Newspaper Page Text
.1. A. FOUUHK, Editor.
Entered at the postoffice at McDonough
Ga., as second-class mail matter.
McDonough. Ga., Oct. SO, 1891
Grand Jury Presentments, October
Term Henry Superior Court.
We, the grand jury of Henry couu
tv, make the following presentments :
Through our several committees ap
pointed to examine into the county’s
affairs, we are proud to state that we
find the county of Henry in a sound
financial condition, except as to exces
sive taxation.
We find the books, vouchers and
cash in the Treasurer’s office kept in
such a manner as the law requires.
We find in the Treasury at the begin
ning of this session of Court 5G,621.79.
By comparing the expenditures of 1889
and 1890, and taking the average dif
ference, we find that there is enough
money now in the County Treasury at
present to defray its ensuing annual
expenses. This we find to be true
from the fact that the average expen
ses for the two years above named
amounted to only $7,091.43. We
think it an unwise policy, and unjust
to the tax payers of the county that
such an euoimous sum should be taken
out of circulation when there is no
need for the tax. This money lias
been lying idle for twelve months, and
was withdrawn from the county at a
time when the county was, and is still
threatened with a financial panic. We
regard the hoarding of public money
as unsound political economy. In con
sideration of the vast surplus now on
hand, that after the taxes for the pres
ent year have been collected, we rec
ommend for the next year, aud all en
suing years, that there be no more tax
es levied than is absolutely necessary
to defray the county’s current expen
We find that the Clerk of the Supe
rior Court has kept his office as requir
ed by law. We urge that he shall
keep the Deed Records in the safe,
keeping only the one in his office that
is now being made ; and that he re
move such other Records belonging to
the Superior Court out of said safe in
to his office.
We find that the Ordinary’s office
has been administered according to le
gal requirements. We urge that be
keep his Record of Guardian’s Rond,
aud Bonds of public officers in the
large safe belonging to the county.
We find the books, warrants aud
other matters pertaining to the Sheriff's
office, neatly and correctly kept.
We find the public prison in good
condition. We recommend that ihe
small stove now in the main prison be
removed and a larger one put in its
We find the court house in good re
pair, and think it unwise just now to
make any changes in it, owing to the
stringency of money matters.
Owing to the severe illuess of Tax
Collector Mays we find that he has
collected none of the public tuxes. We
urge that this matter should be prompt
ly attended to.
We have examined the Justice's
dockets, and find that, m the main, they
are well kept.
We find that the books and other
matter pertaining to the County Court
are kept in a neat and orderly manner.
The Tax Receiver’s books disclose
the fact that there are many parties in
the county who have failed to give in
their lauds, and other property. We
urge the Tax Collector to see that no
one fails to give in and pay his tax.
We fiud the books, vouchers, cash,
etc., belonging to the County School
Commissioners office are kept as the
law requires.
We find County Poor Farm and
buildings in fair condition. We regret
to note the lands have not been ter
racedjand recommended that the same
be done, to prevent further washing
and wasting of the lauds. The paupers
appear to be well cared for.
Owing to a recent enactment of the
Legislature, we find that the citizens
of Henry county are empowered, if
they desire so to do, to organize a
county chain gang. After looking in
to the matter and procuring what ev
idence we could as to what it would
cost the couuty to organize a chain
gang, we find that such au organiza
tion would cost a vast sum of money.
It was showu that Spalding county has
organized a chaingang in the last
twelve months, and that the county
had already spent SIO,OOO dollars in a
mere matter of preparation. Henry
having more than twice the area of
Spalding it is natural to conclude that
it would cost our tax payers more than
$20,000 to equip a county chain gang
For this reason we think it best to not
adopt a chaingang system in this coun
ty, but to urge the District Hoad Com
missioners to have the roads worked
according to existing laws ; that is, to
bave each individual to work fifteen
days upon the public roads during the
! year j anil that such work be not done
merely to escape censure of the Courts
and grand juries, but be done to im
prove the public highways.
We recommend that the bridge near
Dink Bonner’s have such repairs as it
We recommend that the Road Com
missioners of the county have the rail
road authorities to put 2x6 or
2xß scantling at all the cross
ings along said several lines of
road. We especially urge the dis
trict road commissioners at McDon
ough districts to see that East Tennes
see R. R., authorities have the embank
ment across the East Tenn. Va. & Ga.
R. 11._ou, the Burnt Mill road near the
residence of Wes’ey Harper, so length
ened and the grade reduced as to make
said embankment less steep and difficult
to cross with vehicles.
