications to This Con
sTiri rio.v, Atlanta. G».
Itch on human and horses and all
animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool
ford’s Sanitary Lotion. Never fail.
Sold by C. 1). McDonald, druggist
McDonough, Ga.
MME 7— for THE 1(1.0011,
Weakness, Malaria, Indigestion an*
Biliousness, take
imow.vs mow bitters.
It sure* quickly For sale by all dealers in
medicine. Get the genuine.
Kennesaw guano is on of the very
i best brands on the market. Try it.
Give us your job work. It will re-
I ceive prompt attention
Revenue Haiders.
I mted State Marshal Cor. mi with
several deputies, made a raid among
the hill -oi Monroe county iu the vi
j cinity of High Falls on Saturday and
j captured one still, destroyed a small
j quantity of bear and arrested three
white men and three colored who are
J accused of operating iliicitt distilleries.
J Messrs. Mi ll Thornton, Jim and John
[ V\ bite but the colored men’s uame we
I did not learn. They were carried to
Macon on Sunday evening to await a
hearing before commissioner Erwin.—
Jackson Argus.
We truly believe De Witt’s Little
Early Risers to be the most natural,
most effective, most prompt and eco
tiomical pill for billiousness, indigestion
and inactive liver. 1). J. Sanders.
Don’t let the chance pass to get your
home paper and the Constitution for
one price. If you are in arrears with
The Weekly come up and settle and
pay $1.50 for another year and get
both papers. This offer only lasts a
short while, and all who want two
good papers should improve it at once.
See what the Constitution offers in an
other column, the like of which will
never be known again. Either paper
is worth more than the price asked for
both, besides a chance at the big prize
(.'oiiMiuiiplion Cm-eil.
An old physician, retired from practice*
having had placed in his hands by an East
India missionary the formula of a simple
vegetable remedy for the speedy and per
manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung
Affections, also a positive and radical cure
for Nervous Debility and all nervous com
plaints, after lnvving tested its wonderful
curative powers in thousands of cases, has
felt it his duty to make it known to his
suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, I
will send free of charge, to ail who desire
it, this recipe, in German, French or En
glish, with lull directions for preparing and
using. Sent by mail by addressing with
stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Novas,
rtstOw Poors’ Block, Rochester, N. Y.
McElrec’s Wine of Gardul
for sal* by the following merchant* in
Henry County:
D. J. Sanders, McDonough.
Hill it Parker, Lovojov.
A. Y. McVicker, Babb.
Berry A Brannan, Flippen.
J. C. Bostwick, Peeksville.
J. W. Hale, Sandy Ridge.
W. 11. Gilbert & Co. Stockbridge.
B. F. Harlow, Tunis
E. C. Wynn, Wynn’s Mill.
R. F Smith, Locust Giove.
E. S. Wynn, Wynn’s M ill
J. T. Bond, Stockbridge.
J. W. Clark, Stockbridge.
A. J. McKibbett, Locust Grove.
A. 11. Price, Locust Grove.
•1. Calvin, Locust Grove
C. S. Jarboe, Sandy Ridge
C. D. McDonald McDonough.
A. G. Harris. Flippen.
tat- this OlFor to
(Intended for You.
We have mnilc gpocial arrange*
infills u ith I lie
The Great Southern Weekly,
Published at Atlanta, by which we are un
aided to offer il with our paper One I'rnr
for only tsl.<lO. This oiler lasts only fl
short while. Now is your chance to get all
the news of all the world arid yous home
paper for the price of One Paper.
Evcry'clulibing subscription at tills rate
is entitled to a chance at TbeConstitutions
Ml (1,000 Free lt>i*trll>n lion for 1H92,
details of whicli will lie found elsewhere.
This is tlie most remarkable combination
offer ever made. Every home should have
its LOCAL PAPER first, and after that it
should have the best (General Newspaper,
bringing every week the news of the world,
und overflowing witli the choicest special
features, such as the Weekly Constitution,
published at Atlanta, Gn., und having a cir
culation ot 1511,0110,
H 1.50 GETS liO'lll TA l‘ EllS !
offer is good for those who pay
up for Tiib Wkbklv, with one year in ad
vance, as well as new subscribers. Don’t
delay as the opportunity will not last long.
10 Whitehall Street,
Atlanta, Ga.
Itoitsl lulb'e,
GEORGIA —Heary County.
Whereat, Certain petitioners have made
their application to this Court, praying an
order abolishing the second class public
road leading from A. \. McVicker’e store,
south, to the McDonough road, intersecting
said road at the residence of Mrs. H. G.
Andrews, ns said road is of no utility to flic
public, Now, tliis is to cite and admonish
all persons, that on and after the 2(ith day
of March next, said old road will be discon
ued, if no good cause is shown to the con
trary. Given under my hand and official sig
nature, this 25th dav of February, IHII2.
