The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 31, 1923, Image 5
WSm MOTHER ! Fletcher’s Castoria is a harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, orepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation Wind Colic Flatulency To Sweeten Stomach Diarrhea Regulate Bowels Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep without Opiates * " To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of CrLiSb'Y/-■i&tcJLeA'- Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. PEVOE , ' . . • *:. . fci .a ■ Vi : •;: • ' --f •.?■■ '•■ • ••, V- 7. ! '"- •• \v *. I Paint and Varnish Products Prevent Deitruction jff I the brunt of ■ tremendous down. til. \\. \ f'J Af Af L?) Knives, tort*, spoons—nicking and Hjj (’ jf&M ff/rnr dsnttag. digging snd cutting—slowly ■ 7446 Res. 470 lorah.H Allen WITH DURHAM JEWELRY CO., 14 Edgewood Ave.. Atlanta. Ga. t ‘GIFTS THAT LAST" Engraved Cards, Wedding Invitations, etc. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGB GEORGIA, Down South News Everybody around here work ing with broom corn. Miss Lucile Williams spent lost week with Miss Myrtice Clark to attend Teamon meeting. The men of this community went on a fishing trip Saturday, i Several from here attended the party given by Mrs. J. T. Simpson Friday night. Mrs. Mag Grey from Douglas is spending a few days with her brother, Mr. Joe Griffin. Mr. Cecil Sanders, Kelly Terrell and Bill Howard have returned from Woodsberry. Mr. Hugh Simpson left for Muskegon Michigan Saturdav, everybody will miss his smiling face. Mr. Waldo Matthers spent the week-end with Mrs. Grover Standard. Henry Greer spent Saturday night with Bernard Standard. Misses Agnes Burrell, Jettie Belle Greer, Gladys and Mary Roteree and Mr. Fred Burrell and Johnie Terrell were the guest of Miss Polly, Lula and Mr. Ralph Williams Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffin. Miss Jennie Bearden spent Fri day afternoon with Mrs. T. J. Standard. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Standard spent Sunday with Mrs. T. J. Williams. Miss Roaalee Morris has re turned home again. Mrs. John Dupree spent last week with parents in Porterdale. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Williams and children spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mr. Bernardd Standard and Barron Williams motored to Bluff Springs Friday night. Mrs. J. W. Griffin and Miss Polly Williams spent Monday afternoon* with Mrs. Bob Chappell. Few around here went on a picnic at Towalaga Trussle Wed nesday and all motored to the ball game at McDonough in the afternoon. The ones present were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Payne, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Simpson and son, J. T. Jr. Mr. Red Patterson, Mr. Arnold Payne, Misses Ruth and Elon Payne, Helen Callaway, Polly and Lula Williams, Messrs, Hugh Simpson Rill Howard Kef ley Terrel and Ralph Payne. Mrs. Shirley K. Kelley, Mc- Donough, Ga., sultana cuttings acts, each; well rooted lacts. each spengeria ferns, well root ed lacts; baby breath ferns, large size aOcts; small ones 25ets. each; Hoston sword ferns, large size aOcts, small ones 2acts. each; cactus cut tings acts, well rooted facts; long slim leaf, will grow long and spread and bloom as they grow; begonia, large red leaf, silver spotted, well rooted 2acts other begonias lacts. for pink and white 2acts. for deep red; geranium cuttings acts, each, well rooted 2acts; double white, pink and red fuschia cuttings acts., rooted 25ets. cash with order, postpaid. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears. *5 ■■>«> Power to Stop! Buick Tour-wheel ‘Brakes WS i\«! ***■ \ ' \ * %feiw*V§ N ', l —iSNss/J ,v - • Bi 'xCK four-wheel brakes provide a factor of safety welcomed by every driver. No matter how careful he may be there are moments when the power to stop his car quickly and surely averts a serious accident. Buick four-wheel brakes operate simply by light pressure on the foot pedal. There is no change in the method of operation over former Buick rear wheel brakes. Buick rear brake construction has proved its dependability for many years. Identically the same principle, simple in its mechanism and effective in its braking control, now has been employed on the front wheels. The adoption of four-wheel brakes by Buick on its 1924 cars is wholly in keep ing with its policy of giving the owner everything that will increase his safety, comfort and satisfaction. The 1924 Buick cars likewise are dis tinctive for their bcaqjy, their increased power, ease of operation and comfort — giving features never before found on motor cars. ItUICS. MOTOR CO., FLINT, MICH. //it of General hfotars Corporation i’ionecr Guilders of Valvs-ln*H««d Motor Chi* Brnheke, s in Ail Principal CUicb—Dealers Everywhere TOLLESON-TURNER COMPANY McDonough, Georgia Calcium Arsenate Immediate shipment by freight or ex press in any i.jantities from one hun dred pounds up. Reasonable stocks on hand in Memphis and Atlanta, best grade, guaranteed complying with Gov ernment specifications. Why let the boll weevil destroy your cotton crop when you can easily control the weevil and make a crop? Wire or write us for prices. ASHCRAFT - WILKINSON COMPANY Lowry Bank & Trust Company of Georgia Building ATLANTA, GEORGIA The WOODSTOCK Represents the latest achievement in typewriter construction gives the greatest measure of satisfac tory service]and a quality of work that is unsurpassed* Woodstock Typewriter Co. General Sales Office 35 N. Dearborn St. CHICAGO,2,I LL. E-S-IS-NP