The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 20, 1892, Image 3

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=IBOB 1892, Chamberlin, Johnson & Co., DOT GOODS, CARPETS FDENITURB AID SHOES. IV* 1 Think We Have the CHEAPEST STORE in the United States. Give TTs a Chance to Prove It . |*- \ r /* | |TkvJ i Full stock Staple and Fancy, Domestic and Foreign Dross 'aV X UU* *l/u / Goods, Silks, Linens, Ginghams, Gloves, Hosiery, White Goods, Laces, Embroideries, etc. / < \ j) * 11/1 I J 1I J ( prices arc lowest. Largest and Lest stock Draperies in the south. lAj s) \ r l ril J T T >l? i Largest stock to select from. Cheapest goods as well as 1 lJ 11 it i 1 Ull'lj ( tlie Lest. We can save you money in Furniture. SJJ iil? U ( Made to ore or to fit and to wear Alt in Lest and latest styles. Give II \ * £ <0 ( us a trial order, or write fur information. Cbl A Y!ISi:Ue J>. .lOiI.ANOA X CO. (if) & (58 Whitehall, and 1,3, 5,7, !), 11, 13 &13 Hunter St , Anents Urn muck's Patterns. ? WEEKLY ANl > TIMES. McDoNOXJGn. (ia., May 20, 1892. I-lomo Affairs. TRAIN TIME Going north 1:37 am “ “ 7:18 a m “ “ 10:40 am “ south 4:58 p m “ “ 8:10 p m 44 “ 4:53 a m GEORGIA MIDLAND. Leave 7:30 am Arrive 7:10 p m For Ordinary. 1 hcrehv announce myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Henry county, subject to a Democratic nomination. If elected I will administer the county’s af fairs as economically as any one who has preceded me, I believe in the supreme right of the people to control. My motto is “equal rights t/> all and special privileges to none.” CHARLES M. SPEER. For Tax Receiver. To the People of Henry County—l horeby announce myself‘a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver, subject to the Democratic nomination. Being lame and disable leads me to ask this favor of the people. I as sert that I am competent to fill the office. 1 icsi cef fu 11 y, S !•:All II AIIK N ESS. For Tax Collector. Tc. Ilic People of Henry County—l lioro -I>y announce myself a candidate for the of fice of Tax Collector, subject to the Demo cratic nomination whenever it occurs. Be ing so crippled that it is impossible for me to do any farm work, leads me to ask this favorof the people. If elected I can furn'sh one of the strongest of bonds, and promise to fill the office in a perfectly satisfactory manner, and will sincerely appreciate all the support that, may be given me. lie spectfully. T. id. STALLWORTH, .In i'reiioimeed llopeless,Vrt Saved From a letter written by Mrs. Ada F., Hurd, of Groton, S. D., we quote : “Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on mv L ungs, coughs set in and fina'ly terminated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up saying I could live but a short time. 1 gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with mv friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King’s New dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all, eight bottles! it ha.- cured me, and thank God I am nows well and hearty woman.” Trial bottles free at Dr G. 1). McDonald’s Drug Store Regular size. otic, and *I.OO. Buckleu’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in tlie world for cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Ilheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Riles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Si lie By C. D. McDonald. WHAT AVili(< IT (.TltK. Dr. John Hull’s Sarsaparilla will cars scrofula, syphilis, pimples, boils, sol ft eyes, ring-worm, scabby head, bom'-Mchcs, aching-joints ami muscles, sole lungs, soie kidneys, sore liver, lame back, tlm alter effect of mercury and potash, dyspepsia, asthma, nerv ous debility, female complaints, gener al weakness, unnatural fatigue, etc. It is strange that anyone will continue to suffer from any of the above com plaints when the use of Hr. Joltu will restore perfect health and strength, j It stands unequalled as a vegetable tonic and blood purifier, and no other remedy has as sure curative virtue. It is highly concentrated and never lails to have a good effect on the system, and has proven itself in thousands of instances a cure for all forms of weak nesses, sores and pain. Yon have on ] y yon iSrlf to bln mo il you remain hii invalid wlmn this ivni**«iy will restore vour health. Large bottle (102 tea spoonfuls) SI.OO. Sold by drug gists. gsr K. !