Newspaper Page Text
Eases Quickly When You
Apply a Little Musterole
And Musterole won’t blister like the
old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just
spread it on with your fingers. It
penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle
tingle, loosens the congestion and draws
out the soreness and pain.
Musterole is a clean, white ointment
made with oil of mustard. It is fine for
quick, relief from sore throat, bronchitis,
tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma,
neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleu
risy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and
aches of the hack or joints, sprains, sore
muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet,
colds on the chest. Keep it handy
for instant use. 35c and 65c, jars and
tubes; hospital size, $3.00.
Better than a mustard planter
When the body begins to stiffen
and movement becomes painful
it is usually an indication that the
kidneys art out of order. Keep
these organs healthy by taking
¥ ATHnnp’Q
The world’s standard remedy for kidney;
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Famous since 1696. Take regularly and
keep in good health. In three sizes, all
druggists. Guaranteed as represented
Look for the name Gold Medal on every
box and accept no imitation
IF you have been ill, and it seems
as if you never would get your
strength back, you need the won
derful strengthening and rebuilding
qualities of Glide’s Pepto-Mangan.
It has helped thousands of invalids
and convalescents to get back their
strength, put on firm flesh, eat well,
sleep well, feel well and BE well!
Your druggist has Gude’s Pepto-
Mangan—liquid or tablets, as you pre
Tonic and Blood Enricher
Chi/3 Tonic
Old Standard Remedy for
Chills and Malaria, eoc
Have you
Lumbago or Gout?
Take RHEUMACIDK to remove tbecause
ami drive the poison from tuesystem.
~ .-.- rw uKKcasTisa os tiis outside"
At All i>rug;g;lst*
Jas. Bally & Sod, Wholesale Distributors
s. Baltimore, Md,
Don’t Hide Them With a Veil; Remove
Them With Othine—Double Strength
This preparation for the treatment ot
freckles Is usually so successful In removing
freckles and giving a clear, beautiful com
plexlon that it is sold under guarantee to
refund the money If it falls.
Don’t hide your freckles under a veil;
get an eunce of Othine and remove them.
Even the first few applications should show
a wonderful improvement, soiie of the
lighter freckles vanishing entirely.
Be sure to ask the druggist for the
double-strength Othine; it is this that la
eold r on the money-back guarantee.
Hair Gray?
Mary T. Goldman’s Hair Color Restorer
restores the original color. Write for free
trial bottle — test It on one lock of hair,
State color of your hair. Address Mary T.
Goldman, i**D Goldman Building. St. Paul*
fBE E—EXPERT OF I MON on defaulted
stocks or bonds. They may have a value.
Send full particulars to OLAY & OLAY,
SO East 23rd Street, NEW YORK CITY
Atlanta. —Their dreams of lreedom
shattered, as the result of a pistol
battle near Athens in which one con
vict was wounded and his companion
captured, Gerald Chapman, said to
have been the bruins of a recent mil
lion-dollar mail robbery, is now being
treated in a private hospital in the
Classic City and Frank Grey is again
behind the bars of the United Slates
prison here.
Macon. —Ed F. Newberry, federal
prohibition agent, has been suspended
under orders received from Washing
ton, it became known recently. New
berry confirmed the report of the sus
pension, but insisted that he had done
nothing wrong. He said he had been
using his daughter’s automobile, in
stead of a taxicab, and has letters from
his chiefs in Washington authorizing
such use. Newberry is alleged to
have charged for the use of the auto
mobile, as if he were hiring a taxicab.
Atlanta. —“Lax druggist license laws
in Georgia have caused applicants for
pharmacy licenses to flock to the
state from all over the Country, with
the result that Georgia ranks next to
the last in the whole country in educa
tional standards for prospective phar
macists,” J. It. Pendergrass declared
fn a talk before the members of the
Atlanta Exchange club at the weekly
luncheon of the organization. Mr. Pen
dergrass declared that for every 1,000
persons in Atlanta there was a drug
Savannah. —Planning to exert its ut
most To bring the state up to efficiency
in man-power through betterment of
health conditions, especially in the
natter of eradicating malaria in south
Georgia and tuberculosis in the whole
state, was the earnest spirit pervad
ng the afternoon session of the con
ference here of the Municipal League
if Georgia which has more than a
lundred representatives from more
‘.ban fifty cities, towns and counties
present—mayors, city attorneys, health
officers and city engineers.
Montezuma. —Watermelon growers
And local buyers state that the acrc
nge planted to watermelons in thiß sec
ion will be considerable, though prob
ibly not as large as usual. Growers
feel that tbit* season offers them one
decided advantage over previous
mars. Usually the melons from mid
lie Georgia come on the market just
is it is glutted with the melons of
south Georgia which come in about
wo weeks in advance of those of this
section. This year, however, the
;arly planting in south Georgia was
villed by the recent freeze and melons
from both sections will be ready for
market at about the same time.
