Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County ¥/eekly
Graind root her Hildebrand 9 s
Stockbridge Auditorium
THURSDAY MAY 24, 1923 . . 8:00 P. H.
John Blosson (Independent Vermont Farmer) Eugene Gunter
Sam Blossom (his Brother) J. W. Clark
George Pierson (City Lover) Charlie Bowen
Jack Thorne (Wronged Husband).... B. Turpin
Fred Rivers (Who tries to Flirt) Clayton Thurston
Pat D’Conner (Irish Servant) __E. Gunter
Sam (Colored Servant) John Berry
Harry Fielding (Post Master’s Son) Coieman Richerson
Teddy (A Newsboy) Charles Mann
Dick (Boot Black) Coleman Richerson
Mrs. Susan Blossom (Johns Wife) Cora Hightower
Balindy (Susane Old Maid Sister) Sophronia McWilliams
Mae Blossom (John BlossomsJDaughter).. Helen Clark
Mrs. Landon (Her Assumed Name. ..Helen Clark
Mrs. Reginald Pierson (Wife of Jack Thorne) Willie R. Branan
Isabel Crawford (Supposed Ward of Mrs. Pierson)
- - Minnie Bell Mann
Betsy Ann Skinner (Who Flirts With Sam) Myra Berry
Grandmother Hildebrand Willie Ruth Branan
Synopsis of Events
Act I A Vermont home. The birthday party. Betsy Ann “Flirts.
Grandmother Hildebrand arrives. “Get out, you sass-box. The
city guest. The dance. Grandmother has the “Crick” in the back.
Act II A mortgaged home. The blind father. Family prayer.
Mae’s resolution. Appeal for her home lover. A Womans honor
is her life. Parting between Mrs. Blossom and Mae.
Act 111 New York street scene. Pat’s breakfast. Interview be
tween Mrs. Pierson and Isabel. Mrs. Pierson denies her own child.
The new house keeper. Her meeting with George. Pat watches the
“Ou!d Tabby.” Mrs. Landon’s discovery. Mrs. Pierson as a “Som
nambulist.” Her secret. “Mrs. Jack Crawford, your sin has found
you out.” United at last. Tab Leau-“The Golden Chain.”
Act IV The return home. Mae’s Plan. Isabel returns. Forgive
ness. Meeting between father and daughter. The scare! “Who am
de villian.” Pat’s stick comee down. The midnight robber. Isabel’s
warning. The uplifted dagger. Jack “Once more I will
save her.” Mrs. Pierson’s insanity and death!
Act V Farmer Blossom's farm. Maes’s return. The same old hyms
“Dennis” Ihe bilnd see. Sam and Lindy Courts. Bean Porridge
hot. Arrival of Grandmoteer. You’ve Grow'd mazing.” The dance
Famer Blossoms invitatio.n. Tablcan-Love love rules the world”
Mrs. C. a. Pless
Stockbridge, Ga.
Progra m
Friday, May 18, 7:45 P. M Orchestra Concert
Saturday, May 19, 2:30 P. M
Concert L. G. I. Junior Cadet Band
Saturday, May 19, 7:45 P. M Students’ Recital
Sunday, May 20,11 A. M Sermon By Dr. C. A. Owens
Pastor of First Baptist Church. Lexinoton, N.C.
Sunday, May 20, 3 P. M Concert L. G. I. Cadet Band
Monday, May 21, 9:30 P. M Oratorical Contest
Monday, May 21, 2:30 P. M Military Exhibition
Monday, May 21, 7:45 P. M Play by Dramatic Club
Tuesday, May 22, 9:30 A. M Graduation Exercises
Address by Dr. D. J. Blocker President Shorter College
Delivery of Diplomas, Certificates and Prizes
Tuesday, May 22, 2.30 P. M Senior Class Exercises
Tuesday, May 22, 7:45 P. M Champion Debate
The Rev. J. Carl Rhodes, of
Stockbridge, will preach at Tim
berridge Church next Sunday
May 20th, 11 a. m. in the absence
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to thj Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
of the pastor who will be at Mon
treat N. C. in attendance udoii
the sessions of the General As
sembly of the Presbyterian
We urge our people to hear
Mr. Rhodes speak. There will be
no evening Sermon.
L. D. K ; ng, Pastor.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, May is, 1923.
A marriage of wide interest was
that of Miss Ruth Carmichael and
Mr. Otto Joseph Oosterhoudt,
which was solemnized on Sunday
afternoon at 5 o’clock at the home
of the brides parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Carmichael on Keesfei ry
The wedding was a quiet affair
with only the relatives and a few
friends present. The elegant
home was lovely in its pink and
white colorscheme. Beautiful has*
kets of pink and white roses filled
nooks and corners while exquisite
crystal vases of pink and white
sweet peas and pink and white
carnations added their charm and
fragrance to the bridal occasion.
