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Cry for
MOTHER ! Fletcher’s Castoria is a harmless Substitute for
Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups,
©repared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of
Constipation Wind Colic
Flatulency To Sweeten Stomach
Diarrhea Regulate Bowels
Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and
Natural Sleep without Opiates ~
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it.
Rocky Creek.
Last Weeks News
Miss E.lna Brown was the din
ner guest of her sister, Mrs. Roy
Greer, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Payne, Bill
Mavo and Ralph Payne was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Payne, Sunday.
Mrs. J. T. Simpson and son, J.
T. Jr. has returned home after a
visit to Ellenwood.
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hilley had
as their guest Sunday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Olyton, Mr. Dock
Welch and Messers Loyd White
and Carl Uolifield, of Jackson.
Mr. Tye Stone was a visitor in
this community Sunday a. m.
Don’t forget the singing at this
place the first -Sunday afternoon
in July, every one has an invitation.
Mrs. J. T. Simpson was the
guest of Mrs. Howard and daugh
ter Ilah Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Hugh Simpson filled his re
gular appointment Sunday night
Down South.
Mr. Flem Standard passed
through this community Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Hilley and
daughter, Jonette made a business
trip to McDonough Saturday p.
Mr. George Hand made a flying
trip to Hampton Saturday after
Hazel Hicks was the guest of
Anna Mae Welch Sunday.
We are sorry to note that Mr.
Martin still remains ill.
Jesse Greer made a snappy trip
to Hampton one day last week.
Master Frank Greer was the
guest of Master Charlie Clayton
Mr. Lem Greer and son, Bill
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
T, m Greer Sunday, afternoon.
Misses Bernics and Thelma
Hilley visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Payne late Sunday afternoon.
The checker board truck from
Griffin was seen in this community
Saturday afternoon, as usual.
“I was pale and thin, hardly
able to go,” says Mrs. Bessie
Bearden, of Central, S. C. “I
would suffer, when I stood on
my feet, with bearing-down
pains in my sides and the lower
part of my body. I did not rest
well and didn’t want anything
to eat. My color was bad ana
1 felt miserable. A friend of
mine told me of
The Woman’s Tonic
and 1 then remembered my
mother used to take it.. . After
the first bottle I was better. I
began to fleshen up and 1 re
gained my strength and good,
ealthy color. 1 am feeling fine.
I took twelve bottles (of Cardui)
and haven’t had a bit of trouble
Thousands of other women
have had similar experiences in
the use of Cardui, which has
brought relief where other
medicines had failed.
If you suffer from female ail
ments, take Cardui. It is a
woman’. medicine. ii cay be
Just wh; t you need.
At yoi r druggist’s or dealer's.
Round About News
Chicken pies next
How about the old time
chicken and dumplings?
We spent a very pleasant
hour with Observer last Satur
day. He is alright and be
lieves in putting flowers on
you while you live, — a true
friend and a good man.
What has become of the old
time freckle face, bare-footed
boy with copperas pants and
home kink suspenders; with
a bent pin for a fish-hook; a
sewing thread for a line; a nail
for a sinker galloping up and
down the brooks and creeks
yelping like an Indian and fish
ing for mitinews? That boy
was happy. If you don’t think
so ask my frienk, Frank Pat
terson, and what he says will
he true.
My friend T. J. stewart is a
“tator” bug killer. He says
when he gets one between his
fore finger and his thumb, he
is a thing of the past.’ He is
also some fisherman, and woe
he to the mud cat, blue cat and
any other kind that takes his
hook, for he is going straight
to the frying pan.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adair
went to preaching in McDon
ough Sunday morning, Sunday
school at Snappings Shoals
Sunday evening and stoped
over with Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Stewart a while. We need
more folks like the* “old
NO FEAR OF EVIL resulting from
change of diet, water or climate,
concerns those who take or the short
trip, summer vacation or long journey,
Ready for emergency » night or day.
IT takes hold. It
grips hard. Its
high, thick, sharp
edged blocks put
up a wedge-like re
sistance to skidding.
It is the maximum
safety, traction and
long wear you can
put under your car
—the reinforced,
beveled All-Weather
Tread of the new
Goodyear Cord Tire.
As Goodyear Service Station
Dealers we sell and recam.
. mend the new Goodyear
* Cords with the beveled All -
Weather Tread and back I
them up with standard
Goodyear Service
Weak, Ailing
should take
The Women’s Tonic
Sold Everywhere
Social Circle.