Atlanta. —Six states in the union, in
eluding Georgia, hold annual sessions
of their legislatures, 40 hold- biennial
sessions and one, Alabama, holds quad
rennial sessions, according to statis
ics compiled at the office of the at
torney-general. Sixteen states in the
union do not limit the sessions of
their legislatures and the average
hint of the sessions in 31 states is
51 1-2 days, it is stated. Tn three
states the term of the representatives
m four years, in 41 states their term
Is two years and in three states, one
year. The term of the state senators
s four years ia 30 states, in 16 states
'wo years and in one state, one year
Atlanta. —Railroads in Georgia and
throughout the south it was stated by
officials here, face the task of trying
Lo move a greatly increased amount
of business with facilities which are
entirely inadequate. It is, therefore,
of the utmost importance, they point
out, to make the existing equipment
more efficient through increased mile
age, This can only be done, they say,
through the fullest possible co-opera
tion bet wen the railroads and the ship
pers. The shipper is alolwed 4S hours
In which to load cars, and the con
sigree is allowed the same time to
unload. By expediting the loading and
unloading, railroad men assert, they
have it in their power substantially to
increase the number of car 3 available
'or serving the public.
Atlanta. —Fines ranging from $25 to
$250 have been imposed on shippers
alleged to have violated the food and
drug act by shipping adulterated or
misbranded foods and feeds, accord
ing to information received here from
the .bureau of chemistry of the United
States department of agriculture. The
list includes olive oil, butter, salmon,
candy, eggs, oysters, catsup, flour and
cottonseed meal. Eight other ship
ments of food have been destroyed
and 19 shipments were released under
bend on coaditioc that the products
be re-labeled to comply with the law.
Six seizures were made under the
Shirley amendment to the food and
drugs act which prohibits false or
fraudulent claims on medicinal prepa
The Great American Sweetmeat
- provides pleasant action
lor your teeth, also
penetrating the crevices
and cleansing them.
Then, too, It aids
Use WRIGLEY’S alter
every meal —see how
much better you will
Good to the last drop
Effiore tlian a slogan
to the man whose
travels have taught
him how bad coffee
can taste; it is a
downright state*
ment of fact.
HOyO. Products
Baby Carriages & Furniture
Ask Your Local Dealer
Write Now
trated ISfllH 9
The Lloyd Manufacturing Company
(Htyioood- Wakefield Co.)
Dept. E
Menominee, Michigan (16)
Pai Off cj
No skin break too small
for notice.
Be very wary of cuts, scratches
and skin abrasions, no matter
how slight “Vaseline” Carbol
ated Petroleum Jelly—applied
at once —lessens the possibility
of infection.
It comes in bottles—
at all druggists and
general stores.
State St. New York
Every "Vaseline” product it recom
mended everywhere because of its abso
lute purity and effectiveness.
Color Restorer will bring back original color
quickly stops dandruff. At all good dru*gistu
TV-, or direct from Hans-ESit. Chsaiata, * r l -- T
W. N. u., ATLANTA, N 0 .14-1923.
Sunday School
' Lesson f
Teacher of English Bible In the Moody
Bible Institute of Chicago.)
Copyright, 1923, Western Newspaper Union.
LESSON TEXT—Genesis 12:1-5. He
brews 11:8-10, 17-19.
GOLDEN TEXT—Abraham believed
God and it was counted unto him for
righteousness.—Romans 4:3.
4:1-25; Galatians 3:6-9; James 2:21-24.
PRIMARY TOPlC—Abraham Obeying
JUNIOR TOPlC—Abraham, the Man
Who Trusted God.
lC—Abraham, the Friend of God.
IC —Abraham, the Pioneer of Faith.
I. His Call (Genesis 12:1-5). The
human race, as such, had failed, and
now we see God's purpose as to the re
demption of the race taking shape.
Therefore he singles out this lonely
man to make him the head of a nation
i through whom redemption was to
1. His Separation (v. 1). He was
called to go out of his own country;
to separate from his kindred and go
lo an unknown land. These were all
very dear to liis heart but they were
to be given up that Abraham might
have God and he the father of alLthe
faithful. Abraham was living among
idolaters; therefore, he must separate
from them. Even his kindred must be
left behind for they were idolaters.
