The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 27, 1923, Image 2

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Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION Cyr A\ /AMMxK I iwmc’cstio uj <^® s Hot water Sure Relief SELL-AN 3 25i AND 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE :.!? ' 'A\- ' ll 'li l |l #| l P ir i > i 1 il Induces swelling of bruises and strains . It may be a sprained wrist or elbow —a bruised 'muscle a strained tendon — You cannot foresee it. But you can keep Sloan’s always handy to relieve the pain. Sloan’s brings immediate comfort. It breaks up the congested and inflamed con dition and restores normal circulation. Use Sloan’s to guard from pain as you would an antiseptic to prevent in fection. Yourdruggist has it. Sloan's Linimen t-kilk pain f For rheumatism, bruises, strains, chest colds UCABM THK FACTS ABOUT HKUU A kfrvat revelation awaits you. Send 26c. Watson, 724 Mahoning Ave., Youngstown, O. We Believe Him. A university professor declares that the money spent for cosmetics ant] perfumes last year was 50 per cent more than llie endowments of all uni versities and- colleges. And judging from the number of times the dear things have to make up their face.- every day we believe him. Important to All Women Readers of This Paper Thousands upon thousands of women nave kidney or Madder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irri table and maybe despondent; it makes any one so. Hut hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such condi tions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y., you may receive sam ple size bottle by parcel post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores.—Advertisement. Fielding’s Rank as Author. Henry Fielding (1707-1764) was the greatest novelist of the Eighteenth century, lie was playwright, a law yer and a police court judge. His pages teem with life and humor. His masterpiece, Tom Jones, written In 17411, was selected by Coleridge as one of the three most perfect plots In literature. To Have a Clear, Sweet Skin Touch pimples, redness, roughness or itching, if any, with Cuticura Oint ment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Riuse, dry gently and dust on a little Cuticura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. Everywhere 25c each. —Advertisement. Ads and Heads. Headline in Exchange—“ Girl cash ier shot in window.” A paneful place. Adv. —“Wanted permanent place as a window lady. References, etc.” Restaurant Sign—“ The meals you eat here make you think of home.” And think better of it, too. Adv. —“Man wanted to assist vaude ville artist; must also he a sinner.” An easy qualification.—Boston Tran script. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears - Signature of IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL, SimdaySchool 1 Lesson * (By REV. P. B. FITZWATER, D. D*. Teacher of English Bible In th* Moody Bible Institutes of Chicago.) Copyright, 1523, Western Newspaper Union. LESSON FOR APRiL 29 RUTH THE FAITHFUL DAUGHTER LESSON TEXT—Book of Ruth. GOLDEN TEXT—Thy people shall b« my people ami thy God my God.—Ruth 1:16. PRIMARY TOPIC —The Story of Ruth. JUNIOR TOPIC—Ruth and Naomi. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP* IC—Ruth's Choice and Its Outcome. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC—The Secret of Ruth's Noble Life. I. Ruth’s Connection With Naomi (Chapter 1:1-15). On account of famine in Bethlehem of Judah, Naomi with her husband and two sons sojourned in the land of Moab. After the death of her husbund her two sons married Moabit* lsh women. After a time her sons died ulso. After tiie death of her sons Naomi resolved to return to her home land, having heard that the Lord had visited His people in giving them bread. They went to Moab to escape trouble but only got into more. It wus not until Naomi was thus chas tised that she resolved to return. Naomi had the good sense to recognize that the hand of the Lord was upon her for good. When the time came for her to go Ruth and Orpah accom panied her, for a distance. This she permitted but determined to place be fore them frankly the difficulties which would necessarily confront them. It was this i'rank presentation of the dif ficulties and her repeated urging them to go hack that called forth from Kuth the expression of her noble choice. 