Newspaper Page Text
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the Court
House door at McDonough, Henry
County Gtt , between the legal
hours for Sheriff’s sales, on the
first Tuesday in July 1923, to high
est bidder for cash, following de
scribed property : One Book Keep
ing Machine, and one Adding
Machine, both nmnn actnred by
the Burrough’s Adding Machine
Said property levied on as the
property of the Eunk of Henry
County to satisfy an execution is
sued from the Henry Superior
Court in favor of v\ T . L. Mosley for
use of Bank of Stock-bridge against
The Bank of Henry County. This
June 6th 1923.
W. A. WARD; Sheriff.
Whether it be termed “Capital” or “Labor” our
effort, your efforts, at this time are directed to National, to
general, prosperity.
We are the most prosperous people in the world to
day; our wording conditions are the best.
Regardless to your classification this B ank is here
to help you where and how we can.
SERvtcF sAfrryp
Represents the latest achievement
in typewriter construction gives
the greatest measure of satisfac
tory service and a quality of work
that is unsurpassed*
* i
Woodstock Typewriter Co.
General Sales Office 35 N. Dearborn St.
Administrators Sale
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtnre of an order from the
court of Ordinary of Henry comity
will be sold at public out-cry, cn
the first Tuesday in July 1923, at
the court house door in said county
between the legal bourn of sale;
100 acres of land, in lltli land Dis
trict of said county, and bounded
ns follows ; On South by land of
J. L. Moseley, Wes\ by lands of
A 1 Tnrpin‘and J. L. Moseley, on
North b» r land of J. L. Moseley,
East by land of Estate of Jim
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, Mrs. Mattie Edwards
Administratrix of J L Edwards,
imprest nts to the Court in his peti
tion, duly filed and entered on re
coni. that she has fully adminis
tered J. L. Edwards estate:
This is, the.efore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show cause, if any they
Can, why said Administratrix
should not be discharged from her
administration, and receive letters
of Dismission on the first Monday
in July, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
•Wv*.‘: ’.f o Ati f.i.-A** '•'•■•c
Lnuvn Vr\ I
This 4th day of June 1923.
J. L. Moseley Robert .Moseley
A d minis! ra t ors.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the Court
house door in McDonough, Henry
County, Georgia, on the first, Tues
day in July 1923 between the legal
hours for Sheriff's sales to the
highest bidder foroasli, following
described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying
and being in the 11th land district
of Henry County, Georgia and
known as the West part of lot no,
159 of said district and county,
containing 110 acres, more or less,
more particularly described ; by
commencing at a hickory corner
on the South line of said lot. and
running* thence West to South
west corner of sai . lot; thence
North along the land lot lino to
the Northwest corner of said lot;
thence East along the North line
of said 1 it to where said North line
crosse- the Spring branch ; thence
South down said branch to a cer
tain slmai on ti e branch ; thence
on a straight line to aforesaid
hickory corner and beginning point
and bounded as follows : North by
lot oi Widow Mosley; South by
Hands of Cicero Mclntyre; East by
lands of widow Stanley, and West
by lands of William Gardner. All
of said ownerships being as they
existed Jan. 20th 1894, and being
the same property conveyed J. B.
Ragsdale and Margarette Ragsdale
to C. M. Mclntyre in hook 5 page
516 of Deeds in said county.
Said property levied on as the
property of O. B. Turpin to satisfy
an execution issued from the
IFe.nry Superior Court in favor of
C, M. Mclntyre for use of M L.
Hirsh against O. B. Turpin.
Tenant in possession of said
property notified.
This June 6th 1923.
W. A. WARD, Sheriff.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will he sold before the Court,
house door, in the city of McDono
ugh, in said county, between the
legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in July 1923, to the high
est biddder for cash, the followit g
property, to wit:
. The Standard of Comparison
En j oy Every Summer Day
With a Buick Sport Car
Care-free Vacation time has a perfect companion in the
Buick Sport Touring car. Every line of its beautiful
appearance, every sparkle of its luxurious fittings reflect the
spirit of summer days with their many social enjoyments.
