Newspaper Page Text
When the Children Cough,
Rub Musterole on Throats
and Chests
No telling how soon the symptomi
may develop into croup, or worse. And
then’s when you’re glad you have a
jar of Musterole at hand to give
prompt relief. It does not blister.
As first aid, Musterole is excellent.
Thousands of mothers know it. You
should keep a jar ready for instant use.
It is the remedy for adults, too. Re
lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia,
headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheu
matism, lumbago, pains and aches of
back or joints, sprains sore muscles,
chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the
chest (it may prevent pneumonia).
35c and 65c jars and tubes.
Better than a mustard plaster
Lift Off with Fingers
Doesn’t hurt a bit! Drop a little
“Freezone” on an aching corn, instant
ly that corn stops hurting, then short
ly you lift it right off with lingers.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
“Freezone” for a few cents, sufliclent
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, nnd the cal
luses, without soreness or irritation.
Girls! Girls!!
Save Your Hair
With Cuticura
Soap 25c, Oiatment 25 and 50c, Talcam 25c.
•j. » -
Lots of Experience.
A victim of chronic bronchitis
called on a well-known physician to
he examined. The doctor, after care
ful questioning, assured the patient
that the ailment would respond read
ily to treatment.
"I sujipose you must have had a
great deal of experience with this dis
ease," said the sufferer.
The physician smiled wisely, and
“Why, my dear sir. I’ve had bron
chitis myself for more than 15 years,”
—Baltimore Sun.
' V
Stops Backaches
clt Once-50 comforting
A tiring day on your feet.
Stooping, lifting, running up
and downstairs does your
back feel tied in painful knots?
Apply Sloan’s to those sore;
tired muscles. That warm,
penetrating glow brings im
mediate comfort. Almost
before you realize it the pain
and stiffness are gone.
Wherever congestion
causes pain —use Sloan’s.
Sloan’s is protection against
pain. All druggists carry it.
Sloanli paint
For rheumatism, bruisea, strains, chest colds
Gathered From All Parts Of The
Globe And Told In Short
The British government is consider
ing whether action can be taken to
meet the representations of America
concerning smuggling of liquor in the
United States from the West Indies.
This announcement was made in the
house of commons by Ronald McNeill,
under secretary for foreign affairs.
France is preparing to protest to
the Near East conference, when its
sessions are resumed at Lausanne,
April 23, against the concessions re
cently ratified by the Turkish national
assembly in favor of the American in
terests headed by Read Admiral Colby
M. £hester.
According to Turk sources, the Ches
ter concessions provide for the con
struction of some 2,700 miles of new
railway, which is almost double the
existing mileage in Anatolia. The
new rail lines will touch the Black
sea at Samsun and Trebizond, will
link Angora with Erzerum and wlli
include a through line from Mosul to
the Black Sea to compete with the
famous Bagdad railway.
Lord Carnarvon’s remains will be
interred in the top of a high hill on
his estate and not in the family vault,
according to one of his last expressed
wishes, says an announcement. His
body was sent from Cairo, Egypt, to
Alexandria, and will he brought to
England on the steamer Herperus.
Three Russians were killed in a
clash with Japanese on Sieghalien
Island, off the Siberian coast, accord
ing to word received at Moscow from
Two attempts have been made to
assassinate Premier Mussolini, of
Italy, the news of'which was consor
ed and not allowed to go out of Rome,
according to The Weekly Aux Es
coutes. The first attempt was made
in Chill palace, while the Italian di
rector was holding a sabinet meeting.
A trooper of the Royal Guard fired at
the premier, but missed him.
Harold F. McCormick’s gift to his
pretty 18-year old daughter, Miss Ma
tliilde McCormick, when she marries
Major Max Oser, her middle-aged
Swiss suitor, will be a costly chateau
in the Swiss mountains, it%as learn
ed at Basile, Switzerland, from one
of Major Oser’s confidential friends.