We recommend that John Beall
Rowan be appointed Notary l’ublic in
the Flippen district.
We recommend that a bridge he built
across South river at Snapping Shoals,
provided Newton county will bear half
of the expense. We urge upon the
commissioners who shall be appointed
to look after the county’s interest in
building said bridge to not allow anv
pine timber to go into its construction
that has had the turpentine taken out
of it for distillation or other purposes
We recommend that said bridge tim
bers be gotten out of sawed post oak,
if such can be had, and if they cannot
be had then to be built of sawed pine
lumber as above described.
We recommend that a bridge be
built across the creek at Comb's gin
house out of the same class of timber
as that described for the building of
Snapping Shoals bridge.
We recommend that the bridge at
Moseley’s mill be recovered with new
flooring. We also recommend that
when said bridge is rebuilt that it be
built at a place one hundred and fifty
yards below the present bridge as it
will cost much less money to build a
bridge there above high water.
We recommend that Thomas H. Stal
worth, Jr. be granted license to peddle
in any county of this state.
We recommend that O. L. Welch be
granted license to peddle in any coun
ty of this state. The license of both
Stalworth and Welch are recommended
on account of their maimed condition.
We recommend that the Ordinary
sell to Dr. Armstrong, of Jonesboro,
two or more acres of the public lands
belonging to the county lying near the
big spring, for the purpose of erecting
a hygeuie Institution, after a comm'ttee
from this body has examined said prop
erty and located it at a place where it
will not interfere with public demon
strations. And that the said I)r. Arm
strong has use of the spring, not to the
exclusion of the public, and provided
he, in putting in hydraulic ram, does not
dam up the stream so as to inundate the
spring or back the water so near it as
to inconvenience the public.
We recommend that the road hands
on the road leadiug to Hudson’s bridge
be instructed by the district road com
missioners having jurisdiction over said
road and bridge to clear all trees and
biush alongside said bridge to the dis
tauce required by law, except such
trees as are braces on the lower side of
said bridge.
Wef recommond that the Ordinary
sell to C. M. Speer a half acre of the
county poor farm lying immediately
west of the branch which crosses the
public road, said half acre to border on
the branch, in that the said Speer may
have a building site for a hundred acres
of land owned by him and entirely iso
lated from any public road. And that
said Ordinary give said Speer a right
of way for a road from the Hampton
road to the line of said Speer’s land,
a distance of something like 200 yards.
We recommend that these present
ments be published in the Henry
County Weekly and the Hampton
Hustler, and that each paper receive the j
sum of $12.00 for publishing these
We express our thanks to our fore
man, Air. Joseph M. Carmichael, for
the able and courteous mauner in which
he has conducted the deliberations of
this body.
In taking leave of his honor, Judge
James S. Boynton, we return him our
cordial thanks for his courtesy aud uni
form kindness to this body. We con
gratulate ourselves aud the people of
the Flint Judicial Circuit on having such
an eminent jurist to preside over our
courts. Aud we say with just pride
and appreciation of his worth, that
Henry county is proud of her eminent
For our genial solicitor general, pro
tern., lion F. 1) Dismuke, we feel an
especial regard for his former able ad
ministration of that office, and now for
the able manner in which he represents
the state, and gentlcmauly bearing to
, wards this body,
Jos. M (‘armichael, Foreman.
W R Carmichael IX T Stone
.1 1 T ields A II FI Braunan
Juo C Crumbly L P Owens
Joseph B Price W P Norman
T W Price J W Cowan
J B Russell Jno 15 Lowe
C S bryans G W Castellaw, Jr
; 100 Bryans H C Maulv
S C Stewart W T Stioud
Juo W Turnipseed J H Copeland
Jno L Edwards C M Speer
It is ordered by the court that the
above general presentments of the grand
jury be recorded on the minutes of
this court, and published as therein
recorded. Oct. 28th 1891.
James 8. Boynton.
C. F. C
Fkei> I). Dismuke,
Sol. Gen pro tern.
Court again this week.
Cotton continues to open.
Rev. Camp, of Jonesboro, preached
a tine sermon at Liberty Hill Sunday.
The members of that church have call
ed him to that chaige for another year.
Rus Rowan, and lady, visited Mr.
Foulson, of Clayton county last week
We are sorry to state that .Mr. Sam
Mays is still quite sick.
A fine debating society has been or
ganized at the Cross Roads school
house, l’he society will met or. Sat
urday evenings. Col. Wise, of your
towu, made a fine speech at the last
meeting. Several of the local lights
also shone forth on that occasion.
