The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 02, 1900, Image 4

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Democratic Ticket. Next Tuesday is the threat national •faction. Below is the democratic ticket —dou’t {■*'] to vote it from bottom to top ! For President, WILLIAM J. BRYAN. For Vice-President, ADLAI E. STEVENSON. Presidential Electors, < FULTON COLVILLE, .. r Lae ok - (AUGUSTUS DuPONT, Ist District W W SHEPPARD 2nd District.. C W FULLWOOD Xrd District W 0 NOTTINGHAM 4th District B F McLAUGHLIN »th District ....EDGAR LATHAM «lh District J M STKICKLA \ D 7th District J P JACKOWAY !tth District...., A G McCURRY 9th District JJKIMSEY 10th District T F. MA3SENGALE Uth District E A COCHR'AN For Representative from the Sixth District in the Filtv-Seventh Congress, C. L. BARTLETT. Once Again. Have you heard of the late happen ings? Well I'll tell you the great in ternational fair of Atlauta has closed, the criminal branch of Henry C>unty Superior court has adjoined, and the question naturally arises what will happen next. The next big thing I’m looking for is an all-day presidential election, which will happen on the 6:h of November. So come out all you democrats and well filled basket*—no, pockets of tickets I mean aud pu‘ them in for Bryan. We will want a big vote polled for Mr. Bryan so we can have a whole lot of votes to spare, aud all we don’t need in Georgia we cau send to Ohio and some other doubtful states. The next big thing I am expecting to occur after the election is a whole lot of government appointees getting out and a whole lot getting in. * It will be ‘rats to your holes” aud don’t you forget it. lam looking for that very thing to happeo. Now ufter all these things are over then what ? We cau’t afford to lie still till Christmas, before ■we have something funny. O'a, there is the Jackson carnival to come in # sor ter between drinks or drams. Yes let’s not forget that, for it will ba a swell affair and McDonough ought to turn out in full force. I aim to go myself lor I have a lew acquaintances down Jhere and they will be glad to see me I loow. I didn’t get to go to the At lanta show, nor to Macon, nor to Grif- Sn. So I’ll say to you Jackson folks that if 1 cm b rrow some clothes that will do to wear in company you may look fer m», for I love to go to Jacksou auyway, aud on euch an oceasiou as the carnival will b- it will ba doubly sojoy able, for Jackson never does things by halves I dou’t drink liquor, oor I don’t cuss, nor I don’t preach, but I do love to have a iittie tun occa siojally, and I duu’c think of anything that would beat going down aud min gling with our Butts county neighbors on the oth and 6 h of December next. Now, ifjauy of you follows waot to go and bavu’t got the money you can j t«t call on me, and I’ll give you a ticket—to—stay at home, for it doesn’t matter which side of tbe river a man is on if he basn t got any mouev. l’rylu yours, Ignoramus. Stepped into Live Coais. " W hen a child 1 burned my foot frightfully.” writes W. H. Eads, of Jonesville, V A., ‘’which caused horri ble leg sores for 30 years, but Buck len’s Arnica Salve wholly cured me af ter everything else failed.” Infallible for Burns, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by Drug Stores, 25c. 44 It is an 111 Wind That Blows Nobody Good. ff That small ache or pain or weakness is the 4 4 ill wind that directs your attention to the necessity of purifying your blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla . Then your whole body receives good, for the purified blood goes tingling to every organ. It is the great remedy for all ages and both sexes . Dyspepsia " Complicated <with liver and kidney trouble, I suffered for years from dyspepsia, 'with severe pains. Hood’s Sarsaparilla made me strong and hearty ." J. B. Emerton, Auburn, Me. Hood’s Pills cure liver Ills; the nou-lrrltatlng and only cathartic to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. General Presentments. • We, the Graud Jury selec’el aDd Bworn for the October term, 1900, of Henry Suporior Court, submit the fol lowing as our geueraf presentments : We have through our various com mittees examined the books of the CJdury officers, to-wit—Treasurer, Or dinary, Clerk, Sheriff, County Court, Tax Receiver, Tax Collector, aud Jus tice of the Peace. We fiud treasurer’s books show by committee appointed that they are neatly aud correctly kept. His vouch ers, cash on hand and disbursements all balance to a cent. We find since last term of court he had on hand aud paid into his bands $7,134.47, and paid out $7,079 54, leaving a balance of $1,054.93. We have examined the ordinary’s office and find it correct and well kept vouchers and disbursements all in prop er shape. We also fiud that the ordi nary has paid out to road overseers $995 24. We fiud the J. P. dockets neatly and correctly kept. We find the ' tax cullector’s books ueatly aud correctly kept, aud SSO 00 pai l in ou special tax. Wo find the sheriff’s books neatly aud correctly kept. We fiud the clerk's books neatly aud carrectly kept. We, the committed on poor farm, fiud 14 paupers on tbe farm, 12 white aud 2 colored, well cared for, have plenty of clothing aud good substantial food. They speak well of the superiu tiudeut and tbe treatment they receive from him. VVe find tbe farm ren's lor present year for 2001 pounds lint cot ton. We fiud the rooms aud bedding clean