The Daily News’ diplomatic corres
pondent states the British cabinet is
consedireing the action to be taken
as a protest against the execution of
Monsignor Budkiewicz by the soviet
government. He states that the gov
ernment was possibly recall the Brit
ish agent at Moscow.
Howard Carter, the American who
assisted Lord Carnarvon in finding
the tomb of King Tut-Ankli-Amen and
who is said to be ill, is reported im
Announcement was made at head
quarters of the National Aeronautic
Association of the acceptance of the
state chairmanship for Georgia by L.
W. Roberts, Jr., and of the vice chair
manship by J. P. Addicks, both of At
lanta, for the enrollment of Georgians
who believe that the time Is here for
the nation to utilize aeronautics for
the economic advancement.
The government has decided to
launch a campaign to force illicit
whisky dealers to disgorge millions
of dollars alleged to be due the gov
ernment in taxes on liquor sales. In
ternal revenue collectors, co-operating
with prohibition authorities, have been
ordered to dig into the records gath
ered in raids and seizures for evi
dence to compel payment of the hid
den revenues.
A new brand of “nut” is going
around the country impersonating Col.
Theodore Roosevelt, assistant secre
tary of the navy, in a most unusual
way. The man visits clothing and
haberdashery stores, says he is Roose
velt, orders a lot of goods sent to
Washington, In the name of Roose
velt, gives a bogus check for the
amount and receives not a penny in
Three general supply depots for the
storage and issuance of supplies and
equipment for hospitals, vocational
training schools and other institutions
operated by the Bureau, will
he maintained under pluns for reor
ganization of the supply division, it
was announced by Director Hies. The
present depot at Perryville, Md., mid
way between Baltimore and Philadel
phia. will be enlarged to serve the
entire Atlantic Coast section.
The police released six of the seven
men detained in raids at Washington
in which radical literature was seized.
Edward J. Irvine, on whom the author
ities said they found a letter outlin
ing hopes for the spread of revolu
tionary documents among government
employees, was held on conspiracy
The failure of officials in the track
department of th Nashvile, Chatta
nooga and St. Louis railway to pro
vide sufficient ballast at the point
on its lines where a passenger train
was derailed February 2G, near Cal
houn, Ga., was chiefly responsible for
the accident concerned, sofety inspec
tors reported to the interstate com
merce commission after closing an
investigation. Two persons were killed
and 34 injured in the accident.
Railroads serving Houston, San An
tonio, Dallas and Sherman, Texas,
were ordered by the interstate com
merce commission to put into effect on
June 5 reductions in all rates on pea
nut and cottonseed oil.
The Alabama Power company plans
to build at once a large hydro-electric
plant at Lock 17 on the Warrior river
near Tuscaloosa, Ala., it was announ
ced by an official of the company.
Six men were indicted by the Jeffer
son county grand jury in connection
with the flogging of Dr. J. D. Dowling,
city and county health officer on May
17, last year, and capiases will be ask
ed at once in order that the men may
he apprehended, it was announced at
the solocitor's office at Birmingham,
The Illinois soldier bonus law was
upheld in an opinion handed down by
the state supreme court, Springfield,
American membership in the perma
nent court of international justice, or
ganized by the league of nations, was
advocated by Secretary Herbert Hoov
er at Dest Moines, la., as “an essential
step” in the direction of world peace.
Announcement of the sale of the
controling interest of the Montgomery
(Ala.) Journal to Frederick I. Thomp
son, Former Governor B. B. Comer,
and Donald Coiner, of Birmingham,
was made by F. Harvey Miller, stock
holder and publisher of the journal.
A modern Portia is needed at Port
land, Wash., to hand down another
Shylock judgment. The case started
over a blood transfusion administered
a year ago, and now, Arthur Castal
lani, waiter, puts a price of $5,000 on
the pint of blood that he lost during the
Checked suits and fawn-colored spats
are not so uncommon along Broadway
in the forties, but detectives with lit
tle other than these marks to guide
them captured Ward J. Conklin, sought
as a fugitive from justice in Emporia,
Kan., where it is alleged, he wrecked
two banks in 1919 and departed with
$75,000 of their assets.
