Henry County weekly and Henry County times. (McDonough, GA.) 1891-189?, June 05, 1891, Image 3

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WEEKLY TIMES. McDonough, Ga., June ■’>, 1891. Homo AfTair«. Notice. Ti e ladies of the Missionary Society will meet at the Parsonage on Satur day evening next, a full attendance is disirable as some important business must be attended to. Mrs. A. C. Nolan, Pres. Juue 20, . , Notice. The Stockholders of the McDonough .Alliance Warehouse are hereby called to meet in McDonough on the first Tuesday in July next, to elect a new board of directors and to receive the report of the present board. By order of the chairman. A. A Woi.f Sect. Stock holders’ Meeting. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of McDonough Institute will be held in the hall of the Institute on Saturday, June 0, at 8 o’clock, p. m. All are urged to attend, as a new Board of Directors are to be elected, and other matters of importance con sidered. E. ,J. Reagan, Pres’t Board Directors. A. F. Harper, Sec. A Card. 1 take this method of returning my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to those good people who have so generously come to my relief in my hour of desti tution and need. Such acts of kind ness cannot go unrewarded, and that each one may receive a rich blessing is my humble prayer. The thauks I fail to express in words, all may rest assured are lodged deep down in my oeart. Again invoking heaven’s pur est benedictions upon those kind friends, I am sincerely Coburn A. Anperson. A Model Residence Col. T. C. Nolan has recently added inside finishing touches to his already handsome residence which render it one of the most comfortable and attractive to be found anywhere, it has been* beautifully papered throughout with el egant ingrain paper, each room in strik ingly appropiiate different colors, with a harmonious blending that produces a most charming and pleasing effect. In the large parlors a beautiful moulding was selected to harmonize with the del icate shades of papering, and the re sult is a simple magnificence that cap tivates at a glance. The work was performed by the. best artists of Atlanta, each selection being made by Col. Nolan himself, whose well-known taste in all matters of fan cy is sufficient guarantee of its perfec tion. M' e are pleased to note this evidence of higher improvement in McDonough lioines, and trust the example will be emulated by others. In Trouble. Capt. Pope reports, upon authority of Mr. John Malioue, that the may-pops are tickling Sam Carmichael’s cotton nearly to death, in consequence of which he is in sore trouble. For the consolation of Mr. Carmichael, how ever, we will state that a gentleman in Southwest Georgia is getting rich by saving may-pop seed and selling them to enlightened Northeners as “passion flowers.” Here is a free pointer to anybody who will have it. Closed. The tax books are now closed, Re ceiver Awtry being iu McDonough on bis last round Tuesday and Wednes day. He was kept busy while here, over two hundred returns being re ceived on Tuesday. As a matter of accommodation lie will receive a few days longer for those who approach him, but is under no obligation to do so. lie will be in McDonough next Friday and Saturday, the 12th and 13tli iusts, positively for the last call, and requests all who have not yet given ill to come, forward and do so. New Charter. At a meeting of the citizens of Hampton last week it was decided to so amend their town charter as to give ; fhem it mayor, couucil and marshal, and as soon as the necessary steps can he taken our sister city will again have police protection. A notice for amend ment of the charter appears in another column of Tim \\ ekki.y. Happy Hoosiers. Win. Timmons, Postmaster of Idaville, Ind., writes: ‘Electric Hit ters has done more for me than all oth er medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble.” John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says : “Find Electric Hitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a ne\»man.” J.W. Gardner, hardware merchant- same town, says: Electric Hitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don’.. care whether he lives or dies: he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. . Only 50c. a bot tle, at ('. D. McDonald's Drug Store. RIP RAP. ’ Hoi! M arhles. Indications good for a drouth. k -ee Oulinaty's citations this week. Receiver Awtry reports a consider able number behind wiih their tux re turns. Ilaleigli Hi irper has