The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 19, 1904, Image 1

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The Henry County Weekly VOL. XXIX. B. B. CARMICHAEL & SONS. BUGGIES. If it is a Summers or Smith Barnesville Buggy you want we have it. You can’t make a mistake in buying one. Also the White Star Buggy, that can’t be touched in a medium price buggy, its a beauty, see one. STOVES, To beat the band, at CARMICHAEL’S. Popular prices* AGENCY For Deering’s Harvesting Machine Co. You will find with us a full line of repairs. 'foocals. Register. No gardening done yet. Bny your goods at Hiding Co's. Get a nice syrnp stand from T. M. Bright. • Your trade always appreciated by the Huling Co. Mrs. H. C. Bridges is visiting in Atlanta this week. Pretty new stock of lamps at Bright’s. Mr. Robert Mayo was down from Atlanta to spend Sunday. Call at T. M. Bright’s for Heinz’s genuine pickling vinegar. Mrs. R. C. Manley spent several days in Jackson this week. Office next door to W. R. Tidwell for rent. Mrs. T. C. Nolan. Col. John S. Gleaton was down from Atlanta last Saturday. *» ' Overcoats at cost. Get one before it is too late—at Huling Co’s. If it had to come, cotton could hardly go down at a better time. Dr. E. G. Colvin was up from Lo cust Grove on business last Friday. Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pens for sale by the McDonough Drug Co. Miss Daisy Gray of Locust Grove was the guest of Miss Kate Reagan last Saturday. ’* Jonesboro voted last week to is sue bonds for electric lights, and will soon put them in. McDonough, Georgia, Friday, February iq, 1904. FURNITURE The ladies who have an eye to the appearance of their homes, are delighted when the men folks go to CARMICHAELS’ and get them what Furniture they want, knowing of the uniform style of designs and good workmanship to be found throughout their line, which is recognized as the standard throughout these parts. COME ONE AND ALL and get the best treatment to be found. 1 BUILDING MATERIAL. Our well equipped Plaining Mill places us in position to execute all orders for BUILDING MATERIAL on short notice. Will make your old field lumber up into Ceiling, ing, Weather-boarding or anything you may deem best. McDonough, Georgia. The best corn salve in the world is sold by the McDonough Drug Co. It is guaranteed. Mrs. J. B. Chup of Birmingham, Ala. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. L. Tucker, this'week. Mrs. R. A. Edmondson and chil dren left last week to visit her pa rents near Millegeville. Messrs. Frank Turner, David Mc- Kibben and Vera Harjjer of Atlanta spent Sunday in the city. Col. E. M. Smith and Hon. Paul Turner left Sunday morning for Chicago, on legal business. The friends of Mrs. Annie Nolan will regret to hear that she has been quite sick for several days. We are determined this season to eclipse all former trade. Call and see for yourself. Huling Co. Mrs. B. H. Butts of Barnesville is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Joel Bafck ston and Miss Mamie Johnson. Apply at once and get a fine cow. in milk one month, will pay well for care. Mrs. Anna Weaver. FOR SALE— one surrey and one one-horse dray and harness at a bargain. J. S. Rodoers. Mr. B. F. Thompson, a clever and well known citizen of Lowe's district, announces for Tax Collec tor in this issue. Our stock of standard reliable goods is always fresh and complete, at lowest possible prices, and yon are cordially invited to come and see ns. Huling Co. B. B. CARMICHAEL & SONS, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Spinks of Beersheba spent last Friday in the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Spinks. Rev. R. A. Edmondson was called to Cumming by telegraph last Mon day morning to see his mother, who is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dupree and daughter, Miss Beulah, of Luella, spent Sunday in the city with Mr- J. D. Dupree. Mr. Oscar Alexander, who has been spending some time at home west of town, returned to Atlanta last Saturday. The Weekly job office has printed a lot of neat stationery for the bus iness men in and around McDon ough recently. WANTED—Two salesmen in each state ; SSO and expenses ; permanent position. Penicks Tobacco Works Co., Penicks, Va. Misses Lucy Beck, Ethel Walker and May Boyles of Griffin were the guests of Miss Luella McKibben Saturday and Sunday. See our assortment of all kinds of dry goods, groceries, clothing and general merchandise, and we can surely please you. Huling Co. Mrs. Carrie Brown and Miss Buena Brooks of Columbus spent Sunday in the city, the guests of Judge Weems’ family. The Huling Co. is closing out tbeir drugs and {latent medicines at cost. Bee them when wanting any thing in that line and save money. Messrs. Otis Woodruff and Reu ben Berry, who are attending busi ness school in Atlanta, spent Satur day and Sunday with the home folks. We buy our goods in largo quan. titles, and our prices will give you an idea of the advantages of this method. Come and see. Huling Co. Remember T. M. Bright keeps everything in fancy and family groceries. Be sure to call on him for what you want and he will be glad to serve you. Treasurer McKibben has been confined at home the past week with an attack of erysipelas, from which his friends regret to know he has suffered much. It was rumored on the streets yesterday that Mr. Jim Carmichael, of the hustling firm of B. B. Car michael & Sons, would probably be in the race for county treasurer. Those desiring to register will do well to see the notice of Tax Collec tor Ingram in this issue, as he will be able to make only one round for that purpose before the primary. Found on the streets Wednesday, a lap robe, which the owner can get by calling on Howard Carmichael at the Copland Co's furniture rooms and paying for this advertisement. Preliminaries are under way for a new building at Turner's church, which it is the purpose to complete before the close of summer at least. The old structure was sold to the highest bidder for $92 last Tuesday, and work on the new will go for ward as soon as practical. WAGONS. We have just received a car shipment of Studeba ker Wagons. The wagon people of Henry County says it is the best, and we think so. Get one and be convinced. f you want a cheaper wagon than the Studeba ker try a White Hickory, and should it not be as represented, our plan is to refund your money. SEWING MACHINES. When considering the purchase of a St wing Machine calfon us and let one of the boys show >ou a Wheeler'& Wilson. A big assortment of STANDARD SEWING MACHINES always to be found with us, turns home care into pleasure. The catchy advertisement of the H. J. Copeland Co. in this issue can not fail to be seen, and those need ing fencing or anything else in their line would do well to call on them. The formal announcement of Mr. J. Q. Nolan for Representative ap pears this week, as stated in a pre vious issue would lie done. Mr. Nolan’s well known record, notonly at home, but over tlJe state, makes him a prominent citizen whose num erous friends will be glad to honor him. Judge G. G. Weems announces himself for re-election to the office of Ordinary in this issue. His friends are legion, and there is noth ing to be said of him to the people of Henry county, where he has lived so long and is known so well. His popularity always brings to him a strong following. J. T. Oglesby, who has been ap pointed by the department of com merce and labor of the United Sta tes government to collect statistics re garding the number of convicts worked in Georgia, was a caller at the state house Monday. He will visit all the convict camps in the state, getting information for the department.—Atlanta Journal. In this issue Mr. J. B. Brown, one of the cleverest and best clerks Hen ry county ever had, makes his an nouncement for re-election. He is know n from one end of the county to the other, and Jack Brown needs, no introduction to her people ; but The Weekly takes pleasure in say ing he has a clean, clear record, and numbers upon his list hosts of friends. $1 A YEAR