Newspaper Page Text
i he Henry County Weekly
W. H. MORSE, M. D.
When a Protestant becomes a
Roman Catholic it is required that
he should make a “declaration of
faith.” The idea prevails that this
amounts to little more than declar
ing that he “believes in the Holy
Catholic Church,” but there is
much more than that in the decla
ration. It may be of interest to!
give it entire. It is as follows:
“I (the name is here given),:
having before my eyes the Holy
Gospels, which I can touch with,
my hand, and knowing that no one
can be saved without that faith
which the Holy Catholic Apostolic
Roman Church holds, believes and
teaches, against ’which I grieve
that I have greatly erred, inasmuch
as I have held and believed doc
trines opposed to her teaching:
“I now, with grief and contri- j
lion for my past errors, profess!
that I believe the Holy Catholic!
Roman Apostolic Church the only
and true church established by
.Jesus Christ, to w r hich I submit
myself with my whole heart. I
believe ali the articles she proposes
to my belief, and I reject and con
detnn all that she rejects and con
demns, and I am ready to observe
all that she commands me. And
especially, I profess that I believe:
“One only God, in three divine
persons, distinct from and equal
to each other —that is to say, the
Father, the Son and the Holy
“The Catholic doctrine of the
Incarnation, Passion, Death and
Resurrection of our Lord Jesus
Christ; and the personal union of
the tvo natures, the divine
the human; the divine Maternity j
of the most holy Mary, together!
with her most spotless Virginity;
“The true, real and substantial I
presence of the Bobv and Blood,:
together with the Soul and Divin- j
ity of our Lord Jqsus Christ in the !
most holy Sacrament of the Eu
“The seven Sacraments institut-|
ed by Jesus Christ for the salva-j
tion of'mankind; that is to say,;
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist,!
Penance, Extreme Unction, Older,
“Purgatory, Resurrection of the j
Dead, Everlasting Life;
“The Primacy, not only of honor, j
but also of jurisdiction of the Ro-!
man Pontiff, successor to St Peter,
Prince of the Apostles, Vicar of
Jesus Christ;
“The veneration of the Saints i
and their images;
“The authority of the Apostoii-'
cal and Ecclesiastical traditions,
and of the Holv Scriptures, which,
we must interpret and understand
oniv in the sense which our holy
mother, the Catholic Church, has
heJd and does hold;
“And everything else that lias
been defined, and declared bv the
sacred Canons, and by thegenerd
Councils, and particularly bv the
holv Council of Trent, and deliv
ered, defined and declared the
general Council of the Vatican, es
pecially concerning the Primacy of
the Roman Pontiff and his infalli
ble teaching authority,
“With a sincere heart, therefore,
and with unfeigned faith I detest
and abjure every error, heresy and
sect opposed to the said Holv Cath
olic and the Apostolic Roman
Church. So help me God, and
these His holv Gospels, which I
touch with my hand.”—Southern
Answer to the Above.
In the second paragraph above
we read the words: “Knowing that
no one can be saved without the
faith which the Catholic Church
holds, believes and teaches.”
In answer to that vow the can
didate is required to take, I wish
to say that it puts God Almighty
in a position where He is bound
by the assertions of a Roman
priest in saving any person. It
destroys the plan of human salva
tion by repentance toward God
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
In the third paragraph we read:
“I believe the Catholic Church is
the only and true church estab
lished by Jesus Christ.”
In answer to this, I reply that
such a bald statement saddles up
on the shoulders of our Lord Je
sus Christ, according to profane
and sacred history, one of the
most worldly and political and
non-Christian organizations known
to mankind.
In the sixth paragraph we read:
“I profess that 1 believe the true,
real and substantial presence of
the Body and Blood, together with
the soul and divinity of our Lord
Jesus Christ, yi the most holy
Sacrament of the Eucharist.”
In answer to this, 1 have to say
that God does not perform the
miracle of transforming a piece of
bread and a sip of wine into the
real body and blood of Jesus
Christ whenever the Sacrament is
administered. And also that in
denying to the laity of the Cath
olic Church the wine of the sacra
ment, the Hierarchy are denying
the laity full participation in the
benefits of the atonement.
Paragraph nine reads: “I pro
fess that 1 believe in the Primacy,
hot only of honor, but also of
jurisdiction, of the Roman Pontiff,
successor to St. Peter, Prince of
the Apostles, Vicar of Jesus
In answer to this, I have to say
mat Primacy of the
Roman Pope is the unrealized
dream of crafty ecclesiastics, and
the elevation of the Apostle Peter
to a primacy above his fellow
apostles and to be called a “Prince,”
is more than the scriptures allow
him and more than Peter claimed
for himself. And as to the Pope
being the “Vicar of Christ,” it is
bald assertion to say so, and has
no foundation in scripture or iu
Paragraphs eleven and twelve
destroys the individuality of inter
pretation of the word of God, and
you are to believe what is dictated
to you, and therefore your faith,
being a dictated faith, is not real,
but void and vain and with no
power to save.