Mr. Win. Copeland has one of the
finest exits in this section.
Mr. J. P. Copeland, of Greeuwood,
gave us a pop call last week.
I lie young men and old bachelors
need not lose hope when a man of one
hundred and twenty-four years cau
marry. Cheer up, boys, there’s some
hop? for you yet!
A wedding is booked to come of in
this community in the not far distant
We saw our friend, Dr. Howell, at
court last week
J. M. Pendly, and lady, visited Mr.
Thus. Pendley last week.
H. W. Carmichael, aud lady, will
visit th< ir daughter, Mrs. Nannie Bte
laud, at Macon, this week.
We are informed that Mr. Tom
Turner had the misfortune one day re
cently to get his hand severely cut by
a gin
Our old friend A. V. McVieker, of
Babb, goes to Macon this week to at
tend the Grand Lodge. We hope for
him a pleasant trip and safe return.
We are pleased to announce that
Mr. Nathan Woodward’s condition is
much improved at this writing Nath
has had a severe spell of sickness, and
his mady friends are rejoiced to learn
that he is uow on the high road to re
Mr. John Payne contemplates mov
ing to Indian Springs next year.
We are under many obligations to
Clever Jim Wallis aud Sheriff Gla-s
for kindnesses shown us on the day of
the show. These gentlemen never
forget their friends when they can do
them a favor.
The grand jury could not have se
lected a better mau in the county for
foreman than Mr. Joe Carmichael.
John Medlock, of Alabama, is visit
ing his father, in Clayton county.
We were very sorry to hear of the
death of Miss Emma Berry. She had
a host of fiieuds in ttiis community.
Miss Mollie Farris has returned
home from a visit to Texas and Lou
siana, whither she went to visit her
Prohibition is in full force in this
immediate vicinity—that is, everything
is undoubtedly dry. It is so dry and
dusty that we can hardly accumulate
enough moisture to spit.
Oct. 26th Old Guard.
Rev. T. J. Bledsoe preached a very
able sermon last Sunday at Rocky
Greek to a large congregation. One
addition to the church.
Messers. J. M. Stanfield and Thos.
MeVicker, of Lovejoy, attended divine
worship at Rocky Creek last Sunday.
There seems to be great attractions
down here for Jim. He may stand a
very good hand if “Rowdy” don’t
“staid” any more.
Mr. A. 1). Martin has bought out A.
S. Martin’s entire plantation.
L. H. Pursley and 11. 11. Greer
have been working on Rocky Creek
church this week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hand, of Klip
pen, spent last Sunday with your cor
Mrs. R. A. Dicksou and Miss Susie
Philips spent a few days in Griffin this
H. 11. Greer went down to Griffiu
Wednesday, on busiuess.
Mr. Litt Tarpley weut down to
Tkotnaston last Tuesday. Abram
Oct. 27th.
Don’t Be Humbugged.
When the clover seed men call on
vou, don’t buy their seed. They will
sell you three pounds for $1.75, which
they claim will seed an acre. You
can buy the same seed for fifteen cents.
They claim to be introducing a new
clover, aud will show you two kinds
of seed. The new kind, which they
pretend to sell, and the red clover.
They carry the red clover to show
you the difference iu the kinds. They
take your order one day and delive
red the next. In stead of carrying
you new seed, they deliver you our
common red clover, which you can buy
in the market for fifteen cents.
1 hey will tell you that three pounds
of the : r seed will sow an acre when it
take* twenty-five pounds. Dou’t be
humbugged. It is the biggest imposi
tiou ever practiced ou humanity. They I
are regular imposters. Muggins.
Oct. 21th.
Popularity called the king of medi
cines—Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It con !
qtiers scrofula, salt rheum and all other!
blood diseases.
■«wurr of Ointment* for Cn
tnrrh llint rouluin Mercury.
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Sucti ar
ticles should never he used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians,
as the damage they will do is ten fold
to the good you can possibly derive
from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co,
Toledo, O , contains no mercury, and
is lakeu internally, and acts directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine. It
is taken internally, and made in Tole
do, Ohio, by F’. J. Cheney & Co.
by Druggists, price 72c.
per bottle.
It Is that impurity In the blood, which, ac
cumulating in the glands of ttie neck, pro
duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which
causes painful running sores on the arms,
legs, or feet; which developes ulcers in the
eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or
deafness: which Is the origin of pimples, can
cerous growths, or the many other manifesta
tions usually ascribed to “humors;” which,
fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption
and death. Being the most ancient, it is the
most general of all diseases or affections, for
very few persons are entirely free from it.
By taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which, by
the remarkable cures it has accomplished,
often when other medicines have failed, has
proven itself to be a potent and peculiar
medicine for this disease. Some of these
cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from
scrofula, be sure to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
“ My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof
ulous sore neck from the time she was 22months
old till she became six years of age. Lumps
formed in her neck, and one of them after
growing to the size of a pigeon’s egg, became
a running sore for over three years. We gave
her Hood’s Sarsaparilla, when the lump and
all indications of scrofula entirely dis
appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy
child.” J. S. Carlile, Nauright, N. J.
N. B. Be sure to get only
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. 51; six for fl. r ». Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
'■'rmtlee's Sialc.
By virtue of an order from the Superior
Court of Lowndes county, Ga., and the will
of Humphrey Tomlinson, late of Henrv
county, deceased, w ill lie sold at public out
cry at the court house door, of Henry coun
ty, on the first Tuesday in December next,
within the legal hours of sale, the following
property, tn-wil : Thirty-nine and ninety,
nine and 11-4 acres of bind—making in the
aggregate one hundred and thiity-cight and
3-4 acres—lying and being in the Seventh
district of Henry county, Georgia, and said
one hundred rnd thirty-eight and three
fourth acres of land bounded on the north
by lands oi Win N. Nelson. J. I’. Tomlin
son, gnardisn, and Sallie Amis, on the east
bv lands of Oliver, Celia. Susie and Cris
Tomlinson, children of Kit Tomlinson (col.),
on the south by lands of H. J Nail, and on
the west by lands of John B Lowe and J.
P. Tomlinson, guardian, Said lands sold
by rue as trustee for rnv children. K. H.
Tomlinson , Joe lias Tomlinson, J Pitt Tom
linson. Lloul Tomlinson, Lucy U. Tomlin
son, John 1. Tomlinson, Bessie Abide Tom
linson. Terms cash. This Oct. iitlh. 1891 .
fee $6.00. Trustee.
.Viliee lu l>el»lor«anil ('i-e«liloi m.
All persons having demands against the
estate of Rice Cleveland, late of Henry
county, deceased, are hereby notified to ren
der in their demands to the undersigned ac
cording to law, and nil perilous indebted lo
said estate are required to mnke immediate
payment. Oct. 15th, 1891.
Executor of Rice Cleveland, dec'd.
Printer’s fee $4.50.
Par A<lm i»i l«l i n i lon
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
concerned that on the 4th day of July, 1891,
Daniel H. Ponder, late of said county de
parted this life. Intestate, and no person
has applied for administration on his es
tate, and that administration will he vested
in the Clerk of the Superior Court ot said
county, or some other fit and proper per
son. after the publication of this citation
according to law, unless valid objection is
made to his appointment. This Oct. Ist,
1891, WM. N. NELSON, Ordinary. \
Printer’s fee $9
NhrrilT Sale* I’or November.
Will lic sold in tbe town ot McDonough,
Henry county, G«., on the first Tuesday in
November next, within the legal hoots of
sale, Ihe following described property, to
One 60 saw gin, one 60 saw feeder, one 60
saw condenser, one top geared press com
plete, one I 15-16 shaft 16 feet long, two 1
15-16 collars, three 1 15-16 boxes, one ‘J4x
10 pulley, one :J4xß pulley, one 18x6 pulley,
one 18x17 Uj puiley. Levied on as the prop
erty of R. J, Burch and J. W. Roundtree,
to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Doolv Supe
rior court in favor of Winship Machine U'o.
vs. the said R. J. Burch and J. \V. Roun
tree. Levy made tl4tli day of Sept., 1891.
Printer’s fee $6 N. A. GLASS. Sheriff
Above property can be seen at Flippen.
and Druggists,
Locrsr GROVE. 41 A.
Pure Drugs. Patent Medicines, Toilet Ar
ticles, etc., etc.
Ottiee practice, and regular calls prompt
ly attended to dav and night.
T)K %TTY*J* PIANOS.— In use ev
il erywhore. Write for catalogue. Dan
iel F. Beatty. Washington New Jersey.
I am selling 4 by 4 A A Sheeting at 6cts a yard, others
selling same goods at yets. Cotton Checks at sets a yard.
Oil Cloth 2 2cts yard, best quality. Hats and tine Shoes ot
all kinds are going at Great Bargains.
A Full Line of Notions always in stock.