Following God costs much that is dear
and precious to us today. To attain
unto the highest and best in the spirit
ual life many things which are pleas
ant to the carnal nature must be sacri
2. God’s Gracious Promise to Him
(w. 2-3). (1) “I will make of thee a
great nation.” This was fulfilled in
a natural way In a great posterity
(vv. 13-16) and in a spiritual seed. See
John 8:39, Galatians 3:16-17. (2) “I
will bless thee.” God lias'wonderfully
blessed Abraham In a natural and
spiritual way and still greater realiza
tion of this promise is to come to
Abraham’s seed. (3) “Make thy name
great.” Abraham was called the
friend of God. James 2:23. Abraham
is a universal name. (4) “Thou shalt
be a blessing.” Untold blessings have
come to the world through Abraham
and still a greatei blessing will be
realized when the fullness of God’s
purpose concerning that nation shnll
be realized. (5) “I will bless them
that bless thee.” (6) “I will curse
him that curseth thee.” Abraham’s
seed is God’s very touchstone. Na
tions and individuals who have used
well Abraham’s descendants have been
blessed and those who have cursed
them have In turn been cursed. (7)
“In thee shall nil the families of the
earth be blessed.” This Is the all
comprehensive promise of God because
it shall come to the world througli the
Messiah. Galatians 8:16. While
Abraham had to give up much he
gained infinitely more than he lost.
3. His Obedience (vv. 4-5). With
out question or delay Abraham took his
departure to the unknown land.
Though he did nor know whither he
was going he knew that God had
spoken. To have God’s command and
promise is enough foe the child of
11. Abraham's Faith (Hebrews
1. Its Source Was the Word of God.
He had heard God’s call. Because God
had spoken to him he went forward.
Faith takes God at his word.
2. Its Practice (vv. 9-10). He never
settled down anywhere even in
the lund of promise. Bfc was a true
pilgrim. He was content to pass
through the land because his eyes were
fixed on a city which had foundations,
whose builder and maker was God.
The Christian does not settle down in
this world ns though he was going to
make his home. He lives in the world
but Is not of it. His citiajpnship Is in
111. Abraham’s Testing (11:17-19).
L At the Command of God He Ottered
Up Isaac, His Only Son. (v. 17). Going
out Into an unknown country was sim
ple in comparison to laying his son on
the altar of sacrifice. But he who
had obeyed God In going out from his
country and kindred was now to pass
through the supreme test.
2. The Promise of Blessing Was
Wrapped Up in Isaac, (vv. 18). It was
not a promise which might take any
descendant of Abraham hut this par
ticular child. The way seemed dark
and the command conflicting with the
promise, but faith does not consider
3. The Supreme Venture (V. 19).
Abraham so completely trusted God
that he was willing to go all the way
with Him, being ussured that God
would even raise him as from the dead,
in order to make good his promise
way to end
In one minute you can end the pain of
corn* with Dr. Scholl s Zino-pads. They
remove the cause -friction-pressure.
You risk no infection from cutting, no
danger from corrosive acids.
Zino-pads protect while they heal.
Thin; antiseptic; waterproof. Sizes for
corns, callouses, bunions. Get a box
today at your druggist »orshoe dealeri.
DI Scholl's
Made in the laboratories of The Scholl
Mil Co., makers of Dr. Scholl’s Foot
Comfort Appliances, Arch Supports, etc.
Put one on—the pain is gone l
Breaks Chest folds
in short order
Whenever you feel that
tightening in the chest, that
deep-seated irritation that
is the sure forerunner of a
chest cold —
Apply Sloan’s to chest and
neck. It breaks up the con
gestion and brings instant
relief. The penetrating
warmth of the liniment re
stores normal circulation
and reduces inflammation.
Don’t let your chest cold
develop. Wherever con
gestion causes pain—use Sloan’s.
Your druggist has it.
SloanVlimment-^/Z? pamf
For rheumatism, bruises.strains.chest colds
I Stearns’ Electric Paste
B is recognized as the guaranteed
1 exterminator for Rats, Mice, Ants,
Cockroaches and Waterbugs.
Don’t waste time trying to kill these pests
■with powders, liquids or any experimental
Ready for Use—Better than Traps
2-oz. box, 35c 15-oz. box, 11.60
~f_ constipahoh
Cuticura Soap
——The Safety Razor
Shaving Soap
Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. Everywhere 25c.
sewing at home; plain machine work. Splen
did opportunity. Addressed envelope brings
particulars. Lee Work Room, Eldorado, Ark.
to sell guaranteed TIRES and TUBES. Wilt
arrange salary and expenses with right man.
Amazon I’roducis to., Dept. A, Cleveland, O.
Bunch Velvet Beans, $1.75 bushel. C J
———— l ■*.
Doctors Plan “Black List.”
Doctors in London ore suggesting a
“black list” of patients who go from
one medical man to another Instead of
paying their bills.
Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills contain,
nothing but vegetable ingredients, which act
gently as a tonic and purgative by stimu
lation and not by irritation. Advertisement.
The largest unexplored spot on the
map Is Itoba-el-khali in .southern
Refreshes JJeary Eyes
When Your Eyes feel Dull
and Heavy, useMurine. It In- KZ, /SvMl
atari! iy Relieves toarTiredFee’ung
—Makes them Clear, Bright and
Sparkling. Harmless. Sold and
Recommended by All Druggists, ptt