The last paragraph teaches you
to hate. You are made to prom
ise to hate every sect opposed to
the “Holy” Catholic Church.;
Now sects is a name given to de
nominations of Protestant Chris
tians. These sects or people you
are to hate. Christ teaches his
followers to love, to love their
enemies and do them good. And
here is a Church which calls itself
“HOLY,” and is a teacher of
HATRED instead of a teacher of
In conclusion let me sav that
you being a Protestant and join
ing the Catholic Church, you are
required to confess sorrow for be
lieving wfrnt your mother and
father taught you in their anxiety
to show you the way of salvation,
and thus bring disgrace upon them
and their prayers and tears. So
help me, God, I wouldn’t do it.
A Protestant.
Mr. R. H. Elliott’s House
Totally Destroyed by Fire
Mr. R. H. Elliott’s house was
burned here Wednesday, having
been insured for $4,000, but failed
to renew his policy when due, he
suffers a total loss.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, September 9, 1921.
King Cotton.
No, that’s not it.
801 l Weevil.
King 801 l Weevil.
That’s it.
An insignificant insect has un
crowned the king.
The fourth Sunday will be the
Baptist meeting day here in fu
Miss Eunice Bellah will be a
senior at the Athens State Normal
this term.
“Sixty-five muscles are used to
make a from, only thirteen to
make a smile.”
Mr. G. R. Lewis was here Fri
day. He has employment with
City of Atlanta.
The last Methodist Quarterly
j Conference for 1921 is nruounced
I for Friday, October 21.
Mrs. Emma Askew and Mrs. Litt
Harreii were on the sick list last
week, both are improving.
Next Sunday is Presbyterian day
here and Rev. Mark Hollingsworth
will verv likely be the preacher.
Miss Lona Bellah, principal of
Bostonville School in Warren
county, left this week for that
After the ordeal of a surgical
operation at Wesley Memorial
hospital, Mrs. W. F. Grant is im
Rev. B. W. Collier was the guest
|of M;\ and Mrs. C. M. Power in
! their elegant home during his last
visit here.
Miss Willie Ruth Brannan left
Sunday for Liberty county, below
Savannah, where she will teach
expression and domestic science
in the Glenville schools.
Mrs. Clancv Reynolds, of Alba
ny, having attended Shingleroof
camp, and visited Mrs. Nun Crumb
ley, is now visiting relatives at
Rome and in North Georgia.
The pastor of the Baptist church
now is Rev. C. W. Pope, of Macon, |
who is pursuing a course of study
at Mercer University. He was
elected at the recent September
“David took his sling and five
stones when he went out to meet
Goliath. The extra stones were
for the giant’s four brothers. The |
shecherd boy was ready for the
whole gang.”
One of the swifts among the;
chauffers in these parts is Walter!
Cook. He can almost make a Ford
sing along the highway, as was
our experience in iiis car in a re-:
cent night run from the camp
A lady asked where we got the
Jr. part of Ajax, Jr., as she looked
at our blooming pate. An answer
was hard tu give. Ii may arise
from the fact we don’t care to be
a senior until the four-score mark
is reached.
Mr. Seaborn Harkness gave us
a seat in his automobile from Mc-
Donough to the camp ground the
last evening of the meeting. It
was also our pleasure to sup with
his family at his tent that night.
Many thanks.
R6v. Sam Haynes, evangelist,
won high praise in his ministry at
the Shingleroof camp meeting.
Ten or twelve years ago he was
an humble worker in an Atlanta
machine shop, without religion and
without education. He deserves
great credit for rapid advance
ment. Bro. Haynes is a strong
man in the pulpit and a successful
worker otherwise. His preaching
is not trimmed to poDular fawn,
but virile, straight gospel that
makes its impress.
Stockbridge High School open-
An Invitation.
To the members of the Chas. T.
Zachary chapter of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy:
An invitation is extended to you
and vour husband to be present
,at an informal reception to be
given in honor of the Board- of
Education and faculty of McDon
ough school at the residence of
Mrs. E. J. Rea: n at 4:00 p. 111.
on Friday, Sept. 9th.
‘‘School Days. School Days.”
Do you remember the old song
about school d :ys being golden
rule days? It i wrong to send a
coughing, sneez ng, spitting child
to school to sp ■ "id disease germs
among other li .'Je ones. Common
colds are infect ms.. Protect your
own and other little ones with
Foley’s Honey id Tar. This safe
family remedy hecks coughs tfnd
colds, loosens p llegrn and mucous
and coats raw, irritating mem
branes with a healing, soothing
medicine. Mel) wough Drug Co.
ed Monday witu 93 pupils, with
Prof H. G. McCants, Miss Mary E.
