The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 12, 1898, Image 1

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HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY VOL. XXIII. TUB EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP Or FIGS is duo not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. LOUISVILLE, Ky. NEW YORK, N. Y. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM and beautifie* the hair. jtejKMO »** £..JPromotes a luxuriant growth. : vT! Never Pails to Restore Oray ISy : . , -doBH Hail* to its youthful Color. HK-V,,/iV JU«a Cures sculp diseases Ji hair tailing. fi°c. and SI.MI at VIRGINIA COLLEGE FOR YOUNC LADIES, Ronoake, Va. Opens Sept. Bth, lPbrf. One of the lead ing Schools for Young Ladies in the South. Magnificent buildings, all modern Improve ments. Campus ten acres. Grand moun tain scenery in Valley of Va., famed for health. European and American teachers. Full course. Superior advantages in Art .and Music. Students from twenty-five States. Bor catalogue address the President, MATTIE P. HARRIS, Roanoke, Va. DENTISTS, Grant B’ld’g, Corner Broad and Marietta streets, Atlanta, Ga. Will lie in their office at McDonough, Ga., trom the 21st a. m. till the last of each month. jjl J. HEAGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, McDonough, Ga. Office up stairs in the Stewart building. W A. BROWN, * ATTORNEY AT LAW, McDonough, Ga. Will practice in all the counties compos ing the Flint Circuit, the Supreme Court of Georgia and the United States District Court. janl-ly Smith <Sc StephonN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, McDonough, Ga. Office over Star Store, south side square Al business carefully and promptly at tended to. CP*” Are prepared to negotiate loans on real estate. Terms easy. X. DIfKEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, McDonough, Ga. Will practice in the counties composing the Flint J udicialCircuit,the Supreme Couit of Georgia cud the United States District •jnot aprß7-ly W* BOLLMANN, JEWELER, No. 6 South Broad Stree ATLANTA, OA. nooblr« the Pleasure of a Drtvo. A fine carriage doubles the pleasure of driv ing. Intending buyers of carriages ®r har ness can save dollars by seadia* Jrnr the large, free catalogue of the Elkhart Carriage audf Harness Mfg. Co., Eikhart, Ind. CbRtS WHfREAtI LsETAIi 1 " if Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Wood. DH Bffl ht time. BoM by druggists. Sri WELCOME ADDRESS Of Hon J. Q. Nolan of the C. T. Zachry Camp “U. S. C. V.”—- Delivered in Behalf of the Ga. I>iv. U. 8. C. V., Welcoming Visiting Sons in Atlanta. As tbe rising sun in the Eastern sky causes the crystal dew drop to sink into the bosom of the rose, giving uew life and added beauty, so does the ris ing of the Sous of Confederate Veter ans upon the hotizon of Southern patriotism cause the refreshing dews of tenderest memories to fall into my heart, bringing new life and renewed beauty to those grand principles that gave birth to the Southern Confed eracy. The honor conferred upon me today is euoagh to arouse the pride of aDy Georgian. My uoble Commander having placed me upon this honored post of duty, I’ll stand here upon the picket line of Georgia hospitality and as you ap proach fire into your royal ranks euch shot and shell of love and esteem as the Great Commander-in-Chief has placed in the armory of my heart. If I fail to catch your admiratiou and esteem for our grand old State I can but re treat and notify nobler hearts and more eloquent lips to prepare to meet the invading hosts of chivalrous Southern manhood, and we will sound a sacred revielle calling into action every brave, true Georgian, that we may capture youi hearts, imprison them within the walls of Georgia’s generous homes and place arouud them the Knightly guard of deepest devotion. No emotion of doubt or fear lurks in our heart, as panoplied with the armor of love, our martial tread tender and swift as the wooing whispers of peace falling upon the brow of bravery we meet you here upon the banks of the Chattahoochee. For our reinforcements lie safely intrenched within the happiness of our Georgia homes, haloed with the hues of Southern hospitality, and they are brave, tender and true —those whose eyes have caught from the can opy of love the sparkle of its rainbow, whose cheeks reflect the blush of the flowers when kissed by the rays of the morning sun, whose lips are as sweet and pure as the velvet petals of the roses they wear upon their bosoms, whose hearts and