The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 02, 1900, Image 5

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J j '— , —nwawHmJ J The daily arrival of New Ooods compels us to call your Do pu want a Suit stylish and ± _ _ « mip t. i _ _ j We have added daily to our al -1 nobby, it so call on us for we are \ ATTBISTTIOIST f read i mmenS e prepared to furnish you with some- > to our constantly increasing STOCK that grows in beauty i thing that will please your fancy. I . J J SHOD STOCK 4 % with every shipment. And we come to you this week an- } ~ . , , k a Magnii.centi.neof i a and it is now almost complete. A tiu:noi,, H Kvn;n, nei;ron§. J nouncing the rarest aggregation of BARGAINS ever offered. J superb collection of SHOES that * zSr r ™ J P,ease note the fo,,oWing liSt 0f ‘• UaU * and pHCeS: * XpoTab&o r?HESs goods. J Our line of J miscellaneous. Ml Wool Block Serge. 36 inches wide, for { CHILDREN - - ( Beautiful patterns in Flanneletts, light and dark .hades 48 nyh. All V, ol ». d B'ue Serge, worth 65c at 50c i A * W A Red and White Wool Flannel in abundance from 15 to 50c .pec-ril Bargains m Black Henriettas at s°. 6°, 75 and «5c \ _ YOTTTTT’fi A «HB4TE!HT BARttAMH KYER IIRARU OP Ali Woo' 54 Venetian Cloth, all colors well worth $1 .'25 at #I.OO f J I t S in Red and White Table Damask, New hie ot 38 inch All Wool Venetian Cloth just received, A A 72 inch, Half Bleach All pure Linen, very heavy weight at 50c special value ut \ Clothing is full of beauties and J 60 inch, Turkey Red Damask in short lengths worth 50c at Jlsc somrtiii*« special in French Flannel., .n \ bargrins. A lovely suit for all a tu S’ K!L Ble » ch .r a n Dan T k f l *;*."*;; Stripes, I olkadots and Solids Beautiful colors... . OOc F £*-,.*** -4-1. F 6* inch, turkey Red Damask, short lengths, worth 6.x; at lOc Wool and Silk OieDon. beautiful natters worth *i9a at -> A the l)OyS, from the little 3 A Nice assortment of Cotton and Linen Towels at specially low price*. Special values nffere/in ttCnaS £f. ’!!!.W loo ' old tot to the largest boy in the $ ™ S : n f d of . T . HO . M . , : SO .^^ L . O !: E . K ! T . n . N( . J . C^ SEr . S #,.00 Remember that we always t& ry a full family. £ . *" v , ... .. a Ladies Cotton Ribbed Under \ eats line ot Blee c.nng and Sheeting. F • _ A o'„ j Checked Homespun, Cali os, Percals, « 4 famine OUT assortment of Ladies Wool Ribbed Vests worth Cotton F.annels, Cheviotts, Hickory ? x w —.-w--- -w—» a A SI.OO ut «5c Sheeting, Bed Ticking, etc., in tact _ j. _ * -1- Cl -t* 1-J JE- tX&jXXXDy Cjt f y Special value in Ladies and Children evcr.vtning in the line of Domestics at A n , , c , . , ~ i Union Suits from 35c to #I.OO the Lowest Possitile Prices. A a COOCS and find everything as pretty and tasty as heart could F A White Wool Blankets trom $2 00 Our line of Dailies, Misses and Childrens A F wish. Call tor what \ 7 OU want, We have it. Beautiful selec- F A , f ” 66-00 Hosiery is complete, aii sizes a low- F tion of Fancy Hose and Neckwaer. $ Wh, at. aDd . C . olo l‘ ed . U, : u . o . n I ! lanketß «sc. est possible p ice. F F dood assortment of Buggy Robes at specially lo w prices * J (MNMMHWMttHM Z Special good values in Gents Mackin- Z x 11 you want a Cape, Jacket or • 3 toshes at $1.50, $2.50, $3.00 and #4.00 8 , T , |-|c; • Skirt we have them. Cloth Capes from j • Ladies and Gents Rubbe ■ Shoes _ . • 50c to #5.00 T >v v j X at a low price. ' X t 1 fl II X Capes from $1 00 ~. #w.OO z / HX f'4 8 Ladies Shopping Bags at 25c, 40c, and 8 V_/ * Z Ladies Jackets trom $3.00 to #IO.oo X J • 50c f f\VJ‘ ® Walking and Rainy Day Skirts in • feMi. ;Jf 8 Ladies Silk and Chiffon Ties and Col- • ~ i —«< >►> > o Heavy Cheviott, Brown and (iray ® X Z lars combined for 50c J riCDrAMTII C r"f\ Z Mixed, well made for $2 50 and ..s,‘{.oo S yf X Big assortment ot Finishing Braid white * i IfKvAIN II Et C(J. 2 e _ cia ' offerings in Jeans at 15j 20c ® s • and colored per bunch 5c and....10c • • 2.5 c and 50 c X V-i''fSy X Just received a new line of Dress Shirts, A PROPRIETORS • Cassimeres at3sc4oc and fiOc 8 V. vtw X something very good at 50c and #I.OO J CTfl n STDPB X ••• Special Bargain in Each X Wm W 2 Biggest bargain ever offered in Gents Co i- j • Wl , are offeri ng special values in Men f \W y 8 ars at c ** >e X X Boys Suspenders 10c 15c 20c 25c 50c. X M rs. Min erva V.emon Passes Away. Cnee Again lisa the lVack p’umH Knight of Fate flashed into the arena of life and his javelin has still d another heart and pad de ed another home. Sorrowful is the thought that all, great and small, rich and poor, proud and humlde, old and young, must meet and fall before him, for he comes with the authority that broke the silence of Eden when the voice of omnipotence pro nounced the awful dpom, “For in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” And hence we are ead today as we pen these lines over one whose presence shall bless and brighten no more the sorrowful-laden hearts of earth. On Tuesday night last, just as the clock struck eight, the soul of Mrs. Minerva Lemon winged its flight back to the gates of eternal glory. Her death, while not sudden, was unexpected, and though quite sick for three or four days, yet each hour was ush ered in upon the wings of hope for her re covery to health. But the unseen messen ger had come ami left his summons at the threshold of her waiting heart. Mrs. Lemon’s maiden name was Minerva J. Mann. She was born, 1831, died Oct. 31), 1900. She had just entered upon her three score and ten yealrs, but God real ized that she was tired and needed rest, for she had ever been dilligent and faithful in the discharge of every duty, and He bade her lie down and rest. On the 17th d.iv o' .luue. 1847, she w .s married to Mr. Abel A Lemon, and she leav s two daughters, Mrs 1. D. Crawford of I, ivejov, Ga., and and Mr». T. C. Nolan of McDonough, and one son, Mr. A. A. Lemon. Jr., ol McDonough, to mi urn her doparture. She wa3 one ol the pioneer citizens of n»ir town, universally loved, tor she was gentle, hospitable and kind, and her magnificent character ernbod <d those matchb-ss graces of a hue woman hood that made her liie grand and sublime. No sweeter, gentler influence than her quiet, queenly li!e ever emptied itself back into the bosom of God. I looked into her pallid lace, upon her pulseless heart, and her si lent lips that whispered to me, she is dead, but 1 answered back in tones of faith, she simply sleeps and rests —such a lile can never die Her touch was tender, her voice was gen tle, her words were sweet, her association attractive, her friendship pure, her conver sation charitable, her character royal with sovereign virtues, her heart thi synonymn of love, making her life symmetrical, its pe riod well-rounded. It seems so natural that she should pass away in the autumn hour after a good and fruitful life, for as the fall ing leaf, fading flower and golden sunset suggest a greener foliage, a brighter blossom and a fairer morn, so does her death seein symbolic of that resurrection eternal, beau tiful and bright. Meek, gentle, loving and kind, there was nothing angular or harsh in her life, a friend to all mankind, and an en emy was a stranger she never knew. A devoted wife, a loving mother, a fond friend has simply moved to a happier home. A want of ostentation in her character but made her life more sparkling and brilliant, lor there was no rough casing of dross to dim its lustre. To the sad and bereaved loved ones we tender our sincerest sympa thy, and while we shall miss her sweet, gentle influence, we thank God that her death was but the moruing star upon the horizon of her life that told of the coming of a brighter day. Her life was a crytal tear drop tailing from the cheek of mercy, drop ping into that joyous stream of Christian faith that flows into the