The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 10, 1923, Image 5

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Oii' dren K fry fa%ar ~ • ———— CastorjA ?K OTH KR ! Fletcher’s Castoria is a harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, orepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation Wind Colic Flatulency To Sweeten Stomach Diarrhea Regulate Bowels Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep without Opiates ~ To avoid imitations, always look for tjie signature of -C&cc&z/V Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. A--,.-. . I’ Mesi aUiiirSjj, - . 11 EnKfl jg Jpi | YOU ' i ZBireha&e’ffilcm $5.00 starts you to ----- •.......».w& - >t.liC' -own-ersbi ft of any type of Ford Car, Truck or Ford- son Tractor. /?TT^- r ' T> ; - We will deposit your payments in a local Trodichassis bank at interest. „ You can add a little omiM e . ver Y weck - s ° on W'' the payments, plus CKassls the interest, will ro th 2 Car, Truck or Tractor yours. Come in and get JsSg L details. * The McDonough Motor Company, Authorized Dealers. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA, Daniel's Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Davis, of Locust Grove, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rape. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jinks spent Sunday with Mrs. Laura Rosser. Miss Annie Sue Peek is spend ing the week in Bonaire Ga. Miss Jewell Credille and Miss Annie Rosser spent Tuesday with # Miss Annice Boatner. Mrs. Belle Johnson, of Griffin, is visiting in this community for a few days. Miss Myrtle Price, of Locust Grove, spent the week-end with here aunt, Mrs. A. A. Rape. Miss Annie Rosser spent Wed nesday with Miss Ruby Crumbley near Phillippi. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Skinner spent Wednesday with __ Mrs. Emmie Jinks. Miss Belle Laney, of Locust Grove, is spending a few weeks with Miss Marguritte Laney. Miss Flora Cordell near Philliopi is spending this week with her aun\ Mrs. J. R. Coan. Mr. and M#s. J. M. Skinner | visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jinks! Tuesday. Mrs. Dora Jinks spent Saturday with Mrs. Cora Daniel. We are sorry to say at this j wiiting that Mr. John iloatner is 1 i sick, but we hope him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Ellen Jinks visited rela tives at Locust Grove Friday. Miss Adline Mann and Miss Doris Mason,'of Atlanta, spent last week i with their grand mother Mrs. Me-1 Donald. SO SO. South Avenue Rev. W. N. South filled the pul pit at Bethel Sunday in the ab sence of the pastor. Rev. Hunnicutt, o' Atlanta, came with presiding elder Fakes to quarterly conference at Bethel Saturday and preached at 11 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Whitley and Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, of Atlanta attended the all day ser vices at Fiat Shoals Suudny. Mrs. Mae Mitchel, of Rex, was shopping in Atlanta Saturday. Alpha Barn and Alpha retta Sanders, of Rex, are visiting in Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Suitles and daughter, Miss Maud and Mr. and ! Mrs. Homer Moore, of Atlanta, and Miss Margie Hr lira, of Ho ganville were dinner guests at Mr. W. G. Callaway’s Sunday. Miss Rosie Jarrett and Miss Edenfield, of Atlanta, were guests of Mrs. Monroe Barr Sundtv. Mrs. C. W. South was the guest of Mrs. L. H Cook and Mrs. Willis Campbell Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Liles spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. W. South. Mrs. J. A. Marlin spent a few days last week with Mr. M. F. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Hayes. While this is being written the remains of our chief executive is being brought back to Washington from far off California. The western trip was urlu ky from the start it seems. They met with several accidents before the sad ending. We trust that his re sponsibilities as presidsnt of this great na'inn, did not prevent him from having his heart prepared to meet his God in peace. Mis. Wcu.s Camp and daughter, SaL'ie Mae a;:d Margie were the Round trip to EUROPE Why Pay Excessive Rates? The Great Northern Steamship Co. (Incorporated) Announces that Arrangements arc Now Being Made for Monthly sllO Round Trips to Europe Boston— Southampton Boston —Gothenburg SUO lir « y OX E WA\ OM-, WAY s<„. Connecting for Connecting for Christiania, Stockholm, Helsing- London, Liverpool, LaHavre for*, Danzig, Riga, Copenhagen THE ABOVE PRICES WILL INCLUDE RAILROAD PARES TO POINTS AS FAR NORTH AS STOCKHOLM The Company plans to oarry approximately two thousand pas sengers monthly. Make your plans now fora trip during the coming season. A round trip, with all expenses on shipboard included, at no more ex pense than a vacation right here at home! To meet the ever increasing demand in this country for an inex pensive andat the same time thorough ly comfortable and enjoyable trans- Atlantic voyage, is the prime object of the Great Northern Steamship Company. Organized by progressive business men who realize the excep tional opportunity offered for inex pensive travel in Europe, the Company will cater to the thousands of Intel- WE WILL ALSO SHOW YOU IIOW YOU MAY BECOME A HART-OWNER IX THE MOST TALKED OF ENTER I ’RISK IX YEARS. We have an opening for an energetic representative in your locality This is an excellent opportunity for a person of character to build up a permanent business both tor himself and the Great Northern jp ,: Cut out and mail us with your name and address. • A. Wikstrom Information Dep’t Edmunds Bldg., Suite Boston, Mass. Tam interested in securing full information regarding a trip to: (Make with a cross) Qj> - Hound way trip England France Germany Italy Sweden Norway _ Denmark llaltic Provinces Finland Russia Name _ _ Street or It. f. d. City or Town State _ ' spend- thr-diy guests of Mrs. J. A. Liles Thursday. Irene S auth was the guest of the MLses MT.un in Rex a short while Saturday p. m. Mr. Charlie Patterson and Mr. J t Turner attended the evening service SKtb; Richey revival Tuesday. Wren South was the'freest of Paul Liles Saturday night snd Sunday. Busy Bee. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. t After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general 1.- l:h Start taking Hail’s Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials. "r*e. Fi. CHEN r2Y CO., To'3G0 t C’ie.O, 5-lc hy aii Druggie'*, foe. ligent persons who wish to visit the battlefields of France, the Shakespeare country, Scandinavia, the Land of the Midnight Sun, etc. A chance of a life time! So it would seem; but it is more than that. The Company will build for a permanent business, planning on setting a new standard of high-class ocean travel on a one class basis. That this can be-done at a fair margin of profit has already been proved and Is further outlined in our prospectus. You’ll findit extremely interesting. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK United States Service, Ino. Head Office, K.lmunds Bldg. Boston, Mass. ( Check t Knclosed.fiud P. O Order for ( Draft ) $ part ) as payment in ' for ( full ) units of the shares of The Great Northern Steamship company, 111 c. Price oer Ymit $50.00. (Four Preferred and two Common Shares to each unit.) Have Certificate and Receipt issued in the name of: Name City or Town 77 State The above price quoted for imme diate acceptance only. When buying on en stall me uts 2o' / v of purchase price most accompany order, bal- HIK: e umy be paid in ten monthly payments. Weak, Ailing WOMEN should take m ’ / ' . ■ The Woman’s Tonic Sold Everywhere r 13 SAVES BABIES, helps grown ups, comforts elderly people. For cholera infantum, summer com plaint, weakening diarrhoea —use CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC OIARRHOEA TaWia a little sweetened water. hevts feuls.