The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 30, 1892, Image 2

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WEEKLY i TI.MK\ J. A. TOUCHF, Editor. Entered at the postoffice at McDonough Ga., ns second-class mail matter. McDonough. Ga., SurT. 30, 1892. 'l'urn out to the Poll*. Before another issue, of The Week ly shall be presented to the public the election for Governor, state-house offi cers, representative to the general as sembly and state senator will be held. The election occurs on Wednesday of next week, October the 3th, and we take this means of again calling the at tention of the Democratic voters of Henry county to the fact that they will, undoubtedly have opposition—strong opposition. It will be no one sided election for these offices as it has been for quite a number of years, but you will have to try vour strength against a new, though thoroughly organized party, whose leaders have left no stone unturned by which they can catch votes. Bear in mind that the pai ty that gets the most votes in the ballot box will be the successful party. Then, Democrats, you can’t afford to be luke warm ; np and be doing, and when the day of election rolls around go to the different voting precincts and vote for those who represent the party that has been the souths bulwark and defense ever since the dark days of reconstruction. Even were there no question of prin ciples or policy in this political contest, the immeasurable superiority of the Democratic ticket should rally to its support a large majority not only in Henry county, but throughout the State—and this majority will be telling if every Democrat does his full duty. It is not simply victory that Democ racy needs now, but a victory so com plete that its influence will reach over the national election in November and give another victory that will throughly crush out all division among Southern people—for the menace which is over us is plainly an attempt to divide Dem ocracy. The accomplishment of this end would surely engender continual domestic turnoil, defeat the only real political friend of the people, and per petuate in power a centralized govern ment viciously antagonistic to all the best interests of the South. Duty is plain—Democracy deserves all. Let every mar. with true Southern blood in his veins turn out next Wed nesday and do his best. Political excitemeut is now at a high ebb in these immediate precincts, and the relative strength of Democracy aud the Third party is furnishing an end less fund of discussion. The candi dates for county offices, as well as those for state house, are out early and late kissing babies, spinning yarns, and adopting mauy other methods by which to ingratiate themselves to the voters, and cause them to give consideration to their claims. Let the Democracy of Henry county stand firmly together. Stop and con sider for a few moments what Democ racy has done for you before you al low yourself to be drawn away by the glittering fallacies of any new or old parties. Bally around the standard of Democracy, and with the old Hag float ing above you, fight beneath its folds, come weal or woe, victory or defeat. Every Democrat in this district that possibly can should turn out to the meeting of the McDonough Democratic club to-morrow afternoon. If you are not a member you should have your name placed on the list at once. The Henry County Weekly ol McDonough is making great strides in progressiveness. It appears in an all “home print” from this week. Mr. A. B. Johnson lia3 joined Editor Fouche in his great work for McDonough and his county and we feel sure that they will succeed.—Lovejoy Picayune. There is no use talking, neither Har rison or Cleveland will be elected un less they take De Witt’s Little Early ltisers. They have a “get there” quality possessed by uo other pill. D. J. Sanders. To-morrow Hon. B. M. Blackburn, of l'ulton, will speak on the issues of j the day at Stockdridge. Mr. Black-I burn is a thoroughly posted, readv! talker, a “simon pure” Democrat, and is ture to interest and entertain all who ! attend. DIED—In this city of consurap tiou. A familiar headline isn’t it ? I It s pretty riskv to m-glect a cold or cough. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant safe and sure. D? J. Sanders.! Let every Democratic nominee on ' the ticket be supported with cheerful-1 ness and enthusiasm, and Third party- j ism, the last hope of the Republicans, will be effectually crushed. What shall it profit a man if he gain ! the whole world and then has dyspepsia ! so bad that he can’t eujoy any 'of the 1 good things it Contains ? He wont have dyspepsia if he takes De Witt’s Little Eearly Risers. D. J. Handers. A Card from lion. K. J. Reagan. To the Democrats of Henry county: As your standard bearer in the comiug contest for Representative, 1 desire to calf your attention to the importance of the party going to the polls and cast ing their vote on next Wednesday. The election on that day is for Governor and the State House officers’ Senator and Representative. Besides several important amendments to the Constitu tion are to be voted upon ; and in or der for the party to be successful it will be necessary for the Democrats to work for the ticket, and turn out and vote. I have made an address in every district in the county and have, to the best of my ability, upheld the princi ples of Democracy, and we have the fight whipped beyond all question, if the party will do its duty on election day. The people are with us in this contest, aud victory is sure, if the Dem ocrats go to the polls ami vote, but our opponents are alert and vigilant aud are working with all their might; therefore let no Democrat stay at home under the impression that his vote will not he needed, but let every member of the party vote, aud feel that it is his duty to get every one else to vote that he can. Nothing now can defeat us but in difference on election day. We have a good large majority of the people of the c junty in the Democratic party, then let every man go to the polls on next Wednesday and cast his vote for the nominees of his party. It is also important that every voter should examine his ticket carefully aud see if the names of all the Democratic nominees are on it. The polls at all the precincts, except at the court house, will close at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, therefore every Democrat should vote as early in the day as possible. Very Respectfully, E. J. Reagan, Gunter or Reagan? Mr. Editor : In a few days the peo ple will know whether it will be Gun ter or Reagan for the Legislature. It -hould lie remembered by all, that whether it is Reagan or Gunter, that the present method of democratic electioneering is very unfair, and it might be said disreptutable. There have been many misstatements made about Dr. Gunter which are entirely without foundation in fact. It does seem that fair play should suggest truthful statements. While what we are going to say will iii no wise correct the evil, yet it bhould at least receive passing no tice. We do not think that Mr. Reagan would stoop so low as to garble the record as was done in a recent circu lar ; but if he knew it and permitted it to to circulate then he is in a cer tain sense blameworthy. The measures criticised in the cir cular were gotten up by some of Mr. Reagan’s warmest friends and sup porters and sent to Dr. Gunter for pass age. And now since Dr. Guuter has the courage of his convictions, aud de clares himself opposed to the party that lie was then acting with, those so called friends turn and rend him for doing what they requested him to do. Every one knows that Mr. Reagan passed the seed cotton bill; for he could not do otherwise when the land lords made the demand on him, yet it is a measure that acts harshly on the tenants, white and black. Many a poor man’s wife and children have perliups gone barefooted till mid-winter because ho could not sell his remnant of seed cot ton—all that he had after paying his landlord. Will any one blame Mr. Reagan for this ? It would be just as lair t<*Hay that Mr. Beagan should not represent Henry county in the Legis islature because he is a railroad law yer. What honest man can blame him it he is a railroad lawyer ? What fair minded man blames him for riding from one eud of Georgia to the other on a Central railroad pass? It would be un fair for Mr. Reagan to say that lie cause he draws a fine salary as a Cen tral railroad lawyer that he would not represent Henry county’s interest as well as that of the Central railroad, while in the Legislature. No fair minded man will say that Dr. Gunter has not been honest in the discharge of his legisla tive duties. He has always shown himself the friend of the laboring peo ple, and we confidently expect to see a clear exhibition of the fact by a rous ing vote in his behalf. Let mud slinging cease and vote for the candidates ou their merits. Fair Play. How's Tins. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chknev & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out auy obligation made by their firm. \\ est & 1 ruax, AN holesale Druggists, Toledo, 0., Walding, Kinuan A Marvin, AA'hole - de Druggist* Toledo, Ohio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, spliuts, sweeuey, ring bone, sti fles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. N\ arrauted the most wonderful Blem ish Cure ever kuowu. Sold by C. D. McDonald. Have tried almost every known remedy for 1 telling Piles without suc cess. finally Ixmght a box of De AVitt’s AA itcli llazel Salve, and it has cured me C. D. Haskius, Peoria, 111. D. J. Sanders. Best Corset ever offered for 50cts made especially for the Racket Store. PaYNE’S chapel. As every voter knows, the sth of October, (next Wednesday) is election day, and every true friend of Democra cy should turn out aud vote for Col. E. J. Reagan. It is important, fellow citizens, that we look well as to who manages our government. In the democratic party we will have good laws, as we have always had, so far as in their power to give. All the bad laws the people complain of being made by the Republicans. Really, fellow citi zens, this is a serious thing to consider, for upon it depends our future pros perity M v God ! can any true South ern man vote against our interest by putting corrupt men in office? Rea gan has sh ,wn by his record that he is a friend to the working class. Now to the colored people. Col. Reagan lias shown that Dr. Gunter voted for a hill to disfranchise the poor white people and darkies, not allowing them to vote on the free school, in which they are especially interested. Think about this, then make up your minds aud be sure to vote for Keag&n. The Hampton Democratic club met at their hall last Saturday evening and was called to order by President Wil son. A resolution was passed pledg ing every member to do all in his pow er to elect Reagan. It was agreed to have a People’s party man to help manage the election. Judge John D. Stewart of Griffin, was to have address ed the club, but failed to appear, which disappointed everybody, for all know John Stewart to love him. He made us the best Congressman we have ever had. Col. Reagan made the club a fine speech last Saturday night, to a large crowd of as good Democrats as ever lived. Everybody was well pleased, and that means that Reagan will get a large majority in Hampton district. President Wilson introduced Col. Reagan in a graceful manner and was warmly cheered. It is an old adage, that “United we stand, divided we fall,” and every true man should re member it and turn out next Wednes day and voto for the regular democrat ic nominee, as we have always done. Go early and don’t be too late to vote. Let every man turn out and get some one to go with him, and give Reagan 700 majority at least. No true demo crat should be too busy to look after his candidate, for I tell you, fellow citizens, we must not ueglect our duty, but do all we can. Messrs. Sam Coker, Mat Harrison, J. D. Bowden and lira Barrett were the guests of your scribe last Sunday. We congratulate Editor Beadles upon the way he got up the pictures of Rea gan, Gunter and Chinn, lie is a true democrat, and every candidate should give him their announcements. J. T. and Lum Fields are as much interested in the election of Reagan as any man in Henry county. Rev. Hilliard Glass, a colored min ister of the Sixth district, died last week. Hilliard was a good democrat and had many white friends. Every colored man should follow his exam ple. Some of the darkies who voted in the People’s party nomination 'have been told that they can’t vote for Rea gan. You can vote for him and should by all means do it. We were proud to see our old friend Capt. Fife at the democratic club in Hampton. Such good, old Christian men as tie is should be a guide for ev ery body to stick close to the grand old democratic party. Old Guard. Another of Cupid’s Pranks. Hymens silken cord will boon unite Spalding and Ilenry, as the following invitations already issued foretell: ; Air. and Mrs. Ohas. W. Dupree ’. Request the pleasure of your presence ; ; at the marriage of their daughter, : 1 Carrie, to ; Emmett C. Brown, ; 1 at their residence, in Henry County, ; 1 Wednesday, October twelfth, At two o’clock P- M., 1 1892. Enclosed the favored recipients found this card : ; Mr. and Mrs. Emmett 0, Biowu ; .’ At Home, ; 1 From eight until eleven o’clock, ; Thursday evening, ; 1 October thirteenth, 1892 ’. Sixth street, Griftiu, Ga. ; That the consumation of these young people’s pligbthed troth, may bring about a full realization of all the bright, roseat-hued immaginations that their minds have conjured up for the future is the sincere wish of The Weekly. INVALIDS Cain rapidly In health and strength by the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. This medicine substitutes rich and pure blood, tor the Impoverished tluld left in the veins alter fevers and other wasting sickness. It im proves tbeappetite and tones up the system, so that convalescents soon Become Strong active, and vigorous. To relieve that tired feeling, depression of spirits, and nervous debility, no other medicine produces the speedy and permanent effect of Arc: s f. r saparilla. F. O. Lorlng, Brockton, Jh . writes: “lamconfident that anyone suffer Ing from the effects of ecroCiila. general de bility, want of appetite, depression ol spirits and lassitude will be cured By Using Ayer's Sarsaparilla; for I have taken it,and speak from experience.” “In the summer of isss, I war ettr d of nervous debility by the use of AVer's 5.,,. parilla.”—Mrs. H. Benoit, c Middle »t.. !\i >■. tucket. R. I. “Several years ago I was la a <’ condition. Other remedies I n . ; \ began to take Ayer's Sarsapnud: . n.d *. < greatly benefited. As a spring n.. : . ! consider it invaluable.” Mrs. 1. s Chester, Holden, Me. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.O. Awr & Co., ToTf’*, Bold by «U Di iigjfiei*. Price ?l,m.A Cures others, will cure you Airs. Anna Sutherland ftalamazoo, Mlcli., had swellings in the neck, or *j From her 10th - w GOJire year, causing 40 Y63rS gr *:t suffering. When she caught cold could not lvo blocks wilhoiit fainting. She took rood’s Sarsaparilla An l U now free from it all. She lias urged nt.-.ny others to take Rood's Sarsaparilla and they t.- iveclso been cured. It will do you good. HOOD'S PILLB Cure all Liver Ilia, Jaundice, .< •- t-. .our stomach, nausea. 'Commits Suicide. Miss Krtniue C. Cotton, who has been in charge of the millinery depart mect of York store in Jack sod, committed suicide at that place last Sunday. She boarded at the Morrison hotel, and while the boarders were all at din ner she entered the young men’s room, got a pistol, retired to her room, and placing it to her temple fired, the ball passing entirely through her head. She died in about twenty minutes. The remains were carried through McDonough Monday, en route for Columbus, the home of her parents A great many Henry county people had become aeqainted with, and formed a strong friendship for Miss Ermie dur ing her stay in Jackson, and it is with profound sorrow they learu of the rash act that terminated the life of this win some lady. No cause could at first be assigned that was sufficient to lead to the conou ination of such a deed, but it is now re ported that it’s the repetition of the old story: disappointment in love. She became enamared of a gentleman in Jackson, but it seems that her affection was not reciprocated. She left a short note, but gave no reason for the act. McElree’B Wine of Cardul and THEDFORD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale tiy the following merchants in Henry County: D. J. Sanders, McDonough. Hill <fc Barker, Lovejoy. A. V. McVicker, Babb. Berry & .Brannan, Flippen. J. G. fflfetwick, Peeksville. J. W. Hale, Sandy Ridge. W. 11. Gilbert & Co. Stockbridge. B. FJlarlow, Tunis E. Qj’Wynn, Wynn’s Mill. R. Locust Giove. E. !v|V ynn, Wynn’s M ill J. 1 . Bond, Stockbridge. J. W, TTlark, Stockbridge. A. J. MqKibben, Locust Grove. A. 11. Pi* ice, Locust Grove. J. Calvin, Locust Grove C. S. Jarboe, Sandy Ridge C. D. McDonald McDonough. A. (J. Harris. Flippen. It’s not very pleasant to cough and hack To suffer pain in chest and back, Many people conld slop it, for sure By simply using One Minute Cough Cure- D. J. Sanders. IF TOtTB BACK AIBKA, Or you are all worn out, renllv good for noth ing, It Is general debility. Try BKOUK'S I HO.V IUTTBHS. It will cure you, cleanse your liver, aud give a good appetite. Bright people are the quickest to recognize a good thing and buy it. We sell lots of bright people the Liti le Early Risers. If you are not bngh these pills will make you so. D. J. San ders. l\ I I i 1J \Jlj It ill cure itch in thirty minutes. For sale liv D. J. Sanders. PUREST."