>. Roby, Vincennes, Indiana, writes: • l would not give one bottle of Hull's Sarsaparilla for twenty bot tles of any other blood medicine I have ever taken, and I believe 1 have used a haiiel of other medicines for my blood.” English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring hone, sti fles, sprains. all swollen throats, coughs etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blem ish Cure ever known. Sold by 1. D. McDonald. <*-**e» FOR THE m.oon. . /tag? Weakness, Malaria, Indigestion and 1 " ' liIKIWN'S UtOS BITTEHS. It cams qnicklv. For sale by all dealers in medicine. Get the genuine. Sic. Hull's Worm He strovei’i“ ta-te c-ai'l and quickly remove i: children or grown people, re storing (lift weak and puny to robust health. Try lliein. Xo other worm medicine is so safe and sure. Price 23 cents at drug store, or sent l*v niaii Itv John D. Park & Sons €o.. l?o and 177 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio. - Hew - spring * mTT.TJiw.Rv AT MISS MARY MEYER’S. A/, ❖ Hats in all the latest styles, trimmed and untrimmed. A beautiful lot of Flowers, Rib bons, Laces, and the prettiest and cheapest line of Millinery in general ever brought to this market. Everything new and stylish, and the ladies all are cordial ly invited to call and examine. Respectfully, Miss Mary Meyers, Mrs. Turnipseed’s old Stand, McDonough, Ga. The J. A. Maxwell place, on At lanta street, can be rented if desired, or bought at a bargain by applying at his office. We truly believe Me Witt’s Little Early Risers to be the most natural, most effective, most prompt and eco nomical pill for billiousness, indigestion and inactive liver. 1). J. Sanders. G««<i Lucks. Good looks nre more than skin deep, de pending upon a healthy condition of ail the vital organs. If the liver be inactive, you have a Billious Look, if vour stomach be disordered you have a Dyspeptic Look and if your Kidneys be effected you have a Pinched Look. Secure good health and you will have good looks Electric Bitiers is the great alterative and Tonic acts di rectly on these vital organs. Cures Pitnples, Blotches, Boils and gives a good complex ion. Sold at C. D. McDonald’s Drug Store 50c. per bottle. Coii!iiiii>|iti«ii Lured. An old physician, retired from practice* having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the spec and per manent cure of Consumption, b mchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat a id Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all nervous com plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it hi is duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or En glish, with lull directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, VV. A. Noyes, 8;)0w Poer3’ Block, Rochester, N. Y. McEirte’s Wine of Cardul and THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in Henry County: D. J. Sanders, McDouough, Hill & Parker, Lovejov. A. V. McVicker, Babb. Berry & Brannan, Flippen. J. C. Bostwick, Peekßville. J. W. Hale, Sandy Ridge. W. H. Gilbert & Co. Stockbridge. B. F. Harlow. Tunis H. C. Wynn, Wynn’s Mill. R. F Smith, Locust Grove. E. S. Wynn, Wynn’s M ill J. T. Bond, Stockbridge. J. W. Clark, Stockbridge. A. J. McKibben, Locust Grove. A. 11. Price, Locust Grove. J. Calvin, Locust Grove 0. S. .larboe, Sandy Ridge C. D. McDonald McDonough. A. (7. Harris. Flippen. IBovv to Cure .All fikin lMss eascs.” Simply apply “Swathe’s Ointment.” No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, &c., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are posessed Ivy no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swathe’s Ointment. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford’s Sanitary Lotion. Never fail. Sold by C. D. McDonald, druggist McDonough, Ga. sUpTshiloh’S CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success, ful CONSUMPTION CURE is sold by drug gists on a positive guarantee, a test that no other Cure can stand successfully. If you have a COUGH, HOARSENESS or LA GRIPPE, it will cure you promptly. If your child has the CROUP or WHOOPING COUGH, use it quickly and relief is sure. If you fear CON SUMPTION, don’t wait until your case is hope less, but take this Cure at once aud receive im mediate help. Large bottles, 50c. and Ji.oo. Travelers convenient pocket size 25c. Ask your druggist for SHILOH’S CURE. If your lungs are sore or back lame, use Shiloh’s Por ous Piasters. Price, 23c, For sale l.v C. 1). McDonald. Irish potatoes almost ruined. Now for a lively tussle with grass. The piscatorial prevaricator is cool ing off. Mrs. A. A. Lemon spent Tuesday iu Atlanta. Kvet ibody go out to the celebra tion to-morrow. Sunday .School celebration at Shin gleroof to-morrow. Le Roy Faigason took in the Gate- City one day last week. The board of tax equalizers are in session again this week. Marbles and baseball with the boys —politics with the older ones. Best Glove fitting Corset iu the south for SI.OO. Racket