The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 18, 1892, Image 4

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WEEKLY i TIMES. J. A. rOI'CHS, Editor. Entered at the postoffice at McDonough Ga., as second-class mail matter. McDonough. Ga., Nov. 18, 1892. Never scold those who have faithfully tried to do their duty, but have failed to accomplish it; the failure is all the re buke they need. Even that is hard to bear. Eucourage them to try again, and give them a helping hand. A word or a bit of help may be all they need to change failure into success the next time they try. Do not withold the word or the help. It has been computed that between 36,000,000 and 37,000,000, babies are born into the world each year, or about seventy per minute. A line of cradles containing them would extend around the world unbroken, but the silence would be broken in several places. How to save money is a problem that interests everybody. One way to do it is to invigorate the system with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Being a highly concen trated blood medicine, it is sold for a dollar a bottle, but worth five. If a man could go to Heaven on a flowery bed of ease he wou’d feel very lonesome after he got there. In case where dandruff, scalp diseases, fallmg and grayness of the hair appear, do not neglect them, but apply a proper remedy and tonic like Hall’s Hair Ile newer. It never makes us a bit broader to go up and down the earth declaring that sombody else is narrow. It is no easy thing to dress harsh, coarse hair so as to make it look grace ful or becoming. By the use Ayer’s Hair Vigor, this difficulty is removed, and the hair made to assume any style or arrangement that may be desired. Give the Vigor a trial. A good habit is always a good help er. No man’s character is any better than his word. There is never any heavenly music in a gloomy heart. No man who leads others is always following somebody himself. The devil will not be afraid of your Bible if there is dust on it. It doesn’t take a bit of meaness out of a rascal to polish him. If you want to help the Lord in your own family, don’t scold much. How easy it is to see where other people might economize if they would. The Advertising Of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is always within the bounds of reason becaue it is true : it always appeals to the sober, common sense of thinking people because it is true ; and it is always fully substantia ted by endorsements which in the fin ancial world would be accepted without a moment’s hesitation. For a general family cathartic we confidently recommend Hood’s I’ills. 1* there » KeiiMon ? Is there a reason why you should re main an invalid, a discomfort to your self and those around you ? You say you have lost faith in medicine, and that doctoring does you no good. You are to be pitied for it is not you but the improper treatment you have received that is the fault. However, do uot dis pair medicine has uot lost its virtue. Yet, to get well, you must take the Right medicine. Try Or. John llull'n NarNiiparllla. It has cured many and will cure you. It is a quick rebuilder of brokeu down constitutions. It strengthens the nerves. It aids digestion, it gives an appetite. It purifies the blood. It checks decay. It heals soreness. It soothes pain. It is refreshing. You wrong yourself if you fail to give it a trial. Do so now. l)o not delay. Large bottle (192 teaspoofuls) SI.OO. Sold by druggists. A gentleman from St. Louis, Mo., who does not wish his name print ed, writes : “Had I sooner know the curative virtue of Dr. John Hull's Sarsaparilla, my whole married life would have been happier. My wife j suffered from weakness and became an invalid. No medial treatment seemed to benefit her, and she had poor health for years. Some six months ago, a neighbor induced her to try Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, and the change in her health and appearance almost seem ed like a mircale.’’ Hucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt j Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aud all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re founded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by any druggist. Take HullMSiiirwapurilla. Is your blood in bad condition ? Do you feel weak ? Do you have pain ? Do sores trouble you ? Are you in poor health and growing worse? Use Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla. It will make you well and strong. I)o not delay. Give it a trial. Get it from your druggist. Large bottle (192 tea epooofuls) SI.OO Saint Cuiinaire. A Jefferson avenue young woman who has been married about two years informed her husband one morning at breakfast recently that she was to take her first lesson that day. ‘What’s that for ?” he asked in doubtful tones . “So that I can learn something about it and cook your dainty dishes every day, darling,” she twittered sweetly. He hadn’t anything more to say, and in the everting when he returned home he laid an official envelope in her lap. “ What is it, dear ?” she inquired, proceeding to open it. “A life insurance policy on myseli for SI0,000,” he replied with a certain air of solicitude. “A life insurance policy ?” she re peated with a shiver. “You don’t ex pect to die, do you ?” and she got up and put her arms around his neck. “I hope not at present,” he said ten derly, “but there is no telling what may happen later, alid as I’ve been putting it off for some time I thought to day I’d better do it. Did you go to the cook ing class to-day, dear ?” and his eyes filled with tears as she innocently ans wered that she did. There are some people who think that, sermon is the best which misses them and hits all their neighbors. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring bone, sti fles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs etc. Save S3O by use of one bottle. Warranted the m >st wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. I). Mc- Donald. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool, ford’s Sanitary Lotion. Never fail- Sold by O. *D. McDonald, druggist McDonough, Ga. 17 T I I 1 1 D I*ll is guaranteed to l\ 1 lilj \I I A IkuiL cure itch in tliir'y minutes. For sale liv I). J. Sanders. Nerve^j^^Blood descriptive 4) tor Ont! ■kp m Bp NESS* head noihkn CURED (j ESL Kg by I'eck'n Invisible Tubular Far Cu.h- Wm H bm. Whispers heard. Comfortable. Ruri-msful whrreal IramedWafall. Sold by F. HUfox.only, CQ TT 853 Broadway, New York. Writ* tor book of proofs IiILC niti.vrcitM ROLLER*. 1. Order your Composition or send your Holler Stocks to lie cast to D. J. REILLY & CO., 3«4 and 3i!C Pearl Sr, NEW YOItK. Corregpandencc solicited. Send for circu lar. BPARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses *ud beaut i flea the hair. Promote* a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Hcatoro Gray Hair to it a Youthful Color. Cures scalp <! ipeanea & hair falling. CONSUMPTIVE l T se Weak Lung*, Debility, Indigestion, Pain, Take In time. 60 eta. J4INDE RCORNS. The only pure cure for Coma, tops all pain. 15c. at Druggiets, or 11I8CUX * CO., N. Y. IIEBIG ROMPANY S Extract of Reef! HGMT Purest—BEEF TEA Cheapest l.tfVAlil ABI.i: in the Kitchen for Soups, Sauces and Made Dishes. mnmu W B mmmmmmmmmn .m.wooli.ey.m d. “ ■ Atlanta, Oa. OlliceKUh, WluUiliaUlat. rATiS" >« r month by 'yU ■ f 0^ n harmless herbal fr\ ™ r remedies that do not in-» * ul J J jure the health or interfere with one’s business or Sleasure. It builds up and improve* the general oaltb.clear* theskin and beautifies the complexion. No wrinkles or tlabbinoss follow this treatment. Endorsed by physicians aud leading society ladies. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL Harmlckt. Ko Starving. Sand 6 cents in stamps for particular* to Di. Q.W. F. SNYDER. « YICKEIt S miTEft. CHICACO, ILL i BUOYANCY OF BODY , mu n.Tpr be reullivd u heu the bow .,la do not act as nature intend, they, 'should. Instead, there Is headache,' ireiaht In the stomach nftor rating, I acidity and belching up of wind, low | spirtti lose of energv, unsodablllty and folrbodlnge of evil. An unhappy I condition. Out ( TUTT’S . Tiny Liver Pills; I will roller© It and glre health and! hap pin cm. They are worth » trial. For Sale or Rent 100 or 175 acres of land, on McDonough and Griffin road, six miles from McDonough on Ga Midland railrrad. Also two mules. M. C. LOW, McDonough, Ga. Or Dr. J. H. LOW, Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. For lli*iui**ion, GEORGIA—Henry county. Whereas, Mattie J. Barham, administratrix of IL F. Barham, represents to the court, in her petition duly filed, that she has fully administered B. F. Barham's estate: This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administratrix should not be discharged from her adminis tration and receive letters of dismission on I the first Monday in Februry, 18!