lives glow with the grandeur and greatness that God’s graces have garlanded upon the brow of Georgia girlhood. When she raises the gem-studded Sceptre of royal wo manhood and demands surrender, you can but stack the aims of rebellion and axuiad the arms of peace aud love. Georgia's eloquent singer, Sidney Laeier, the poet Laureate of the South, vrl ose M»ul catehiDg the rythmic oa deuce from the murmuring waters of ! &e Ocmulgee, minstrelled some of the j sweetest thoughts in the semi quavers !ui harmony, said that “music was love in search of a word,” and could I today but grasp the band of his hallowed muse aud sweep those cords that would charm with the richness of their deep est diapasons, the swelliug emotions of ay heurt would full upon you sweet as tLe u hi*peri: g e of a mother’s Millaby. or bad I tbe magic eloquence l environed with the personal magnetism ot Georgia’s gifted sou, the peerless j Grady, whose royal rhetoric sparkled like gems upon the kingly brow of thought, I could stir your soils with the passionate impulses that burn with ii my own breast. The Princely Nazarene standing upon the fertile fields of Judea and gazing upon the lillies that lifted their velvet lips in worship to the sun, eulo gized them with the language of a God, and standing here today upon the rich soil of Southern nobility and Knight hood, I would that I might borrow for one brief moment tbe eloquence of heaven’s oratory that I might pay fit ting tribute to the puntv and beauty of the flower <?f Southern manhood before McDonough, ga. : Friday, august i 2 : 1898. me. Here where the hand of infiuite wisdom has lavished its luxuries upon the lustful heart of man, in this sacred Southland, her mountains belted with bands of gold and richer in the teach ings of tradition than the pyramids of Egypt, her rivers mingliDg their mel low minstrelsy with the music of mills and machinery, her hill® and valleys glowing with the royal riohuess of fruit and Hower, her magnificent forests ex pressing their blessings in the arcs and angles of architecture, her agricultural lauds waving iu beauty as the nodding heads of its golden gtain bow in greet ing to the passing wind, we love and worship her grandeur and glory. But this does not constitute her chief greatness, this is not tbe mysterious casket iu which the hand Omuipotout has placed the priceless j-wel. Her treasures lie not in tbe hull aud valleys that encompass her natural resoutces or industrial development, but iu tbe matchless morals of her people. A nation’s wealth is not weighed by carats, but by character; the brightest gem's that glitter iu tbe crown of our Christian civilization are those brave moral heroes who stamp the impress of their lives upon the thoughts and hearts of those arouud them. For when the heart is pure, brave aud true, when thought is chaste, ambition is holy and impulse is sanctified, life is garlauded with the laurels of love and the v'ltues of manhood and womanhood bloom forth into an ideal of beauty that a sculptor cannot carve, an artist cannot paint. The responsibilities of life are ripen ing around us in the sunshine aud shower of each passing hour; discharge them we are heroes, shirk them we ate knaves. Around us are falling the golden apples of Hesperidet; let us gather them as we go, for they are the opportunities we seize m the pres ent that will gild with glory our com iDg years. Wasted opportunities debauch character, debauched character wrecks human life, wrecked human life frescoes the gallery of God with its saddest scenes. Opportunities approach U 3 with veil ed face and winged feet, unrecognized till they come, fly by too swifty to be recalled and we can ouly catch glimpses of their fleeting forms as we gaze through the dim vista of tbe past. Let us buckle on the armor of South ern Knighthood, hasten to the field of conflict, draw from the scabboard of Confederate honor the blood-stained blade of truth and right, with the gol den threads of love fasten tbe Bonnie Blue flag to the Stars aud Stripes and beneath their silken folds win a con quest that shall forever perpetuate those grand principles of justice that gave birth to American freedom. My noble Comrades, Sons of Con federate Veterans, you are here today to foster, magnify and perpetuate the most sainted memories that ever brightened the pages of any nation’s history. Nobler, more devoted sons never assembled to pay homage at the shrine of a braver, purer, truer sire bood. Next to the hallowed blood that stained the