Newspaper Page Text
-• Local Happenings
the Western Union telegraph ofliee. I am prepared to examine
the Eye and fit glasses for Eye Strains, Hyperopia, Myopia,
Presbyopia, Astigmatism and Strabismus. My stock of Specta
cle frames and Nose glasses of latest design. 1 repair Broken
frames, replace Old and Broken Temples.
CHAS. M. SPEER, Optician.
Fraternal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M.
Regular communications of Frater
nal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M., meet
Ist and 3rd Friday nights in each
month. All duly qualified brethren
fraternally and cordially invited to
meet v«th us.
Fred Leguinn W. M.
Thos. J. Patterson Sec.
A regular communication erf
Pine Grove Lodge No. 177 F. &A. M.
will be held at the Masonic Hall,
Hampton, Ga., every second and
fourth Tuesday evenings at the reg
ular meeting hours. Visiting breth
ren cordially invited.
W. W. WISE, W. M.
R. H. MOORE, Jr., Sec.
Miss Louisa Cloud was visitor to
our city Monday.
Miss Annie Nolan spent Sat
urday in Atlanta.
Mr. Lee Newman was a week
end visitor to our city.
Miss Pearl Austin spent Sat
urday in-Atlanta.
Mr. A. N. Brown spent Tues
in Atlanta.
Mr. Billie Elliott spent Mon
day in Atlanta.
Mrs. W. E. Ham spent the
week-end with her sister Mrs.
Julia McDonald.
Miss Martha Baker, of Griffin,
is the charming guest of Esther
Misses Sadie McLean and Fran
ces Ammons spent Sunday in
Mr. Hamilton Slevens spent the
past week with the family of Mr.
J. M. Carmichael.
Miss Ola Mae Thompson is
spending this week with rela
tives in Atlanta.
Mrs. Rebecca Harlan is quite
sick at the home other nephew
Mr. W. A. Fields.
m m iss LeFever, of Kirkwood,
*« the charming visitor of Mrs.
Homer Elliott.
Mrs. Davis, of Atlanta, spent
a few days this week with her
mother, Mrs. Fannie Dunn.
Mr. Herman Whitaker is
spending a while with home
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonds, of
Atlanta, spent several days the
past week with Mrs. Delia
Master Edward Brown spent
the week-end w r ith his father.
Mr. S. P. Brown.
Mrs. Will Stewart spent last
week at Fairbura with her son,
Mr. Floyed Stewart and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ei Stewart spent
Sunday in Conyers with Mr. and
Mrs. Dvight Green.
Miss Annie G. Thompson, Blake
Bunn and Bess Fouche spent Sun
day as guests of Miss Nina Wall
in Atlanta.
Messrs. F. L. Reagan and
John Pullin returned Tuesday
from Borden Wheeler Springs.
Mrs. V. H. Davis, (if Law
reneeville, spent several days
this week with her mother, Mrs.
F. E. Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. Benton Neal,
of Shrewport La. were guests
Tuesday of Mrs. E. M. Smith.
Mrs. R. A. Sloan left Tuesday
for Bullochville to visit her
parents Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Mrs. C. S. Thompson and
children have returned to their
home in Atlanta after a visit to
Mrs. R. E. Turner.
Misses Marie Hightower and
Elizabeth Patterson left Mon
day for the State Normal at
Circle No. 1 of the Methodist
Church will hold a rummage
sale Saturday in the store room
next to G. W. Cathey.
Miss Mary Ammons spent
several days with Miss Esther
Carmichael during the past
Mrs. E. L. Reagan spent
•several"days' in Griffin during
the past week.
Misses Mary and Leonora
Weems will leave Saturday for
Greensboro to spend some time.
Messrs Howell and Gordon
Dickson, of Atlanta, spent the
week-end at home.
Misses Mary Joe Smith, Kath
leen Hulin and Lillie Lee Elliott
left for Athens Monday to attend
the State Normal School.
Mrs. A. Y. Leslie went to Atlan
ta Monday to attend the marriage
of her sister, returning Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Green,
of Conyers, are spending the
week with Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Green and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Mrs. Anna Wilson, of near Mc-
Donough, spent Sunday with
Misses Lucy and Laura Hollifieid.
Conyers Times.