*2. This Nov. Ist,lßl**2. Wm. N. NELSON, | Printer’s fee $5 80 Ordiuary H. O. it m§m One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is ‘‘Almost as palatable as milk;” hut the best reason is that its curative properties arc unequalled. It cures the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces flesh and builds up the entire system. Bcott’s Emulsion cures Coughs, T A A M Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, g g and all Anaemic and Wasting .1 188 Diseases. Prevents wasting In V A-» 'ZJ Children. Almost as palatable as V ~ milk. Get only the genuine. Pro- B i g-|-» gaßq | n jj-n pared by Scott. <1 liowno, Chemists, New B * .Bl 188 ■| § | gork. Sold by all Druggists. M-JW 1111 Bfl fl 1f || TELEGRAPHY D. C. L.OEB, WHOLESALE WHISKY, WINE, BEER, CIGARS, Etc. 13 Mitchell and 102, 104, and 106 Broad Sts, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Best, Purest and Most Reliable Goods in the market. All orders promptly filled. Make no mistake and give us your trade. T, 33. ELLIS, —WITH — FURNTREp.O 85-87 Whitehall, 70-72 Broad, ATLANTA, GA. THE Furnniture House, THE Stove House of Atlanta. Lowest Prices ever known on good goods. No. 7 Cook Stove, with 38 pieces of ware, for only $9.00. Plush parlor suits, 6 pieces, full si/e, well made, $23. One quart Mason Fruit Jars $1.20 per dozen. Give us a call when you are in Atlanta, Write for our mammoth Catalogues, BABY CARRIAGES A SPECIALTY. A good Baby Carriage for $1.75. Wood & Beaumont Stove and Furniture Co. UNIYE m. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. Hifthcut Honor anti ffoltl itfed/i! received nt Wortrt's Exposition, for System of Pool keeping and General Business Education, 1000 student* in attendance the past year from .‘K) Siat«*> and Foreign Countries. 10,000 Graduates in business. 15 Teachers employed. Qo linsinoH* i'ourtte Consists of Book keeping. Business Arithmetic , Penmanship, Commercial Laic, Merchandising, Hiking, Joint Stock, Manufacturing, lectures, Business Practice , Mercantile Corrtfjxmdcnce, Ac »»>* font of Pm?/ IlusinesH S ou me, including Tuition, Stationery and Board in a nice family, about #OO. <>•*" Short h anti. Type-Writ inn uni! Trie pro pit y are Special tien,, having special teachers and rooms, and can be taken alone or with the Hu sines* Course. **’ Special Heimrtment for i.atlicM. Lady Principal employed. No charge for procur ing situations. AMfr A’o 1 m utton- Enter now. For Circulars address, WILUi n It. SMITH, iVe*., Lejrington , Ky. GIVE US YOUR JOB WORK If you want it Neatly and Cheaply done. MARB^?" 1 ' Wade In all styles and else*. Lightest, I Wrongest, easiest working, safest, simplest, most accurate, most compact, and most modern. For sale by all dealers In arms. Catalogues mailed free by The Marlin Firo Anns Co., New Haven. Conn., U. S. A. Fop Year’. Mupport. GEORGIA—Henry county. To all whom it may concern: Margaret J. Foster, widow of Elijah Foster, late of said county, deceased, having made appli cation for a year’s support out of the estate of said deceased, and appraisers having l>een appointed to set aside said support, and said appraisers having made return of the amount set aside for that purpose. This is to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said return should not lie approved and made the judg ment of this court on the first Monday in December next. Witness mv hand and of ficial signature this Ist dav of November, 1 WM. N. NELSON, Printer’s fee $3 00 Ordinary. I.eavr to Nell. GEORGIA—Henry Countv. To all whom it may concern: Mary A. Morgan, executrix of Miilemon Morgan, de ceased, has in due form applied to the un dersigned for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Mon day in December next. Nov. 3d, 1-292. WM.*. NELSON, Printer’s fee f 3.00. Ordiuary. Thorough, Practical Instruction. Oradu- I ate* assisted to positions. Catalogue FREK.r Write to l Emit & Stratton Business College, * LOUISVILLE. KY. B THE ODELL TYPE - WRITBR. S2O will buy theOf fell Type Wri ter with 78 characters, and SI.» for the Siinfglc t'awc Odell, warranted to do I letter work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease of operation, wears longer with out cost of repairs than any other machine. Has no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nickel-plated, per fect, and adapted to all kinds of type w rit ing. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten copies can be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. We offer £IUOO to anv oper ator who can equal the work of the trouble Cast’ Odell, Reliable agents and salesmen wanted. Special inducements to dealers. For Pamphlets giving Indorsements, etc. address ODELL. TYPE WRITER CO., 3.>S-3ti4 Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. 