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irrui urvnnrn
LtbML imb.
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, on the First day of De
cember, 1002, A. F. Bonn executed
and delivered to The Georgia Loan
and Trust Company his deed, un
der Section “3306 of the 1910”
Code of Georgia, to the lands here
inafter described, for the purpose
of securing a debt referred to in
said deed, which deed is recorded
in the Clerk’s offioe of Henry
Snperior Court in book 55 of deeds,
page 305.
And Whereas, in said deed,
said grantor gave to said grantee
and assigns the power to sell said
lands in case of default in the
prompt payment at maturity, of
interest or principal of said debt.
Now, Therefore, by virture of
the power so vested in the under
signed, which is more accurately
shown by reference to said deed
The Georgia Loan and Trust Com
pany will sell at public outcry to
the highest bidder, for cash, on
May Ist. 1923, during the legal
hours of sale before Henry County
Court House door at McDonough,
Georgia, the lands described in the
aforesaid deed, to-wit:
One farm consisting of One Hun
dred fifty (150) acres of lot of land
No. Seventy four [74] being all of
said lot except fifty (50) acres off
the east side, same being in the
Sixth [6th] land district of Henry
County. Georgia, and bounded as
follows: North and east by lands
of W. V. Foster, south by lands of
Lon Alexander. R. W. Exum and
Alice Exum, and west by lands of
Mrs. M. C. Conkle.
The said deed first above men
tioned, was executed and deliver
ed to seoure the payment of his
certain promissory note for the
snm of SSOO. dated December Ist.
1902 and the principal debt, bear
ing interest at the rate of six per
cent, per annum.
Said principal debt is now past
due by the terms thereof, and so
declared to be due for default in
payment of interest due December
Ist 1922. The total amount of
pi inoipal and interest that will be
due on the date of sale is $548.15
Free simple titles will be made to
the purchaser at said sale and the
proceeds of such sale will be ap
plied first, to the payment of said
debt with interest and expenses of
this proceeding, and the remain
der, if any, will be paid over to
said A. F. Bunn or his legal repre
Dated this 29th day of March
The Georgia Loan and Trust
Company, By H. M. Fletcher, its
attorney at law.
District- Court of the United States
Northern Disrrict of Goorgia
In Bankruptcy
In Re Chafin and Callaway,
Said Bankrupt’s assets consisting
of Store house and notes and ac
counts will be sold to the highest
bidder between the usual hours of
sale, for cash, at McDonough. Ga ,
on the 3rd day of April 1923, unless
objections to such sale are filed in
my offioe by a creditor before said
day of sale. Notice given this
22nd day of March 1923
in the District court of the united States
For the Northern District of Georgia.
in re James N. Ward Bankrupt in
Bankruptcy, No. 8542.
A petition for discharge having been
filed in conformity with law by aboved
named bankrupt, and the Court having
ordered that the hearing upon said peti
tion be had on April 28, 1923. at ten
o’clock a. m., at tho United States Dis
trict Court room, in the city of Atlanta,
Georgia, notice is hereby given to all
creditors and other persons in interest
to appear at said time and place and
show cause, if any they have, why the
prayer of the bankrupt for discharge
should not be granted.
O. C. Fuller Clerk.
A Good Thing - DON’T MISS IT.
Send your name and address plainly
written together with o cents (and this
slip) to Chamberlein Medicine Co., Des
Moines, lowa, and receive in return a
trial package containing Chamberlain s
Cougli Remedy for coughs, colds, croup,
bronchial, “flu” and whooping coughs,
and tickling throat; Chamberlain s Stom
ach and Liver Tablets for stomach trou
bles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd
the heart, biliousness and constipation;
Chamberlain’s Salve, needed in every
family for bums, scalds, wounds, piles,
and skin affections; these valued family
medicines for only 6 eeuts. Don t miss it.
