Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Sow wheat.
The bill collector cometh.
Strawberry planting time.
Farmers are in tough luck.
Soon be Thanksgiving day.
Sheriff Reagan, of Clayton coun
ty. was in McDonough Monday.
Several Henry county people
saw President Hardmg in Atlanta.
Ex Sheriff, A. C. Sowell, paid
our town a short call Saturday.
Hale Hand, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday with his parents.
Mr. Walter Moseley has moved
his family to McDonough to reside.
Chief of Police, Moseley, of
Stockbridge, spent a while in Mc-
Donough Saturday.
Ralph Bowden, of Emory Uni
versity, spent the week-end with
his parents.
Editor Elliott, of The Weekly,
spent Sunday afternoon at Locust
Mr. W. D. Knight,of McDonough,
has invented a new adjustable
plow slide.
Wiley A. Clements, formerly of
The Weekly, has accepted a good
position at Athens.
Mr. A. C. Norman, of Ola, at
tended the annual session of the
State Grand Lodge in Macon last
If you find any mistake in your
tax return, call on the Tax Re
ceiver, who will gladly correct any
The North Georgia Conference
will hold its annual session next
Mr. J. T. Rawis, of Tussahaw
district, has taken ihe contract 1o
erect several residences in Atlanta.
Vanie Bowden, who was re
cently hurt by an automobile in
Atlanta, is able to be out again.
Mrs. Charles Welch, of Atlanta,
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bankston.
John R. Smith spent several days
at the State Fair in Macon in the
interest of his filing machines.
We notice that the eyebrows on
the upper lip of some of our young
boys are growing finely.
There will be a singing at Beth
any church next Sundav afternoon.
All music leaders and everybody
has a cordial invitation to come.
The large two story residence
of Mr. Alf Fincher, of Finchers
ville, was destroyed by fire one
day last week. We did not learn
the origin of the fire.
The Baptist Young People’s
Union, of McDonough enjoyed a
halloween Social at the city school
building last Fiiday evening and
it was indeed an enjoyable occa
sion for all present,
The Sunday School of the Meth
odist church in McDonough en
joyed halloween at the church
Friday evening. It was for the
entire school, and a good crowd
was present.
The Presbyterian Sunday school
held a rally day exercise last Fri
day, and also enjoyed a big oyster
supper at 6 o’clock p. m. and the
occasion was enjoyed by all pres
Dock Shaw moved his family to
College Park to reside this week,
where he will be more conven
iently located in the business in
which he is engaged in Atlanta,
we regretlo see Dock leave our
county. -
We went up to Atlanta last
Thursday and saw the Presi
dent of the United States that we
ever saw. The great citv of At
lanta had everything fixed and
ready for his coming, and when
A V etkly Newspaper Devoted to thi Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Mr. P/yron ! Hawkins Weds
Miss Mildred Carmichael
A wedding of elegant symplicitv
and beauty was that of Miss Mil
dred Carmichael to Mr. Byion
Hawkins of Hampton, which oc
curred Thursday evening October
27 at 7 o’clock at the home of the
brides parents Mr. and Mrs. T J.
Carmichael, Dr, W. W. Arnold
The home was beautifully deco
rated with potted plants and cut
flowers. In the parlor where the
ceremony was performed impro
vised alter was erected, The
background being long feathery
ferns, wicker floor baskets the
the handles tied with pink tulle
and holding pink and white cos
mos completed the decorations.
The bridal party entered to the
strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding
march played by Miss Mary Grace
Fields of Hampton. During tne
ceremony “Evening Star” was
softly played.
The bridesmaids Miss . Freda
Turner of Hampton and Miss Eve
lyn Linden of Atlanta dressed in
black charmouse wearing black
picture hats and carrying arm bo
quets of Ophelia roses were first
to enter, then came Miss Esther
Carmichael Maid of honor wear
ing black Canton crepe with black
picture hat and carrying white
roses accompanied by the best
man Mr. Arnold Moore of Hamp
The bride entered with the
groom and was beautiful in navy
blue tricotine suit, with black
panne velvet hat and accessories
to match and carried boquet of
brides roses showered with lilies
of the valley. y
Only relatives and intimate
friend witnessed the ceremony.
Immedia4ely after the wedding
Mr. and Mrs Hawkins left for
Florida on a wedding trip and
upon their return will be at home
to their friends at Hampton where
Mr. Hawkins is one of its prospe
rous business men.
Miss Esther* Carmichael enter
tained at dinner Wednesday even
ing in honor ot the Hawkin-Uar
micbael bridal party. The house
was decorated with ferns and cut
flowers. Pink Chrysanthemums
were used very effectively on the
mantel and buffet with a crystal
basket of the same flowers as the
central decoration on the dining
table. Covers were laid for Misses
Mildred Carmichael, Evelyn Liu
don Miss Mary Field, Freda Tur
ner and Ruth Carmichael. Messrs
Byran Hawkins, Arnold Moore,
George Eubanks Atlanta.
Hair Cut 20 Cents.
If it’s n first class hair cut you
want or vour hat of any make
cleaned, come to Hand, Coker and
Wilson’s barber shop, where you,
can get your hair cut for 20 cents
or your hat cleaned for 35 cents,
Yours for service,
.Hand, Coker and WiLsoh.
he arrived at the terminal station,
he was met by the reception com
mittee and was extended a rous
ing welcome to the citv. The
President is a pleasing and pleas
ant looking man, and was accom
panied by his wife. We witnes
sed the big parade in the after
noon, and it was indeed a big
! parade, and was witnessed by one
l of the largest crowds ever saw m
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, November 4, 1921.