returned from Social Circle and is occupying Ids sittanic majesty’s throne on The V\ eekly again. Mr. Sam Tingle presented The U KEKi.v a sample of corn iu full silk Moi dat, and in a few days more he will be eating roasting ears. As we go to press we regret to learn that Prof. .1. S. Aiken is gradually sinking, and it is feared bis life can last only a few days longer. Mr, B. B. Carmichael’s new resi deuce is progressing rapidly and will soon be completed. It will add much to that portion of the city. The warm weather of the past week, spiced with showers of rain, lias been most excellent for growing crops and their growth since has been marked. As the spring advances and the sum. mer approaches the gloomy outlook of the early spring is passing away, and the crop prospects are gradually bright ening. '1 lie companions of McDonough chapter, No. 28, are reqm sted to meet at the lodge room on Monday, the Bth of June—work to be done. By order of High Priest. Ilou. George Wise was in the citv Wednesday, and reports crops in a good condition in his section, though the farmers have to rustle to keep ahead of the grass. We were the happy recipient of a box of lucious strawberries from a kind lady friend one day this week, and re turn many thanks for same. “The Lord lovetli a cheerful giver.” Mr. W. T. Griffin spent the night in McDonough last Tuesday, for the first time in forty eight years, lie was detained during the day assisting Re ceiver Awtry with the tax returns. Mr. P. W. Jacksoti repot ts a terri ble hail in bis section last week Small corn was torn into shreds in places, and those who saw it say it was the heviest ever known in that viciui ty. Mr. Smith has decided to move the McDonough Machine Shops and Brass Foundry over to the depot, which is to be done iu the near future. The change is made on account of conven ience in shipping facilities. The friends of ’Squire Bob Walker, of Lowe’s district, will regret to know of his serious illuess. He has been sick some timp, but for the past week his condition has l>een such as to arouse anxious apprehensions. The special correspondent of the Constitution says it is a settled fact that the Georgia Midland will he ex tended from McDonough to Atlanta before next wiuter. This will be good news to our people if realized. We are requested by the president to make a special appeal to members of the Missionary Society to attend the meeting to-morrow, as important mat ters demand attention. See call iu an other column and don’t fail to he pres ent. A fire occurred at Snapping Shoals Sunday week, which destroyed the dwelling occupied by Mrs Bryant, with nearly all of its contents, and two lum ber houses, together with ten or twelve thousand feet of lumber. Origin un known. Judge Turner disposed of a large number of criminal cases in the County Court this week. This court is an immense saving to * lleurv county, which fact becomes more and more ap parent to those who have occasion to observe it. Reader, if you want your town or your immediate section of country to prosper, then never let drop a single word that will militate against it, but work for it in the right way and through proper channels to bring about that prosperity. An organization has'been formed in Hampton called th# Livingston Alli ance Lemonade Club The initiation fee is a nickel, and the club meets ev erv Saturday evening to dispense the beverage The plan could doubtless he made popular everywhere. In our last issue we copied from the .lackson Argus a complimentary notice of Mr. C. J. Tidwell and h s work of reproducing and enlarging pictures, hut by an oversight failed to give pro [>er credit. Mr. Tidwell Ims met with very flattering success in Jackson. A theatre for colored actors will probably soon be erected in Philadel phia. It will be the only playhouse of the kind in America, aud the per formances will no doubt he of a novel and startling order. Something rech erche in fact. Every tissue of the body, every bone, muscle and organ, is made stron ger and more heathful by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I'EESOX.U. ITEMS. (lathered and Furnished The Weekly !