Store. Best Corset ever offered for 50ets made especially for the Racket Store. Inspector Goode of Conyers, was in the city Tuesday on bis last round. Spring millinery in all the latest and most attractive styles at Walker’s store. Mr. Perce Bryan has returned from Savannah to spend bis summer vaca tion. Grain cradles are being gotten ready, and harvest time will soon be in or der. Miss Neva Carmichael spent several days with relatives iu the city the past week. It seems that the naiit came in time nearly everywhere else except Henry county. Mr. Lige Oglesby bad the misfortune to lose Lis excellent buggy horse last week. Mrs. M. F. Cochrane, of Barnes ville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J Q. Nolan. For beautiful and attractive spring millinery call on Miss Bettie Berry at Walker’s store. If you desire a cheap home iu Mc- Donough call at this office and we can accommodate you. Mis. J. H. Turner has returned home, after an absence of several weeks visiting iu Atlanta. Lem Carmichael and Lon Johnsou came down from Atlanta and spent Sunday with home folks. Capt. A. C. Sloan has been quite ill this week, but we are glad to note is now improving some. Several of our citizens went to At lanta Wednesday to wituess the meet ing of the State convention. Mr. Frank McKibbeu, of Jackson, spent Sunday in McDonough with his brother, Mr. Ci McKibben. Miss Annie Etheridge left last Mon day for Decatur, where she will spend some time with relatives and friends. Mesdames L. A. Turner, H. 13. Neal, and Miss Flora Turner spent several days in Atlanta last week! Get Col. Chas. M. Speer to tell you about Seab Cathy’s bliud cow sold to Ab Payne, and the fine milker he saw near Stockbridge. The Hustler pronounces the speech of Editor Richardson one of the finest over delivered in Hampton, and says it has resulted iu much good. Rev. R. C. Manly, of Snapping Shoals, passed through the city Sunday afternoon and stopped over to wituess Ihe exercises of children’s day at the Methodist church. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Charlie Everitt, of Covington, were in the city Friday and Saturday, the guests of their sis ter, Mrs. Jesse Johnson. A number of citizens of Conyers petitioned the post office department to discontinue the delivery of Sunday mails in that place, aud the petition has been granted. John Hightower has purchased a nice surrey for the livery stable, which will be much more comfortable than the old hack which lias been run to aud from the depot. We are requested to state that Rev. R. C. Manly will preach at Mt. Car mel on the ihird Saturday in next mouth. A full attendance desired, and everybody cordially invited. Lookout for suspicious dogs from now on and kill them where there is the least danger of hydrophobia—or it might be a good idea to kill them, dan ger or no danger. Don’t forget that Walker’s millinery department is iu charge of Miss Bettie Berry. Her friends aud all others de siring anything in the millinery liue are cordially invited to call on her, aud she guarantees all the uewest styles, lowest prices and best goods. I Mr. J. T. Henry, a former citizen of the upper portion of the county, gave The Weekly a short call last week. Mr. Henry has been living at Sibley, !in South Georgia, about eighteen months, and is very much pleased with his new home, where his friends will be glad to know lie is prospering. Nearly every oue needs a good spring medicine, and Hood's Sarsapa rilla is undoubtedly the best. Try it this seasou. UTT I /'L I I> AI is guaranteed to IV 1 LL*VI ErltJl cure itch in thirty minutes. For sule bv 1). J. Sanders. Prof. O. E. 11am has closed his school and returned home. As we go to press news reaches us of the death of Mr. Pleas Davis, but we are unable to give particulars. If you want a new dress go to the Racket Store to get it. There you will find all the latest styles and trim mings to match. Racket Store. Mrs. Nancy Speer lias returned home* after spending the winter at. High Falls with her daughter, Mrs. Pltinazee. Mrs. Phiuazee accompa nied her, aud will spend a short w hile iu the city. Newton county is to have another prohibition election this summer. A registration of voters is uow being made for that purpose, and when com pleted the ordinary will be asked to order the election. For one time Henry is behind with the number of candidates announcing. One of our exchanges has two columns already full, aud says there are more to follow. Don’t he backward, gen tlerneu ; speak out. Wool challies reduced front 20c to 15c. Cotton challies reduced from G to 4J. Silk Satiue reduced from 23 to locts. Racket Store. The