and well kept. We fiud two co -k stoves aud utensils all in good coudi* tion. We fiud the commiaary well sup plied with good aud substantial food We fiud the farm iu a high siate ot cultivation, being well terraced, so as to prevent waste from washing. We fiud iu Mr. Coker the right mau iu the right place, with au eye to business aud the care aud protection of thoss entrusted to his keepiug. We recom mend that t lie ordiuary furnish brick to repair grates, the backs of some having fallen out; also lumber to repair floor aud place steps to superintendent’s house, Mr. Coker doing this work with out expense to couuty. VVe recommend old sheeting be taken off tbe cook room of the house Alice Cook and others oc cupy and reweatherboarded wi h new pkuk, also the stove flue be built high er, as consider same dangerous— the last named work to be done at the ex pense of the county. We have examined the books of the county court, and find that they are neatly and correctly kept. We have examined the jail »ud find that it is neatly aud nicely kept, and that the prisoners have plenty of good and substantial food, and are well cared for by the jailor. We recommend that the ordinary repair the roof of the jail, ami also a leak of the grand jury room of the court house. We recommend that Singletou Huut bo appointed N. P ex Off. J. P of Sandy Rage district. Also H. H. Greer for Lowe’s district. Also W G. Calloway of Shakerag district. Wo recommend H. A Peebles to the office of County Judge of Heuiy c junty. We recommend Paul Turner as a member of the board of education. We hereby appoint a committee of three, consisting of J D. Bowen, J. W. liouutree, G E. Wise, to examine the county reco'ds, cousis ting Ordinary, Clerk, Treasurer. Couu ty School Commissioner, Sheriff, Tax Receiver, these or any other county officers. ’I bis committee is hereby em powered to employ an expert acc -unt aut to assist them in this work, that tbeie he appropriated $450 00 »r so much thereof as may he necessary for carrying on this investigation. We furthor recommend that this committee receive $2 00 per day for their services ibis work to be done during vacation, and the report of said c mmittee to be made to the succeedmg grand jury of April term of oourt, 1901, this work of investigation to commence in 1890. We recommend that the ordinary pay sl2 00 a year tor the use of water to jail. We recommend that Mrs. Boyington be paid $2 00 per month in McMullens district. We cannot refrain from expressing our condemnation of the manner in which the registration books have been carelessly handled, by being left un thoughtedly where other parties could have access to them, and while we know that names have been stricken from books and others inserted by designing partes, we have no evidence as to who the parties are. We respectfully rec ommend that in future the custodian of this book guard it with jeaious care, and also that he be careful to comply with the law in sendiug out sheets for receiving names to be registered with out swearing deputy to whom sheets are entrusted. We tbe Grand Jury extend to his Honor, Judge E J. ReagaD, our hearty thanks for the courtesies shown us du ring the present term of court. A iso ta our Solicitor, Hon. 0. H. B. Blood worth for his cheerful assistance and pleasant way of dispatching busiucss with us. Also to our very efficient foreman, George E Wise, our thanks 'or hia pleasant manner of disposing of the work of this grand jury. We recommend that the<e present meuts be published in Tbe Henry County Weekly, and that the editor be paid $lO for same. G. E. Wise, Foreman. B O Fields W H Dorsey J D Rowan J D Dupree R J Williams W H Burch W J McKtbbrsn S C Stewart WG Turner S E Smith J 1 Fields A L Colvin D T Stone J W Rountree \ E Brown M D Rountree J B Lowe J D Bowen J h Moss J T Oglesby W G Copeland (’atarrli Cannot toe Cured Wltb LOCAL APPLICATIONS. 8S they ran not reach tbe seat of the disease Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional dts ease, and in older to cure it vou must tak ; internal remedies. Hall’s < ’a'arrh Cure is not a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of tbe best pbjsiciaus in this country for years, and is a reg ular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics kuown, combiued with the best blood purifiers, acting directly ou the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what prodaces such woudertul results ins curing Catarrh. Seud for testimo nials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., _ Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ‘‘Digests what you eat.” Tlio Kintl You Have Always Bought, and winch has been in use for over GO years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per fjK sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are bufc Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR! A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTOR! A ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. T 7 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Commissioners Sale of Land. GEORGIA—Henry County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in De cember next, 1900, at th i court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing property to-wit; One house and lot in the incorporate limits of the town of Hampton, Ga., in said county, containing one and one-fourth (1 acres more or less, bounded as toll ;ws: On the north by the Mill road, east by land of Sanford Crawford, south by land of S. H. Griffin, west by land of J. J Thaxton, said land being more ful ly described in a deed from E R James to C. D- McDonald, recorded on January 25th, 1889, in deed book “Y,” page 69, in the of fice Clerk Sup. Court said county. Said land to be sold by the undersigned as com missioners’ under an order of sale issued by the Suncrior Court of said county on Oct. 18. 