>y Two Ladies for Commence ment Week. Miss Mattie Max no) I has returned home from Atlanta. Miss Lois Bryan spent lasi Satur day shopping iu Atlanta. Mr. .1 F. Miller and family spent Sunday at Locust Grove. Mr. Nat Calloway, of Klletiwood, spent Sunday in the city. Mr. Ollis Glass, of T unis, visited friends in the city Sunday. M iss Mary Rowan, of Flippen, visit ed in the city Wednesday. Mrs. G. D. Kitchens, of Atlanta, vis ited her parents this week. Miss Tallie Johnson, of Flippen, is visiting Miss Birdie Daniel. Rev.’l’. .1. Bledsoe made a short vis it to Jonesboro last Saturday. Miss Cora dximbell attended the commencement exercises this week. Mr. Eddie Copeland come up from .Mercer University, to attend commen cement. Miss Annie Wells will spend Satur day and Sunday witli her relatives in Atlanta. Mr. and Mis. W. B. Kimbell, of Social Circle, attended commencement this week. Messrs. George Knott an.l James Woods, of Atlanta, spent Sunday in the city. Mrs. I). W. Scott and children are visiting her mother's family iu New ton coiintv. / .Mr. George Gilbert, of Stockbridge, spent Sunday in ti e city, the guest of Mr. Ben Love. Mrs Garner, of Atlanta, attended the commencement, the guest of Mrs. J. W. Maxwell. Messrs. Clifford Tye and George Turner, of Atlanta, attended the com' tuencemeut sermon Sunday. Miss Mary Campbell has returned home from llutledge, where she has been teaching a music class. ' Miss Ida Hightower, of Stockbridge, and Miss Flon Hightower, of White House, are visiting Mrs. N. A. Glass. Miss Ada Hutchinson, of Jonesboro, came over to attend the commencement and is the guest of Miss Trellis Carmi chael. Messrs. Clem Tarpley, Andy North, J. W. Dulfey and Ernie Peebles, of Hampton, were in the city Wednes day. Misses Ida and Luuy Price, of Flippen, and Miss Laura Hambrick, of Stockbridge, are visiting Mrs. 1. 11. Varirer. Sim Fargasou has made an engage ment with Mr. H. C. Turner, where he can now be found behind the coun ter by his friends. Mr. Lum Fields came over from Gritlin Sunday to hear the commence ment sermon and spend the day with his McDonough frieuds. Misses Leila and Mary Patterson aud Annie and Sallie Harris, of Flip pen, were the guest of Mrs, G. G. Weems during commencement. Editor Lou Johnson, of (lie Social Circle Sentry, was with the borne folks a day or two again the past week, at tending commencement exercises. Mr. R M. Everitt, of Covington, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. J. John son, accompanied by another daughter, Mrs. Nettie McClaren, of Palmetto. Misses Beulah and Ella Sanders, of M irrow’s Statiou, and Miss Hattie Sanders, of Stockbridge, visited Mrs. D. ,L Sanders Saturday and Sunday. Col. Parry Lee and lady, of Zebu lon. spent Sunday in the city, the guest of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harper Bob Harper also came with them. Capt. Pope, the excellent superin tendent of the poor farm, reports cot ton squares on his place. AH of his crops are in fine condition and grow ing nicely. M : sses Olla Fargason, Nettie Tur ner and Nora Harper, of McMullen’s district, visited Mrs. Mark Knott this week, in attendance upon the com mencement Miss l.irdie Daniel has converted the beautiful grove adjoining her father’s residence, into a nice croquet ground, where her friends congregate every afternoon to engage in this faci nathig game. Miss Hirdie makes a charming hostess. The members of the Night Stars Literary Club enjoyed a most delight- j ful ice cream festival at the elegant home of Vr. J. Q. Nolan Wednesday night, which took the place of the reg ular meeting to-night. A number of visitois were present, and it was deoid edly one of the happiest occasions yet enjoyed by the young people, the numerous pleasures of the evening be ing delighttully intersperced with ex cellent recitations and enchanting mu sic. KIMS 1> V SI’KrSIA l‘w Brown’s Iron Bitters. Physicians recommend it. All dealers keep it. *I.OO per bottle. Genuine has trade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper ! COMMENCKMF-NT EXERCISES, | Of tlie McDonough Collegiate Insti tute—A Delightful Occasion. The commencement exercises of the McDonough Institute were opened Sunday, May 81st. bv Rev, J T. Bruce, of LaGrange, who preached the commencement sermon to a large ami intelligent audience. His text was, thy hands fiud to do, do it with thv might, for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest.”