Henry County weekly and Henry County times. (McDonough, GA.) 1891-189?, May 01, 1891, Image 2
WEEKLY TIMES, Jil VOUCH E a- JOUSSOS. Entered at tlie postoflioe at McDonough Ga., as second-class mail matter. * . —- McDonough. Ga., Mat 1, 1891. Numbers of visitors will doubtless attend the closing exercises of McDon ough Institute. Clean up, paint up and fix up your premises before the time arrives. No enterprise should be started in a town without enlisting the co operation aud kind words of the entire people. Kind words do a power of good, but croaking will hinder aud work evil. Dy cultivating cordial feelings of friend ly identity we can infuse a spirit of lo cal patriotism that will beget harmony, strengthen energetic purposes, and acheivf wouderful success. The fore going is wise counsel from an exchange which we cordially commend to our readers. Oar Favorites. Wedo not Kke to boast of our own accdhtplishments, but the followiug items are from our favorite exchanges, and we must be pardoned for luauife* ting our appreciation by reproducing them: “The Henry County Weekly is one of the best weeklies in the state. It came out last week all *liome print and was full of good reading.’’—Madi souian. “The Hknky County Weekly 'is one of the neatest papers that comes to us. Its typographical appearance aud general get-up reflects great credit on its publishers, Messrs. Fouclie and Johnson."—Thomasston Times. Bound Views. Governor Nortben sees danger ahead. In a recent article he says : “We are rapidly coming to a ism and destroying the principles of,re publican government when a few men of self-constituted authority assume' to make opinions for their fellows, aud dictate public policy that others must blindly indorse and pursue. Great principles underlie and uphold the fab ric of successful government. They cannot be disturbed by designing men if the people are alert aud watchful. Everything is not progress that claims to be. There are mauy false lights iu reform, as there are many quacks in professions. There are many pigmies among statesmen who have more lungs than brains, and many importers anidtjb ministers who have more mouth than morals.’’ What It Costs Must be carefully considered by the great majority of people, in buying eves necessities of life. Hood’s Sarsa parilla commends itself with special force to the great n.iddle classes, lie cause it combines positive economy with great medicinal power. It is the only medicine of which call truly lie said “100 Doses One Dollar,” and a bottle taken according to directions will aver age to last a month. In Memory of B. F. Barham. Hampton Lodglc, No 17C3, K. of 11. April 25, 1891. Whereas, God iu his alwise provi deuce, has seen fit to take Irotn oar midst our Bro. B. F. Barham, on April 18th, 1891. By his death a thrill of sorrow has l>een sent through our heart, falling with crushing weight upon the hearts of his loving wife and devoted children, who have been be reft of a fond and affectionate compan ion, and a kind and devoted father; but in the midst of our sorrow we gather comfort from the fact that he had registered his bereft ones among the widows and orphans of tins noble order of Knights of Honor, whose mission of love and charity has been sent to comfort the troubled aiyl dis tressed widows aud orphans all over our land. Therefore, be it Resolved, Ist. That we mourn aud sympathize with the family in their great bcreavment on account of the irreparable loss of a husband aud fa ther, may they bear this great alflictiou with Christian fortitude, looking unto and trusting in the great God of mer cy and love, who has promised to be a husband to the widow and a father to the fatherless. Resolved, 2nd. That in the death of Bro. Barham we feel that the brother hood has lost oue of its most devoted members in whose heart the interest of the order hail a constant abiding place. Resolved, 3rd. That these resolu tions be transcribed on a blank page in the Lodge Journal and the family be furnished with a copy, and that they be given to the county paper for pub lication. How's This! We offer Oue hundred Dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHLNEk ik CO., Props., To ledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, aud belive him perfectly honorable iu all business transactions, and financial ly able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tkuax, Wholesale Drug gist, Toledo, O. Waldirg, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, (I. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle, Sold by all Druggist. GRAND JURY PIiKSENT3IENTB, For April Term, 1801, of Henry Su perior Court. We, the grand jury chosen and sworn for tho April term. 1801, of Henry Superior Court, beg leave to make the following general present ments : We recommend that Island Shoals road, near the horse lot of Has Dick erson be changed back to the old road where it originally ran, and the road commissioners of said district summon all the hands in said district to remain and put said road in good order. We recommend that L. 11. Thomp son be relieved trom keeping np the bridge near his house on the Key’s 1 Ferry road, and the eonnty assume that duty. We further recommend that the Me Donough city council at once fix the j branch at the 'Tomlinson crossing, and jif they cannot do it, then for the Or dinary to have it done. We recommend the Ordinary to pay G* L. Thrasher hack the money that he paid for a convict, or so mnch of it as was not worked out by said convict j We recommend that a bridge be built across South river at Island Shoals, the Ordinary to ednfer with the commissioners of Newton county, and have it built jointly. Also to have the bridge on Cotton Indian river below W. G. Turner’s, on the McDonough and Covington road, repaired at once. And farther, we do earnestly recom mend that the Ordinary have the Road Commissioners to see that the public roads are well worked and put in good condition by the next term of court. We also recommend that the Ordinary see the railroad authorities and have them put plank at every public cross - ■ ing, inside and outside, the same to lie I kept in good conditioif | We recommend that the public privy now on the northeast corner of the jafe lot he moved and placed a few feet belrtw the calalioOse, a little south from tka northwest corner, and put boxes : under them so that they can be clean ed ; also, that boxes be placed under the sewers that run from the jail, and the refuse running from jail he kept from running down to street, and that the Ordinary employ some one to clean the boxes at least every two weeks, and that the sam* have an enclosure around it. , We recommend further that the County Judge’s salary for ctimiual business bo S2OO per annum, instead of $Ut», and we request our Represen tative in the legislature to have an act passed fixing said salary at S2OO. We recommend tho Ordinary to fur nish Charles Sloan (colored) and fun ily provisions for four or five weeks, until they can make their own support. This is brought about by afflictions iu his fam ly. We recommend that the Ordinary have built iu each district a court house, after having a petition of the majority of the free holders. Said court house to cost not exceeding SIOO. We find all the books of the Justices Court neatly kept and all entries prop erly made. * Also the books of the Clerk of the Superior Court on examination we find all the books iu the different de partments of the olfice kept iu a neat and business like style, being properly indexed and all entries made according to law. I'OOU FARM. We beg leave to make the following report. \\ e find all the buildings in a fair condition, also find the inmates perfectly satisfied in every respect. We have every reason to believe they are well carred for. We recommend that there be an other chimney put at the keepers house, aud that all the new dwelling houses be painted with two coats of paiut; and that the keeper be furnished with a good wheel barrow for the benefit of the place; and that the keeper also be furnished with a journal and ledger so that he may keep a correct account of all income and expenditures of the farm. We think Capt. Pope the right man iu the right place. We beg leave to submit the follow ing concerning the Treasurer’s books. After a careful examination we find the books and papers neatly and cor rectly kept, with proper vouchers for all money disbursed, and with a bal lai.ee of cash on hand of $10,171.75. We also find the books of the Coun ty Court kept in a neat aud business manner, and we feel proud of our very efficient Judge, Jas. H. Turner. We find all the tJrdinariy’s hooks in good shape with peeper vouchers for all official acts. We find the books in each department of his office neatly and correctly kept. We recommend that the bridge be rebuilt at Tugle’s forth We also rec ommend that the Ordinary furnish lum ber aud build bridge at Graftou’s old ford on Indian creek ; also to furnish material to build bridge over brauch near Mauson Stroud’s. We recommend that the Sheriff be paid $5.00 for having prisoner’s wound dressed, the amount pakl by him for . having it