The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 30, 1923, Image 2

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HAIR STAYS COMBED, GLOSSY “Hair Groom” Keeps Hair Combed—Well-Groomed. "ha\pT GROOM ( TUSIHAARMa Keeps Hair / MM £ Millions Use It—Fine for Hair!—Not Sticky, Greasy or Smelly. A few cents buys a jar of “Ilalr- Grooni” at any drug store. Even stub born, unruly or shampooed hair stays combed all day in any style you like. “Hair-Groom” is a dignified combing cream which gives that natural gloss and well-groomed effect to your huir— that final touch to good dress both Jn business and on social occasions. Greaseless, stninless “Hair-Groom” does not show on the hair because It Is absorbed by the scalp, therefore your hair remains so soft and pliable and so natural that no one can pos sibly tell you used it. Some elderly people are made happy by being Invited to all the parties, even if they can’t go. Don’t Let That Cold Turn Into “Flu” Rub on Good Old Mutter ole That cold may turn into “Flu," Grippe of, even worse, Pneumonia, unless you take care of it at once. Rub good old Musterole on the con gested parts and see how quickly it brings relief. Colds are merely congestion. Mus terole, made from pure oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other simple ingredients, is a counter-irritant which stimulates circulation and helps break up the cold. As effective as the messy old mustard plaster, it does the work without the blister. Just rub it on with your finger-tips. You will feel a warm tingle as it enters the pores, then a cooling sensation that brings welcome relief. 35c and 65c, in jars and tubes. Better than a mustard platter Wihtershiths P KpiLL SONIC SOLD SO YEARS A FINE GENERAL TONIC PARKER’S hair balsam I**Jp 1 KemoTcsnanarufl StopaHalrFalllnE -|n Re*tore» Color und itf ~Kfkl Beauty to Gray and Faded Haii 1 HSU Wc. and Jl.OOat PruErtsta. byM.t.l s'?' A Bisocx Chrrn. Wks. PatchoKue.N. Y. HINDERCORNS Coma. Cal lon sea. atopu atl pain, ensures comfort to tho feet, makes walking- easv. lftu. by mail or at Drugw gists, litscox Chemical Works, N. Y I. Uvs Don’t treat sore, lo- INI -Vf flamed, smarting eyre f II p. with powerful drug* yl V _ ‘’dropped” In by hand. , 1 A toothing, eflectire. safe y- r) Cuticura Soap is ideal For the Hands Soap 25c, OktaMflt 25 aed 50c, Talcum 25c. LOOK' I WANT AGKNTS IN EVEKV STATE IX THE V. 8. A. to sell county rights to late Invention, to be used In every garage; can send cuts showing use of same; made In blacksmith shops, name your state; plan, fifty-fifty; will sell state to party; they can sell counties. Address litV WOOD. DII.LEY. TEXAS. WANTED —MAX WITH Al TO to sol 1 guaranteed TIKES and TUBES. Will arrange salary ami expenses with right man. Amazon Troducta Co., Dept. A, Cleveland, O. 8. C. RHODE ISLAND REDS—REAL REDS —mated breeding pens. $lO. sls Hatching eggs, 13 and *5 setting. Fertility guaran teed. L S. POWELL, GADSDEN. ALA. GLOBE TOMATO PLANTS Postpaid; 100, 40c; 800, 11.50; 1,000, *2.40 W. G. COWARD. NOCATEE, FLA NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD DIBPATCHEB OF IMPORTANT HAP PENINGS GATHERED FROM OVER THE WORLD. FOR THE JUSY READER The Occurrences Of Bevert Days Given In An Epitomized Form For Quick Reading Foreign— The American consulate at Smyrna has been destroyed by fire. The seals and records were saved. Count Cuno von Moltke, former aide to the kaiser, and former governor of Berlin, died here. Berlin, died recently. All available military and police forces are searching for five-year-old Toacana Ordoned, of Reunion, a small village near Rodas, Santa Clare prov ince, Cuba, who was reported to have been kidnaped. Free State troops discovered and im mediately attacked insurgent headquar ters near Kingstown. After a brisk battle in which a Free State soldier and a rebel were killed, and one wounded, five rebels and a large quan tity of ammunition were captured. Dan Breen, one of the Republican leaders, who formerly lived in Chicago, according to records at Dublin, is re ported to have been wounded in a fight with Free State troops. No official confirmation of the report has been received. Francesco Tisbo, the New York steamship ticket agent and banker, under indictment in that city with his two brothers on grand larceny charges, arrived at Naples on the steamer Toar mina from New York and was detained, with his wife, on board that vessel. Money to the amount of 60,000 lira was found in his baggage. The countess of Westmoreland Is planning to make her debut in London as a professional soprano on Easter. The countless does not profess that she is making the venture for any other purpose than to earn a living. Her husband died last year. The condition of the earl of Carnar von, who is suffering from blood poi soning in Cairo, Egypt, is still serious, but it is stated that he is maintaining bis recent improvement without the re currence of high temperature. Payment of $20,000,000 a year for twelve years to the United States in settlement of the costs of the Ameri can army of occupation in Germaify seems feasible, in the opinion of Eliot Wadsworth, assistant secretary of the American treasury, in an interview by a London newspaper. Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, world’s most famous actress, who has been posing In moving pictures, has suffered an attack of ptomaine poisoning and has oeen unable to appear for two days, It was learned at Paris. Mme. Bern hardt was said to be in greatly weak ened condition and her doctor is uncer tain when she will be strong enough to resume her work in the films. That a Jewish athlete named Breit bar, 34, 6 feet 3 inches in height, and weighing 210 pounds, can bite through steel, is vouched for by a medical cor respondent of the London Lancet. The Yew’s performances astounded a com mittee of physicians, smiths and pres idents ofl athletic corporations, who saw him sever with his teeth several iron and steel chairs one-fifth of an inch thick; bend in a circle iron rods half an inch square, using his mouth as a fulcrum, and other just as difficult feats. Washington— Freed from the charge of a baseless murder by the confession of another man, Charner Tidwell, a half-breed Cherokee Indian, has been released from an Oklahoma penitentiary after having served twenty-five years. He is now enjoying the wealth inherited from Oklahoma oil fields. The Seaboard Air Line railway pe titioned the Interstate Commerce Com mission for authority to guarantee principal and interest on $6,600,000 of jquipment trust certificates. Proceeds from the sale of these securities would be applied to the purchase of 2,000 freight cars, 20 locomotives, 29 miscel laneous cars and in the rebuilding of 2,000 freight cars. A blanket denial of the complaint Pf the federal trade commission against the proposed merger of the Bethlehem, Midvale and Lackawanna Steel companies has been filed with die commission by the Bethlehem and Midvale companies. Formal announcement was made by the tariff commission that it soon would start its first investigation un der flexible provisions of the new tar iff act, to determine whether the rates on seventeen commodities are equit able. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH. GEORGIA. The problem of dividing the air to give everybody a chance to use it for radio purposes was taken up in ear nest by the second national radio con ference at Washington. After two days of public discussion the confer ence closed its door and in executive session commenced an attempt to lay out unconflicting air channels for gov ernment and public use. The census bureau announces that active spindle hours for February numbered 8,440,376,685, or an average of 277 for each spindle in place, com pared with 9,266,000, or an average of 249 for January. Spinning spindles in place February 28 numbered 37,276,- 307, of which 35,307,707 were operated at some time during the month, com pared with 37,225,419 in place and 35,- 240,853 active in January. French occupation of the Ruhr by cut ting down coal production there, has occasioned an expansion in American bituminous coal exports. British coal production is now ranging about five and a half million tons a week. The Ruhr region normally produced more than ninety-three million metric tons of coal annually. Domestic— Mary Eloise Hughes Smith Daniel, who was the wife of Robert W. Daniel, of Philadelphia, a banker, is suing her husband for a divorce. Daniel rescued his wife, then his sweetheart, when the Titanic went down. Nicola Sacco, convicted murderer, be came violent ill at the Boston, Mass., psychopathic hospital, where he is un der observation as to his sanity. He ie a hunger striker. Rev. Father Walter A. Grace, pas tor of the Shrine of St. Ann, at Arvado, a suburb of Denver, Colo., has been ar rested on the charge of having forged the name of Sister Germaine, sister superior of the Mullen Home for the Aged, to an application for five bar rels of whisky. It is stated in a Chicago newspaper that an Italian Fascist!, with 65 mem bers, has been formed in that city. It is stated that the object of the club is to further the social interests of the Italians in the United States. Mrs. Hazel Ober Collins, an Indian apolis, Ind., cabaret singer, died sud denly the other day. She is believed to have taken poison after a quarrel with a man said to be older than she and also a wealthy suitor. Two Denver, Colo., victims revealed the methods of twenty members of an alleged “confidence ring.” The men are charged with, among other things, laying bets on false race horse “win ners.” Des Lao, North Dakota, which, last year, elected a full complement of wom en to run its affairs, has, in a recent election, “turned them out,” and filled their places with “mere men.” A majority of the qualified voters of Brunswick, Ga., have expressed themselves as in favor of municipal op eration of the street cars of that city. A hand of renegade Piute Indians staged an outbreak at Blanding, Utah, recently. One Indian, so far. has gone to the hbppy hunting ground, hut no whites are reported injured. Anniston, Ala., Masons are in the throes a drive to erect a Masonic tem ple. So far they have raised $60,000, and they expect in a week to raise enough to complete tha project. The courts of Norfolk, Va.. restored to John J. Kelly, a former saloon keep er, $35,000 worth of whisky he had bought before prohibition became effec tive. Prohibition! officials had confis cated the firewater. A million dollar conspiracy to boot leg liquor withdrawn from bond upon permits bearing forgeries of the name of E. C. Yellowley, acting federal pro hibition director