— Ecclesiastes, 9th chapter and lOih verse From this he preached a magnificent discourse, elaborating the truth and principles contained in the text. This wonderful effort of the young and highly gifted divine was listened to with profound interest and pleasure by all who were blessed with the privilege of hearing it, for it was indeed a mod el of profound thought, clothed with tlie higheat of t ioquenee and oratory. Never, in the history of the Insti tute, has such an interest been mani fested ; and unmistakable evidences of prosperity abound on every hand. Prof. O. E. Ham aud his staff of teachers, having charge of the McDo- nough Institute, have reason to con gratulate themseves on the splendid success achieved this year, and the people of Henry county should he proud of having such an institution in their midst. From all parts of the county, and from other counties, visit ors have congregated to pay pleasant tribute to the ijcliolars of McDono ugh's pet institution, which has been, is, and will continue to be so important a factor in the progress, enlighten ment and prosperity ot the place. The exercises of the school proper were opened on Monday night, June Ist, by decelamalious from the primary classes, intersperCed with drills of va rious kinds by all the pupils in the in tervals. Considering the unusually short time devoted to preparation in oratory and elocution, it is the unani mous verdict of all who expressed themselves, that the speakers and de claimed of the primary department acquitted themselves with unusual credit. For, instead of devoting weeks and months to preparation for declaim ing alone, as lias sometimes been the case heretofore, we have been assured by Prof. Ilara that not a single recita lion lias been lost on account of prac tice in elocution. This is all the more creditable both for teachers and pupils. The calistlicuic drills and mar.phyi at tracted much favorable notice autjkom meut, and were highly appreciated by all. The exercises were resumed on Tuesday night by declamations, drills, dialogues and inarches by the pore advanced pupils of the Institute. \ The declamation of both sexes was of the first order, and indicates-tiiat the Mc- Dcuough Institute has developed iu its pupils histrionic abilities of the highest order. The rendition of the 'foems, especially by the yoijtig ladies wofthl not have been discreditable to the rfterans of the stage, while The oratorical util ities of the young gives promise of finished orators m die fu ture, if the promise of the pres cdt shall be realized. Some s de-splitting farces wafe giv en, which were ably acted anilihighly appreciated by the audience, who were kept in a roar of laughter ami who applauded them to the echo. 1 Music on the piano was furnished by Mrs. O. Y r . Murphy, formerly of Cordele, and her beautiful and Accom plished daughters. Their rendition of operatic and other music was v4ry "fine indeed. As Mrs. Murphy proposes to locate in McDonough for the pueposc of teaching music, our citizens will have an opportunity of availing themselves of her thorough aud scientific knowl edge of music. To sum up, the sermon was a most excellent one, the exercises were high ly enjoyable tin oughout, aud the large crowds iu attendance were delightfully entertained. With continual united effort, there is no reason why McDon ough could not build up one oi the lar gest and best schools in the State. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertistsl drug gist to sell Dr. King's New Discovrv for ('onsumption, Coughs an§| Colds, upon this condition. If you ale afflict ed with a Cough, < 'old or an*| Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and fpll use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no Jn nefit, you may return the liottie and have your uiouey refunded. We could n< t make this offer did we not kufw that Dr. King’s New Discovery dould be relied on. It never Trial bottles free at C. 1). McDonald’s Drug Store. Large size 50c. and 1.00. Young men desiring to attend » Business College will timl'it to their ad' tntage to call at this office liefore making arisange. inents elsewhere. English Spavin Liniment rjKmove* all bard, soft or calloused iqptp.s and blemixliea from horses, hh.ojflßKsvn.g. j curbs, splints, sweeney, ring hone, sti fles, spraius, all swolldfi throat#,, coughs .etc. Have SSO by use of ;one, bottle Warranted the most wonderful Blem ish Cure ever known. Sold by C. I). ; McDonald. Ottfrings ot Sympathy, Mr. Coburn Anderson, who has been so sorely afflicted for 'lie past three or four } ears, still lies in a helpless con dition a*, his home near Flippeu. His situation touches the sympathy of all who me ucquaiuted with it. His faithful wife being compelled to devote her entire time to caring for him, with out means of support, a subscription list was circulated for his benefit in Mc- Donough some days ago by friends, who succeeded in a short while in rais ing something over twenty dollars in cash, a. hundred and