The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 31, 1923, Image 6
Elliston News We are having some more rain at this writing. Lookout Mr. Bollweevil or you’ll get drowned Sunday School was slirn this time. Guess the people are at tending Camp meeting. The friends of Mr. W. B. Ma son’s family regret to know of their illness. Tluy were poisoned from eating ice cream. wish them a speedy recivery. Mr. Tom Smi h and fun ly, ot near McDonou h vhited relatives here Sunday. Mr. Arthur Hi.l v, of new Covington visited Mi. E. Z. Car ter Sunday. Our meeting has just closed with an addition of membership. Rev. Mr. Nelson, of Woodberry who assisted in the work render ed many interesting sermons. Mr. Watson Shaw, of College Park was visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Horton. Messrs. Willie, James and Har old Haves spent the week-end ®jpsi We Offer You a Reliable TjlL* Banking Connection OUR CUSTOMERS FEEL AT HOME IN THIS BANK. They are convinced of its safety; they are satisfied with its service; they found here a cordial, helpful sympathy with their interests and their ideals. Any one of our officers will be pleased to confer with you on any business matter and we particulary invite your patronage on the strength of our value to yov. THE BANK THAT BACKS THE FARMED ■ ~ DEPOSITS INSURED, = 12000 Mile GuabomteedTiiie -~> A 4? B*»*h i fji!\ \l at the same prices as paid by dealers KS /“ ™, 1 BELL CORDS K, ml I ®' ze Price Each 20% OVERSIZE t&jmJo I J 30x3 M Stand. size, ' f * C Clincher $10.75 NATIONALLY KNOWN i.l ,* «£> Jl l 30x3 M Super Size, & |wJ 7 30x3'i Straight side" lias l ook at the wonderful w,V a 1 T 32x35a Straight Side 15.95 rugged tread of the BELL 1 J 31x4 Straight Side 18.75 CORD. Built of finest ma -1 % 33x4 Straight tide 1110 ferial obtainable, by satis ir V 34x4 Straight Side 23.50 fied and skilled workers. ]h j! S -32 x4 '-j Straight Side 26.40 Imagine the tremendous * 33x4H Straight Side 27.25 wear and tear that thia ft 5 2 ?. t 34x4J-a Straight Side 27.75 ™ eaX . ana tea f ™, at .V 11 ? (4 j, 35x4 W Straight Side 28.75 tread can stand. The kind S 33x5 Straight Side 33.50 of a tire you have always IL, fit 35x5 Straight Side 34.50 wanted. <WjL mtA < 12% Discount if cash is sent _ . __ f|. ' JT#i \ withorder - Oversize—Heavy mX V| >’ Dependable *1 11 No matter where you live, whether roads are Im £° or bad, BELL CORD will live up to 'M won derful reputation for SERVICE. jIfXVV ♦Jfc N Triple Guarantee: Mileage—Quality-Workmanship r 1i V l: ’ > Sold under a most liberal policy—Send n* W & money—we ship C. O. D. the very same day 't* ism r — tlursam prices on our your order is received and allow examination. SLt wennertu ,‘r.\A. Km im p.s. If tires do not meet with your approval, you Mri 771 , r I”! nefed not accept them. Positively No ieconds $3 # or Retread Tires y ° u tak * n ° n j k - have f io *«*"• , Mail Your Order to-day* CABLE TIRE CO. j.CABte BUILDING NEW YORK CITY with Mr. Howard Hayes, near McDonough. Misses Mary and Nellie Godsey and Mists Wi'lie Mae Blessitt dined with Misses Elon and Eva Lewis. They reported a very good dinner. Don’t forget that the associa tion will meet at Sardis two days, 29. h. and 30th. of this month. Even body is invited to come hut be sine to biing a well filled bas ket both days. If this escapes the waste basket I v\il! come ag> in Red Bird How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall’s Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, "ree. F\ .T. CHENEY 4: To’edo, Ohio, ?- lo l:y all i)ru tr' c. HfcNKl COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICK The Federal Land In the Superi liank of Colombia,) or Court of va ' Henry County I April term, T. W. Woods J 1923 Complaint To T. W. Woods, defendant: vou are hereby commanded to be and anpeur at the next term of the Superior Court of said County, to be held on the third Monday in October, 1923, and make your answer in above named and stated case, as required oy tne order of said Court. Witness the Honorable W. E. H. Searcy. Jr, Judge of the Superior Court. This first day of August, 1923. BESS FOUCHE, Clerk Superior Court. For Twelve Months’ Support Georgia, Henry County. Mrs. Ella Adamson having made application for Twelve Months Support out of the estate of T. B. Adamson deceased, and the apprais ers appointed by the Court having made their returns, all persons concerned are required to show cause before tl;p Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Mondav in September 1923 why said appli cation should not be granted. This Bth day of August 1923. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. For Leave To Sell To Whom It May Concern: Mrs. Vesta E. Combs, Admini stratrix of the estate of I. E. Combs deceased, having in due form made application for leave to sell the lands and stocks' belonging to said estate, consisting of 250 acres of land, also one-half interest in 100 acres land, in Locust Grove Dist. of said county, also one house and lot in Locust Grove, also 12 shares stock in Bank of Looust Grove, 5 shares stock in Atlanta Trust Co., 5 shares stock in Han son Motor Co., 25 shares stock in Locust Grove Merc. Co., 50 shares stock in Henry County Fertilizer and Gin Co., 6 shares stock in Merchants and Planters Ware House Co, Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to he held on the first Monday in Septem ber 1923. This 6tli day of August 1923. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. BUCK-DRAUGHT Severe “I had very severe attacks of indigestion,” writes Mr. M. H. Wade, a farmer, of R. F. D. 1, Weir, Miss. “I would suffer for months at a time. AUldared eat was a little bread and butter... consequently I suffer ed from weakness. I would try to eat, then the terrible suffer ing in my stomach l 1 took medicines, but did not get any better. The druggist recom mended Thedford 5 s and I decided to try it, for, as 1 say, I had tried others for two or more years without any im provement in my health. 1 soon found the Black-Draught was acting on my liver and easing the terrible pain. “In two or three weeks, I found I could go back to eating. 1 only weighed 123. Now i weigh 147—eat anything I want to, and by taking Biack-Draught 1 do not suffer.’ 7 Have you tried Thedford’s Black-Draught? If not, do so today. Over 8 million packages sold, a year. At dealers’ , PM Depot Jewelry Store Watches, Clocks, Dia monds & Jewelry REPAIRING OF FINE AND COMPLICATED WATCHES A SPECIALTY. Send us your Work by Mail our Repair Work is Strictly First Class. 128 West Broad St. Griffin, Georgia. TEETHING AND HOT WEATHER are very hard on the little ones. Summer disorders of Stomach and bowels, weakening diarrhoea, cholera infantum, quickly controlled by CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY Helps children and older persons too. good/year y^ rvice ; Stat,on Being thicker, the famous Good year All-Weather Tread carries you farther than other treads. And it car ries you in greater safety, too. The big tough sharp-edged blocks cut deep and grip tight on any surface. They are the best tire insurance against skidding you can buy. Am Goodyear Service Station Dealer* we tell and recom mend the new Goodyear Cord* with the beveled All- Weather Tread and back them up with etandard Goodyear Service TOLLEBON-TURNER CO. GOODYEAR Biliousness alck headache, socr stomach, constipation, easily avoided. An active liver without calomel. CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS sitkta sr" —w&iy When we take a vacation it is for the purpose of break ing the monotony of our daily life, and we usually do some thing or go somewhere so the general round of every day will be entirely different from what we are used to. This sometimes results in encounters with conditions with which we are entirely unfamiliar, and it is just as well to he pre pared for an emergency. A little package of every-day medicines, disinfectant healing lotions, anti-septic gauze, absorbent cotton, etc., is essential to the cautious. We can fix this up foryou in a few minutes. Come in and see us before you gQ. The Cash Drug Store Hampton Georgia. VALUE OF TEACHERS TRAINING COURSE The value of this Teachers Training Course In this school is great and the boys and girls of this county should take the advan tage of this broad opportunity. This course is designed to meet the requirements of this and other States for the teachers of the Public Schools. This course is divided into two quarters. The first quarter taking ud the science and the art of teaching in the Laßue’s Text book beginning with the nature of teaching proving that education can be approximate science study ing the planning of lessons, kind of lessons and how to teach them thus, taking up the program of studies and theories relating to the teaching of Science, History, Art, Lanuage and Mathematics. A great deal of study is given to moral and vocational education which gives you a thorough un derstanding and learning of the behavior and talent of the child. The second quarter takes up the study of the State Manual wi hthe view of mastering the methods for teaching the common branches: Spelling, Reading, Writing, Physicology and Hygeine, Language lessons and Composi tion, History, Science, Geography, Arithmetic and Civic’s. These subjects can be correlated when ever possible. Practice teaching is required in grades and groups faking up the various subjects. C reading is also required and is asigned to you from time to time. When you complete this train ing course you are issued a Pro visional teachers Certificate, good for two years in any public school of the State. This certificate is subject to renewal either by at tending a state summer school or taking a reading course. This course is offered only in the accredited high schools. It is a known fact that a large per cent of the hitih school graduates go out into the common schools to teach, therefore this course would be more helpful than if they had received some professional train ing. This trainiug is offered you in the A. and M. school at Bartles ville and you who are exivctirg to take up teaching take advan tage of this opportunity and go f.-j, 4 1-.., .. O ..v.‘ V .. *. ", . -*• ...... ,V.Vf. - - i ' •- : (.» V - V-. • •' a S.. i 1 *_i l!ir school at Barnesville.