Monuments and Tomb
Stones. Prices right. S°e W.j
G. THCMPSOn. Agent.
To Mrs. Puss Dunn, P. Fund for first quarter $12.50
“ Nancy Johnson, “ “ “ “ *2 50
“ John Gleaton, “ “ “ *O.OO
“ Lindy Walker “ “ “ 10.00
“W. P. Sloan, Services rendered to convicts 62.00
“ Henderson Mfg. Co. Lumber and nails for bridges 40.03
“ Gus Owen, Vital Statisticts 8.50
“L. I. Skinner, Salary for Dec. 125.00
“ Rodie Guice, P. Fund first quarter 6.25
“ C. W. Bankston, Repairs for roads 2.65
“ J. G. Smith, Light at Courthouse, Jail and C. F. 38.88
“ J. G. Smith, Services rendered to paupers 1922 77 25
“ J. R. Turner, Vital Statisticts 8.00
“ Gordon Barnes, P. Fund for first quarter 25 00
“ Ellis Setzer Co., Pauper Coffins 22.00
“ Handy Weems, P. Fund Ist quarter 10.00
“ Mrs. G. W. Wyatt, “ “ “ 10 00
“ Jim Adams, “ “ “ 5.00
“ J. F. Copeland, Transpotation of prisner to Jail 1-50
“ Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone service 19 30
“ H. L. Smith, Work on Roads 11.00
“ Ann Cook, P. Fund Ist quarter 10.00
“ Mary Turner, P. Fund Ist quarter 10.00
“ R* L. Moseley, Work on Roads 1922 21 00
** Mrs. Moilie Nail, P. Fund 10.00
“ O. L. Adams, Dental services for convicts 3.00
“ Motor Parts Corporation, Parts for Truck 17.78
“ Hampton Hardware Co., Tools for Roads 7 20
“ Henry County Weekly, Advertising 3.00
“ Mrs Lou Babb, P Fund for Ist quarter 10.00
“ W M Goss, P Fund for Ist quarter 12.00
“ Mrs J H Berry, Butter for Paupers 4.80
“ W P Sloan, Services to Convicts - 78.00
“ T J William, Vital Statisticts • 7.00
“JGSmith, Lights 37.23
“ Seab Harkness. Salary for Jan 50.00
“ T J Brown, Salary for Jan 41.66
“ Carmichael Lumber Co Material for County Farm 70.00
•* W P Conkle, Salary for self and Guards 281.44
To E. M. Owen, Salary fourth quarter 1922 $141.21
“ Mrs. Greene Walden, Pauner Fund Ist quarter 10.00
“ W. A. Simpson Jr., Salary stamps & Etc. 51.30
“J. D. McGarity, 33 Gal. Syrup 1 ' 13.20
“ J. L. Atkinson, Mdse, for Gang 1.80
“Joel Bankston, Repairs, Roads 38 33
“ Gulf Refining Co., Mdse, for Roads 60 72
“ Green-Tarpley & Co., Coal for Gang 120 90
“ W. G. Cowan, Salary for Jan. 18.75
“ O. J. Bowen, 18 75
“ W. B. J. Ingram, 25 00
“ Milton Walker, 18.75
“ “ “ Paid for return of Bridge Truck 25 00
“ Copeland-Turner Mer. Co. Mdse, for Paupers 21.32
.. » “ .« “ •• “ G an g 207.02
“ Stansell & Rape, Repairs for Gag 5.25
“ W. B. J. Ingram, Mdse 5.25
“ Scip Speer, Printing Stationery 63 50
“ Ellis-Setzer Co. Mdse, for County Farm 6 50
“ Grady Maddox, Repairs 2 25
“ McDonough Trading Co. Mdse, for Paupers 8 60
“ “ “ “ “ “ Gang 112.72
“ Henry County Supply Co. 1-25
“ B. B. Carmichael & Son Co. 31.00
“ County Court Jury 24 00
“ D. T. Carmichael, Pauper Coffins 24.00
“ T. C. Kimbeli, Express 12.33
“ Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Phone Service 13.10
“ Mrs. Bettie Paxton, P. Fund 9 00
“ Miss Jennie Hearring 9 00
“ Mrs. Eliza Jenkins, - 10 00
“ A. J. Kimbeli, 18 Gal. Milk for Gang 3.60
“ Will Gilbert, P. Fund 10.00
“ C. D. Ingram, Freight on Car of Coal 100 91
“ W. P. Conkle, Paid for parts for Bridge Truck 28.74
“ Bill Watson, Pauper Fund 10 00
“ Eli Crockett, 5 00
“ Henrv County Weekly, Ad. 5.00
“ Standard Coal Co., One Car of Coal 247.65
“ O. N. Mathis, Attending Mule 10.00
To Mack Johnson, Pauper Fund $ 10.00
“ J. M. Hammock, Lumber and work on bridges 16 62
“ Chat lie Johnson, Part on pauper coffin 5.00
“ T. C. Kimbeli, Express 47
“ First National Bank, Reward for convict 50.00
“ C. W. South, Vital Statisticts » 12.50
“ C. D. Ingram, Freight 67.66
“ John Knight, Repairs at Courthouse 2.75
“ T. J. Brown, Salary as County Judge 4166
“ Tom Lofton, Pauper Fund 9.00