11. Ruth’s Noble Choice (1:10-18). Much as Naomi loved her dnughters-in luw, she would not have them go into this mutter blindly. She told them the worst that could come upon them. This principle ought to be carried out by us In all our relations in life. In busi ness the spirit of frankness should be manifest. At home we should deal with each other in the most straight forward way. The same tiling should characterize our behavior in the church and society. Note the difficulty which confronted Ruth: 1. No Chance to Marry Again. Naomi told her that she had no more sons for whom she could wait. In that day to be unmarried was the greatest disgrace. Society differed then from now. 2. She Must Renounce Her Gods. Her idolatrous worship could not be carried on in the land where God's people dwelt. . This was delicately touched upon when Orpah went back (v. 15). Orpah went back when it was plain there was no chance to get a husband. Now Naomi puts an addi tional test upon Ruth, that of giving up her religion. Ruth was equal to the occasion. Her mind was fully made up. She was willing to accept as her God the one who was able to produce in Ids subjects the nobility of character she had observed in Naomi. Naomi’s very frankness in dealing with her caused Ruth to be more determined to cast her lot with her. Ruth’s position was so definite and unfaltering that the very expressions have come down to us in words which “no poetry has out-rivaled, and no pathos has ex ceeded, and which has gone through centuries with the music that will not let them be forgotten.” She was de termined to share Naomi’s journey, her home, her lodge, her lot in life, and her grave in death, whatever that would be. To crown it all she would re nounce her heathen gods and worship, Jehovah. 111. Blessings Which Attended Ruth’s Faithfulness. Ruth was never sorry for her choice, because — 1. She Found the True God (1:16). Instead of her heathen gods who were unable to help her she now had a living God, the God of Israel, as her God. 2. She Found Human Friends. (Chapter 2). As she went to glean in the field she was led to the field of Boaz, a man of wealth and grace. The servants of Boaz treated her with con sideration. Even Boaz gave instruc tions for special consideration to be given her. 8. A Good Husband and a Happy Home (8-4). She not only secured a husband, but a man of God who had an abundance of this world’s goods. 4. An Honored Place in the Israel itish Nation (4:18-17). Though she had to forsake her own people she be came one of a nobler people. 5. She Became a Link in the Chain of Christ’s Ancestry (4:18-22 compere Matthew 1:5). The one who fuliy de rides for Christ and gives up all for him shall get a hundred-fold In this life, and in the world to come, eternal life HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA. STRAHL FEELS LIKE NEW MAN Portland Citizen Declares Tan lac Completely Overcame Stomach Troubles. J. P. Strahl, 6517 88th St., Portlana, Oregon, speaking of his experlenco with Tanlac, says: “Tanlac has ended my stomach trou ble, built me up eighteen pounds and I now enjoy the best health of my life. But for two years before I got Tanlac, stomach trouble had me In its grip, and all sorts of ailments kept bobbing up to cause me misery. Scarcely any thing I ate agreed with me, and I kept falling off till I was sixteen pounds underweight. Gas on my stomach bloated me till I could hardly breathe. I had attacks of biliousness and had to be all the time taking laxatives. ‘Tanlac put me on my feet, fixed me up so I can eat heartily, sleep like a top and work at full speed. There’s no two ways about It: Tanlac sure builds a solid foundation for health.” Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug gists. Over 35 million bottles sold.— Advertisement. Not Much to Ask. “Of course, Henry, I know I’m in the wrong—but 1 do think you might ugree with ine!” Aspirin Say “Bayer” and Insistl Unless you see the name “Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physicians over twenty-two years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin * only. Each unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Asperin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Sulicylicacid.