brow of Calvary and flowing from its sacred summit is fast changing the channel of human civiliz ation, that which is dearest to my heart !is the blood that flowed from tbe wounded side of tbe Confederate sol- I dier; the empty sleeve that is blown by ! the Southern winds against his manly I breast is a nobler badge of honor than I that ever worn at the Court of uuy I King; the sound of his crutch upon the pavement about us are notes in an oratorio more sacred and more sublime than any ever conceived in the soul of Mozart or Beethoven. Sols of nu’ulest sires, whooe glittering swords carved their pathway to glory and to fame, I am proud to stand before you today and tell you though with stammering tongue how glad we are to meet you here where Georgia’s pluck and pro gress have erected above the ruins aud wreckage of Sherman this grand and glorious Metropolis. Building upon the ashes he scattered upon his pathway to the sea, the highest, noblest, purest expressions of earthiy civiliza tion and happiness, our generous, genial Southern home*, where hospi tality flows as swift and free as senti ments of heroism, patriotism and Hood’s Best t« take after dinner; MKV ■ ■ ■ prwei* (ifßtre»e, aid dig**- • I I tion, cure constipation. W " 9i B ly regetable; *l* not grip* ™ or cauaa pain. Sold by alt druggists. 25 centa. Prepared only by C. X. Hood * Co., Inwall, S^am, bravery from the loyal hearts of its noble manhood and womanhood. Homes where sublimity of character crown every father King aud mother Queen, with royal blood coursing through the veins ami colortug the cheeks of their childhood, that were built upon the wreck of shattered hope®, bitter disappointments and wasted fortunes by the iron hand of that invincible faith that liugered iu the breasts of our conquered heroes. Sweeter memories never clustered round a nobler cause, braver men never fell iu defense of a purer principle. They tell me the cause is lost, bur, when it was lost thß world had found the purest gem of manhood, the most glittering jewels of patriotism, the bright duster of heroism that ever Hashed upou a field of blood and brav ery and glowed with dazzling splendor upon the pages of human history. They tell me the cause is lost, but when the Southern Confederacy went down in struggle and travail, from her womb came forth the birth of tru«- heroism and above the manger in which lay this hallowed child there rose a star whose glittering rays caught the attention and claimed the worship of the true men of every land aud cout - try. The star of Georgia’s chivalrous mauhood mingling its sparkling rays with the other glittering gems of the Southern Conlederacy has thrown a glamour over the pages of history dttz zling the eyes of bumauity itself. It is to the hearts, homes and hospitality of such heroes I welcome you today, aud 1 thank God for those sublime heroes of the South both in public and private life who have blessed the world with Christian chivalry and left ex amples ablaze with the light and life of Christ. I thank Him for our martial spirits that bathed their patriotism in the inspiration of their prayers and left to us the legacy of a generalship guid cd by religious faith, Such sublime characters as Robert E. Lee aud Stone wall *J'.cksou that could mingle their Christianity with their martial valor, displaying a Kuightly chivalry and heroism that charmed the world. Ene mies who cursed the cause for which they fought have lifted their bats and bowed their heads in reverence at the grandeur of the men. When Robert E. Lee with head uncovered, his sil very locks kissed by the balmy breezes of Virginia, looked through his tears into the faces of the heroes in gray and said : “I did not have to suriender. I could take you noble men and cut my way through any army in the world, but I surrendered rather than sacrifice the life of another one of you brave boys,” he gave to the world an exhi bition of his true greatness. The name of Lee is the center of that bril liant Constellation around which re vo'ves the planetary system of South ern pride and patriotism. Oh! loved and loving Lee, the admiring gaze of nations was focused on thy greatness as the white winged courier of peace bade thee sheath thy blade upon the hill of Appomattox; thy falling tears were caught in the sacred chalice of our devoted memories, thy sighs of re gret minstrelled the sweetest strains with which w« chant thy praise, no flowers are blown with hues of fitting brightness to add lustre to thy laurels, no syllabled