“ Henry Couuty Supply Co., Mdse, for Jail 527
“ W. P. Sloan, Attending Convicts 62 80
“ John Bonner, Lumber and worb on bridge 21.91
“ Cleveland Piper, Pauper Fund 25 00
“ A. G. Harris and others, Lunacy Trials 120.00
“ Mrs. J. H. Berry, milk mid butter for paupers 5.20
“ H. C. Hightower Cashier, Interest on warrants 138 33
“ S' ab Haikness Salaiy for Feby. 50.00
W. P. Conkle, Salary for self and Guards 293.33
Mrs. A. Piper, Pauper Fund for five quarters 37.5 G
J. G. Smith, Lights 28.43
T. C. Mori is, Return of convict to camp «. 7.50
“J. H. Rape, Vital. Statisticts . j .3.00
C. D. Ingram, Freight # * 17P85
“ W. B. J. Ingram, Salary - 25 00
“ Milt Walker, “ ‘ % ‘ i 8.75
O. J. Bowen, “ 18.75
W. A. Ammons “ for two months 37.50
W. G. Cowan “ 18.75
W. E. Nail, 10 Cords of wood for Paupers 20.00
L. L. Pitts, Vital Statisticts 15 50
County Court Jury for March 24.00
R. L. Alexander, 45% Cords wood for Gang 45.75
W. B. J. Ingram, Mdse, for Gang • 3.50
Stansell and Rape, Repairs on Car 31.10
“ Tolleson & Turner, “ “ “ - 10.50
“ Grady Maddox, “ * 3.25
To 0. W. Cathy, Repair for Roads $ 1.20
“ Ellis Setzer Co., Mdse, for Roads g. 60
Planters Warehouse and Lumber Co., MdSe. for Farm ~ 5.50
“ Eugene Oglesby, Repairs on Truck 5.35
“ Southern Bell Tel. and Tel. Co., Phone servioe 11.90
“ McDonough Trading Co., Mdse, for Paupers (j. 75
“ ” .... .. .» dang 97.52
“ Henry County Supply Co.. Mdse,, for Gang 139.03
“ B. It. Caimichael and Son Co., Mdse, for Gang 77.64
“ City Wholesale Co., Mdse, for Gang 33.75
“ Gramlihg Spalding and Collingsworth, Mdse. Gang 25.48
“ The Selig Co., Mdse, for Gang 269.00
T. 14. Brooke and Co., Car of Hay 1y5.90
“ H. V. Kell Co., 2 Kegs Nails 7.30
*» W. L. Fain Grain Co., 200 Sx. Oats 660.00
“ Highway Iron Produots Co., 5 Plow Points 78.00
Yancey Brotliors, Parts for Truck 10.31
” Marth McKibben, Pauper Fund 2 Quarters 20.00
W. A. Simpson, Salary and Stamps 51.60
“ R. L. Tyo, Visit to Paupers 2.50
Dan Welch, Pauper Fund 5.00
“ Gulf Refining Co., Mdse, for Roads 127.C7
•* Martha Nelson, Pauper Fund 2.00
*• Nelson Bond, “ 10.00
“ J. D. Solomon, Repairs at oamp 1.75
R. L. Turner, Insurance 152.00
“ H. L. Smith, Work on Roads 10.50
“ A. G. Harris, Postage 3.00
‘‘ The MoDonough Advertiser, Stationery 3.50
“ J. R. Turner, Vital Statisticts 10.00
“ Leon Carmichael, Threashing Beans 10.00
“ ueorge Watkins, Repairs at Courthouse 5.00
“ A. G. Harris and others, Lunacy Trial 35.00
“ Eli Crocket, Panper Fund 5.00
“ J. D. McGarity, Syrup and Beef for Gang 18.08
“ Margaret Berry, Pauper Fund 6,25
“ E. R. Mooro, Work on Roads 24.90
“ Henry County Weekly, Advertising 21 00
“ McDonough Advertiser, Blanks for County Court 15.00
“ R. L. Alexander, 8% Cords wood for Gang 8.50
“ E. S Copeland, Holding an election Hampton Dist. 8.00
“ W. P. Conkle, Salary for self and Guards 297.08
“ j. B. Rowan, Holding an election Flippen Dist. 8.00
“ L J. Miller. li “ Brnshy Knob 6.00
“ Gus Owen, Holding an election Stookbridge Diat. 8-00
** Gus Owen, Vital Statistics 8.50
“J. 11. Rape, Holding an lection, Tussahaw Di >t. 8.00
“ A- T. Jeffares, “ “ ‘‘ Beersheha “ 8.00
“J C. Daniel, “ “ “ MoDonough Dist. 800
“R. W. Exum, “ “ “ Sixth “ 8.00
“ V. L. Crumbley “ “ “ Loves ** 8.00
Total Ist Quarter $0613.25
The Golden S. S. Farm
For Sale
Highly improved level farm
consisting of 150 Acres at
rock bottom price. A more
desirable farm can not be
found. Three years of straight
sowiug. Good out building,
and plenty running water.
This is a cash consideration
and if purchased by Jan. Ist,
1924, a twin city tractor and
all machinery goes with pur
chase. Price $ 10,000. Less than
first cost. If interested see me.
McDonough Georgia.