Henry county Teachers Insti tute was iu session again last Saturday, and we were promised a report of the proceedings, but failed to get it. These meetings are said to be very interest ittg and profitable. Mr. aud Mrs. J. F. McKibben, of Wynn’s Mill, spent Sunday in the city with their son, Tresurer C. A. McKih ben. The friends of Mrs. McKibben are glad to know that she has recover ed from her recent illness. Mayor John T. Oglesby spent sev eral days in Macon on a pleasure trip this week, and while there a telegram to one of his friends announcing that he was in clover, was enough said to indicate the “immense” time tie had. Read the announcement ol Col. Charles M, Speer for Ordinary. He lavs down a platform replete with dem ocratic sentiment. We feej that should he receive the high honors to which he aspires that the people will have an honest efficient officer. Col. E. J. Ucagan received the place of alternate delegate to the National Democratic Convention, without even an intimation that his name would he presented to the State convention. It was a merited compliment to a worthy and able gentleman. Mrs. Gregory, the famous artist of Atlanta, will be in McDonough soou, and parties desiring art work or por traits can leave orders with Dr. Scott or at this office. Mrs. Gregory as an artist has no superior in this country, and those desiring work iu her line can secure the highest order of the art. Receiver Awtrey requests us to warn all persons not to fail to give in their taxes this year at least by the time his third round is completed, as it has to be approved by the tax equal izers, and can’t be given in to the tax collector, as has lomerly been done by some. This is worth remembering, as it will not only save trouble, hut doub le tax. Children’s Day at the Methodist church last Sunday afternoon was a nice entertainment, and much enjoyed by those who wit nessed it. The songs and tecitations by the children were well rendered, blending innocence and beauty in a way not only charming and interesting, but ira pressive to a degree that could not fail to result in good. We cannot comment upon each one separately, but must make special men tion of little Nina Wall, who captiva ted the entire audience with her win some childish!) -ss in a pretty little recitation. Not yet four years old, her perfection of word aud manner was wonderfully sweet. These occasions are very eucoura giug to the children and well calcula ted to do them good. Locust Grove. We clip the lolloping from the Woolsey items of the Fayetteville News : “Your correspondent made a flying trip to Locust Grove Monday. That is a most beautiful little town on the E. T. V. &G. railroad, it has built up since tbe construction of that road. It is new, busy and beautiful. Due thing especially impresses the stranger, and that is, every department of busi ness is managed liy comparatively young men. We were pleased to note along the road, that there is a consider able increase in the acreage of corn, while there is portiouately smaller cot ton crop. Wheat aud oats never look ed better, hut are sufferieg for rain just now. All the farmers seem to be up with their work. Politics does not se~m to be exciting much interest in old Henry. It is a truth iu medicine that the smallest does that (lerforms the cure is the best, lie Witt’s Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, w<ll per orm the cure and are the best. 1). J. i Sanders. lTovri;* I‘Aiti'v. 8h« Orgunizutiou I*crl«iicd for 11 <ni j Comity. The People’s party. It is now a realization in Henry county, the regular organization being perfected in McDonough yesterday. Ihk Weekly is unable to furnish a lengthy roport iu this issue, it being after the usual hour of closing our forms. When the meeting was called to or der the court house was well filled with people, many of whom came to partici pate, others to look on. Mr. John Johnson was called to the chair aud Mr. Robert Saudifer request ed to act as secretary. The organization then proceeded iu a quiet aud orderly manner, all the districts being represented exoept Tussahaw. The following were elected members of the executive committee : Locust Grove—W. M. Comlis. Sixih— J. C. Fields. Stockbridge—P. M. Morrow. brushy Knob—Xewtou Willingham. Tussahaw—J. R. Mayo. McDonough—A. J. Dickson. Low’s—H. H. Greer. Hampton—C. 0. Chinn. Shakerag—D. W. Arnold. McMullen’s—T. L. Russell. Sandy Ridge—W. P. Norman. Love’s—W. F. Moseley. Flippen—J. T. Hendon. lleersheba—W. T. Stroud. The committee wap organized by the election of W. M. Combs chaitman and W. P. Norman secretary. The committee recommended primaries for all the