The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 10, 1923, Image 6

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Mt. Bethel E. B. and Franklin Strawn were home from Atlanta for the week end. Mrs. W. N. Austin was on the sick list last week. Mr. and Mrs. Toliver McCord and children of Jackson were visiting Mr. and Mrs. 0. Jones Sunday. Mr. Henry Cb veland was visit ing his sister, Mrs J. W, Jackson last week. Mrs. Effie Bucharnan and little son, of Attlanta, we-e gmsts of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Strawn Sunday, all attended Sunday school at this place and stopped with us for an hour. Rev. W. G. Crawley, of Atlanta, is assisting in revival services at Snapping Shoals church this week. Rev. Crawleys childhood home is at Snapping Shoals, he grew up there and went out from the place to bless the world through his ministry of the gospel. He is now CREDIT'*" BUSINESS | CONFIDENCE 3 11|,Yo»C»h Have It y You can establish business confidence through the medium ;cf an account at this Bank. 1 Vnv The most important the busi ness world is CREDIT. It may govern ycur success cr failure at any time. , Start an account with us today and your credit. . . . . #| fJi / L™ s I BELL CORDS '/ V\ •W- <V vl i Sue Price Each 20% OVERSIZE (/ • •! / 30x3 H Stand. size, ~” — * VM. '/ -4 H Clincher .... $lO-75 ' NATIONALLY KNOWN // 'x < c,e <J. D 30x3M Super Size, /V ' Mj 3 ~n ~,s‘‘ cii„‘ }IH Look at the wonderful i&& §SSSB S& ills rugged tread of the BELL - ■ / t. a 31x4 Straight Side 18.75 CORD. Built of finest ma *' y 'i <a f'srS O! ? 2x '} Straight side 21.50 terial obtainable, by satis , . t. ii 33x4 Straight Side 22.50 ~ A $ « 31x4 Straight Side 23.50 tied and skilled workers. /.'fi ~ -/ *.< 2 33\4, 1 2 Straight Side 26.40 Imagine the tremendous Vii v tit $ vl'il wear an d tear that this \. 4-i £ 1 35X4H Straight Side 28’.75 tread can stand. The kind , r Ji. -Wfi I 33x3 Straight Side 33.50 of a tire you have always /'T-f, 'JT i.:| | 33x5 Straight Side 34.50 wanted. 3/W « 12% Discount if cash is sent A . n /v $ i w,th order. Oversize—Heavy ') tS\ t-'; \_ ! V/"Y Dependable /*£M 4 U V z /i No matter where you live, whether roads are 3\ * /fl good or bad, the BELL CORD will live up to its wonderful reputation for SERVICE. Triple Guarantee: Mileage—Quality-Workmanship //M Sold under a most liberal policy—Send n* ' V i J money—we ship C. O. D. the very same 4ay /Jtfi onr your order is received and allow examination. / t X\g wonnertu -.t-ix iucd tubes. If tires do not meet with your approval, you /vr IT I ~1 need not accept them. V >**! PosrtivelyNo ieconus ; iSjffl ~ 4T" ‘qc Lou ta^K no Vou have all <o gain. //ttSl' ft W. nCuCfIU IIeCS v rv . . , ________J maxi Your Lfrder to-day* GABLE TIRE & RUBBER CO. Bgrtt>lNG- NEW YORK CITY a strong preacher of the word. The people of his old home place are proud to claim him and to have him with them for a few days in the work. Mr. and Mrs Henry Johnson, of Atlanta, visited relatives here and at Store Mountain last week and were the guest of the F. B- Straw n Saturday night. They left for Jenkinsburg Sunday enroute to their home in the city. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hooten are expect* d home lrom Culleoka Term, where they have been visit ing their daughter Mrs. W. T. Simpson. Mis’ Franc. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ■— Swoamre of f HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA LEGAL NOTICES. For Twelve Months’ Support Georgia, Henry County. Mrs. Ella Adamson having made application for Twelve Months Support oat of the estate of T. B. Adamson deceased, and the apprais ers appointed by the Court having made their returns, all persons concerned are required to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Mondav in September 1923 why said appli cation should not he granted. This Bth day of August 1923. A. G. HARRIS. Ordinary. For Leave To Sell To Whom It May Concern: Mrs. Vesta E. Combs. Admini stratrix of the estate of I. E. Combs deceased, having in due