4k AA fU etk A¥ K AM! 1 undertake nelly a) * sal 19 I ■ teach any tairly inlellifrent person of either *L'3fia 111* instruction, will work industriously, V V V W V h w to earn Three Thcuund I><>lUn i Year in their. >wn localities, wherever they live.l wiM also ftimish the situation or employment,*! « hich v«>n can earn that amount. No money tor roe unless successful na above. Easily and quickly learn mi l desire but one worker from each district or county. I have already taught and provided with employment a larre number. >' bo are making over ISUOO a rear each. It s N 1-'. W aud NO |.l |k. Full particulars Fit lb E. Address at net, E. C\ AI.LKX, Hus 4CO, Augusta, Maine, FREE For Particulars address ATLANTA JOURNAL, Atlanta,Ga. BEtnl’S PItYOS.-l n use ev erywhere. Write for catalogue. Dan* iel.F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. \Y. ©lfyCSy, - SUCCESSOR TO DUNCAN & CAMP, Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Grain and Groceries, 41 & 4.3 E Alabama St., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. HEATING STOVES^ For Coal, Coke or Wood—for Churches, Stores or Residence—cheaper than ever. MANTELS, TILE HEARTHS and GRATES, The largest assortment South. COOK STOVES, RANGES AND TINWARE, Coal Vases, Fire Sets, Coal Hods, Brass Fenders and Andirons. PLUMBERS, STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. Galvanized Iron Cornice Work a specialty. Write or call and get our prices ; we can save you 10 per cent. HUNNICUTT & BEILENGRATH CO. COR. PEACHTREE AND WALTON STS., ATLANTA, GA. Ar\ oU ry ce rry oryt s. For Tax Receiver. With grateful thanks to my friends throughout the county tor their past sup port, I hereby announce myself as a candi date for Tax Receiver, subject to Democrat ic nomination. If elected, 1 shall use my best best efforts to discharge the duties ol the office faithfully, thoroughly and impar tially. A. J. A WTREY ' For County Surveyor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Surveyor of Henry County, subject to a Democratic nomina tion. Respectfully, S. F. DUFFEY. For Clerk. Al the solicitation of friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Clerk of Superior Court in Henry county, sul jeet to the People’s Party nomination, and prom ise if the people of Henry will cleci me that I will oischarge tiie duties of the office to the very best of my ability. I am very respectfully, A. A. WOLF. For Tax Receiver. To the People of Henry County—l horel>y announce myself a candidate for the office of'l ax Receiver, subject to the Democratic nomination. Being lame and disable leads me to a:-k this favor of the people. I as sert (hat 1 am competent to till the office. Respectfully, tSEAB 11AKKNESS. i herewith announce irysctf as a candi uate before the people of Henry, to serve them as I heir Tax Receiver during tlie next terra of tuat office. Should they tee proper to confer its duties upon me, ray best efforts shall be put forth to discharge the same promptly and correctly. W. T. GRIFFIN, Of Hampton Dist. I’. S,—l hereby announce myself subject to the Democratic Primary, if one is held. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coroner of Henry county, sub ject to llie People’s party nomination, if elected I will discharge the duties of the of fice to the best of my ability. Respectfully JAKE FANNIN For Ordinary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election, to the office of Ordinary, sub ject to the action of the Democratic party, of Henry county. Thanking the people lor the confidence and support heretofore given me, I respectfully solicit a continuance ol the same. WM. N. NELSON. For Treasurer. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treas urer. subject to the action of the Democrat ic party of Henry county. Grateful to the people tor the confidence and support here tolore given me, I earnestly solicit a contin uance of the same, C. A. McKIBBEN. For Clerk. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk Superior Court of Henry county, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic party. I have tried to do my duty since 1 have been Clerk, and will still endeavor to till the same position to the satisfaction of the people, and hope J will have the support of the people in ttis race. 1 can make you a better Clerk for the next term, as I more fully understand the duties of the office than I did hereto fore. LUTHER PAIR. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself as a candidate or Coroner of Henry county, subjec t to the Democratic nomination. I thank mv friends of Henry county for their past favors, and will appreciate their support in the future. Very Rtsp’ct 1. B. PRITCHETT. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for county Treasurer subject to the action ot the Democratic party of Henry county, 1 will appreciate all the support that may lie given me. Respectfully, THUS. J . BLEDSOE. For Tax Receiver. As I am poor and needy, 1 humbly ask Hie people for their support for the office ot Tax Receiver of Henry county, subject to the People’s party nomination. Yours truly, W. P. STEPHENS. For Tax Collector. To the People of Henry County—l here by announce myself a candidate for the of fice of Tax Collector, subject to the Demo cratic nomination whenever it occurs. Be ing so crippled that it is impossible for me to do any farm work, ieads me to ask tl is favor of the people. If elected 1 can furnish one of the strongest of bonds, and promise to till the office in a perfectly satisfactory manner, and will sincerely appreciate all the support that may be given me. Re spectfully, T. H. STALLWORTH, Jr. a TiCKirr -TO THE- WorlflsFair For Tax Receiver. At the solicit* tion of my friends, I here by announce myself a candidate for the ol tice of Tax Receiver of Henry county, sub ject to the Democratic nomination. I am living on rented land, and my afflictions are such us disable me to a great extent to la bor on the farm. I ask the people lo help me. Respti’v, J. D. STALLWORTH. P. S.—l have no relatives in the race. For Tax Collector. I hereby announce myself a candidate tor Tax Collector in the People’s Party Piimary, subject to the voters of Henry county, and will appreciate all the help I may get. My oijlv reason for wanting the office is that the long continued affliction in my family was so great that it left me in a bad fix financially. 1 can fill the office if elected. J. T. HENDON, For Sheriff. At the solicitation of my friends, I here by announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Henry county, subject to the People’s party nomination. If elected I pledge a laithful discharge of the duties of the office, without fear or favor. Respectfully, J. H. MORRIS. For Tax Collector. I hereby announce myself a candidate foa | Tax Collector of Henry county, subject to the Democratic nomination. Jf elected, 1 can till the office and make a good bond. 1 will appreciate ail the support that may be given me. Repectfully, L. P. OWEN. For Sheriff. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to tbe office of Sheriff of Henry county, subject to th“ action of the Demo cratic party, and if elected T. E. Sullivan, of Locust Grove, will be my deputy. J have endeavored to discharge my duty in that office, and if it lias met the approba of the voters of Henry county, I shall thank you for your support, and promise if re elected to continue to discharge my duty to the best of my ability. N. A. GLASS. For Coroner. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to tbe office of Coroner of Henry county, subject to the action of the Demo crats. 1 fully appreciate the kindness of the people to me heretofore, and willcontiu ue to do so, if again favored, promising a faithful conscientious, discharge of the duties of the office. Truly, SAMUEL COKER. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Henry county, subject to the democratic nomination. 1 am an old Confederate soldier, having serv ed four years campaign service in defense of my country, and am now unable to perform manual labor from effects of same. I will state that if elected 1 will be fully compe tent to discharge ihe duties of the office, and can give good bond. The suffrage ot my friends and fellow citizens is earnestly solicited. H. E. EXUM. For Tax Receiver. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Receiver of Henry county, subject to the democratic nomination. Being an old Confederate soldier, disabled by a wound in the service, 1 need help, which I now ask through office for the first time, and will gratefully appreciate the support of the people, guaranteeing ample competency it elected W. T. MOSELY. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself for Tax Re ceiver. As lam poor and needy, ana una ble to do manual labor, I humbly ask the people for their support this time, and 1 will give way next time and give some one else a chance, as 1 said before, if I happen to get it. 1 am subject 'to the People’s party nomination. Yours trulv, W. W. PATTERSON. For Sheriff. At lhe request of my friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Henry county, subject to the People’s party nomination. If elected I shall discharge the duties of the office faithfully, without fear or favor, showing equal rights to all and special privileges to none. T. J. CROWELL. For Tax Collecror. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic nomination. If lam nominited I guarantee two things : First that I am competent for the office and second that I can give a good bond. lam a poor man and need the of fice can’t you vote for me ? Lewis B. Garb. MONEY TO LOAN. Ifyou want to borrow mon ey call to see me before you make any arrangements. G. G. Weems, McDonough, Ga. Oct. 12th ’92. N. C£Q,?.. ■' THESCHOOL OF THE SOUTH! (Open day and night the entire year) UNPARALLELED SUCCESS!!! Three Distinct Departments—Commer cial, Stenograph, Telegraph—covering H,- 500 feet of space, al’ under direction of dis tinguished specialists. Text books discard ed ! Scholarships ami board cheaper than other institutions. Graduates assite-d lo positions through our employment agency — not one idle- Send for handsome catalogue to H I ITT .V MAKTIN, Macon, Ga B B. CARMICHAEL, Undertaker —AND DEALER IN FURNITURE , L UMBER Brick and Shingles. I am well supplied with everything in mv line, and propose to furnish Builders with-their material at exceed ingly reasonable terms for the next 6o days. I have on my yards two hundred and fifty thousand Shingles, and the prices they are being ofiered at demand youi attention. As to Furniture and Un dertaker's Goods, I am always prepared to fix for you, let your wants be what they may. See me before buy mg what you want. Nice Hearse and careful driver sent out with better class ot coffins, where dis tance does not exceed 20 miles. B. B. Carmichael. IT IS A DUTY yon owe yourself and fam« Ily to get the bent veiuo for your money* Lpoijoiiii/.p in your footwear by purchaaiug W. Ij. Dougins Shoes, which represent the best value for prices asked, as thousands will testify. Or TAK.E NO SUBSTITUTE*^ W. L. DOUGLAS S 3 SHOE THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONE/. A genuine sewed shoe, that v'ill not rip, fins Calf, seamless, smooth Inside, flexible, more com fortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe ever sold at the price. Equals custom made shoes costing from $4 to ©A n,,d $5 Tland-sewed, flnecalf shoes. The most stylish, easy and durable shoes ever sold at the price. They equal line imported shoes costing from $8 to sl2. 50 Police Shoe, worn by farmers and all others who want a good heavy calf, three soled, extension edge shoe, easy to walk in, and will keep the feet dry and warm. ©O 50 Fine Calf, $1.25 and #2.00 Work •P dLa i i:k men’s Shoes will give more wear for tho money than any other make. They are made for ser vice. Tho increasing sales show that workingmen have found this out. Dai/cI M.OO and Youths* $1.75 School Dvjo Shoes are worn by the boys every where. The most serviceable 3hoessold at the prices. I (Act $3.00 ihiud-Hcwed. 92.50, frj.OO and 5i.75 Shoes for Itl iMees are made of the best Dongola or fine Calf, aa desired. They are very stylish, comfortable and dura ble. The $3.00 shoe equals custom made shoes costing from $4.00 to $6.00. Indies who wish to economize in their footwear are finding this out. Caution.— W.L. Douglas’name and the price Is stamped on the bottom of each shoe; look for it when you buy. Beware of dealers attempting to gub stitute other makes for them. Such substitutions are fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law for ob taining money under false pretences. \Y» L, l)Ol f GLAB, Brockton, Mass. Sold by SOLD BY T. A. SLOAN & CO., Racket Store. McDiousl Machine 'Ms AND BRASS FOUNDRY I announce to the public that I aiii now i tdy to do all kinds of Machine Repairit ■’ such as Kleam Ensinm, Cotton (.ins, Srpaialisraiul .Mill Maciiiu ery. fil'ng aad (jamming <.in »aws ;> (ipe< !ally. I keep constantly on hand ail kinds of Brass Fittings, Inspirators (of any size), Iron Piping and Pipe Fittings ; Pipping Cut and Threaded any Size and Length, I am prepared to repair vour machinery cheaper than you can have it done in Atlanta. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. May 2-18 J. J SMITH. 0500 REWARD ill be paid to the agent of any scale company who will say over his own name as agent, that the Jones 5 TON WAGON SCALE, S6O, is not equal to any made, and a standard reliable scale. For particulars address only Jones ol Binghamton, Binghamton, K.Y. Many Persons Are broken down from overwork or household cares Brown’s Iron Bitters rebuilds the system, aids digestion, removes ex cess of bile, and cures malaria. Get the fienuraa | IBS 3 m SS k 2 Rid* cured at home with- SKT Sli Ksi °' :: pain. Book of par- K3§ a * lii Oculars sent Fltht. "I . IV M - tVQOLI.E V.M. lj. *Sm r Atlanta, Ga. Office Whitehall St, SUBSCRIBE NO W-