offices, county, state and nation al, and on motion requested The Hen tv County Weekly and Southern Alliance Farmer to | oblish the rec ommendation. Senator Todd of ( layton and Editor Irwin addressed the meeting, both of whom renounced the Democratic party without reserve, claiming a new party as the only hope of the country. Everything passed off smoothly, and the meeting adjourned subject to call of the executive committee. Complimentary. The following concerning a Henry county boy, which we find in the Ath ens Ledger, will be read with pleas ure by his friends fere. It is a high honor, of which anybody might well be proud, and wou as it lias been in this cla»sic city, is ample evidence of tlie bright intellect of Mr. Weems. It also reflects credit upon McDonough lustitute, one of whose pupils Mr- Weems was: “The Phi Ka|tpa society held an in teresting meeting yesterday at which they elected the following members for champion debaters to represent the society at commencement: R. O. Coch ran, of CainesvilleGa, A. W. Stephens of Atlanta, and E. F. Weems of Hampton. Ga. The annual speaker ship medal was awarded to Mr. E. F. Weems of Hampton, Ga. Mr. Weems won the medal over a number of con testants among whom were sons of the best speakers of the University. This is iudeed a high honor, and one that Mr. Weems can well feel proud of.” This also from the Athens Banner : “The Phi-Kappas held their competi tive debate yesterday morning. The subject debated was the government ownership of railroads. Messrs. A. F. Bishop and T. W, lieed acted as judg es, and the medal was awarded to Mr. E. F. Weems, and the Champion de baters’ places to Messrs. E. F. Weems, U. 0 Cochrau and A. W. Stephens. Presidential Convention. The State convention which met in A tlanta Wednesday, to nominate del egates to the National convention in Chicago, resulted in a stormy and inter esting session, but it is impossible for The Weekly to give anything like a detailed report. dames M. Smith, F. G. Dußignion, Duport Guerry and F. H. Richardson were elected from the State at large, and while it was the unanimous senti ment of the convention that all the del egates go uninstructed, they are strait Cleveland men, unless his nomination should prove to be unwise. The delegates for this (Sixth) dis trict are Fred Dismuke of Spalding and Richard Johnson of Jones, with E. J. 'Reagan of Henry and R. W. Patterson of Bibb as alternates. A fine platform of principles was adopted, which we will publish next week. A Novelty. “Frown if you must, laugh if you can, I« good advice for every man.” 2o cents in stamps, to pay postage, sent to B. W. Wrenu, Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent of the East Tenn. Va. & Ga. Ry., Knoxville, Tenn , will se cure you a copy of “Remaks by Bill Nve,’’ a book of 504 pages, with over 250 illustrations. It is the latest novelty in Railroad ad vertis'ng, and if a good laugh is de sired a copy of this book should be in every home. If you want a reliable dye that will color an even brown or black, and will please and satisfy you every time, use Buckingham's Bye for the Whiskers. I.iidivs Are I I,lorl■■ mile, because the higher they rise in society the weaker they find themselves bodily. Kls lev’s Pliilotokcn controls the nerves, aids nature in her various functions, and thus combats with the many ills of womankind successfully. If your druggist has not got it he will order it for you lor $t a bottle, from Clias. F. Itisley, Wholesale Druggist, (i•> Cortland! St., New York. Send for a descriptive pamphlet, with directions and and certificates from many ladies who have used it and can’t say enough in favor of Rislcv’s Phiiotokcn. TOOK ED MERRICKS He Was Mashed Into Jelly on the East Tennessee. Monday morning at 2:40 o’clock a fata) accident occurred at Eastman on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor gia railroad. The man killed w»s a flagman named E. 1). Merrick, on the north bound pap senger train. ’Fhe train consisted of an engine and five coaches. As one of the wheels of the engine passed over the switch at Eastmau the frog was bent. The first three cars passed over the switch all right, but when the first class coacli reached the frog the front truck took the main track aud the rear truck and all the sleepers branched oil' on a side track. Merrick, who was standing on the front platform of the first class coach evidently thought that the train was off the track, so he jumped on the side track not knowing that the cars were close upon him. As lie jumped he fell, and before be could get up the rear truck of tlie car from which be leaped passed over bis body, as did all the sleeping cars. The wheels passed over his head, severing it above the nose, besides severing his arms and legs from the body. It is said that the body was most horribly mangled. THE FOURTH PARTY. A Platform that Promises to Carry AH Voters. Cakrolton, May 12.