fifty pounds of tlour and other contributions of iucn(, sugar, coffee, etc., for the unfortunate man. For this Mr. Anderson publish es a card of thanks in tin’s issue, ex pressing gratitude to his benefactors. McDonough’s christian-hearted peo pie stand ever ready to respond to calls of just charity, and in this instance we are constrained to say their sympatli) could hardly be more worthily be stowed. We are pleased to state that conti i butions have been sent in from other sources, and so far as tii the power of the good people to prevent, suffering will not he permitted. Kinging at Bethany. Those who attended the all-day sing ing at Bethany last Sunday report a most enjoyable occasion, liev. J. A. Jackson preached a good sermon in the morning, which was listened to liy a large and attentive congregation. Professors Combs, Kimboll, Stansell and Upchnch led the singing, and Miss es I)ovie Lewis and Vertna Stallings acted as organists. There was au abundant supply of provisions for the large crowd present, and the best of order prevailed throughout the day. I*II.KM < i Dr. L. A. Folsom, of Hampton, is prepared to treat and cure you of any case of piles, whether itching, bleeding or blind, without pain or cutting, and no detention from business. Abo cures fistula. Call to see him at the drug store and consult with him. Terms reasonable. FOR RENT One store house and resi dence close by, at Sandy Ridge. Apply to O. L. WELCH. MRS. J. R. GREGORY, ARTIST, ATLANTA , OA. Portraits A Specialty. All kliuls of work solicited and orders promptly executed. “Home Studio” 155 Court land direct. MUSIC CLASS. MRS.O. I. M VHP HEY, Teacher of Music and Elocution. For tri ms and testimonials apply at Mc- Donough Institute. ■ 'or jt«l»iiiilNlralion. GEORGIA—Henry County.—E. F. Cook has in due form Applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Ephraim Cook, late of said county, deceased; and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in duly, IHD 1. Given under my hand and official signature this June Ist, I HD I. WM.N. NELSON, Printer’s fee fit Ordinary H. C. ■•'or AriiiiliilKtritliou. GEORGIA—Henry county.—To all whom it may concern: M. J. Parham having in due form applied to me for permanent let ters ot administration on the estate of H. F. Barham, late of said county deceased, this is to cite all and singularly the credi tors and next of kin of B. F. Barham to Ire and appear at my office within the Hire allowed By law and show cause, if liny they can, why permanent administration should not Be granted t« M. J. Buiham on the first Monday in July next. Witness my hand and official signature this Ist day ot June, 1891. Printer’s fee $9 \VM. N. NELSON, Ordinary H. C. I'or l>iNmi«»ion. STATE OF GEORGIA —Henry County. Whereas, Nancy L. McMullen, administra tratrix of T. H. McMullen, represents to the court in her petition duly filed that she has fully administered Thus. 11. McMullen’s estate, This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administra trix should not Be discharged from her ad ministration and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in September, I Hy|. Printer’s fee $.5 80 WM. N. NELSON, Ordinary H. C, Hridge \nllre. The contract for Building a new Bridge across Cotton Indian creek at Green’s gin, in Henry county, Ga., will Be let to the lowest bidder (at the Bridge) on Saturday, the 27th day of June, 18!fl, at it o’ccloek p. m. For plans and specifications, call at my office, or at Win. L. Elliott, ’s, near the old Bridge. Right to reject any and all ldds reserved Bv the commissioners appointed to superintend the Building of the same. May 27th, 1891. WM. N. NELSON, Printer's fee sil Ordinary H. C. NOTICE. All parties indebted to The Farmer’s Cotton Oil .and Manufacturing Company will please come forward and give their notes at once, as I want to close up my books by the ioth of May. The above no tice applies to all who owe either for meal, acid, guano or balance on ginning. Very Respt, S. B. KIMBELL, Gen’l Manager. X Sill in the Ring-Jail Hurled |X THE Xork JStoi\e in Jackson -WILL HAVE A GRAND®OPENING ' OF New Spring Goods § Millinery T —- April 15,16&17. Everything NEW, FRESH and CRISP from the Looms! FASHION PLATES GIVEN AWAY. In order to keep our customers thoroughly posted as to styles and the changes, we have arranged to buy Fashion Plates every month, which we will give to our customers free of charge. Thus another step towards metropolitan ways has been inaugurated by The New York Store, The Friend ok the Ladies, The Benefactor of the poor man, Ihe Enemy of llioh Prices and the Terror of Competitors. 