The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 12, 1904, Image 8

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So they invite the Public to HAKE IT THEIR BUSINESS to call on THEiT when they want Bargains in DRV GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, GENTS FURNISHINGS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, GROCERIES AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. For they are the PEOPLE that will save you MONEY on your purchases. * * * -2 VOURS TO SERVE FOR 1904, i£- * * * ™. D. J. GREEN COMPANY. £>ocaZ orer/oZvO. Judge Roan exchanged courts this week with Judge Reagan of >he Flint circuit, and has been holding court at Forsyth while Judge Rea gan was here. Judge Reagan has made a very favorable impression upon the people here by his able and impartial administration of jus tice, unassuming manners and uni form courtesy.—Fairburn Cor. At lanta Journal. Mr. A. G. Harris of Flippen an announces himself a candidate for Representative in this issue. Mr. Harris is one of Henry’s purest and best citizens, than whom no one possesses a higher degree of esteem of his fellow-man. Although prom inent, it is his first solicitation of public favor during a residence of fifty years in the county, and it is needless to say he will attract a large following. The hack horses caused a lively ripple by slipping off from the de pot when no one was watching Tues day night. After vigorous search, joined in by a number of parties with lanterns, the hack and horses were found in front of Judge Tid well’s residence, where they had come in contact with a tree. They had come leisurely along all the way, passing between the court house and Huling Co's, and were standing quietly with no damage done when found. President Bridges, of the McDon ough Telephone Exchange, announ ces that in ten or fifteen days he will have direct connections from McDonough to Atlanta. Arrange ments have been made and the work of putting in the poles is now under way from each end of the line, and will soon meet at South River, the Atlanta Telephone and Telegraph Co. working from the upper end. With his entire system of lines this of course gives Mr. Bridges much better facilities in affording McDon ough complete ser vice. vs D. J. GREEN COMPANY, M’DONOUGH’S LEADING MERCHANTS, SAYS THAT * LOVE is BUSINESS K AND THAT IF A GIRL LOVES A FELLOW, THAT’S HER BUSINESS, IF A FELLOW LOVES A GIRL. THAT’S HIS BUSINESS, IF THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. THAT’S THEIR BUSINESS. BUT IF THEY WANT THE BEST AND CHEAPEST OF EVERYTHING, m* IT IS THEIR BUSINESS TO FURNISH IT. Mr. and Mrs. U. Askew, of Stoekbridge, were in the city shop' ping Tuesday. The best corn salve in the world is sold by the McDonough Drug Co. It is guaranteed. Mr. J. Q. Nolan spent several days in Barnesville last week with his brother-in-law, Mayor T. W. Cochran. We art* glad to note that the con dition of Mr. Joel Bankston Sr. is somewhat improved for the last day or two. Messrs. J. F. M. Fields, T. A. Sloan, Arthur Stewart, Will Wal ker and Tom Pendley went up to Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. Mack Goodwin has been con fined at home the past week with a relapse of grip, and his friends are glad to know he is improving again. Mr. Harris Carmichael visited Col. Ed Stephens in Barnesville last Sunday, and his friends are glad td know he is still improving, though necessarily slow. In this issue appears the an nouncement of Messrs. John Bry ans and E. Oglesby for Sheriff and Deputy, as stated last week would be. Both are well known, with numerous friends all over the coun ty, and can but make good race. Little Luther Hatfield, while jumping rope last. Sunday, fell and had the misfortune to break his collarbone and dislocate his shoul der, though we are glad to note he is now getting along nicely. The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield has also been quite sick the past week. Much sympathy is extended Mr. Marcellus Farris, his wife and daughter, all three of whom have been seriously sick with pneumonia at his home four miles west of McDonough th« past week. For several days friends anxiously nursed them, and are now glad to know they are improving. Three of Mr. Lon Payne's children, in the same settlement have also been down with pneumonia during the week, while we regret to hear reports of much sickness in other sections of the county. Card of Thanks. With loving, yet bleeding hearts, from the death of our precious little Louise, we take this method of thanking our friends for their kind acts and words of sympathy for us in our sore affliction. Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Neal. Bible Study. A Bible study class was organized last Friday afternoon for the pur pose of learning the true way of living. The subject for this after noon (Friday, Feb. 12) is, “What there is in the Bible for us." The lesson is found in Psalm 119 :I—BB. All the ladies and girls of the community are requested to be present at every meeting. Until further notice the class will meet at the Institute on Friday, at 3 :30 p. m. Bring pencil and note book. President. tV lien You Have a Cold. The first action when you have a cold should be to relieve the lungs. This is best accomplished by the free use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This Remedy liquefies the tough mucous and causes its ex pulsion from the air cells of the lungs, produces a free expectoration, a lid opens the secretions. A com plete cure soon follows. This rem edy will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment and it leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by the C. L. Tucker Co. 6EN. JOHN B. GORDON'S OWN BOOK. MEMORIAL EDITION. AGENTS WANTED in every city and county. 100.000 copies will be sold. Agents should apply quickly for territory. The Martin & Hoyt Co., Atlanta, Ga. DENTAL NOTICE. Beginning February Ist, I will be in McDonough the first fifteen days of each month, prepared to do any kind of Dental work, and respect fully solicit the patronage of all. T. A. LirsEY, D. D. S. Commissioner’s Election. An interesting session of the Board of Education was held last Saturday, in addition to the routine business of which was the election of a County School Commissioner. Commissioner Daniel, the well known present incumbent, who has filled the place so long, was not an applicant for re-election, and only Professors O. E. Ham and Lawrence Duffy stood the examination. They are two of Henry’s ablest and most prominent educators, either of whom would have made an excel' lent Commissioner, and consequent ly it was difficult for the Board to make a choice. Prof. Duffy was chosen, however. He has been identified with Henry county’s schools for the past thirty years, and is thoroughly qualified for the work before him. The term of office is four years, the Commissioner being required to give it his entire time and handle the books prescribed under the new law. Prof. Duffy is receiving the congratulations of his friends. Relief in One Minute. One Minute Cough Cure gives re lief in one minute, because it kills the microbe which tickles the mu cous membrane, causing the cough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, draws out the inflammation and heals and soothes the affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable cases of Coughs, Cold and Croup. 0»e Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and old. Sold by the C. L. Tucker Co. WANTED, Laborers —Good steady men can find employment at sl.lO per day to work in our Fertilizer Factory. Apply at Swift's Fertilizer Works, Marietta Road, Atlanta, Ga. If you can't feel cheerful, act cheerful because of the good your example will do others. A Cure for Eczema.* My baby had Eczema so bad that its head was a solid mass of scabs, and its hair all came out. I tried many remedies but none seemed to do any permanent good until I used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. The Eczema is cured, the scabs are gone and the little one’s scalp is perfect ly clean and healthy, and its hair is growing beautifully again. Icannot give too much praise to DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve.—Frank Farmer, Bluff City, Ky. In buying Witch Ha zel Salve look out for counterfeits. DeWitt’s is the original and the only one containing pure Witch Ha zel. The name E. C. DeWitt & Co. is on every box. Sold by the C. L. Tucker Co. There’s glory enough in the ru ral free delivery system for Living ston, Watson and, indeed, for the entire congress. The R. F. D. is the biggest thing that body ever did.—Greensboro Herald. A FINE LOT OF FRESH GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED INCLUDES Mince Meat, Oranges, Apples, Currents, Seedless Raisins, Oat Meal, Eagle Brand Milk, Pie Peaches, Postum, Nuts, Fresh Fish and Oysters, every Saturday, Everything else you want in the line of Fancy' Groceries. J. V. UPCHURCH. PHONE '9.