—Carrol conn ty comes to tlie front with another new party, to be called the Fourtli party or “Simon Cures.” lion. Jack Kelly of this place is chaiman for tlie county. Here is the platform of the new or Fourth parly : 1. We ate in favor of a government for tlie people and by tlie people— equal rights to all, special privileges to none. 2. We propose, when we get in pow er, to have established a i nked States bunk in every militia district iu eacli county in every state iu the union, with a capital of $500,000 in each bank, at the expeuse of tlie general govern ment. J. Fvery white male citizen shall he authorized to draw any amount to suit his purpose wtthout interest or security of any kind. 4. Hie taxes of tlie general and state governments being burdensome to the people, we propose to repeal all taxes of whatever nature. 5. The courts, both civil and crimi nal, we believe to be great drawbacks to the general welfare of the working class of the people, lienee we propose to abolish them. 6. We propose to have built at tlie expense of tlie general government a railroad furnished with palace coaciies to every town and village in the Uni ted States, with free transportation to the public. After the adoption of the above platform without a dissenting voice, the following resolution was adoted: Resolved, That for the purpose of paying the Union soldiers back pen sions and defraying the expense of this campaign, the treasurer be authorized to solicit membership, charging $5.00 each. ion II Y.HI-I. I'M IA Unc Brown’* Iron Bluer*. Physicians recommend it. All dealers keep it. 11.00 per bottle. Genuine has trade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper Young men desiring to attend a Business College will find it to their advantage to call at this otlice before making arrange ments el sewhere. Bright people are the (juickest to recognize a good thing and buy it. We sell lots of bright people the IJttle Early Risers. If you are not bright these pills will make you so. D. J. San ders. T, r I I I /l 1/ I) ’ll cures scratch on IV 1 If IJt J I j 11 ,li horses, mange on dogs with one or two applications. For sale by D. J. Sunders. For IMHiniHHion. GEORGIA —Henry County. To all whom it may concern: George W. McWilliams, guardian for Samuel C. Mc- Williams, Mattie E. McWilliams and John G. McWilliams, applies to me for letters ol dismission from said guardianship, anil I will pass upon his application on the first Monday in June next, at my office in Mc- Donough, said county. Witness my hand and official signature, This May 2d, 18‘J2. WM. N. NELSON, Printer’s fee $3 Ordinary H. C. For IHsiuission. GEORGIA—Henry County. Whereas, W. M. Combs, executor of the will of George Russell, deceased, represents to tlie court in his petition duly filed, that lie has fully administered George Russell’s estate —This is tiierefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not lie discharged from his editor ship ot said estate, and receive letters ot dismission on tire first Monday in June, ! 1892. This March 7th, 1892. Win. N. NELSON, Printer’s fee $.7.80. Ordinary. P M 0 Su L ii; Anry’e.WiK . cays: Btfor*. AfWr Lew. The accompanying statement Weight &*> lu s&i lb. 75 iba of ray weight and m* a*mre- 4.4 i«. 3." in. 10 la. Uientg Will Show the results Of AVaUt.. 4? In. 31 .n. li ia. five months’treatment. lHlp*».. Mm. 40 in. 13io. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. Harmless, and with an aUrvlag, incoorralesoc, or bad effect*. For partirulara * <Srea*. with 6 cento in ctanipi, or o w. r. sitoti, amend s mna. cnuto tu. Headache Usually results from a deranged stomach or a sluggish liver. In either case, an aperient Is needed. Ayer's Pills, the mildest amt most reliable cathartic in use, correct all Irregularities of the stomach, liver, and bowels, and, in a brief time, relieve the most distressing headache. These pills are highly recommended by the profession, and the demand for them is universal. ” I have been afflicted, for years, with headache and Indigestion, and though I spent nearly a fortune in medicines, I never found any relief until t began to take Ayer’s i ills. Six bottles of lliese Pills completely cured me.” Benjamin Harper, Plymouth, Montserrat, W. 1. “A long sufferer from headache, I was CURED BY two boxes of Ayer’s Pills.”