And the Buick Sport Touring car is more than a play
time motor car. It is suited to business and other every
* day motoring because it is a Buick —with all the tradi
tional Buick dependable performance, ability and stamina.
Fours Sixes
* Prices f. o. b. Buick Factor- 2 Pass. Road. . $ 865 2 Pa... Red. $1175 4 Pa... Coupe slß*s
let; government tax to be 5 £*”• J our - * 5 Past. To':.. - 1195 7 Pa»». Tour. • 1435
11“: IK :S3 5F- iw. »
provides for Deferred 5 Pass. Tour. Sedan- • . 1935 Sport Road. * 1625
Payments. Sport Road. ■ 1025 5 Pasr. Sedan • 1985 Sport Tourinj - 1675
hi Ames of land in Hampton dis
| triot. bounded as follows: South by
land of T. 1). Stewart; West by
land of Andrew Barham ; North by
land of Henry Jones; East by land
of T J. Standard.
Said, property levied on as the
propoi ty of A. C. Barham to satisfy
I a Tax ex< cution issued from
| \\ yatt Rowh.ii T, C. of Henry coun
ty in favor of Wyatt Rowan T. (\
against \. C. Barham. Tenant in
possession notified. This 26th of
May 1923.
EeVvC made by J. F. Copeland,
L. C.
Sheriff said county.
In tho District 3onrtof the Uni
ted States, for the Northren l)is
triet of Georgia.
In re I‘hilip F. Pruitt Bankrupt.
1 No. 8683 In Bankruptcy.
A petition for disoharge having
been filed in oonformity with law
by aboved-tmmed bankrupt, and
the Court having ordered that the
hearing upon said petition bo had
on June 16, 1923 at ten o'clock a.
m., at the United States District
Court room, in the city of Atlanta,
Georgia, notice is lierbc.y given to
all creditors and other persons in
interest to appear at said time and
place and show' cause, if any they
have, why the prayer of the bank
rupt for discharge should not he
O. C. DULLER. Clerk.
For Twelve M mtlis’ Support
Georgia, Henry Courtly.
Mrs R J. Williams having made
application for Twelve oaths’
Support- out of the estate of R. J.
Williams deceased. And the re
port of the appraisers having been
filed. All persons concerned are
hereby required to show cause be
fore the Court of Ordinary of said
county on the first Monday in July
1923 why said application should
not be granted.
This sth dav of June 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Twelve Months’ Support
Georgia, Henry County.
Millie Kelley having made appli
cation for twelve months support
out of tho estate of Robert Kelley
deceased, and the appraisers hav
ing made their return, all persons
concerned arc hereby required to
show cause before the court of
Ordinary of said County on the
| first Monday in July 1923 why said
application should not be granted,
and said return bo made the
judgment of the Court.
This 4th day of June 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Georgia. Henry County.
Will be sold before tho Court
house door at McDonough, Henry
County Georgia, on the first Tue»-
day in July, within the legal lionts
for Sheriff's sales, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following de
scribed propei t v :
AH that tract or parcel of land
lying, situate and being in land
lots 89 and 90 of the Bth district of
Henry County Georgia, and being
known as the William T. Stroud
home place and being 250 acres
more or less, and being the same
premises formerly owned by J. W.
Bowden who lived on the same
premises at the time of. his death.
Said piomisesaro hounded as fol
lows :
On the West by FI. IT. Forbes ;
On the East, hv the lands of T. J.
Stewart and McDonald; on the
North hv the lands of Lon Bailey
and T. J. Stewart; and on the
South by the lands of B. (). Mc-
Donald estate and J. A. McDonald ;
and being the same property
which was sold to Has Stroud by
C. 11. Stroud and T. J. Stewart,
executors of the estate of W. T.
Stroud, which executors deed was
recorded on Deo. 15th 1916 in
deed book ] 1 page 29 ip Henry
county Records.
Said property levied on ns the
property of Has Stroud U) satisfy
a fi fa issued from thm-Newton
Superior oourt in favor ofj. How
ell Green, W. J. Tilsjon aud Chas.
D. McKinney, Trustee against
Has Stroud. Tenant in possession
Sheriff said county.