(L*st Weeks News)
Glad to see the sunshine after
so much rain.
Miss Lucy Petterman spent last
week with Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Mrs. Sim Selfridge is spending
is spending a while with her sister,
Mrs. W. N. South.
Mr. atxl Mrs J. C. Howell spent
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.
G. L. Howell.
Misses Penrle South and Agnes
Peterman spent Wednesday after
noon with Miss Maurine Morris.
Little J. C. Sprayberry spent
last week with his cousin, John
Lewis Howell.
Miss Mary Ammons, of McDon
ough, spent the week-end with
Miss Peorle South.
Mrs. T. W. Peterman and daugh
ters and Miss Lucy Peterman was
the dinner gusst of Mrs. W. H.
White, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White and
children and Miss Ethen White
spent the afternoon Sunday with
Mrs. C. W. Gardner.
Frances White is quite ill at
this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. CamD was the
dinner guest Sunday, of Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Liles.
Mrs. J. S. Howell and Mrs. W
H. White spent Saturday after
noon with Mrs. B. Y. White.
Mrs. M. D. Ford and daughter
and Mrs. J. W.-Thurman and son,
was the dimer guest of Mrs. C. Y.
Thurman, Sunday.
furmk m at thesai^ej^cesasp^dbyd^Uerg
•Q f Ihl J ' ' ~ CiVncher Sl2e ' $10.75 NATIONALLY KNOWN 1
•it'-T-fl fi 3 30x3 M Super Size, ..
3 siiie W'W Look at the wonderful
Jjf 32x3>l Straight Side 15.95 rugged tread of the BELL
JS o ** WF M 31x4 StraiKht Side 18.75 CORD. Built of finest ma
tt VHi 33x4 Straight side ll™ * er j al by sati*
gLfl i Vj 34x4 Straight Side 23.50 ned and skilled workers.
IMS if 6 4 32x4Vi Straight side 26.40 Imagine the tremendous
Si n a B8:< gSlff. Side %% we that this
vie] 33x4 l A Straight Side 28.75 tread can stand. The kind
2$ meJs I 33x5 Straight Side 33.50 of a tire you have always
HI £ PI 12% Discount it cash is sent _ . __
ft *n! \ with order. Oversize—Heavy
S' % Dependable
GjSrS 4 r\ II No matter where you live, whether roads are
BBS ft fm Rood ’ or had, the BELL CORD will live up to
Ja\ /M *ts wonderful reputation for SERVICE. _
<OrJV\ /A Triple Guarantee: Mileage—QuaOty-Workmanship
V, Sold under a most liberal policy—Send n*|
money—we ship C. O. D. the very earn« day
Wr!i Prices on our your order is received and allow examination,
Sw wunrfertt, .iell red tubes. If tires do not meet with your approval, you
■ f ” TTT~Z Tl need not accept them.
oyg Positively No Seconds
HI I n . , T: You take no risk. You have all to gain.
|,« °r Retread Tires | Ma ,, Your ordcr lo , da> ~
CAfria; i f "'" NEW YORK CITY
7446 R €S . Main 470
Lorahl£l Allen
• 14 Edgewood’Ave., Atlanta. Ga.
Engraved Cards, Wedding Invitations, etc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lanev and
daughter Leone, visited Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Boatner Sunday.
Miss Dale Sandifer spent Mon
day with Mrs. J. M. Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Price near
Bethany visited Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Rape Sunday.
Mrs. J. M. Skinner visited Mrs.
T. L. LeGuin Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Andrew Goss spent the
week-end with Mr. Dovle Jinks.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jink spent
Sunday with Mrs. Laura Rosser.
Mrs J. M. Skinner and Miss
Dale Sandifer visited Miss Mattie
Rape Monday p. m.
Little Annie Laura and Jane
Elliott Coan, also Margaree Rosser
spent Thursday afternoon with
Miss selle Rosser.
The ice cream supper given bv
Mrs. Andy Sandifer was enjoyed
bv all that was present Saturday
Mrs. G. T. Bunn and children
are spending a few weeks with
her mother Mrs. Laura Rosser.
Misses Vera, Eunice and Ger
trude White and Miss Pearle
South and Mr. Otto Coleman,
Lucious, South Lee White spent
a while last Sunday afternoon
with Miss Virginia Heifner.
M r s. W. G. Calloway and Mrs.
Ruth Morris spent Friday evening
with Mrs. E. M. Barr.
Mr. and Mrs. B H. Martin, of
Atlanta spent a while Sunday
with Mr. M. F. Martin. ,