^! cheapest mm best,!® When you want to buy Groceries, Canned Goods of any kind, Candies, Confectioneries, Tobacco, etc., and want goods that are nice, fresh and of the best quality, at prices as low as they can possibly be sold, you find no place superior to the store of <J. W. MAXWELL.** He gives customers polite, clever, honest treatment, and your child can buy from him as well as yourself. He strives to merit vour patrouage, and will appreeiate it. Call and see him when you want goods in his line and he guarantees to please you. SSPUREST, HaBCHEAPEST, EZZJBEST. Tax Collector's Notice I’ir.t It on ml. Stockhridge, Monday October 10. Shakerag, Tuesday 11. Brushy Knob, Wednesday 12. Love’s, Thursday 13. Flippen, Friday 14. Sixt, Saturday 15. Hampton, Monday 17. Low's, Tuesday IS. Locust Grove, Wednesday 19. Tussahaw, Thursday 20. McDonough. Friday and Sat. 21 and 22. Saudv Ridge, Monday 24, Beersh -ha, Tuesday 25. McMullen's, Wednesday 26. SAMUEL MAA S, T. C. .Toliee, If at any time I should be absent fiom town, people who are due me for guano can leave the money with Mr. Buck Dickson, at the Stewart Mercan tile Co’s. All notes and accounts for guano are due October Ist. The old guauo claims must be settled promptly, otherwise 1 am instructed to place them out for collection by suit. Respect fully, A. F. BUNN. Cemetery Notice. Notice in heriln given to till purlieu dial, in future, tlm.-c desiring loin in tlic Me Don ongli Cemetery must corner with me before selecting BMie, On it ling already occurred several time* Dial different fa milieu have ■selected the ssSSi lots, and in ordet to avoid confusion of this kind, ) pui ~!! on notice that ill■ littiii-e they mud consult with me in rclerennc Jo the matter, and ! will gladly assist th<4h in the selection 01 a lot and give them all necessary inlditnatioa. * MRS. KaIEPM*EK. _ Pres. M. C A. Police. Ail open accounts and carried over guano notes are liotv due. Parties owiitg me on cither will please come forward and attend to settlement at once. If you don’t want to he refused don’t ash for any more credit this fall. if. B. Cakmichaki,. For Tax Collector. I hereby announce myself a candidate f'o.i Tax Collector of Henry county, subject to the Democratic nomination. If elected, I can till the office and make a good bond 1 will appreciate all the support that may lie given ine. Repectfully, 1.. P. OWEN. For Sheriff. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Henry county, subject to th" action of the Demo cratic party, and if elected T. E. Sullivan, of Locust Grove, will he my deputy. I have endeavored to discharge inv in that office, and if it has met the approba of the voters of Henry county, I shall thank you fur your support, and promise if re elected to continue to discharge mv duty to the best of mv ability. N. A. GLASS. For Coroner. ] hereby announce myself a candidate for re.election to the office of Coroner ol Henry county, subject to the action of the Demo* erats. I fully appreciate the kindness of the people to me heretofore, and will contin ue to do so, if again favored, promising a faithful conscientious,discharge ot the duties of the office. Truly, SAMUEL COKKR. For Tax Receiver. I hereby annouuce myself for Tax Re ceiver. As lam poor and needy, ami una ble to do manual labor, I humbly ask the people for their support this time, and I will give way next time and give some one else a chance, as I said before, it 1 happen to get it. 1 am subject to the People’s party nomination. Yours trulv, W W.PATTERSON. For Representative. Through the earnest solicitation of many friends in different parts of the county, I have consented to become a candidate for Representative, subject to the People's Party nomination, and if elected w ill do mv best to serve the whole people with hoi esty and fidelity. I L. GUNTER. For Sheriff. At llie request of my friends, 1 hereby announce myself a candidal !