for New York state, has been reported by the authorities to have been frustrated in the seizure of the Pershing warehouse in New York City. Bonded liquor valued at ten million dollans had been stored in the warehouse by the department of inter nal revenue. Both the prosecution and the defense have rested their case in the trial of twenty alleged confidence men charged with extracting several thousands of dollars from tourists in Denver during the last five years. The jury was dis missed until the judge can study the case, and he will later deliver his in structions to that body. Acting on a tip received through in tercepted wireless messages between the rum fleet off the New Jersey coast and a guest at a hotel in the Times Square section. New York City* the en tire coast guard in that vicinity is now searching for a drifting motorboat be lieved to be laden with liquor. Fiio, which broke out in the brush factory at the Allegheny county work house at Hoboken, Pa., ten miles from Pittsburg, destroyed the building ai\d spread to other parts of the institu tion. More than a thousand prisoners were confined in the building and the wildest confusion prevailed for a time. No one was hurt. The loss was placed at $150,000. Don’t let child stay } bilious, ' MOTHER, OPEN CHILD’S BOWELS WITH “CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP” Even Cross, Feverish, Sick Children Love its Taste and it Never Fails to Empty Little Bowels If your child is listless, full of cold, has colic, or if the stomach is sour, breath bad, tongue coated, a teaspoon ful of “California Fig Syrup” will quickly start liver and bowel action. In a few hours you can see for your self how thoroughly It works the con stipation poison, sour bile and waste right out and you have a well, playful child again. A baby is good company in a crowd because it is perfectly willing to en tertain. ghangToTweather A SOURCE OF DANGER Colds, coughs and other pulmonary troubles always follow a change in the weather. Take Cheney’s Expectorant when you first feel that chilly sensation, when you begin sneezing, when your head begins to feel full and stopped up. Coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough and all similar affections are quickly relieved by Cheney’s Expectorant, and no family should be without it. It is for sale by all druggists and in smaller towns by general merchants in 30c and 60c bottles. —Advertisment. ± To totally escape public notice, ar rive late at a circus. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one medicine that really Stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root stands the highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly be cause its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gen tle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Advertisement. Most people grieve $2 worth every time they lose a dollar. Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off Ointment in live minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It is wonderful what Cuticura will do for poor complexions, dandruff, itching and red, rough hands. —Advertisement. A man isn't necessarily • a failure because he has failed. If your eyes smart or feel scalded, Ro man Eye Balsam applied upon going to bed la just the thing to relieve them. Adv. The older a woman grows the fewer adjectives she uses. STONE CYPHER’S IRISH POTATO BUG KILLER ' ■ ■ - ’ • ~ • '' ; “Dcy* a I ....MW II Ml,I n '4urfk MJj Every year you plant Irish Potatoes. | Every year you have Potato Bugs. Every year you should use STONE CYPHER'S Irish Potato Bug Killer Guaranteed to destroy the bug without damage to the plant. Also destroys all leaf eating insects on cabbage, encumber, cantaloupe, squash and tomato vines. Ap pi? lightly. Cost low. Applicaton easy. .# Results sure. • fe J-rf For Sale by Drug, Seed /ft and General Stores STONE CYPHER DRUG & & CHEMICAL CO. Westminster, - - - 8. C. Millions of mothers keep “Califor nia Fig Syrup” handy. They know a teaspoonful today may save a sick child tomorrow. It never cramps or overacts. Ask your druggist for genu ine “California Fig Syrup,” which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, you must say “California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. Personal Eulogy. Kriss —Does Stuckup believe in a supreme being? Kross —You would think so if you heard him singing his own praise.— New York Sun. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans ! Hot water Beu-ans 25$ AND 75$ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE ■K&Hf Km For Rheumatism Quick relief/ The quickness, the sureness with which Sloan’s brings re lief has made it the standard remedy for rheumatic pain. Apply Sloan’s to that sore, stiff joint or aching muscle. The pain that has seemed so unbearable disap pears with amazing rapidity. Sloan’s breaks up the inflam mation behind most rheu- , matic pain. It goes to the source of the trouble. It scatters the congestion that causes the pain. All druggists carry Sloan's. Sloans \Jm\msmt-kills pain! For rheumatism. braises. Btrains-cbegt colds Hair Gray? r.^f ary Ti. Gol< J m an’s Hair Color Reatorer reslores the original color. Writ* for free trla! bottle-teat It on one lock of hair. State color of your hair. Address Mary T. vr% d n maa ' 1440 Goldman Building, St. Paul*