The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 04, 1892, Image 2

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WEEKLY § TIMES. J. A. FOrCHE, Editor. Entered ftt the posto flice at McDonough (ia., as second -class mail matter. McDoNOCGn. Ga., Nov. 4, 1892. Democratic Primary. By authority of of the Democratic Executive Comittee at a meeting this day held, a primary election is hereby ordered to be held on Saturday Dec. 3d 1892, under the rules customary for such elections, for purpose of nominat ing county officers for said county. The vote to be consolidated at the courthsuse in the usual manner, on the Tuesday following, Dec. 6. S. R. Brown, Chirm. D. J. Green, Secty. McDonough, Ga., Get, 11. 1192. People's Party Primary. The Peoples Party Executive Com mittee, by call of chairman, met in the grand jury room to set time for holding the primary election for county officers. First Saturday in December is set for the election, and the first Tuesday for consolidate the vote. It is ordered that the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be the candidate fo the party It is also agreed that voters may vote anywhere in the county they may choose. Done by action of the body, McDon ough, Ga., Nov. 1, 1892. Wm. Conbs, Chairman. A. A. Wolf. Sec. pro. tern. Now for u Big Victory. Everything now points to the tri umphant election of Grover Cleveland next Tuesday. Let no democrat fail to vote, and the great victory of the state election will be confirmed. From all over the Union comes the most cheering news for democracy. There is only one Democratic ticket in New York City and that is backed by the full power of Tammany Ilal!. Never were the democrats of Now York more harmonious nor in better command of the situation. This meaus that New York is going Democratic. A. S. McClure, of the Philadelphia Times, one of the closest and most in dependent political observers, says that the republicans have given New York up. The Herald says the republicans in the interior of the state will not give Harrison his usual majority, while the city’s tremendous registration means a greater democratic majority there. So that New York State may be set down as safe for Cleveland. New Jersey is always democratic, and it is figured that the following votes are certain for Cleveland : New York 36, New Jersey 10, Southern States 159—total 205. Michigan chooses her electors by congressional districts, and the repub licans concede four to the democrats, raising the total to 209. Fourteen more votes are required to elect. In diana is claimed as certainly demo cratic, which would give one more than necessary. Then there are the following States which are more than likely to be dem ocratic than republican this year, ac cording to the best - estimates that can be made: California 8, Connecticut 6, Illinois 22, Wisconsin 11. More sanguine calculators figure on Massachusetts and lowa going for Cleveland, but democrats are satisfied with the above showing for obtaining 223 electoral votes. It may be a landslide. Go out— And help make it so. It is strange bow some newspapers, as well as people, can only see their side of a question and understand one way, no matter what the facts may be. Atlanta boasts newspapers that are “especially gifted” in this direction. A statement was sent them this week by a prominent citizen, placing the credit for the capture of the murderers of Capt. Sloan where it justly belongs. They not only paid no attention to it, but the Constitution actually came out in the next issue and gave all of the credit to Atlanta’s Detective force. It’s Atlanta “first, last and always” with these newspaper. Don’t think your vote will not be needed next Tuesday, but be on hand and help make the dual victory sure. 9100 lteward SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co Toledo, O. by Druggists, 75c, A WORD OF COMMENDATION For the Efficient Officers Who by Their Efforts Captured the Mur derers of Capt. A<lam C. Sloau. The murder of Adam C. Sloan was one of the most attrocious and fiend ish crimes ever perpetrated in Henry county, and all our people feel more safely now that the perpetrators have been ferreted out and brought to jus tice. In this connection it will not be amiss we think to speak of the part enacted in this tragedy by those great aids to and upholders of law—the detectives, for the part they took forms one of the most striking features in the history of the case. It is a well known fact that the fam ily and enraged citizens jointly offered a reward of SI,OOO for the apprehen sion of the murderer or murderers with proof sufficient to convict, arid although every effort was put forward at the time it appeared that the guilty parties would go unpunished. Daniel Webster gave utterance to a truth that is being substantiated every day, aud was in this case : “Murder will out.” Although this act was com mitted in the dead hours of uight, wheu darkness hung heavy*over earth, and all mankind was wrapped in slum ber, and though the assassins with cunning shrewdness endeavored to cover the crime in mystery, still they left behind them signs which when un raveled by an expert gave a clue that lead to their appreoeusiou and finally to their conviction. After