—Advertisement. Where the Money Went. Doctor —“Well, I hope you profited by my advice.”,. Patient —“Yes, doctor, but not so much as you did.” Baby Was Soon Playing With Daddy Again “My baby cut two teeth at 4% months and cried so much I could hardly quiet her. Really I didn’t know what to do till a friend said give her Teethina, which I did, and in a day or two she was laugh ing and playing with Daddy again. She has cut several teeth since and they never gave her a bit of trouble,” writes Mrs. Charles H. Partain, 221 Shell Road, Mo bile, Ala. Many a distracted mother would find comfort and relief if she would give her baby Teethina ail through its teething time. It soothes the inflamed gums and relieves every distressing symptom. Teethina is sold by leading druggists, or send 30c to the Moffett Laboratories, Columbus. Ga., and receive a full-size package and a free copy of Moffett’s illustrated Baby Book.—Advertisement. Wail Heard In All Ages. How great a pity that we should not feel for what end we are born into this world, till just as we are leaving it. —YValsinghaui. “COLD IN THE HEAD” is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh Those subject to frequent “colds” are generally in a “run down” condition. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE Is a Treatment consisting of an Ointment, to be used locally, and a Tonic, which acts Quickly through the Blood on the Mu cous Surfaces, building up the System, and making you Lss liable to "colds.” Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Dry Farming. Brown —How do you raise potatoes In a dry summer? Jones—Planted onions among them Y’ou see the onions made their eyes water so that they didn't mind the dry weather at all. —Farm Life. uwu HIGHWAYS RAILROADER BOOSTS ROADS President Finley of Northwestern System Praises Work of High way Construction. President William H, Finley, of thi Chicago & Northwestern railway, sounded what automobile industry of ficials declare is a sensible opinion when lie came out before a meeting of the Illinois Association of Highway and Municipal Contractors, in a pro nounced boost for hard-surfaced high ways. Mr. Finley is one of the first railroad magnates to see the light, and to Pppose the theory that hard surfaced highways will ruin the rail roads. ‘ When trolley lines were first built there was a hue and cry that they would take all the business from the railroads, declared Mr. Finley. “Nothing like that happened,” he added, “hut the trolley lines merely created more business for everybody. Every great development is the result of evolution, not revolution.” Mr. Finley praised the work of high way building hut warned against the tendency toward overtaxation. “It is extremely gratifying to see big men like Mr. Finley come out in the open and declare the truth about hard-surfaced highways,” said Henry Paulman, chairman of tiie good roads committee of the Illinois State Auto mobile association, “especially since he holds such a commanding position in the railroad world. It is sound doc trine ably given. "While it Is true that the hard-sur faced highways have put several short railroad lines out of business, taken as a whole our federal and state systems of roads in this country simply co ordinate with tiie trunk line railroads. The highways for the most part act as feeders of tiie railroads and Increase their business. It Is my firm convic tion that the railroad officials should be boosters of highway construction and not obstructionists. President Finley’s speech on the subject is timely.” CONGRESS AIDS GOOD ROADS Encouragement Given to Better High ways Throughout Country by Passing Appropriations. The session of congress which ended March 4 gave encouragement .to the good roads movement throughout the country by continuing appropriations for federal aid to the states, but it failed to take action in connection with other matters of moment to motorists. Disappointment was caused at the fail ure to provide money for the building of roads in the national parks, but this was due to the fact that the budget submitted did not provide for such ap propriation, says tiie National Motor ists’ association. OPPOSE OVERLOADED TRUCKS Problem of Preventing Destruction of Improved Roads Discussed at Recent Meeting. The problem of preventing the de struction of improved highways by the overloaded motor truck, which trans fers a freight train load to a pave ment designed for only a lawful maxi mum limit of eight tons to tiie axle, or four tons a wheel, was discussed at the recent good roads congress held In Chicago. A committee was appoint ed to wait upon county boards and city authorities in order to get better en forcement