done. We find the Sheriff has all the dock ets that the law requires, and that he has kept the same neatly and according to law, having made all entries in the different dockets. We believe that Henry county has one of the best Sheriffs iu the State, and congratulate j the good people of Henry county in selecfing and securing the services of i such an efficient official as Sheriff Glass I lias proved to be. We, the committee appointed to ex- I amine and report on the office of I County School Commissioner, beg leave to submit the following : V\ e find the books to be neatly and , correctly kept. We also find vouchers for all money paid Ollt. We find as per County School Com missioners report hereto attached the | following : Annual Iteport of tin*' County School Coin- : miss inner, to the Hotio'-jtLic Grand Jury 1 ol Hi ury County for the year IWIO. There wi re in operation -II white schools, with I2LI mule and 1 Odd female pupils ch rollpd. There were hi colored schools in operation, with 1101 male and 107(> female i pupils enrolled. | 'lota! number white pupils I Total ntimljcr colored pupils 217<> j Total iiihiiOm- white and colored 4d62 vcxns XKCKIVBp A Nil ON II AN O. Am t on hand from last report .. .. $ Hid Id Itee’d from 8, King, poll tax | 77G Hi Kee’d On State School C’s order.. ./Old 00 i J 7;Vit Oil ! Ain’t paid white teachers $40% 41 1 Am't fhiiil eolored teachers 21120 33 I 8. Coni’* Salary 300 00 Stationery, postage and advertising 20 00 | 7330 7>'t Balance on hand $217 30 By comparing Ibis with last year’s report j it may lie seen that there is a greater inter- j < M manifested in the educational cause in j this county, and could the people more fully interested, to t' at extent i hat j they would provide better houses st»d look | more to the comfort of the pupils, end for 'the taking care of school furniture, then lal the law provides the board of education j might consider the plausibility ot furnish- | I itlg blackboards, maps, charts and other ’ apparatus for the adianri ntcnT of pupils. I would further recommend that Ibccoun- i ty lie laid off in sihool districts, that we j may have regular, tong term schools and employ Hie host teachers, looking well to the improvement of our children, thus showing md appreciation of the liberal ap propriations, together with flier interest the general assembly of the Slate and ear Hou- I oruble State School Commissioner have rnaaitested in this grand work of educating the voting. , Hoping this may meet with your approv al, I remain yours most respectfully, Jams* 0. Daniel, County School Com’r Henry County. We recognize the fact that there is a defect in our public schools, resultiug from the existence of too many of such schools iu some neighborhoods. Where schools are more numerous than the real needs of a community require it is not so apt to command the services of etfi cient teachers. It many times hap pens that where a good school is in op eration, with a patronage sufficient to command the services of a teacher well qualified it is very much crippled by the establishment of smaller schools iu the immediate vicinity. We recom mend to the proper authorities the pro priety ot having as few public schools as are ample to meet the needs of the country, believing that this wifi insure the establishment of better schools. We fuither recommend that the Ordinary levy a tax of not more than 30cts on the hundred for county pur poses. We recommend that these preseut rnents be published iu The Henry County Weekly and also in the Hampton Hustler. Roth papers to receive SIO.OO each. In taking leave of Jtis Houor Jas. S. Boynton we desire tV ex press our full est appreciation of kindnesses that he lias shown us during this term of the Court, and the courteait* extended to our body and the able manner in which he has conducted the present term of the Court. We also return thanks to Solicitor General Emmet Womack for his many attentions to this body. Also to Col Dismitke for his cousel and co operation in the prosecution of our du ties as Grand Jurors. Respectfully submitted. M. Shields, Foreman. W. F. V\ iisou, A. F. Harper, R. J. Nail, R. 11. Moore, T. A. Cathey, A. J. Dickson, J. C. Carmichael, W. C. Woods, Jr., J. U. Varner, VV. E. Alexander, C. J Turner, L. M. Livingston, H. lv. Tucker, J. M. l’atterson, Manson Stroud, J. 11. Httrks, Q. A. Dickson, J. W. White. S. P. Green, T. P. Thompson, C. R. Walkei. I. 11. Everitt. LIST OF JURORS Drawn for Henry Superior Court, October Term, 1891. GRAND JURY. W B (’armichhel* James L Brown .1 T Fields B W Grant James W Cowan