the reward was offered our efficient Sheriff, to whom great credit is due for the aid aDd assistance ren dered in bringing these bloody-handed criminals to justice, went to Atlanta aud laid the case aud Burroundiug cir cumstances before tbe Atlanta Detec tive force, who refused to take any ac tion in the matter at that time, so we have been informed, unless guaranteed a certain fee for their services whether they proved successful or not. This proposition was, of course, not accept ed. At last the attention of Detective Ike Gimble, of the Alabama Midland railway, was attracted to the case, aud ho at once decided to make some inves tigations. The history of how he, through the aid of Sheriff Glass and his negro assistant, Bill Williams, suc ceeded in gaining a confession from the murder, is already upon every body’s lips, therefore it is useless for us to go into a recital of the same. After Gimble’s success in tracing the negro, Jim Schaefer, down, then the Atlanta detectives became interested and succeeded in capturing Ben Bivins; but to Ike Gimble, of Alabama, the the credit of bringing the murders of this aged arid honored gentleman to justice, is due. “Honor to whom honor is due.” Dwellings Burned. Two serious fires have occurred in our county during the past week. The first was the residence of ’Squire Charles Patterson, near Tunis, on Sun day night last, the 30th ult. The building together with all of the house hold effects of this worthy family were consumed. The origin of the fire is unknown. Mr. Patterson's loss is very heavy, as he was carrying no in surance. The second was the dwelling of Mr. Q. A. Dickson, situated on his farm about a half mile north of the public square, on the Atlanta road, known as the Judge Allen Stewart old home place. This fire occurred on Tuesday morning 'ast, between the hours of nine and ten o’clock. It originated up stairs, and had gained such headway when discovered that it was impossible to check its advauces, or succeed in re moving but a small amount of the household effects. Mr. Dickson was in town when the alarm was given, and he, together with a number of friends, succeeded iu arriving rm the scene in time to save all of the out buildings. Mrs. Dickson was at home, but not iu the house, and therefore failed to dis cover the fire before it had become un controllable. This was also a total loss to Mr. Dickson, he not carrying any insurance. These gentlemen, and their families, have the sympathy of their numerous friends in their heavy losses. Primary Elections. The people of Henry county are confronted with one of the most pecu liar circumstances that has ever trans pired in their political history. On last Tuesday both the Demo cratic and People’s party Executive Committees met at this place, and both bodies assembled for the same purpose, viz : To set apart a day for holding a primary for county officers. Both were in session at the same time, and strange to say, each appoint ed and set aside the same day for hold ing the primaries. This brings about an occurrence ueyer before witnessed in our county and without a precedent, so far as we can learn, in state history: Two separate and distinct elections be ing held at each voting precinct iu the county at the same time. Both primaries are called for Satur day, the 3rd of December next. A CHILD SUFFERS, ■ While Its Father Refuses Relief for It from the Doetors. The following special wliieli appear ed in the Constitution a t> w days ago, 1 will be read with interest by the ciii zens of Henry county, as the party re ferred to formerly lived in Sandy Ridge district, where lie was well known : Athens, Ga., Oct. 26.—Watkinsville is considerably stirred up over what seems to be a case of faith cure crimi nal carelessness—at least that is the aspect of the story that comes from there. The story is to the effect that Rev. J. 8. Cowan, the evangelist who goes over the country trying to out-Jones Sam Jones himself, Las a little four year old child whose little life is being literally consumed with something like scurvey, and who is absolutely refused medical attention at all. Cowan is a faith cure crank, and has been engaged for some time in trying to establish a faith cure asylum in Florida. His little child has been an invalid for a long time. For mouths and months the disease has been grow ing worse, until now the report is that the little one’s teeth have all fallen out and the leading physician says its jaw bones are decayed almost entirely and will soon come out. The little body is covered all over with sores and ulcers. When, in this condition, the helpless child cries for relief its father simply tells it to go pray. It is said that when the neighbors call to interest the father and mother to have the child treated by a physi cian that no attention is paid to them, aud that the child is watched as close ly as a hawk watches chick ens, to see that no one slips medicine to it. An old negro woman stole it out the other day and was touching its affected parts when its mother, who holds to the same senseless faith as its father, found her and abused her terri bly. 