Mrs. Luther Purks and daugh
ter, Elizabeth, of McDonough,
visited Messrs. C. A. and C. L.
Howell and Mrs. H. F, Branham
this week.
Covi-gtcn News.
Col. and Mrs. R. O. 'Jackson,
-mil children spent from Friday
till Tuesday with Mrs. Jack
son’s parents at Monticello.
Mrs. Frank Sowell was call
ed Monday to the bedside of
her little grand daughter, Fran
ces Gillaird who was seriously
Rev. W. S. Connett, of Locust
Grove, wili preach at New Rocky
C r eek Sunday afternoon, June,
Messrs Lee Wilson, E. M.
Copeland, Tom Pendleyand B.
S. Elliott attended the singing
at Mt. Vernon Sunday after
News has been received in
McDonough of the arrival of a
daughter at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. 11. L. Carmichael in
East Point.
First in war, first in peace
and first in matters of garden
ing, Ed Copeland is enjoying*
the succulent sweetness of his
first roasting ears.
Miss Eva Cathey left Monday
for Athens’ where she will at
tend the summer session of the
State Normal School.
Prof. H. K. Adams is plan
ning to leave soon for New
York to enter Columbia Uni
versity for a summer course of
Mrs. T. A. Lifsey, of Bartles
ville, is with Mr. and Mrs. IT.
W. Carmichael will remain
several days visiting relatives
and friends of McDonough.
Mrs. J T. Weems accompanied
by Julian Jr. Misses E izabeth
and Leonora Townsend spent the
week-end at Greensboro.
Mrs. R. H. Daniel and Boby re
turned Friday afternoon from a
weeks visit to the family of Mr.
Asa Lemon in Atlanta.
Miss Ma y Weems and Mr.
Murray Copeland attended a
camping party the past week-end
given by Mr. Skeet Coleman of
Mrs. A. B. Combs returned to
her home in Griffin Saturday
after spending some time with
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Combs, of
Locust Grove and Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Copeland, of McDonough.
Prof, and Mrs. George H. Boyd
and George Jr. spent several
days with Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Brown prior to leaving for John
Hapkins University at Baltimore
Ml. on Wednesday They made
the tr ip by water Via Savannah.
The Installation. Service ->f
the foiling newly Elected dea
cons, Homer Bryans, Moody
Smith, Clarence Duffey, Wil
liam Stanton and Green Rus
sell will take place at Timber
ridge church next Sunday after
noon four o’clock.
L. D. King.
We are agents for the Gaines
ville Steam Laundry and appre
ciate your business. Collars nice
ly laundred for 3 cts. each.
Clevis Mason, McDonough Ga.
I am requested to announce
that Mrs. Shirley E. Kelley has
Ferns most all kinds for Sale and
most all other Flowers, Just
ready to Pot out.
She wants to sell them to be
able to buy more Testaments,
and for other Mission work.
Mrs. Shirley E. Kelley,
McDonough, Ga.
Catarrh Is a Local disease greaUy In
fluenced by Constitutional conditions.
sists of an Ointment which gives Quick
Relief by local application, and the
Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts
through the Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces and assists in ridding your System
of Catarrh.
Bold by druggists for over 40 Tears.
F. J. Cten?” f: Co ; . TobD, O.
Annual all day singing at Mt. Car
mel July 4th.
Something over seven hundred
negroes have left Henry County.
Continued rains is causing the
bo'l weevil to get a good start.
Several of our farmers are
planting a crop of Mexican June
June bugs, red bugs and old
time bed hugs makes life seem a
little like old times.
Rev. H. C. Emory a former
pastor, of McDonough, Ins just
closed a great revival at his church
in Dalton Ga.
Tax collector E. E. O wen of
Rockdale County spent a few
hours in McDonough Monday.
He is just entering into his first
year in office.
An insect of some kind is ruin
ing the bean crop in Alabama, and
like the boll weevil, it is gradually
covering the entiie Southern
States. '
Rev. I. G. Walker was called a
way from his appointment at
Bethany last Sunday to conduct
a funeral service in Spalding
The Fox Street Choir and Fort
McPherson Army Quartett, of At
lanta, will be at Mt. Carmel church
on July 4th.
Huckleberry pie Blackberry jam
and June Apple dumplings is here
with us again and with plenty of
beans, vegetables, etc., to eat
every body is living high.