To the strains of Mendelssohn’s
wedding march, rendered by Miss
Mary Ammons, the bride and
groom entered the room and were
met at the altar by Rev. L. D.
King, pastor of First Presbyterian
church, who performed the im
pressive ring ceremony.
The bride was a picture of girl
ish loveliness in her going awav
gown of blue poiret twill with hat
and accesories to match. Her
flowers were brides’ roses and
sweet peas.
Mrs. Oosterhoudt is one of the
most attractive, charming and ac
complished young women of our
city. She is a graduate of Mc-
Donough High school and Brewan
college of gainesville Ga. Mr.
Oosterhoudt is one of the promi
nent Stirling business men of Lake
City Fla,
The young couple left immedi
ately after the ceremony for Atlan
ta where they entrained for Lake
City Fla. where they will make
their home.
The out of town guests were
Mr. Hamilton Stephens, of Atlanta,
Mr. Frank Oosterhoudt, of Jack
sonville Fla., and Mr. Arnold
Moore, of Hampton.
Mr. J. M. Rivers died at his
home in Beersheba district last
Tuesday after an illness of several
weeks duration. Mr. Rivers was
one of the counties oldest and
most respected citizens, having
lived in the county all of his life,
and was 76 vears of age at the
time of his death. Mr. Rivers was
a man of pleasant disposition and
his friends were unumbered by
the breadth and length of his
aquaintances. He is survived by
his wife and seven sons and one
daughter, and by a large host of
relatives. His remains were laid
to rest at Philadelphia church
Wednesday morning, the funeral
services being conducted by Rev.
J. A. Partridge, of McDonough.
His remains were entered with
masonic honors, the masonic
'ode at Ola, of which he was a
member, conducting the services
at the grave in presence of a
large congregation of people.
Ellis-Setzer Co. funeral directors
in charge.
Mr. J. C. Harris spent the week
end here with homefolks.
McDonough HIGH
Monday Night May 21st 1923
I Invocation __ Bro . King
II Solutatory Sarah Branan
111 Class History j u i ia B< Elliott
IV Class Poem— Mary Clinch Weems
V Class Song Senior Class
VI Oration Ernest Branan
VII Prophecy. Sarah Glass
VIII Giftorian Charles Rileg
IX Lost Will Nellie Branan
X Piano Solo, Boute-Eu-Traine E. Ketterer Elyea Smith
XI Voledictory. Ruby Dickson
XII Delivery of Diplomas Supt. H. K. Adams
McDonough High School
Given under the Personal Supervision
Miss Emily Griffin
MAY 19, 1923 8:00 P. M.
' Characters
Aunt Debby Dexter, Mistress of Breezy Point Sara Branan
Elinor Pearl, of nnknown parentage Mary Weems
Ashrael Grant, a workhouse waif Ruby Dickson
Mrs. Hardscratch, with business propensities Odell Foster
The Hardscratch Twins, who “never tell nothin’
f Mary Alice Nelson
( Ruby Culpepper
Mehitible Doolittle manufacturer of bitters, snuff, etc
Eleya Smith
Bernice Vernon ) ( Rebecca Smith
Laura Leigh ' Aunt Debbv’s Sum- J Clemontine Dupre
Edith Norton i mer boarders fresh i Julia B. Elliott
Clarice Fenliegh J f rom College. ( Marv Touchstone
Fatine, Miss Vernon's French Maid ...Mary Alice Carmichael
Old Clem, the Gipsy Eva Cowan
Sarah Brannan,
Nellie Brannan,
Edna Brannan,
Ernest Brannan,
Mary Alice Carmichael,
Eva Cowan,
Ruby Culpepper,
Ruby Dickson,
Clementine Dupree,
Julia B. Elliott,
Dovis Lee Elliotr,
Odelle Foster,
Leslie Fargason,
Mattie Joe Laney,
Mary Alice Nelson,
Charles Riley,
M. B. Rodgers,
Rebecca Smith,
Elyea Smith,
Sarah G. Glass,
Mary Touchstone.
Agnes Townsend,
Mary Weems,
Wheeler Upchurch,
51 go a YF AR
*»»•»> V aJk JL L/lIU
There will be a singing at Flip
pen next Sunday afternoon, and
ail music leaders, and lovers of
music are cordialv invited to at
tend. A number of music leaders
have been invited. The Ola Quar
is coming, and it promises to be a
good song service. Plenty of new
song books will be on hand, so
get your voice in tune land come.
Sunday School Class
The mijpah Sunday School
Class of the Methodist church
was delightfully entertained at the
home of Mrs. Charles Kimbell
with Mrs. Ralph Simpson as
joint hostess.
The apartment \yas beautifully
decorated with a quanity of roses
and sweet peas. After the bus
iness session, delicious refresh
ments were served.