'The citizens are becoming very in dignant over the affair and declare they will interfere. Cowan was licensed to preach in Watkinsville something over a year ago for one year on the conditions that if he showed up all right his liceuse would be reuewed, but when he presented them for renewal about two mouths ago he was ques tioned on Lis faith cure religion aud after making a statement the credeu tials were promptly cancelled. This story was printed in the Constitution at the time. Cowan held a meeting here last spring and was boycotted by both the local papers on account of his whole sale attack on the ministers of the city, because they advised against open air meetings on account of measles aud other diseases being prevalent in the city at the time. Ho is reported as saying that nothing shall be done for his child other than what he can do through his faith methods ; that if God wants to take it He can do so. He claims to have cured a number of people, one a man at Stone Moun tain, of consumption, by his faith process. This story was given me by several of tbe most responsible people in this section, some of whom have vis ited the Cowan home to plead with th 9 parents to do something for the child. Wasps in Church. The Methodist church iu this city is infested with wasps, and several ladies have been stung by them recently, while attending services there. It is deplorable that McDonough caunot furnish a better house of wor ship. What has become of our “new church” enthusiasm? We learn that the lady members have decided to take the matter in hand, raise the money and build a new church. We fully believe that if they will take charge of the work they will be more successful than the male members, and the new church will he built. May their every effort be blessed with success. Who will be the first to come for ward with a good sized subscription ? Mrs. X. V. Z. A Card of Thanks. I desire in this public manner to re turn my heartfelt thanks to the kind friends who contiibuted to my relief from my sore calamity on last Tuesday. I trust they may be spared such a loss as I have sustained, but if ever either of those who sought to save my property from the flames or contribu ted to my financial relief shall need my assistance iu the future I shall be happy to aid them as far as it is in my power to do so. With deepest grati tude I remain, Your friend, Q. A. Dickson. It Should Ito in Erery llou e. J. 11. W ilson, 37! Clay St., Shatpshurg Pa., says be will not be without Ur. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, that it cured tiis w ife who was threat ened with Pneumonia after an sttaek of •'La Grippe,” when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport. Pa., claims I>r. King’s New Discovery has done him more good than any thing he ever used for Lung Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free Trial Bottle at C. D. McDonald's Drug Store. Large Bottles, 50c. and SI.OO. Vote next Tuesday! Rocky Creek. Fanners are about through gathering their crops. As they were very short, it did not take very long to finish them u ll however. The poiato crop is extra fine—turnips very good, considering the dry weather. Miss Ada McLarkiu will open her school next Monday at the Aikiu school house. She is a young graduate and will make a good teacher. Parents should start their chilhren at the open ing of school. .Mr J. W. and Mrs- 8. M. Rowan, of Flippen, visited relatives here Saturday aud .Sunday. Mrs. H. H. Parham is spending the week iu Hampton with her sister, Mrs. Maxwell. Mr. M. W. Aikin went down to Pike county this week, looking after his plantation there. Two of A. D. Martin’s brothers spent a few days with him this week, leaving for their home in Tennessee Monday. Although the farmers are about through with this crop, they are not idle a day. They are busy sowing wheat and and oats, preparing to squeeze the earth a little harder next year, hoping for better times in the future. SowiDg a large amount of grain is a step in the right direction, saviug all the home made fertilizers possible. Abram. llappy Marriage. On last Sunday, October 30th, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Whitaker, Miss Lizzie Whitaker and Mr. Willie Hopkins were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, iu the pres ence of a large number of friends aud relatives, Rev. D. C. Brown officiating. We wish the happy young couple a long and prosperous life. May the smiles of their Savior ever lead them in paths of righteousness, and may never a cloud overshadow their pathway. Miss Lizzie was a bright, winsom young lady, aud we cngratulate Mr. Hopkins upon the choice he has made as com panion through life. A Friend Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool, ford’s Sanitary Lotion. Never Sold by C. D. McDonald, druggist McDonough, Ga. CATARRH Is a most loathsome, dangerous, and preva lent malady. It Is a blood disease, usually ot Scrofulous origin, and for which local treatment is useless. Before health Is pos sible, the poison must be eradicated from the system, and to do this SUCCESSFULLY the disease must be treated through the blood. For tills purpose no remedy is so effective as Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. “ For tlie past eight years, I have been severely afflicted with Catarrh, none, of the many remedies I tried affording me any re lief. My digestion was considerably im paired, and my sleep disturbed by phlegm dropping into my throat. In September last I resolved to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, began to use it at once, and am glad to testify to a great improvement in my health.” Frank Teson, Jr., engineer, 271 West Fourth street, New York City. “ My daughter, 16 years old, was afflicted with Catarrh from her fifth year. Last Au gust she was TREATED WITH Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and after three months of this treatment she was completely cured. It was a most extraordinary case, as any druggist here can testify.” Mrs. D. W. Barnes, Valparaiso, Neb. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell,Mass. Sola by all Druggists. Price sl, six bottles, $5. Cures others,will cure you I»r. John Hiill’n norm lie ■trojers taste good and quickly remove worms from children or grow n people, re storing the weak and puny to robust health. Try them. No other worm medicine is so safe und sure. Price 25 cents at drug store, or sent by mail by John D. Park & Sons Co., 175 and 177 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio. For Sale or Rent 100 or 175 acres of land, on McDonough and Griffin road, six miles from McDonough on Ga. Midland railrrad. Also two mules. M. C. LOW, McDonough, Ga. Or Dr. J. H. LOW, Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. I-'or Year’s* Support. GEORGIA—Henry county. To all w hom it may concern: Margaret J. Foster, widow of Elijah Foster, late of said county, deceased, having made appli cation for a year’s support out of the estate of said deceased, and appraisers having been appointed to set aside said support, and said appraisers having made return of the amount set aside for that purpose, This is to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said return should not be approved and made the judg ment of this court on the first Monday in December next. Witness mv hand and of ficial signature this Ist day of November, 1892. WM. N. NELSON, Printer’s fee $3 00 Ordinary. I.eiive to Nell. GEORGIA—Henry County. To all whom it may concern: Mary A. Morgan, executrix of Millcnton Mr rgan, de ceased, lias in due form applied to the un dersigned for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Mon day in December next. Nov. 3d, 1292. WM.N. NELSON, Printer’s fee *3.00. Ordinary. l or Dismission, GEORGIA—Henry county. Whereas, Mattie J. Barham, administiatrix of B. F. Barham, represents to the court, in her petition duly filed, that she has fully administered B. F. Barham's estate: This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administratrix should not be discharged from her adminis tration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in Februry, 1992. This Nov. 15t.1892. Wm. N. NELSON. Printer's fee $5 80 Ordinary H, C, Mr. Tj. J}. It a mien, Of Augusta, Me., says: " I do not remember when I began to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla; it was several years ago, and I have found it does m a great deal of good in my declining years. I am 91 Years 2 months and 2G days old. and iny health is #§r fectly good. I have no aches or pains about me. Hood’s Sarsaparilla regulates my bowels, stimulates my appetite, and help. ui« to sleep well. 1 doubt if a preparation ever was made so well suited to the wants of olil people.” 1,. 1!. Hamlen, Kim Street, Augusta, Me., Sept. 26,1891. HOOD'S PILLB are a mild, gentle, painless, safe and efficient cath irtic. Always reliable. PAPYNE’S CHAPEL. At sale of perishable property at Uncle Lige Foster’s last Friday even ing everything sold very well. Mr. Tom Calloway and Miss Peunie Mays were married last Sunday mor ning at 9 o’clock, the ceremony being performed by ’Squire John Fields. Rev. Trammell, of Hampton, preach ed a fine sermon at Mt. Carmel Sun day. Messrs. John Calloway and Lon Kimbell visited Griffin Sunday. A. Payne and lady were shopping in Griffin last week. D. T. Stoue got his cripple arm broken a few days ago. Money is powerful scarce in this part of the world. We are proud to say our old friend John Pendley is improving, and trust he will soon have his wonted health. Mr. M. W. Aikin has made arrange ments with Miss McLaughlin, of Green ville, Ga., to teach at his school house for the benefit of the community, and to give his daughter, Miss Leone, in structions on her elegant piano. W. H. Tarpley made a trip to Grif fin this week. We have a corn sheller at the mill now, and any one who wants to do so can bring their corn in the car and we will help them to shell it. I will say to the public that fiom now on I will be at the mill all the time. H. C. Alexander. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. PUREST, 7"'. cheapest,:;::: BEST,m When you want to buy Groceries, Canned Goods of any kind, Candies, Confectioneries, Tobacco, etc., and want goods that are nice, fresh and of the best quality, at prices as low as they can possibly be sold, you find no place superior to the store of <J. W. MAXWELL.