A negro brass band played on
the streets, of McDonough, a few
minutes Tuesday afternoon, and
while they were playing, Ordinary
A. G. Harris was called in his of
fice to perform a marriage cere
mony for a colored couple,
We regret to note the death of
the little child, of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Hooten which arrived
at their home in Beersheba Dis
trict list Monday. It’s remains
were hod to rest at Beth my Mon
day, after funeral services con
ducted by Rev. I. G. Walker.
Ellis Setzer Co funeral dilectors
in charge.
A dispatch in the last Sunday’s
issue of the Atlanta Journal stated
‘hat a pastor of one of the leading
churches in Rome Ga. was ask(d
by the county agent of Floyd
County to lead a service, asking
God to destroy the boll weevil,
and in a cotton field near Rome
in the presence of about 40promi
'nent citizens of the town, this
service was held, the pastor lead
Mr. L. H. Presley the clever and
well known blacksmith, of Locust
Grove, is some weather prophet
and takes the blue ribbon up to
as a weather prognostigator. A
bout two months ago a certain
new moon had a certain peculiar
hang to it, and Mr. Pursley an
nounced that it would continue to
rain up to about the middle of
July, and it has come true.
A severe windstorm passed over
this vicinity in around Bethany
church last week, which almost
reached the severity of a cyclone.
Trees were blown down in several
places, and the three large oak
trees in the Bethany churchyard
were blown down which have
been standing there for over half
a century.
In tno District Coart of the
United States, for the Northern
District of Georgia
In re William G. Callaway Bank
rupt No. Bl2f> in Bankruptcy.
A petition for discharge having
been filed in conformity with law
by above-named bankrupt, and the
Court having ordered that the
hearing upon said petition oe had
on July 21, 1923 at tono’clocka. m.,
at the United States District Court
room, in the city of Atlanta, Geor
gia, notice is hereby given to all
creditors and other persons in in
terest to appear at said time and
nluoe and show cause, if any they
lmve, why the prayer of the bank
rupt for discharge should not be
O. C. FULLER, Clerk.
We Wish to thank our many
friends of Henry County for the
many kind expressions of sym
pathy during the illness and
at the death of our husband,
son and brother. Also extend
our thahks and appreciation
for the many beautiful floral
Mrs. J. B. Cowan,
Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Cowan,
and family.
Picnic at Lake Davis
A congenial party picnicked at
Lake Davis on last Friday after
This attractive resort offers
many pleasures to the young peo
ple in form of swimming and
boating with the very convenient
arrangements for luncheon, and
this proved a most delightful oc
casion. Those attending were,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner, Mr.
and Mrs. J e Smith and family,
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Tolleson and
Miriam, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Weems,
Mhses Mary and Lenora Weems,
Elizabeth and Leonora Townsend,
Mary Joe Smith, Louise Smith,
Eizabeth Thompson, Mesdames
E. M. Smith and W. G. Copeland
and Messrs. H M. Tolleson, Mur
ray Copeland, Ernest Smith,
Julian Weems, Jr. and Seymour
house pin
Mrs. L D. King is entertaining
quite a number of young friends
at a house parly this week.
Many d lightful social affairs
have been nlannei for their en
tertainment and altogether this is
joy week at the manse.
Those attending the party are
Misses Wi Ileretie A"wood, of At
lanta, Martha and Dorothv Perk
erson, of Austed, Cora Huie and
Lil ian Conine, of Forest Park,
Margaret Candler and Marian
Fielder, of Villa Rica.
The annual conven ion of the
Henry county Sunday School As
sociation will be held at the
Methodist church in McDonough
on Sunday July 29th. A fu'l de
legation is expected from every
Sunday school in the county. A
banner will be awarded to the
Sunday School having the largest
attendence, in proportion to the
number of miles traveled.
Ii was a good pleasure to attend
the all day singing at Mt. Vernon
church last Sunday. A good
crowd w'as present and a number
of good leaders w'ere onhandand
the singing was a success. A de
legation of singers from the Fox
Street choir in Atlanta was pres
ent which largely helped to make
the day a success. Mr. W. F.
Helms was chairman of the
exercises of the day, and had
charge of the program which was
good throughout the entire day.