form made application for leave to sell the lands and stocks belonging to said estate, consisting of 250 acres of land, also one-half interest in 100 acres land, in Locust Grove List, of said county, also one house and lot in Locust Grove, also 12 shares stock in Bank of Locust Grove, 5 shares stock in Atlanta Trust Co., 5 shsres stock in Han son Motor Co., 25 shares stock in Locust Grove Merc. Co., 50 shares stock in Henry County Fertilizer Mid (Jiu Co., G shares stock in Merchants and Planters Ware House C . S lid application will be heard at the regular term of ihe Court of Ordinary for said county to bo held on the first Monday in Septem ber 1923. This 6th day of August 1923. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. TO LLESON-TURN HR CO. goodS-Tear Social Circle. Ahr f - crowd from nere at tended the foot washing at Fiat Shoals Sunday. Miss H. E. Ford has returned home alter a two weeks visit at E ist point. M s. Joe Callaham spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. C. M. Patter son. Mrs. Mather Austin and child ren spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Thurman. Mrs. B. Y. White and children spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. W. H. White. Mrs. J. C. Burks and son, Paul spent Sunday with Mrs. J. W. Thurman. Misses Birdie Callaham, Lillian Patterson, Vera and Eunice White I was the guest of Mrs. G. W. Walden Fiiday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Clark and family spent a w hile Sunday with Mr. end Mrs. W. IJ. Clark. I ‘ S.viiLES. ’ Price* of 81! (404 J /fYY Commodities XXI cs \ j _ [ jpooctyear Tiros 19141913191 G 1920 1921 19221923 IT'S always a good time to buy Good year Tires, for, as this chart shows, Goodyears are priced extremely low, year in and year out. But now is the best time, because Goodyears are sell ing today 30 % be low 1914 prices, and their quality now is better than ever before. As Goodyear Service Station Dealers u)e sell and rccom. o.lSMf nd. fib*-,nr.y ,C< >. ........... Cords with the beveled All- Weather Tread and back them up with standard Goodyear Service When we take a vacation it is for the purpose of break ing the monotony of our daily life, and we usually do some thing or go somewhere so the general round of every day will be entirely different from what we are used to. This sometimes results in encounters with conditions with w hich we are entirely unfamiliar, and it is just as well to be pre pared for an emergency. A little package of every-day medicines, disinfectant healing lotions, anti-septic gauze, absorbent cotton, etc.* is essential to the cautious. We can fix this up for you in a few minutes. Come in and see us before you go. The Cash Drug Store Hampton Georgia. Lincon Journal in Business 33 Years Atlanta, Ga., July 26, The Lin coln Journal at Lincolnton, Ga., according to announcement made in newspaper circles here, has eu tered upon its thirty-first year in business. It has grown from a small four-page sheet, part of Calcium Arsenate Immediate shipment by freight cr ex press in any quantities from one hun dred pounds up. Reasonable stocks on hand ifi Memphis and Atlanta, best grade, guaranteed complying with Gov ernment specifications. Why let the boll weevil destroy your cOtton crop when you can easily control the weevil and make a crop? 4 Wire or write us for prices. ASHCRAFT -WILKINSON COMPANY Lowry Bank & Trust Company of Georgia Building ATLANTA, GEORGIA The \X7£%£\ f> C tA Wuu i j I; w\>lv Represents the latest achievement in typewriter construction gives the greatest measure of satisfac tory service and a quality of work that is unsurpassed* Woodstock Typewriter Co, General Sales Office 35 N. Dearborn St. CHICAGO, ILL. which was printed in Atlanta, to its present size, eight or more pages all home print weekly. Hon. J. H. Boykin has been editor of the Lincoln Journal for the past twenty-six years a record that few men in the newspaper game hold in Georgia. He is re cognized as one of the most vigor ous editorial writers in the State.