<>•■ Sheriff ot Henry county, subject to the i coplc’s party nomination. If elected I shall discharge the duties of the office faithfully, without tear or favor, showing equal rights to all and special privileges to none. T. J. CROWELL. For Clerk. At the solicitation of friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate tor Clerk of Superior Court in Henry county, subject to the People’s Party nomination, and prom ise if the people of Henry will elect me that I will discharge the duties of the office to the very best of my ability. I am very respectfully, A. A. WOLF. For Tax Receiver. At the solicitation of my friends, I here by announce myself a candidate for the ol tice of Tax Receiver of Henry county, sub ject to the Democratic nomination. I am living on rented land, and my afflictions are disable me to a great extent to la bor on the farm. I ask the people to help me. Respti’v, J. D. STALLWORTH. J*. S. 1 have no relatives in the race. For Tax Receiver. As I am poor and needy, 1 humbly ask the people for their support for the office ot Tax Receiver of Henry county, subject to the People's party nomination. Yours truly, W. P. STEPHENS. For Tax Collector. I hereby announce myself a candidate lor Tax Collector in the People's Parly Primary, subject to the voters of Henry county, and will appreciate all the help 1 may get. Mv only reason tor wanting the cilice is that the long continued alHiction in my family was so great that it left me in a laid fix financially. 1 can fill the office if elected. ’ J. T. HENDON. For Sheriff. At the solicitation of niy friends, I here by announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Henry county, subject to the People’s party nomination. If elected I pledge a laithful discharge of the duties of the office, without fiaror favor. Respectfully, J. H. MORRIS. For Tax Receiver. With grateful thanks to my friends throughout the county lor their past sup port, I hereby announce nivself as a candi date for Tax Receiver, subject to Democrat ic nomination. If elected, I shall use my best best efforts to discharge the duties of the office faithfully, thoroughly and impar tially. ' A . J . AWTREV For Tax Collecror. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic nomination. If lam nominited I guarantee two things : First that lam competent for the office and second that I can give a good Loud. lam a poor man and need the of fice can’t you vote for me ? Lk'vis B. Gaku. For Tax Collector. To the People of Henry County—l here by announce myself a candidate for the of fice of Tax Collector, subject to the Demo cratic nomination whenever it occurs. Be ing so crippled that it is impossible for me to do any farm work, leads me to ask this favor of the people. If elected I can furnish one ot the strongest of 1 Kinds, ami promise to fill the office in a perfectly satisfactory I manner, and will sincerely appreciate all the support that mav be given me. Re spectfully, T. H. STALLWORTH, Jr. For Representative. At the solicitation of friends in various sections of the county. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative from Henry county, subject to the Demcratic nomination. If nominated, 1 will uphold the standard of Democracy fearlessly, and to the best of mv ability defend the party from the assaults of its enemies, from what ever source they mey come: and if elected will represent the interests of the whole people. Very respectfully, E. J. REAGAN. For Tax Receiver. To the I’tople id Henry County—l horelit Announce m; m L a candid iic the oftk-e ol fax Receiver, subject to the [temoernlit nomination. Being lame and disable leads ?ni* lo ask lli»> favor ot the people. I a**. •rt that I am competent to fill tin* office. Respectfully, SLAB 11 APR NESS. I her*-with announce rryaclf as a candi date be foie the people of Henry, to serve them as their Tax Receiver during the next term of that office, Should they see proper to confer its duties upon me, my best efforts shall lie put forth to discharge ilie seme promptly and correctly. *. T. GRIFFIN, Ol Hampton Dist. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coroner of Henry county, sub ject to the People’s part/ nomination. If elected 1 will discharge the duties of the of fice to the best of my ability. Respectfully JAKE FANNIN For Ordinary. 1 hereby snnounce myself n candidate for re-election, to the office of Ordinary, sub ject to the action of the Democratic party, ol Henry county. Thanking I lie people for the confidence and support heretofore given me, I respectfully solicit a continuance ol the same. WM. N. NELSON. For Treasurer. I hereby announce mvscll as a candidate tor re-election to the (fliee of Comity Treas urer. subject to tile action of the Democrat ic party of Henry county. Grateful to the people tor the confidence and support here tofore given me, I earnestly solicit a contin uance of the same,: 0. A. McKIBUEN. For Cierk. I hereby announce mvseif a candidate for re-election to tiie office of Clerk Superior Court of Henry county, subject to the ac tion ot the Democratic party. I have tried to do mv duty since 1 have been Clerk, and "'ill still endeavor to fill the same position j to the satisfaction of tlie people, and hope i will have the suupoit of tlie people in tl is race. 1 can make you a better Clerk for t tie next term, as ] more fully understand the duties the office th in t di i hereto fore. LUTHER PAIR. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself as a candidate or Coroner oi Henry county, subjoe (. to the Democratic nomination. I (lnuik mv triends of Henry enmity for their past favor*, and will appreciate their support in the future. Very Re.-p’ct J . B. PRITCH E fF. j For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a candi into for county Treasurer subject to the action ot the Democratic party of Henry county, 1 will appreciate all the support that may be given me. ReSpectlully, THOS. .1. BLEDSOE. SHORTHAND 'D. C. LOEB, WHOLESALE WHISKY, WINE. BEER, OIOARS, Etc. 1 3 Mitchell and 102. 104, and 106 Broad Sts. ATLANTA, GEORGIA Lest, 1 urest find Most Reliable Goods in the market. All orders promptly filled. Make no mistake and give us your trade. Fortunes g Farmers —# —— Ho ! for Florida— the Healthful, Sunny Land where Far mers are now making from $250 to SIOOO per acre, rais ing Vegetables and Fruits for northern and local markets. Crops made in mid-winter, and the products sold at enormous prices. Lands make Irom lot) to tour hundred bushels of tomatoes per acre, which sell at .ft to *0 per bushel from 40(1 to 700 bushels of onions, which lining from $2 to $2.50 p. r bushel■ SIOOO nor mre made on pineapples: S7OO on an acre of strawberries. The farmer is 01'iiv en-a'-ed five months in the year making his crops—and those five months when the weather is soft and balmy. For seven months he has the pleasure of fishing and hunt in- The streams are teeming with the finest fish and the forests abound with all kinds of game Quoting from a letter written to myself by Mr. D. If. Bivins, formerly of Hampton now 01 Bartow, Fla., he says: “I have been here for a number of years, and know this to lie the most healthful climate in trie world. People afflicted with all kinds of diseases come here, and our climate is a panacea for all their ills— they come sick and "o away cured. ” The same authority says a neighbor of his sold S7OO worth of strawberries from an acre. Another sold s4.'iO worth of onions from of an acre And again a °vntlem ux engaged in raising -tomatoes sold SSOOO worth from 10 acres this seis in, and has a con siderable number yet to sell. Mr. A. A. Sutlers, agent of the Hi. So. & Fla. R. R. jn tormed us that last season a friend of his sold S7OOO worth of truck from 00 acres and that some acres in pineapples brought $1000! Fellow sufferers, this heals raising 6 cents cotton. Here vou work twelve months nnd barely “make buckle and tongue meet.” You work hard, live hard, and it’s a foot race between you and “Hard Times” to keep out of debt. In Florida vo-ir work is light and pleasant. In five months you have made your crops, sold them and Save the money ill your pocket. Then you have the balance of the year to devote to pleasure or amuse ments—fishing, hunting, boating, etc. The Associated Railway I.pnd Department of Florida is now making the unprecedented offer of 17,(10(1 seres ot the finest timbered lauds (will cut from 4000 to 5000 feet of lum ber per acre; in one of the best counties in Florida, below the frost line, at $5 per aere ;» 'a < a /'- balance in 1, -2 and 3 years. This section is just now being opened up, and is what is known as the Manatee country. The.-are located from 7to 10 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, and on Manatee river, a navigable stream. Taken altogether, it is one the finest bodies ol land in Florida, both for fruit growing and vegetable raising. As a stock range it has no equal, growing grass luxuriantly the year round. It is no unfre quent tiling to see from 250 to 1000 head of sleek, well iired cattle in one-herd, and 150 to 500 horses in a bunch. These lands are now coming prominently into the notice of southern farmers. They begin to recognize that they have slept over their rights, and live let the shrewd, industrious Yankee go in and reap a golden harvest before they kniw a vast store of latent wealth was being mined bv these astute people. Being but recently commissioned bv the land company of Florida, I have had time only to see 75 or SO good Henry county farmers, who signify their determination to buv some ol these valuable lands. Let enough of Henry county people take this land at once, for if we fail of this chance, it is the last to buv cheaply.’ Should a colony of Hen ry county people—say 150 or 200—buy these lands, as soon as the bargain is closed they will advance 100%. And when they locr.te it will be worth SSO per acre. There are enough valuable pine lands on it to pay for it twice. The same quality of land in Polk county near the railroads is worth from $25 to $.40 per acre. Lands inferior to these in many respects, and in no sense superior, in Southern California, are worth SSOO per acre. Ihe Florida lands have many advantages over Southern California. Firstly, vegetables ure gotten into market ti weeks earlier in Florida tit u< in Southern California Second ly, the Ireight rates of California cat up the profits of the truck- firm r, havin'* ro ship n " !es - The Florida truck farmer pays on . nominal freights, having both Tail and water transportation. Thirdly, the Calitornia lands have *0 be irrigated, "bile those of Florida are spriukled by nature’s water pot —ruin. it will lie my pleasure to give any one desiring information relative to these lands all the knowledge necessary to a proper understanding of where they are und their capa bilities. I have a large number of Florida land map lolders, embracing a vast amount of information relative ro the State, also one of the best maps of the State ever gotten up for distribution. lam authorized to sell valuable lands in 30 different counties of Florida. The tract above described lieing in my opinion the best bargain, I have men tioned it more particularly. Call on in. NPIIER, Salesman Associated Railway Lend Dep’t of Fla., McDonough Ga. *The above lands were originally intended, as shown by the Lond Co’s schedule, to soil for s.l per acre, but was printed $3 per acre, by an oversight of the printer, which as subsequently detected —[Ed. h ...a GREAT COUGII CURE, this sue .hiCONSUMPTION CURE is sold by ts on positive guarantee, a test that t.; ■ r i"'lire can stand successfully. If you ■■ . e .1 <' t;<.: i, HOARSENESS or LA GRIP; '.. 5c will cure you promptly. If your chii.l !.,i ti e- CROUP or WHOOPING COUG.I, use it quicklyand relief is sure. If y c f. :.t CONSUMPTION, don’t wait until y ::r Case is hopeless, but take this Cure and receive immediate help. Trice, 53c. a d si.oo. Ask your druggist for ‘i. i LOU’S CURE. If your lungs are sore or back 1-. me, use SHILOH’S POROUS PLASTERS. Price. 2ic. ■LOGICAL SCHOOL The undersigned, who ha** had over thirty years experience as a Wa.chmaker and Jew eler, proposes to open a school of Horology in McDonough, in which will be thoroughly taught Watchmaking, Jewelry repairing, Engraving, Electro-Metallurgy, etc., etc. Pupils who have any mechanical aptitude, alter taking a tour months course with me may safely calculate on making not less than Fifty Dollars per month, and fiorn that to One Hundred and Fifty, as I have pupils in most of the Gulf States who are doing that well or iletter A thorongh knowledge ot‘ the business is ‘ the posses sion of 'i in Thousand Dollars. For full particulars address rn * at Mc- Donough. or call and see me. i. M. SPEER, Sept, :20th, ’ILL Principal. I'<»i* tdniin ioai. GEORGIA—Henry county. To all whom it may concern, G. F. Tur | ner having in proper lorrn, applied L> me for I permanent letters of udmiuistiatiun on the j estate of Jus. H. Turn r, late of said coun- I ty, tins is to cit. all and singular the crcd i itors and next ot kin of Jas. 11 Turner to j be and appear at rny office within the time} allowed by law, and show cause if any they can, wiiv permanent administration should not be granted‘o G F. Turner on J. il. I’unier's estate. Witless rny bund and official sign ure, lhis 30th tiny ot August 1802. WM. N. NELSON, Ordinary. NOTI E \V< will gin cotton tbis season at 2.) cents per 100 bs lint. We solicit the patronage of the puplic. Cleveland & Ham. Farm for Sale, Containing about, titi acres, well located in good community, on public road near Mt. Bellied chureli. A desirable place which can lie had at a bargain. App'y at this office. I Thorough, Practical Instruction. Graduates as sisted to. positions. Catalogue free. Write ;o urmsrußU manual LOUISVILLE, KY