Printer’s fee $3.00. Ordinary.
S •vMQiml ca.ofw&e,Mi?
“Lcio. n uwon squASLs. v
ILL toSTON,MA9& glUHW'**- BA. . .»TOL
n rite for cata
logue. Address, Daniel F. Beatty, Wash
ington, New Jersey.
Gain rapidly in health and strength by the
use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. This medicine
substitutes rich and pure blood, for the
impoverished fluid left in the veins after
fevers and other wasting sickness. It im
proves the appetite and tones up the system,
so that convalescents soon
Become Strong
active, and vigorous. To relieve that tired
feeling, depression of spirits, amt nervous
debility, no other medicine produces tlio
speedy and permanent effect of Ayer's Sar
saparilla. F. O Lorlng, Brockton, Mass.,
writes: •• I am confident that anyone suffer
ing from the effects of ecrofula, general de
bility, want of appetite, depression of spirits,
and lassitude will be cured
By Using
Ayer's Sarsaparilla; tor I have taken it, and
speak from experience.”
“In the summer of 1888, I was cured of
nervous debility by the use of Ayer's Sarsa
parllla.”—Mrs. H. Benoit, 6 Middle st., l'aw
tucket, R. I.
“Several years ago I was In a debilitated
condition. Other remedies having failed, I
began to take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and was
greatly benefited. As a Spring medicine, I
consider It invaluable.” Mrs. L. S. Win
chester, Holden, Me.
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maw.
Sold by all Druggists. Trice $1 j six bottles, $5.
Cures others, will cure you
j CutiltjrFtartudilw&yj.
IX. o. Tumor,
General Merchant,
Has exclusive sale of these eolebnateil
glasses iu McDonough, Ga
The only manufacturing Opticians in
the South, Atlanta, Ga.
O ’Peddlers arc not supplied with
these famous glasses.
It 1h a seamless shoo, with do tacks or wax thread
to hurt the feet; madn of the best line calf, stylish
and m 9ft and because voe make more mom of thie
grade thananu other manufacturer, inequals liaua
sowod shoes costing from #4.00 to sr>.»)o.
&BZ 00 Genuine II nnd-*c wed, the finest calf
shoe ever offered for S?S.OU; equals Fsuuch
imported shoes which cost from sß.ot)to $12.00.
(td 00 Iliioil-Scwrd Welt Shoe, Arm calf,
stylish, comfortable and durable. The best
•hoc ever offered at this price ; same grade us cus
tom rnudo shoes costing from sH.oo to SO.OO.
50 Police Shoei Farmers, KaMroad Most
vO. and Letter Carriers all wear them; fine calf,
seam lams, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten
sion edge. One pair will wear a year.
50 Hue cnlf| no better shoe ever offered at
Mils price; one trial will convince those
who want a shoe for comfort and service.
M 5 nnd §‘2.00 U orkiiutiiiuiT* shoes
mJfSmm are very strong Find durable. Those who
have given them a trlul will wear no other males.
fS.w»gl §2.00 nnd $1.75 school shoes are
Dvi O worn by the Imys everywhere; they sell
on their merits, ns the Increasing sales show.
I 11 it ii *1 -Nt wed shoe, best
l*C4il Iv/D Dongola, very stylish; equulsFreueh
Imported shoes routing from $4.(10 to #S.uO.
Ladles’ *1.50* *2.00 and $1.75 shoe for
Misses are thul*«»t One Mongola. .stylish and durable.
(iiiadon.-toe that W. L. Douglas’ name und
price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe,
Insist on local advertised dealers supplying you.
XV. li. IIOUULAH, ISrocktoH, Maes. Sold Iflf
T. A. SLOAN & CO.,
Racket Store.
( /
Ton Full Particulars Address
Kanufacturars of Fins Family Sawing Machine*.
OB'S 35 B & 3a JS* and 'Whiskey Habits
|UI9 I SagHcurcd at inane with
if— MM a B(f9 os t pain. Book o' par
ft Sflticularssent URLS.
sSsoKwrauxtn B.M.WOOLLEY,M.D.
Atlanta, tlu. Otliee IWFj Whitehall St.
l’or Ikiwmivwiou.
GEORGIA —Henry County,
To all whom it may concern: S. W. Tin
gle, executor of W. H. Lomus, deceased,
represents to this court in his petition duly
tiled that he has fully administered said es
tate, this is therefore to cite all persons
concerned to show cause, if any they can,
why Said executor should r.ot be discharged
from said administration and receive letters,
of dismission on the first Monday iu April
next. Jan. 4th, IBM. Printer’s fee $5 80
Ordinary H. C,
nKiTTI’H PUNOS.-I n use ev
il orywhere. Write for catalogue. Pan
,iel F. Realty, New Jersey