John L 1-id wards A H E Braiinan J B llrice C M Speer W T Stroud .lohn Bryilns Waller E Arnold John B Callaway G W Castellaw Jr Jesse lisCopeland 11 G Man Ivy W P Norman l> T Stone Jno C Crumhley L P Owens D K Suttles ,t B Russell S Bryans S C Stewart J ,\l Carmichael Jno K Williams T W Price Jno W Turin paced Jolui B Lowe G F. Turner PETIT WKKK.. A C* Peterman ,rVf Shuttles worth JaraevH - Henry Jiio'W Cawthen ,1 W Childs Josephus Mosley C W Field* W J Staudard P Y Moi row Wm H Maddox W K Moseley 1, L Culpepper E H Fift? li M Brvans J W Jackson B W Nail W L Wynn N J Carroll T S Mays J J Askew J M Price T J Morris „ G M Hays (1 A McKibben lack T Patterson 11 A Crumhley A V Rosser W B Crowell A M Hooten i. H Thompson G T Lester Luke A Daniel B F Hearn W E Jenkins S P Love T J Upchurch SHCONfi WEEK. R W McCullough J F Moss W A Garduer J R Pair M R Berry D P Fargasou U 11 Oglesby B C Brennan Robt S Henderson Jno B Clark Jr A 1) Pace Wm J Hinton Geo Conkle John Moseley J .1 Bunn 1) W Clower N G Barfield U C Adams J J Steger John T Darsev R W J Sail J R Jackson Chas W Ifutler John S Wilson Thos S (l rant (5 W Smith C K Crumhley James H Wynn I M Nipper T J Bowden R P Minter W T Bernhard II S Elliott Geo Jeukius W R Sowell C O Culpepper from our correspondents- Kd.l t'l’KN. Although the adornment of the trees in their summer attire, ami the beauty of the fields ami gardens with their sweet flowers have put me in tune with the innumerable spring poets, 1 shall not worry you aud your kind readers with any eloquent effusions from my quill. < ’orn ami cotton are both breaking the crust of “old mother earth” aud putting forth their tender shoots to be uouriihed by summer suns and Tains, ami as a consequence our farmers are ail happy. Fruit in this section does not seem to lie injured. A few of our growers report the fruit falling, Imt this com plaint is not genera!? We have heard of one legged chick ens. and throe legged chickens, too, hgt Klippen leads the vur. this time with a four legged one. All the legs were perfectly forruedwiid it ran about wph the brood for ..ggcral days, but •apt Thursday the eoM snap killed it. Wonders never'ccasc. Mrs. J. I). Rowan spent several days this week in Atlanta, vUTcing her brother. Air. riant Daily,- *• Mr John Rountree*\vas circulating among his numerous here last week. 9 „ All. iW.Gf ITarris, St.; is sjiomfingi a Stonth with his Mis. John Romijree, at Sycamore, Ga. Rev. J. E. Rosser preached his first sprmon at this place hist Sunday. He imp Yessed this |ieople as being a sin cere, earnest man, aud *ve all like him. May his laltors prove a to his chatge this year, The school at this place will have its annual picnic at Dailey’s miil next Friday. Phonogkauh. SUNNI SIDE. A good shower would be to an ad vantage just now. r Our after a long and success ful term, Came to a close Friday night. It will begin again iu about two months. Dr, Starr went down to Grilfm Sat urday ou business. Mr. J. R. Brown, and lady, ot Jonesboro, visited the family of Dr. Starr, last week. The many friends of Mr. li. H. Darsey will be pleased to learn that he is convalescent. Mr. Jim Leigh, of Newiian, was the guest of Mr. (Jims Patterson Sunday last. 'sMis#'L6nitn*)TWari*r, »of Wauhapd Hill, is visiting friends aud relatives in our city this week. We are phased to learn that Miss Cora Malaier, who lias been quite sick for some time past, is improving. A good many of our citizens atten ded the memorial services at Griflin Monday. Misses Emma, and Aunie. Ogletree, ami Ora Brown, of Griflin, visited Miss Henrie Patterson Sunday last. Messrs. L. C. Darsey and C. L. Patterson visited friends at Vineyard last Sunday. ' Misses Sallia and Lizzie Florence, of Hampton, visited their sister, Mrs. Dr. Gray, last Sunday. Messrs. W. F Malaier and Monroe Emmerson attended divine worship at Damascus Sunday. Quite a number of people from Hampton and other places, attended ourentertainmSTit Friday niglit. Miss Mattie Hollingsworth, of Fay etteville, is spending the week with Miss Clara Darsey. Strawberries are getting plentiful. W. Is. Gritflu is paying 50 cts. per hundred for good cotton seed. Will Meritt, of the Grove, visited the family of W. 11 Barham Sunday. Joshua Hammond, will be here to day for the purpose of receiving returns. » Messrs. 