great ocean of God’s infinite love Fa ewell, mother; our tears of so. row will but treshen the flower of memory tl .t will ever keep beautful and bright the blessing and benediction of thy life. The funeaal occurred from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. T. C. Nolan, at 10 o’clock yesterday morning, conducted by Rev, 0. W. Humphries, with the assistance of Rev F. S. Hudson, and the remains were laid to rest wilh those of her lamented hus band in McDonough '•euietery. Tax Collector’s Notice. Second Round. Beeisheba, Friday Nov. 2. Sandy Ridge, Saturday 11. Tussahaw. Monday 5 McDonough, Tuesday 6. Locust Grove, Wednesday 7. Lowes, Luella a. m., Greenwood p m., Monday 8. Hampton, Friday 23. Sixth, Saturday 24. W. H. HARPER, T. C. TonssgM Just before retiring, if your liver is sluggish, out of tune and you feel dull, bilious*, constipated, take a dose ol Hood's Pills And you’ll be all right in the morning. ReKolutioitN % Adopted by the -Flippen Sabbath School Upon the Death of Mr. Henry G. Patter son. VVheres, We have learned through the of ficial government report of the death of our former friend and co-worker in the Sunday Schoal, Mr. Henry G. Patterson, while at his post of duty in the United States army, stationeed in the Phillipiue I lands, Oct 4, 1900, Therefore be it Resolved, Ist, That we are unable to ex press with our lipg the profound sorrow that is felt in our hearts at the untimely death of our young Christian friend, whose future was a promise ot a life of service to h's country and devotion to the cause of Christ. Resolved, 2d, That wbi e among us he commanded the love and respect of all by his faithiulneßß in the discharge of every du ty, his warmhearted and genial disposition, and his willingness to do all that he could for the progress and upbuilding of our Sun day School. * Resolved. 3d, That by h's death our Sun day School has lost a good tn< nd, an ardent supportir, and one whose place will be hard to fill; and the United States army, one whos watchword was duty, who illustrated by his service and death the noble, unselfish spirit that he possessed, sacrificing his life upon his country’s altar and dying at his post of du y. Resolved, 4th, That while he has received an honorable discharge from the infantry ot earth, he has only been transferred to th e legions ot the skies, where ware and hospi tals are unknown, and stands a sentinel looking towards earth, and if we are faithful soldiers in tbe army of Christ here on earth ’till the command “ Forward march” to the eternal shore is given, he will greet us with a heavenly salute, and we shall dwell together throughout all eternity. Resolved, sth, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our Sunday School, that a copy of them be sent to his family, and that The Henry County Weekly I ; requested to publish them. Oct. 28. 1900. J. A. Rootree, Miss Bessie Dailev, “ Virgie Love, Committee. You Know What You are Taking When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Ton ic because the formula is plainly printed on everv bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pav. 50c. Baltimore. Atlanta. Washington, D. C. EISEMAN BROS. 4 STORES IN ONE. 11-13-15-17 Whitehall Street. We have lately bought the Hess Shoe business and con nected the two stores north of us with ours, making now THE LARGEST MENS AND BOYS OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT In the South. We can now supply your wants in everything that Man or Boy wears, from Shoes up. Our Fall selections are unu sually attractive. Our Children’s Department Is made a special feature, and mail orders are excuted with promptness and dispatch. Call on us when you come to the city, whether you purchase or not. Polite attention awaits you. Sole Agents ) 11-14-15-17 Whitehall St., For the “Hess Shoe” j for man and boys. J ATLANTA, GA. NOW SUBSCRIBE FOR * THE WEEKLY AND BE HAPPY. * *