A resolution calling on the United
States to accept its full share of re
sponsibility for bringing about an effec
tive settlement of international prob
lems was adopted by the delegates
in session at the thirteenth annual ses
sion of the woman’s council of the
Methodist Episcopal church, South, at
Mobile, Ala.
One of the largest linseed compa
nie in the United States will shortly
acquire by purchase a large competi
tor, it became known in Wail street.
Petitions requesting that the name
of Henry Ford, Dearborn, Mich, auto
mobile manufacturer, be placed on
the primary ballot of the progressive
party in Nebraska in 1924 for presi
dent, were filed with the secretary of
state, Omaha, Neb.
A. H. Penfield, former cashier of
the Springfield (Ohio) National bank,
was sentenced at Cincinnati, Ohio, by
federal judge to serve three years in
the Atlanta federal penitentiary on
each of seven counts in the indictment,
charging embezzlement, to which he
pleaded guilty.
Powder and paint have made Amer
ica what it is today. Dr. C. P.Wimmer,
professor of pharmacy at Columbia
University, declared at the cosmetic
show at New Cork.
American airplane speed records for
310 miles and 620 miles were authenti
cated by the contest committee of the
National Aeronautic Association, both
made by army aviators.
One million and a quarter dollars’
worth of building permits, the greatest
amount for a similar period in the na
tion’s history, were taken out through
out the country during January, Febru
ary and March, it is announced in New
York City.
The United States Steel corporation
announces a wage increase of 11%, ef
fective April 16, for day laborers em
ployed in the manufacturing plants of
its subsidiary companies, with an equi
table adjustment for other classes of
labor in those plants. More than one
hundred and fifty thousand employees
are effected, and the increase, it is es
timated, will add approximately a mil
lion and a half dollars to the weekly
Mrs. Little Declares Tanlac Re
stored Full Strength After
Overcoming Indigestion,
“Since taking Tanlac my troubles
have left me, and I never tire of tell
ing about it,” declares Mrs. Johanna
Little, 3032 N. 17th St., Kansas City,
“My food often caused me much dis
tress from gas, sourness and heart
burn, and I scarcely ever wanted to eat.
Headaches, biliousness and pains in
my hack kept me in hot water, and I
hardly ever got any restful sleep. My
nerves were excited and I was so run
down it was all I could do to look after
my housework.
“I searched the city for the right
medicine, and consider it fortunate
that I found Tanlac. Indigestion,
sleeplessness and nervousness never
bother me now, I can do my house
work like it was play, and am strong
and happy. Tanlac is simply grand.”
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug
gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. —
Starting in Young.
The civics teachers at a certain
school in Indianapolis recently re
quired their pupils to hand in state
ments showing their schedules of
One boy noted on his slip a course
in “forgery."
His teacher was much astonished.
Investigation showed the Day had
forging in one of the fodndry classes.
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from reports from druggists
who are constantly in direct touch with
the public, there is one preparation that
has been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. The mild and healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is
soon realized. It stands the highest for
its remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of the
prominent Life Insurance Companies, in
an interview on the subject, made the as
tonishing statement that one reason why
so many applicants for insurance are re
jected is because kidney trouble is so
common to the American people, and the
large majority of those whose applications
are declined do not even suspect that they
have the disease. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-
Root is on sale at all drug stores in bottles
of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
peat preparation send ten cents to Dr
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
nention this paper.—-Advertisement.
A Moment of Diffidence.
“When you made your first public
speech did you have stage fright?”
“No,” replied Senator Sorghum.
“But I had it the first time I talked
to the man who was pyttlng up my
campaign fund.” —Washington Star.