Bv order of Judge Searcy the
adjourned term of Henry Superior
Court for November 7 th, has been
postponed, probably to first Mon
day in December, forma! announce
ment of which will be made.
Jurors, witnesses and parlies
will take due notice and govern
themselves accordingly.
J. A. FOUCHE, Clerk,
Nov. 3, 1921.
Week of Prayer
The Womans Missionary Society
of the Methodist Church will ob
serve the week of praver Nov. 7-
11. inclusive. Services at the
church each clay at 3:00 P. M. and
all are invited to attend.
The young people under leader
ship of Mrs. William Peace will
have charge of services Thursday
afternoon and the Juniors in
charge of Mrs. R. L,. Turner will
conduct the service Friday after
Mothers make an especial effort
to be present these two days and
there bv show your appreciation
to those two leaders, who are lab
oring faithfully with your children
and also to «ncourage the children.
Lost—A mortgage note of SSO,
finder please return to S. P. Hooten
or The Henry County Weekly of
If you are interested in agricul
ture’, the basic industry of our'
country, attend the Fordsan Trac
tor demonstration given by H. M.
Amis Company, next Monday and
Tuesday. Cars will be in waiting
to carry you to the field.
For Sale —Recleaned and graded
Fulghum and Bancroft oats at BCK
per bushel, or will exchange oats
for good dry, unbroken peas al
lowing $1.25 pei - bushel for peas!
in exchange for the oats. A. G.
Combs, Locust Grove, Ga.
It is' with sincere regret that the
many friends of Miss Ellene Meal
received news of her illness with
appendicitis at Columbia, S. C,,
where she is teaching. She under
went an opt ration Tuesday, and
we wish for her a re
covery at an early date.
We hive near McDonough sr
fine piano slightly used and part- 1
ly paid for, which we will sell to
party willing to comolete the re
maining monthly payments. Send
name and address for full infor
mation. Cable Co ,82 84
N. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga.
Wanted:—Men or women to
lake orders among friends and
neighbors for the genuine guaran
teed hosiery, full line for men,
women, and children. Eliminates
darning. We pay 75c an hour
spare time, or s3b a week for full
time. Experience unnecessary.
rWrite InternationaLStocking Mills,
Norristown, Pa. *
■ On Friday evening, October 28,
at the Presbyterian church the
Woman’s Auxiliary held their Ral
ly. Every member of the .church
was invited to an oyster supper,
after which a fery interesting
program was rendered, consisting
of readings on Home Missions.
Special music, and an address by
the pastor. As a result of this
meeting a Junior Missionary So
ciety was organized, and the men
are discussing plans for Mission
For lirfants anti Children
Him UJs€> F'oirOwetrS© Yfears
Always bears
Signature of
Series of Sermons
at Babtist Church
Dr, W. W. Arnold preached the
first of a series of Sunday evening
sermons at the evening service
last Sunday, the subj ct being.
“The man who loses his pas!” the
subject ns announced for the
second Sunday being. The man
who disappoints his future” the
third subject. “The man of the
street”"and the fourth and last.
“Gods man”.
The sermon Sunday evening
was unusual and full of vital truths
and no doubt the whole series will
be helpful.
We wish to express our thanks
and true appreci ition for the many
offices ol sympathy and help ten
dered us by our friends since the
recent fire, which destroyd much
of our worldly goods together with
treaures which money can never
replace, as all know who have
passed through similar experience.
May God bless you all.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Scarbrough
and family.
The night prowler isn't looking for
the man whose money is in a bank bal
ance, and who has nothing but 4 'chicken
feed' 7 in his pockets*
% - •
You never heard of a man being stop
ped on the street and compelled by a hold
up bandit to sign a check*
v V*u> % ;
The man who "carries a roll/' either
to flash, or because he "doesn't believe in
• •
banks," is the man the hold-up is look
ing lor*
Better be safe than sorry*''
National Bank,
* • McDonough, ga.
52.00 A YEM
The Trial of the Robin’*
“The Trial of the Robbers', r.
be presented at Luella church.
Next Sunday at 3:00 n. m„ Ivor.
6th., the Senior B. Y. P. U. c
Griffin First church will present
“The Trial of the Robbers” at Pa
ella Baptist church. All the peo
ple of this and adjacent commtw
ties are cordially invited to atteck
Anyone failing to do so will
a great deal because it is m e 4
the finest presentations of a prin
cipal taught in the old as weßwt
the New Testament, given ii? tii
form of a trial, Mai. 3:8.
Bankrupt Notice.
In tlie District Court of the Unites:
States, for the Northern Outre:
of Georgia.
In the matter of John EiwariU
Phillips, in bankrnotcy, To tit
creditors of the abo - named h«i
rnpt of the county of Henry a sic
district aforesaid. Notice is hftt*
by given that on October 29,
tlie said .1 E. Phillips was tfftiq
adjudged bankrupt, and that a
meeting of his creditors will Is
held at my office, 109% Solo it m.
St., Griffin, Ga., on November vfg
1921, at 10 o’clook, a. m., at wl hi
time the said may attenc
prove their ctaims, appoint a Trus
tee, examine the bankrupt, ani
transact such other business e*
may properly cotpe before lY>t
JNO. J. HUNT, Referee
Griffin, Gi