1909, for puitition and distribution, .-aid order entered ou minutes of the Supe rio- Court of said county on page 46. This Oct. 30th, 1900. G. G. WEEMS, W. T. DICKEN, A. F. BUNN, Commissioners. Coluiubns Street Fair. Columbus. Ga., Oct. 29-Nov. 3, 1000. On account of the above occasion. South ern Railwaw will sell round trip tickets lio m Birmingham, Ala., Atlanta, Ga., Macon Ga., Fort Valiev. Ga., and intermediate points to Columbus, Ga., and return, at rate of ONE FIRST CLASS FARE FOR THE ROUN D TRIP, for Indivduals, and for Mil tary Companies and Brass Bands, in uni orm, twenty or more on one ticket, a rale of one cent per mile in each direction, per capita, plus arbitraries. Dates of sale October 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st, November 1.-t and 2nd and for trains sche< uled to arrive Columbus, Ga., prior to noon of November 3rd. with final limit November, 4th. I9nii. For detailed information cali on or write any agent 6i the Southern Railway or its connections. S. H HARDWICK. Asst Gen. Pass. Ageut Atlanta, Ga. Aotice ?o llebtors ;»•««! Creditors All parties holuing claims against the es tate of Miry J Schell, late of Henry count., dec’d, are hereby notified to piesent the same for payment within the time prescribed by law, and those iiebted to said estate are likewise required to make settlement. This September 3d, 1900 W. L SCHELL, Administrator. Leave to Siell. GEORGIA—Henry County To whom it ma> concern: B. A. Perrv; administratrix of Harrison Perry deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned tor leave to sell the lauds belonging to the estate of said deceased, aud said application will be heard on first Monday in Nov. next This Oct. Ist, 1900. G. G. W EEMS, Ordinary. Dou t forget that Bunn & Harper have moved to tbe Copeland building, next to the drug store, where they are better than ever prepared to serve their customers. Be sure to call. Bring Us Your Job Work. Administrator’* Kale. GEORGIA—Henry County. By virtue of an order granted by Court of Ordinary, will be sold before court house door in McDonough, said coun ty, on the first Tuesday in Novemoer, 1900, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying hnd being in the 8h dis trict of said county, being rcres more or less, and being one half undivided inter est in 55 acres of land in the south east cor ner of lot No 125, said distiicf, bounded ou the east and west by lands of R. W. Dickerson and Henry C. Perry, north and south by lands of Dock Moss. Said prop erty belonging to estate of Caroline Perry, dec’d, aud sold to pay debts and for distri bution. Oct. 1, 1900. B. B CARMICHAEL* Adm’r. # For Dismission. GEORGIA—Henry Couuty. H W. Carmichael, administiator de bonis nou upon the estate ot Charles Walker Sr., Dte of said county deceased, having filed his petition for discharge, th.s is to cite all per sons concerned to show fcause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the. Court of Ordinary for said coun ty, to be held on the first Monday in Janu ary, 1901. ibis Oct. !. 1900. G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary. Administrator's Kale. GEORGIA— Henry County. By virtue of an ord >r granted bv the Court of Ordinary, wi 1 be sold before the court house deor in McDonough, said county, on first I uesday in November, 1900, within the legal hours ot sale, the following property towit: All that tract or ptrcel of land situ ated, Iving and being in the Bth district of said county, being 27^ 2 aces more or less, and being one hilt undiv.ded interest in 55 acres in lot No. 125, said district and in so th east corner of said lot, bounded on the east and west by lands of R. W, Dicker son and Henry C Perry, north and south bv lands ot Dock Moss Said property belong to estaie of Seaborn Perry, and sold to pay debt-, and tor distribution Terms cash. Oct 1.1900 B. B CARMICHAEL Administrator. Leave tt» Kell. GEORGIA—Henry Oouiitv. To whom it may concern: J. L. Moslev.t executor of estate of Amelia W. Mosle.y late ot said county deceased, has in due form app ied to the undersigued for leave to sell all the real estate of said deceased, not included in special legacies, and said application will be heard ou first Monday in November next. Oct. 1. 1900. Ct. G. WEEMS, Ordinary. Leave to Kell. GEORGIA—Henry County. To whom it may W. L. Schell administrator of Mary J. Schell deceased’ has in due form applied to the undersigned tor leave tj sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, rnd said application will be heard on first Monday in Nov next This Oct. Ist, 1900. G. G. WEEMS, Ordi nary. For Dismission. GEORGIA—Henry County. S. M. Oglesby, administrator upon estate of Mrs. S. W. Brown, late of said county, deceased, having filed his petition for dis charge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this « discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in January, 1901 Oct I 1900. G. G. WEEMS, Ordinary. ’ We Do Job Printing Also.