phrase from the golden alphabet of speech can pay just tribute to thy worth, hut our hearts are echo ing the noble sentiments of a history that records thee iu “war a hero, m peace a statesman, in life a Christian.” Let us as sons of such heroes do our dutv, discharge life’s sacred obliga tions; then will God stamp His signet of nobility the brow and diadem our lives with the brightest gems ot manhood that ever sparkled iu the cor one! of a country’s citizenship. When duty comes and bows, let us kneel at her feet, accept the burden of respon bibiiily ehs places upou our shouluoio, take her fair baud, implant upou her cheeks the kiss of betrothal, lead her to tbe altar, beautiful daughter of God, let Christ himseif perform the nuptials, pronouncing a blessing richer than that which gladdened the hearts of Jacob and Leah, as we lead her away vowing for her to live, for her to die. Speak ing for brave, bold Georgians, I tell you we love and honor you because in your hands are placed the protection and happiness of Southern girlhood, the purest type of God’s sublimest conceptior; no more sacred trust was ever reposed in the honored heart of loyal Knighthood. Prove to the world that the sword of honor, wielded by (continued on fourth face ) Royal makes the food pure, wholesome aud deliciour. if 1 msm Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER O'?., <fV. YO* Tatter, Salt-Kheuni nn4 itkienw* The intense itching finclsma’”ung, dentto these diseases, 1- installv ailayetF 1 by applying Chamberlain a Eye wa Skin Ointment. Many verj bad have been permanency cured by it> It is equally efficient for itching pile.T»w*t?l a favorite remedy for sere chapped hands, chilblains, frost? I and chronic sore eyes. 25 ots p .r. For sale by Dr. Tucker & Co- E;lucate Your Bowels Wltti Ck-sc.'iret* Candy Cathartic, cure constinatien , f .rt Tr 10c, 26c. 11 C. C. C. fail, druggistsrefcan' :.*>»- . “How to Cure All Skin deem*- ’ Simply apnlv “Swayve’sOothkmt. ”” Ifr* internal medicine required. Cures tetttev’. eczema, itch, all emotions on l-i*» lace, n***- hands, etc., leaving the skit: dear, vrtr.H-' and healthy Itsgreat healins? andcnraHw* power. arc no-im-n-cd bv no other rerued-v. Ask your druggist lor Swavi e’s Oitipwjs* One Minute Cough Cure, cutest. That Is what it was made for. An Oi l !il'-k, Every day strengthens ti c heiicf of emi - nent physicians that impure Mood is the cause of the majority of our disease*. Twenty-fire years ago this theory was -iwd as a basis for the formula of Drowns’ ihno Bitters. The many remarkable cures rti'rt d hy this famous old household remedy «r* sufficient to prove that the theory is eo.rwd. Browns’iron Bitters is sold b.v all dealer*. One Minute Gough Cure people by its quick cures aud cbikhwi* may take it iu large quantities w.tboat'. the least danger. It has won for it sell’ the best reputation of any preparation used today for colds, croup, tiokldijra* tbe throat or obstiuate coughs* -JiV 'Fucker & Co. Dr. Cady’s Condition Fwrrfersv arw* just what a horse needs ■vr&en bwf condition. Tonic, blood purifier jwui vermifuge. They are not food tout medicine and the best in use bv put u horse in prime condition,. cents per package. For sale by Dr. Tucker <£> Co. Everybody Says So. Caoonrets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, fn**- ant and refreshing to the taste, aelgi and positively on kidneys, liver and boW u »>fc. cleansing the entire system, dispel cure headache, lever, habitual and biliousness. Please buy and try » r>tnr of C. C. C. to-day; 10,25, 50 cents. SolftfM&l guaranteed to cure by alt druggists. DeWitt 5 Little Liariy Ru-ainf, The famous little pills. About one month ago my cb’AJ, which is fifteen mouths old, badiju* attack of diarrhoea accompanied fry vomiting. I gave it such reraettis* as are usually given in such cases, but as nothißg gave relief, we sent for a phy sician and it was under his care for ;* week. At this time the child bad been sick for about ten days and was about twenty five operations of bowels every twelve hours, antS we convinced that nth it aoou obtained relief it would nor hi'-. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rewwuly was recommended, and I decided t«a t ry it. I soou noticed a change for better; by its continued use a complete cure was brought about and it is aow perfectly healthy.—C. L.Boggs,Stump, town, Gilmer Co., W. Va. For sale by Dr. Tucker & Co. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bears th* VZfTZ. Signature of $1 A YEAR.