4'lias. Patterson aud Jas. Leigh went down to Griffin Saturday. Rev. Mr. Tumblin, filled bis ap p iintment at Damascus Sunday last 11. M. Gray' visited relatives in Louella Sunday. Miss I leu rie Patterson is visiting relatives at Orchard Hill tbw week. T. J. Shepherd, of Atlauta, spent Mouday in the city. April 27. John. Death of Mrs. K. Hightower. It is w ith painful regret that we chronicle the death of Mrs. Dr. R. Hightower, wife of Dr. Raleigh High tower, of Whilij House, who died with typhoid pneumonia, Thursday evening 28id inst., anil was laid tenderly to by lovid£ hands at the family burying ground near Ozias church, at eleven o'clock Saturday, after a very solemn aud impressive funeral service by Dr. I. L. Gunter, to a large con course of sorrowing relatives and friends. Sister Hightower was a consistent and devoted member of the Baptist church for many years, delighted iu the worship and service of her God and Savior and illustrated the truth and verity of the Christian rdigioif by her daily walk ami conversation. She was idolized by her hushaud and cliii dren, and beloved by all who knew her. In the language of the bereavsd daughter, “Mama is gone home to the heaven of eternal rest, where sickness, sorrow and death is no more. Gone, hut not lost, only gone before, to join the shining host on the other shore.” The bereaved family have our sincere sympathy and condolence iu this their sad and sore trial. A Friend. Married, Ou last nnilay aitn iioon, the 26th iust., at the residence ol the. bride's pa rents near I’ahb. Miss Della Calloway to Mr. A. .1. Kimball, Rev. J. K. Rosser offieiatinp r . The bride and groom are both ex cellent young people, and 1 in: Wkkk i.y extends hearty congratulations, wishing them a long life of happiness arid prosperity. WHAT IS SCROFULA It Is that Impurity in the blood, which, ac cumulating in the glands Of tl.e neck, pro duces ansi|fht!y lumps or swellings; which causes painful runniiig sores on the arms, legs, or feet; which derelopes ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, site 11 csss ing bli ndDcss or deafcess; which is the erigin of pimples, can cer on growths, or the many other manifesta tions BMatljr {menbed.to “humors;” which, fasientagapon dietfttfP, rtfuflesednsnmptlon and deaths'' Being the most ancient, it is the most general of all diseases or affections, for verjr lew persons are entirely tree from it. H r ß c r cured By taking TTor*f§ Annaparffla, by the remarkable oures it has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven Itself to he a poteut end peculiar medicine for this disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from serofnie, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. “ My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof ulous sore neck from the time she was 22 months old till she became six years of age. I.ntnps termed in her neck, and one of them after growing to the size of a pigeon's egg, Became • running sore for over three years. We gave her Hood’s Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all Indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child.” J. S. Caklile, Nauright, N. J. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood’s Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggist*. fl;stxfor£s. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Maes. 100 Doses One Dollar K fieri II" Sill lew for Iliiy. Will he sold before the court house door in the town <»t McDonough, Henry county, lla.. on the first Tuesday in May next, one hundred acres of land, more or less, lining the south half of lot No. KHi in the fitli dis trict of Henry county, Gd., levied on as the property ef (irn. A. All, to satisfy four ex ecutions from Justice Court of 4Hnth dis trict, 11. M., ul Ilcnvy county, in Javor of Moore, Marsh .V Co. against J. F. Aber -eruintiie and tl. A. All. Also, one hundred and twenty acres ol land, more or less, in the (Ith district of Henrv county, being all of lot No. 107 except HO acres in the south east corner of said ’ot belong!ng to E. Fos ter. Levied on as the property of Geo. A. j All to satisfy four other executions frjm the same court, in favor of the same plain tiffs and against the same defendants* Also fifty acres in the southeast corm r of lot No. H(i in the 6th disi rict of Henry county. Lev ied on as* the property of (ieo. A. All to satisfy one other execution from the same court against the same parties, «» fa v or of the same plaintiffs. Printer’s fee $6 Also, at the same time and place, two hundred and seventy-five acres ot land, more or less, lying in (he Tth district of Henry county, Ha , containing all of lot No. Hilt, and the north seventy-five acres of lot No. I«S4. Levied on as the property of Willis Goodwin to satisfy a li fa issued from Henry Supei ior Court in favor of The Amer ican Freehold Land Mortgage