of the laws regulating truck loads. PHILOSOPHY OF GOOD ROADS Difference in Enthusiasm of Jitney Owner and Farmer Who Is Liv ing on Muddy Road. Texas Farm and Ranch says: “Yon know there must be some difference about the enthusiasm over a good roads movement of a second-hand jit ney owner, living in a rented flat in town, owing nobody but his landlord and grocer, and me, living on 200 acres mortgaged to the limit and taxed a little over the limit,” and it might have added, “and then have the $30,000 a mile road built so that I would have to go seven miles through the mud tc get to it.” MINNESOTA BUILDING ROADS Millions of Dollars Will Be Spent in Next Few Years in Perfect ing Its System. Minnesota is one of the states which is going ahead in a road-building ,cam paign. Millions of dollars will be spent In this state in the next few years in perfecting a wonderful system in hard roads which will aid materially in the development of the state. Rapkarh* lc a Warninn! |ir«CVAa«iVMV at**’ «■ -«•-«' ~J m Those agonizing twinges across the small of the back, that dull, throbbing backache may mean serious kidney weakness —serious if neglected, for it may lead to gravel, stone in the kid neys, bladder inflammation, dropsy or fatal Bright’s disease. If you are suf fering with a bad back, have dizzy spells, headaches, nervous, despondent attacks or disordered kidney action, heed Nature’s warning. Get after the cause. Doan’s Kidney Pills have helped thousands. They should help you. Ask your neighbor! A Georgia Case •t-rrtMM S. W. Woods, re tired farmer, 43 in passage. Sharp, knife-like pains * <iarted through my my back and it felt weak and sore. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and by the time I had taken one box I was free from all the trouble.” Get Doan’i at Any Store, 60c ■ Box DOAN’S VEST FOSTER.MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. Clear Your Complexion [WgßF\\ with This IW j Old Reliable \ W J Remedy— SulprCompound For pimples, black-heads, freckles, blotches, and tan. as well as for more serious face, scalp and body eruptions, hives, eczema, etc., use this scientific compound of sulphur. As a lo tion, it soothes and heals; taken internally— a few drops in a glass of water —it gets at the root of the trouble and purifies the blood. Physicians agree that sulphur is one of the most effective blood purifiers known. Re member. a good complexion Isn’t skin deep —it’s health deep. Be sure to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR COMPOUND. It has been used with satis factory results over 25 years. 60c and $1.20 the bottle at your druggist's. If he can’t supply you, send his name and the price In stamps and we will send you a bottle direct. HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR COMPANY Baltimore, Md. Hancock Sulphur Compound Oint nunt — 30c and 60c—for use with the Liquid Compound toon n«i Tuatutm WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach- Kidney 8-Heart- Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world’s standardremedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles — LATHROP’S oTl^ The National Remedy of Holland for centuries. At all druggists in three sizes. Guaranteed as represented. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation Tfft’tfPiilS 1 P CONSTIPATION Comfort Baby’s Skin With Cuticura Soap And Fragrant Talcum Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c,falcons 25c. Vflll HAII IUU UAII "i-vw ■ - w "■ ■ ■ Hair Color Re storer. Sale to use a* water. Hakes you look youDg again. At all good druggists, 75 cents, or direct from HESSIG - ELUS, Chemists, Memphis, Tens HAROLD SOMERS, 150 De Kalb Y. LADIES—BIG SI.OO VALLE and valuable information free. Send Be postage. Write AMET MAIL ORDER CO., Box 456, Firestone Park Station, Akron, O. W EAR FIXE SHOES Pay small prices. Buy shoes at wholesale prices. Will sell one pair. Send for catalogue. FLEMING SHOE CO.. NORFOLK, VA. YARD A MINI’TE HEMSTITCHING AND picoting attachment. Fits any sewing ma chine. Complete with directions, guarantee and samples of work, $2.50. LANGWORTHY. 1632 Pennsylvania Ave., KANSAS CITY, MO. FANCY' LEAF TOBACCO Chewing or smoking, 3 lbs. sl.lO and post age. Pay on arrival. Sample, prepaid, 25c cash. Powers Tobacco Ass'n, Patesville, Ky WRITE FOR OCR LOWEST PRICES on genuine Catawba County grown cowpeas soy beans, peanuts, etc., best in South. CATAWBA SEED STORE. HICKORY. N. C.