** He gives customers polite, clever, honest treatment, and your child can buy from him as well as yourself. He strives to merit your patronage, and will appreciate it. Call and see him when you want goods in his line and he guarantees to please you. : 1. .PUREST, : CHEAPEST, JZLS2BEST. FULL AND COMPLETE. We wish to say to the citizens of Lovejoy and surrounding country that our stock of FURNITURE is complete. It was bought for spot cash, savings large discount, which we will give our customers the benefit of. We are also in the Undertakers Business. Our stock is complete. We were knock ed out of the undertakers union for reasons not known to us, but we are selling Caskets and Coffins just the same, and the public at large may rest assured that our prices are far below those of our competitors who are struggling with the Georgir Funeral Direc tors Uniou. When in need of such goods give us a call. Our line of General Merchandise is complete, and prices to suit the times. We are also agents for the White Sewing Machine, the King of all Machines. When in town don't fail to call and look through our stock and get prices. No trou ble to show goods. A. V. McVICKER & SON LOVEJOY, GA. rnrr I A ™“ , ‘ r Ktiti I WorlflsFair For Particulars address ATLANTA JOURNAL, Atlama.Ga. Tax Collector’s Notice Second Round. Stockbridge, Thursday October 27. Shakerag, Friday 28. Brushy Knob, Saturday 28. Love's, Monday 31. McDonough, Tuesday, Nov. 1. Flipped, Wednesday 2. Hampton, Thursday 3. Low's, Friday 4. Locust Grove, Monday 7. Tussahaw, Tuesday 8. Sixth, Wednesday 9. Sandy Ridge. Thursday 10, Beersheba, Friday 11. McMullen's, Saiurdav 12. SAMUEL MATS, T . C. Farm for Sale, Containing about 66 acres, well located in good community, on public road near Mt. Bethel church. A desirable place which can be had at a bargain. Apply at this office. w. 0. f)ifxc%[, SUCCES3OR TO DUNCAN & CAMP, Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Grain and Groceries, 41 & 43 E Alabama St., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. HEATING STOVES, For Coal, Coke or Wood—for Churches, Stores or Residence—cheaper than ever. MANTELS, TILE HEARTHS and GRATES, The largest assortment South. COOK STOVES, RANGES AND TINWARE, Coal Vases, Fire Sets, Coal Hods, Brass Fenders and Andirons. PLUMBERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. Galvanized Iron Cornice Work a specialty. Write or call and get our prices ; we can save you io per cent. HUNNICUTT X BELLENGRATH CO. COR. PEACHTREE AND WALTON STS., ATLANTA, GA. ArinoCirycenqerits. For Tax Receiver. With grateful thanks to my friends throughout the county tor their past sup port, I hereby announce myself as a candi date for Tax Receiver, subject to Democrat ic nomination. If elected, 1 shall use my best best efforts to discharge the duties of the office faithfully, thoroughly and impar tially. ' A. J. AWTREY For County Surveyor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Surveyor of Henry County, subject to a Democratic nomina tion. Respectfully, S. F. DUFFEY. For Clerk. At the solicitation of friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Clerk of Superior Court in Henry county, subject to the l’coplc’s Party nomination, and prom ise if the people of Henry will elect me that I will oischarge the duties of the office to the very best of my ability. I am very respectfully, A. A. WOLF. For Tax Receiver. To the People of Henry County—l horeby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver, subject to the Democratic nomination. Being lame and disable leads me to ask this favor of the people. 1 as sert that 1 am competent to till the office. Respectfully, SEAB HAKKNESS. I herewith announce myself as a candi date before the people of Henry, to serve them as their Tax Receiver during the next term of that office. Should they see proper to confer its duties upon me, my best efforts shall be put forth to discharge the same promptly and correctly. W. T. GRIFFIN, Of Hampton Dist. P. S,—l hereby announce myself subject to the Democratic Primary, if one is held. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coroner of Henry county, sub ject to the People’s party nomination. If elected I will discharge the duties of the of fice to the best of my ability. Respectfully JAKE FANNIN For Ordinary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election, to the office of Ordinary, sub ject to the action of the Democratic party, of Henry county. Thanking the people for the confidence and support heretofore giycn me, I respectfully solicit a continuance ol the same. WM. N. NELSON. For Treasurer. I hereby announce mvself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Connty Treas urer, subject to the action of the Democrat ic party of Henry county. Grateful to the people for the confidence and support here tolore given me, I earnestly solicit a contin uance of the same, C. A. McKIBBEN. For Clerk. I hereby announce myseif a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk Superior Court of Henry county, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic party. I have tried to do mv duty since 1 have been Clerk, and will still endeavor to fill the same position to the satisfaction of the people, and hope 1 will have the support of the people in this race. 1 can make you a better Clerk for the next term, as I more fully understand the duties of the office than 1 did hereto fore. LUTHER PAIR. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself as a candidate or Coroner of Heury county, subjec t to the Democratic nomination. I thank mv friends of Henry county for their past favors, and will appreciate their support in the future. Very Re»p’ct 1. B. PRITCHETT. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for county Treasurer subject to the action of the Democratic party of Heury county, I will appreciate all the support that may be given me. Respectfully, THUS. J . BLEDSOE. For Tax Receiver. As I am poor and needy, I humbly ask the people for their support for the office of Tax Receiver of Henry county, subject to the People’s party nomination. Yours trulv, W.' P. STEPHENS. For Tax Collector. To the People of Henry Countv—l here by announce myself a candidate for the of fice of Tax Collector, subject to the Demo cratic nomination whenever it occurs. Be ing so crippled that it is impossible for me to do any farm work, leads me to as k this favor of the people. If elected I can furnish one of the strongest of bonds, to fill the office in a perfectly satisfactory manner, and wilt sincerely appreciate all the support that mav be given me. Re spectfully, T. H. STALLWORTH, J*. For Tax Receiver. At the solicitation of my friends, I here by announce myself a candidate for the ol fice of Tax Receiver of Henry county, sub ject to the Democratic nomination. I am living on rented land, and my afflictions are such as disable me to a great extent to la bor on the farm. I ask the people (o help me. Respti’y, J. D. STALLWORTH. P. S.—l have no relatives in the race. For Tax Collector. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector in the People’s Party Primary, subject to the voters of Henry county, and will appreciate all the help I may get. My only reason for wanting the cilice is that the long continued affliction in my family was so great that it left me in a bad fix financially. 1 can fill the office if elected. J. T. HENDON. For Sheriff. At the solicitation of my friends, I here by announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Henry county, subject to the People's party nomination. If elected I pledge a faithful discharge of the duties of the office, without fear or favor. Respectfully. J. H. MORRIS. For Tax Collector. I hereby announce myself a candidate foi Tax Collector of Henry county, subject to the Democratic nomination. If elected, I can fill the office and make a good bond. I will appreciate all the support that may be given me. Repectfullv, L. P. OWEN. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff’of Henry county, Bubject to th“ action of the Demo cratic party, and if elected T. E. Sulliyan, of Locust Grove, will be my deputy. I have endeavored to discharge my duty in that office, and if it has met the approba of the voters of Henry county, 1 shall thank you for your support, and promise if re elected to continue to discharge my duty to the best of my ability. N. A. GLASS. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Coroner of Henry county, subject to the action of the Demo crats. 1 fully appreciate the kindness of the people to me heretofore, and willeontin ue to do so, if again favored, promising a faithful conscientious,discharge ofthedutiea of the office. Truly, SAMUEL COKER. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Heury county, subject to the democratic nomination. I am an old Confederate soldier, having serv ed four years campaign service in defense of my country, and am now unable to perform manual ’abor from effects of same. I will state that if elected 1 will be fully compe tent to discharge the duties of the office, and can give good bond. The suffrage of my friends and fellow citizens is earnestly solicitei. H. E. EXUM. For Tax Receiver. I he reby announce myself a candidate for Tax Receiver of Henry county, subject to the democratic nomination. Being an old Confederate soldier, disabled by a wound in the service, 1 Heed help, which I now ask through office for the first time, and will gratelully appreciate the support of the people, guaranteeing ample competency it elected W.T. MOSELY. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself for 'l ax Re ceiver. As lam poor and needy, ana una ble to do manual labor, I humbly ask the people for their support this time, and I will give way next time and give some one else a chance, as I said before, if I happen to get it. 1 am subject to the People's party nomination. Yours trulv, W. W. PATTERSON. For Sheriff. At lhe request of my friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Henrv county, subject to the People’s party nomination. It elected 1 shall discharge the duties of the office faithfully, without tear or favor, showing equal rights to alt and special privileges to none. T. J. CROWELL. For Tax Collecror. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic nomination. If lam nominited I guarantee two things : First that 1 am competent for the office and second that I can give a good bond. lam a poor man and need the of fice can’t you vote for me ? Lewis B. Garb. • MONEY TO LOAN. It you want to borrow mon ey call to see me before you make any arrangements. G. G. Weems, McDonough, Ga, Oct. 12th ’92.