Company vs. • Willis Goodwin. Tenant ..o le %»iTlv notified Wfc*-rV+r *.:! * * Also, at the same time and place, fifteen shares of st ock in .he Siockln-idge Mamw factoring Co., located in the town oi Slock hi.idge, : hi» iu v county, Git. Levied on as the property of W. K. Armed to satisfy three ti fa■* hsn d from JiUtie court of the 1026th district, tL .VI., of Fulton county, Ga., two in I nr or of G. W, McWiliiiuns and one in favor o' J. I\ Bond, vs. the -aid W. K. Arnold. IK Tund.mt legally notili-<l. This April 2, ltjfil. Printer’s fee $6 N. A. GLASS, Sheriff. For i> iMinirwiioii, STATE UK G EOHIII H km: v Oocntv— Wliumis, H. W. Ciirmi.hii 1, luim’r of A. S. Jackson, fi ptescnls to tlie Court in Ms po tion doty tiled that 'no liaf fully in ininiator ed A. s. Jurkson’s estate: This is ll to W fora to cite all persons con cerned, Tieirs and creditips. to slum cause, if any thby can, why said administrator should uot lie discharged from lib adminis tration and receive letter* of dismission on the first Mondav in May'", 1891. Jan. 7th, j I HIM . VVw.N. NKRSOX, Ordinary H. C, j I'tir Itisniisaioii. STATE OK GEORGIA—JIcNitT Cut \ rv— : Whereas, M. B. Rodgers, 'administrator ot ! John Rodgers, deceased, represents to the court, in Ida pi tit inn duly tiled, that lie has j fully administered the estate of John' Rodg ers : This is therefore to cite all persona con cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not lie discharged (rota his adminis tration of John Rodgers’ estate and receive letters of dismission on Hit first Monday in May, 1891. Jali. 7th, 1891. W m. X. N ELSOS, Ordinary H. C. Eos* friministratioii. Georgia, Henry ComWy*-T« «|| whom it may concern: W.J. PoUard has in due form of law applied to the undersigned to have tlie Clerk of the Superior Court of Henry county appointed as permanent ad ministrator on the estate of Jesse Bentley, deceased, for ttie purpose of closing out said estate, and 1 will pas| upou said ap plication on the first Monday in June, 1 (SOI. Given under mv hand and hernial signature April 18th,. 1891. W m. X. XELSOX, Ordinary. Printer’s fee *.'t For Administration. Georgia. Henry Oom.tr—To all whom it may concern: E. Jacksou lias in due form of law applied to the undersigned for per manent letters of administration. with the wiil annexed, on the estate of Samuel Cook, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Mon day in June. 1891. Given under my hand and official signa ture April ’JBth, iB9l. " M. X. XBLBOSi, Ordinary H. C. Printer's fee $3 NOTICE. All parties indebted to the estate of A. Brown, deceased, will find their notes and j accounts in the hands of K. 0. Brown. Call j on him and make settlement R.C. BROWX, A. G. COMBS, Executors of A. Brown, dec’d. OALARt. I*KR WEEK. b Wanted: Good Agents to sell our Gen al line ot merchandise. N'o puddling. Aliove salary will lie’paid to " liye" agents. For further information, address Chicago General Kupply <’o. 178 West \ an liureu 81 , Chicago, 111. fS^hSmS!!e!£ WAsk for catalogue. TERRY M'F'G CO„ Na*hviu.e, Teiih READ THIS ONE! The Stewart Mercantile . ( oiiipai' v. —successor r ro— THOS. D. STEWARTS: CO. fs now ijie largest stock of * . " Flouf, * Synip. w Meat, Com Oats, Farii|it)g * 1 lMpleincnts, Tobacco, Etc , 33tc., EVER SEEN in Henry county, and what we want to say is that We Propose to Beat Atlanta Prices! We can easily do this, as THE STEWART MERCANTILE CO. is composed of young men (Thos. D. Stewart, Leroy H. Fargason and J. B. Dickson) and we have no house rent to pay, and propose to do our own work. We buy directly from manufacturers, pay cash and can just s : mply distance all competition. Our stock of CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS & DRY GOODS will be larger than was ever carried by Thos. D. Stewart & Co tj and will be the HANDSOM EST and LOWEST-PRICED ever seen. WE ARE PREPARED TO DO A TIME BUSINESS. Can furnish you anything and as much of it as you want, from a paper of tacks to a mule. We are the people you want to trade with, will treat you perfectly square and give you Good Goods. We have a car load of New Orleans Syrup. Can give you a Choice New Orleans Syrup AT 22 1 -2c. We have 1000 bushels red rust proof Oats now in stoc •. We are the CHEAP EST PEOPLE in the State on COOK STOVES BUGGIES AND WAGONS. Come to s6e us. Always glad to have the citizens of Henry and adjoining counties to make their home with us. Your friends, The Stewart Mercantile Co. Thos, D. Stewart, Pres’t & Gen’l Manager.' L. H. Fargason, Vice Pres’t & As’tSec’y. J, B. Dickson, Secretary Sl Treasurer*