Much Interest Being Shown in the Large Num
ber of Women Safely Carried Through the
Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
The Following Letters Are Impressive
Owing to modem methods of living,
few woman approach this perfectly
natural change without experiencing
very annoying and often painful symp
toms. Those dreadful hot flashes,
nervousness, headaches, melancholia
and irritability are only a few of the
symptoms incident to this trying
period of a woman’s life, and the
following letters prove the value of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound to overcome these abnormal
“Fisherville, Ky.—“ For several
months I was under the doctor’s care
as he said my nervousness, chilis, hot
flashes and weakness was caused by
the Change of Life, but I did not seem
to get any better. I was not able to
work and spent most of my time in
bed. A friend called to see me and
asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound, and I cannot
tell you how much good the medicine
did me, as I had such a hard time be
fore taking it. I can only advise
every woman passing through the
Change of Life to take Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, as
it did so much for me.’’ —Mrs.EDWARD
B. Neal, Star Route, Fisherville, Ky.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Private Text-Book upon “Ailments
Peculiar to Women ” will be sent you free upon request. Write
to the Lydia E’,. Pinkliam Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts.
This book contains valuable information.
Instant relief from
without risk
of infection
Safilyl You can end the pain of corna, in one
minute. Dr. Scholl'a Zino-paaa will do it, for
they remove the cause— friction-preaaure, and
heal the irritation. Thua you avoid infection
from cutting your corna or using corroaive
acida. Thin; antiieptic; waterproof. Sizea for
corna, callouses, bunions. Get a box today at
your druggist’s or ahoe dealer'a.
Dl Scholl's
Made in the laboratories of The Scholl
Mfg. Co., makers of Dr. Scholl’s Foot
Comfort Appliances, Arch Supports, etc.
Put one on—the pain is gone t
=ii Sulphur
g p-- in your
l»f Bath'
For Eczema, Rheumatism,
Gout or Hives
; Expensive health resoris, sought by thou
sands, have grown around springs contain
ing sulphur.
Hancock Sulphur Compound, utilizing the
, secret of the famous healing waters, makes
it possible for you to enjoy Sulphur Baths in
your own home, and at a nominal cost.
Sulphur, Nature’s best blood purifier, is
prepared to make its use most efficacious in
Hancock Sulphur compound
Use It In the bath, as a lotion applied to
affected parts, and take It internally.
60c and $1.20 the bottle.
If your druggist can’t supply It, send his
name and address and the price In stamps
and we will send you a bottle direct.
COMPANY •s >^_ „
Baltimore, Md.
Hancock Sulphur ComftunA Oinf-
merit —socctndOnc —Jor uie udth tht
Lituid Compound , Je
100*roilmu tsukm*
If you are troubled with pains or
aches; feel tired; have headache,
indigestion, insomnia; painful
passage of urine, you will find
relief by regularly taking
HAARLEM o7l^^>
The world’s standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles and
National Remedy of Holland since 1696.
Three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed.
Look for the name Gold Medal on every
box and accept no imitation
on genuine Catawba County grown covrpeaß.
soy beans, peanuts, etc., best in South
A Michigan Woman Helped
lonia, Michigan.—“l was passing
through the Change of Life and had
been under the doctor’s care without
any relief. A friend in Lansing,
Mich., asked me to try Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and
I feel fifty per cent better already.
If any one in this condition doubts
the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound to help them I
will gladly answer their letters.”—
Mrs. Max W. Hahn, 537 N. Jefferson
Street, lonia, Mich.
A New York Woman Helped
Syracuse, N. Y. —“I was used up
with nervousness, weakness and hot
flashes so I could hardly keep around,
and could not get out much on ac
count of those awful prickly feelings.
I read about Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound helping another
woman with symptoms like mine. My
husband got some for me, and after
taking it five months I can get around
and even do my housework, washing
and ironing included, and my friends
can see what a change it has made in
me. ’’—Mrs. Sidney Humphrey, 526J4
Burnet Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y.