Elliott, Miss Essie Kelley and Miss
Rachel Elliott as faculty. The
opening exercises were held in the
auditorium, attended by patrons,
faculty and students. Devotions
were conducted by Rev. Collier,
and speeches w ere made by Rev.
G. T. Sorrells, Rev. WTO. Butler,
Hon. S. C. McWilliams, Mr. C. M.
Power and Mrs. A. H. Swann. As
this school is not restricted in its
patronage to the Strockbridge dis
trict, as the other high schools in
the county are, it is expected that
patronage will be had from the
north end of the county and that
the number of students will be
much larger. Let Stockbridge
people and all in this section rally
to the upbuilding of this school
and insure its enlarged usefulness
as an important factor in the com
"Rudeness, Nudeness and Levvd
ness are the three things that all
too often accompany the modern
dance. Which one comes first?
Does rudeness lead to nudeness
and to lewdness, or does lewd
nessaccount for nudeness and
rudeness? One thing is certain,
the dance is r.ot conducive to good
manners, and this lack of manners
probably accounts for the nude
ness all too frequently noticeable,
and this nudeness undoubtedly
leads to levvdn s. The dance is
the finishing scuool for these three
things. If one wishes to become
an adept in them, he can can find
no finer training school than the
modern dance. We are not say
ing that everyone who enters
these dances comes out a finished
product in the- three notorious
attributes, but some do, and all
may. We advise those who would
be possessed of refined manners
and of decency to stay sby
of the dance.” AJAX, JR.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Cousins an
nounce the engagement of their
cousin, Miss Algene Flake, to Mr.
Henry Homer Elliott, of McDon
ough, the marriage to be solemniz
ed September 21st. No cards,
Ready to Help You.
If you are subject to biliousness,
gas, bloating, sick headache, sour
stomach or other ills that result
from indigestion and, constipation,
you can get relief with .Foley Ca
thartic Tablets. They are a genu
ine, wholesome physic that affords
prompt, sure and safe relief with
out griping or pain. J. T. Osburn,
R F. D. 1, Lucasville, O.; writes:
“Foley Cathartic Tablets are fine.
I had stomach trouble. I took
Foley Cathartic Tablets and now
I can eat anything. McDonough
Drug Co.
And dry.
Politics ticking.
Muscadines ripe.
Get ready to vote.
Doggone the boll weevils.
The race for Treasurer is farm
ing up.
The price of Ford cars has fell
High price cotton hurts the fel
low with no cotton.
The farmers of Henry county
are facing a hard problem.
Butts county won out in the tax
arbitration in that county last
Twenty-cent cotton is no good
to a fellow' when he has got no
Mr. Fullbright has ordered 25
per cent to be added on this
The Henry County Singing con
vention held its session at Bethany
Mr. E. D. Dickson, of Haber
sham county, is the guest of rela
tives in McDonough.
Ihe High Falls Musical conven
tion, which is composed of the
counties of Newton, Jasper, Butts
and Henrv will hold its annual
session at County Line church in
Butts county next Friday and
Mr. W. D. Carreker, of Cook
Springs, Ala., spent Monday in
McDonough. He was formerly a
resident here and stopped over on
his return home from Molena,
where he was called by the death
of bis uncle there last week.
The district Sunday school con
vention of the Flint River asso
ciation will be held at the Baptist
church in McDonough next Sun
day afternoon. The exercises will
begin promptly at 2:00 o’clock p.m.
A good interesting program will
be rendered. Everybody has a
cordial invitation to attend.
The Kimbell Baptist association
held its annual session at Sharon
church last Wednesday and Thurs
day. It was a most interesting
session with a good attendance
on both days. The association
was royally entertained by the
good people of Sharon community
and on the last day of the session
an old time barbecue was served,
which was greatly enjoyed by all
It was our pleasure to attend
a few services at Shingleroof. The
camp meeting this year had the
regular old time ring to it. We
heard Bishop Candler our first
time and it was one of the best
sermons we have ever heard. He
just simply preached an old time
camp meeting sermon, and just
simply knocked out all these mod
ern, new-fangled methods of the
present day and just to express it
plain, we felt just like saying,
Help Them—Help Yourself.
When you consider the steady
continuous, never - interrupted
work demanded of the kidneys,
you do not wonder that they must
have help occasionally to filter and
cast out from the blood stream the
waste matter that forms poisons
and acids if permitted to remain,
causing backache, rheumatic pains,
stiff joints, sore muscles, dizziness,
floating specks, sallowness and ir
regular bladder action. Foiey
Kidney Pills give relief promptly.
McDonough Drug Co.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Signature of
$2.00 A YEAR