5 CENTS FOR 30 DAYS. A special sale of good quality Calicoes at 5 cents tor 30 days only. Better quality than you will see anywhere at this price. A case of fine Ginghams worth 12 1-2 cents everywhere we will open at 10 cents. Our stock of Dress Goods cannot be excelled. Special patterns, one of a kind, all lovely and no two alike. These must be seen to be appreciated. THE BIGGEST STOCK MILLINERY between Macon and Atlanta. Big Bargains. Don’t fail to see the opening and bring your friends with you. In this department we have a lull line of Ladies’ Underwear, which is remarkably cheap. Clothing! Clothing! We are the Prince of Clothiers! Making a specialty of it, we are enabled to give a better bargain, a closer and better tit than those who keep a general and average line. We have a man who does nothing but sell Clothing, undone who does nothing but sell Shoes, and they are up in the bus iness.* Suits usually sold for $20.00 we now otter for $16.50, You can’t afford to go around on us on Clothing if you would buy the best for your money. COME to JACKSON and to The New York Store, and you will save money. We are the only merchants between here and Atlanta who had a buyer in New York this spring. The consequence is We Have the Choicest Stock to Select from, The Cheapest Stock to Select from, The Largest Stock to Select from, and we will bring out from time to time many bargains that fairly make competitors howl. You can’t afford to trade with merchants who are behird the times and have nothing but last year’s styles to show you. They catch on too late. The New York Store flatters herself that she lorges ahead and is abreast of the times, and leaves no stone unturned by which they can seive the public by giving them the most, (he rest, the latest, lor the least money, THE SMITH ETHERIDGE COMPANY Proprietors of the New York Store. Your ATTENTION, Please I am prepared to serve my customers this year with ev erything in my line at the VERY LOWEST PRICES, and give everybody a cordial invitation to call on me. I continue to carry a full line of FURNITERE, and will not he undersold by city or country houses. Nothing hut reliable goods kept. I sell several splendid brands of GUANOS, and have put prices just as low as good grades can he handled. If you want fertilizers it will be to your interest to see me before placing your orders elsewhere. My Undertaking Department fs the Best in the Countrv— Full and Complete. A SPLENDID HEARSE Sent Free when Price exceeds Twenty Dollars' Lumber, Shingles, etc., Constantly on Hand. I Repre sent the Finest Tomb Stone Monumental Works. Sells the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, the Finest on the Market. B. B. CARMICHAEL, McDonough, Ca. flv CMCHEBTERS ENOLIBH. RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND A * PtutmoNMi * rudis 4* uIgL the ORIGINAL AND genuine Tbw only Safe. Sure*and reliakls Pill tor tale. ' W l.iutle*. uk Druggist for Ckiehsstsr » BrvjlUk IHumumd Brand in lted xnd Gold metallic \ V fn boxaealrd wf«b blue ribboo. Take bo other kind. Me/ass Bubttitvtion* and Imitations. v %JT All |,ille to put'lKiari] bum, pink wrippw. or* danceroH* eoanterfi-lta. At Druggist*, or send aa EP 4e. in ■lampi f»r particulars, Pstimonism, and “ItelTef fitr Lc-iiex," si letter, by return Mail. If 10,00# Testimonials Name Paper. CHICHESTER CHIMICU CO., MadUnn touare, Hold by all Loeal lJru M lsta. PHILADELPHIA. PA. I’or IM-iii i-aioti. STATE OF GEORGIA, Hkvrv Coi ntv, Whereas. J. B. Dickson, administrator of Mary J. Evans, represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has fully ad* ministered the estate of Mary J. Evans: Th : s is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, heirs and creditor#, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not he discharged from his adminis tration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Mondav in July, 1891. WM. X. NKLSOX, Ordinary H. C. ■ o« l>i*iiii»*ion. STATE OF GEORGIA, Hknry Coi.nty. Whereas, James G. Dunn, administrator of Mary E. Johnson, represents to the court, in his petition duly filec, that he has fully administered Mary E. Johnson*§ estate: i This is therefore to cite all persons con | corned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said admiatrator should | not he discharged from his administration I and receive lettere of dismission on the first I Honda' in July, 1891. Printer’s fee S.’».KU. | WM, X. NELSOX, Ordinary H. C.