-Emma Keyes, Hubbardston, Mass. “ For.the cure of headache, Ayer’s Cathai tie Pills are the most efficient medicine I ever used.”—Robert It. James, Dorchester, Mass. “ for years I was subject to constipation and nervous headache, caused by derange ment of tlie liver. After taking various rem edies, I have become convinced that Ayer's Pills are the best. They never fail to relieve my bilious attacks in a short time; and I am sure my system retains its tone longer after tlie use of these Pills, than lias been tlie case with any other medicine I have tried.” 11. S. Sledge, Weimar, Texas. Ayer’s Pills TRKPARED BY Or. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective. why is THE W. L. DOUGLAS S 3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET? It In a seamless shoe, with no tackH or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stvllsli and easy, and bernuiie we make more shoe» of this grade than any other manufacturer, it-equuls hand sewed abbes costing from sl.<X) to $5.00. OC OO f.ennine lland-Mewcd, the finest calf shoe ever offered for S?4.OU; equals French Imported shoes which cost from sß.ooto $12.00. 4*4 OO Iliiml-Scwcd Welt Shoe, fine calf, stylish, comfortable aud durable. Tim bent shoe ever offered at this price ; Maine grado aa cus tom-made shoes costing from srt.oo to $9.00. CO 50 Police Shoe » Farmers. Railroad Men %p&m and Ij't ter Carriers all wear them; fincculf, seamless, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear a year. 4% 50 fine cnll'i no better shoe ever offered at this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. *25 and #2.00 Workiiiuinnn** shoes <4?are very strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. **2.00 ii nd 1*1.‘75 school shoes are DvJJr O worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on thcTr merits, ns the Increasing sales show. I Q/iioC VIMIII linnd-*ewed shoe, best laCivl IvD lxmgoln, verv stylish; equals French Imported shoes costing from $4.00 to $6.00. Ladies' 2.50, #2.00 mid #1.75 shoo for Misses are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable. fa tit ion. Bn that W. L. Douglas' name aud price are stamped on the bottom of each#boo. fir TAKE NO HUBNTITI?TIS.-*| Insist on local advertised dealers supplying you. \V. 1.. IMM <« LAS* Brockton, Ulni. Huld by 80LI> BY T. A. SLOAN & CO., Racket Store. THE ODELL TYPE- - WRITER. S2O will buy the Odell Type Wri ter with 78 characters, and #l.l for the Klnglc Cline Odell, warranted to do holler work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, case of operation, wears longer with out cost ot repairs than any other machine. Has no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, substaintiai, nickel-plated, per fect, and adapted to all kinds of type writ ing. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten copies can he made at one writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. We other #11(00 to any oper ator who can equal the work of the itottble Clane Odell. Reliable agents and salesmen wanted. Special inducements to dealers. For Pamphlets giving Indorsements, etc., address ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., 358-364 Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. WM. BOLLMANN, yyATCHEW, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVMWA&K, S PKCTAOLES, 10 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. l'or IHwiniMKioti* GEORGlA—Henry County. Whereas, N. M. South and Seth E. Car roll, executors of the will of John South, represent to the court, in their petition duly filed, that they have fully administered John South’s estate — This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executors should not be discharged from their executorship and receive letters of dismission on tlie first Monday in July, 1H! ):l. March .‘list, 1892. Win. N. NELSON, Ordinary 11. C. Tax Receiver’s Notice. I’irMt 12on ml. McDonough, Tuesday May 3. Brushy Knob, Monday 9. Shakerag Tuesday 10. Stoekbridgc Wednesday 11. Sixth Thursday 12. Hampton Friday 13. Flipped Monday 16. Locust Grove Tuesday 17 . Tussahaw Wednesday 18. Sandy Ridge Thursday 19. lleersheba Friday 20. White House Monday 23. McMullen’s Tuesday 21. Lowe's Wednesday 23. A. J. AWTRY, T. C. H. C , Ga. MRS. GREGORY’S ART SCHOOL, ' TilOR YOL T NG LADIES, from a distance. 1 A practical course of Art Instruction, in Drawing, Painting, Pastel, etc. Address 221, Courtland Ave, Atlanta, Ga. AHA pa | ■ ■ MM and Whiskey Hahlta W M | fl |P|out pain. Kook of par mm § U raff H ticuiars sent F HI!.. QlnHaßMa B.M. WOOLLEY,M.D. wKsF Atlanta, 11 a. Office Whitehall St, BE/1 TTY’S ORGANS. - Are ,hc ~ost W rite tor cata logue. Address, Daniel F. Beatty, Wash ington, New Jersey.