I also carry a complete line of Groceries, etc.
Call and be convinced that the RACKET STORE is the
Cheapest place in town.
J. L. GARDNER, Prop r.
Or. V C. BRYANT , Editor.
Owing to a delay in the mail trains,
we failed to receive the usual “hatch of
items” for this d<*pertinent this week.
We know our readers at the Grove
will miss this spicy column of local
news, but “accidents will sometimes oc
cur even in the best regulated
holds,” —in other words when a man
puts hi* trust in a railroad train he
“most always sometimes gets left.”
Whorl ll*’* Stiles for December.
Will lie soil before court house door,
in the town of Henry county,
Georgia, between the lawful hours of sale,
on the first Tuesday in December next, the
following described property, to v»ii :
Twelve acres of land , more or less, at
Snapping Shoals, in the Blh district of
Henry count ', Ga., and known as the home
place of John L. Garlington. Sr., lah* of
R'-nrv comity d< «•« a-rd and bound *1 on the
south by lands of Mrs. Martha Stewart’s
estate* on the north and east by Soil'll riv
er, an ♦on tlie west by lanes of i\ S. Jar
boe and Charley Healy. Levied on as the
property of R. L. Crawly lo satisfy a fi. fa
tioin Newton county court in favor of Thos,
I) Stewart & Co. vs. It. L. Crawly, princi
pal, and Bryan & Dickon. endorsers . Ten
ant in possession notified. This Oet. V^th,
1891. Pri iter’s fee sfi <M.
Also, at the same time and place, about
forty-five acres of cotton in the field, and
about 14 acres of corn in the field, being
about .>.OOO 11)8. of seed cotton, and about
'2.) bushels of corn, and about 800 bundles of
j fodder in the crib. The above crop being
in Lowes district, Henry county, Ga , on
lands owned or controlled by Parker E.
Brown, and rented by Lewis Ouvvf rron.
Levied on as the property of Lewis Caw
thron, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa, from
Henry coi.nty court in favor of. 1. L. lV.tricl
vs. Lewis Cawfhrou this Oet. loth, I s!)|.
Printer's fee $3 00.
Also, at the same time and place, one
hundred and one-quart, r acres of land, in
the llth ■ istrici of Henry county, Ga., be
ing south halt of lot ot lanJ No. sixtv-six
(00) and bounded as followh : On the north
by Cotton Indian creek, on the east by
lands ol Gaston Hinton, on Hie south by
lands ot J. A. South, deceased, and on the
w> st by lands of G. F. Crumblev. Levied
on as the property of I*. Sluigi-', to satisfy
a fi. fa issued from DeKalb Superior Court
in favor of the Neal Loan and Banking
Company vs. Nancy Shaw an 1 Laban Siur
gis. I his October 29th, 1891. Pi inter’s
fee sfi 00.
Also, at the same time and place, nil of
lot of land No. two hundred and eight (’2o*-)
except fifteen (15) acres in the north east
corner of said lot ; all of lot of land No.
Iwo bunded and nine (209) except sixty
(fill) acres in the north-east corner of said
lot, said farm, or tract of land, containing
three hundred and thirty (3140) acres, and
being in the 7th district of Henry countv,
Georgia, the same being levied on as the
property of O. L. Welch, by virtue of a fi.
fa. issued from Henry Superior£ourt in fa
vor of the Georgia Loan and Trust. Compa
ny vs. O. I j Welch. Tenant in possession
legally notified. This Oct. 20th, 1801.
Printer’s tie s(>.oo. N. A GLASS,
■ a ilve to Nell.
GEORG I A, — H« nry county.
To all whom it may concern : Wm. T.
Dickon, administrator of the estate of
Elisha Coker, deceased, has in due form ap
plied to (he undersigned for leave to sell
tin* lands belonging to the s»id estate, con
stating of one hundred acres, more or less,
hing in said county. Known as the home
place of said Elishi Coker, deceased, and I
"ill pass upon said application on the Ist
Monday in December, 1891. This Oct.
39th, 1891. Wm. N. NELSON.
Printer’s fee $3.00. Ordinary H. 0.
to Wi-11.
GEORGIA—Hetirv County,
To all whom it miv concern: W. M,
Oomlis, executor of the will of George Rus
sell, decease), has in due form npplied to
tee undersigned for leave to sell the hinds
belonging lo Ili• estate of said decease!.,
and said application will ire heard on the
tiist Monday in December next. This ‘JBth
day of October. I Hill. Printers's fee $3
\VM. N. NELSON. Ordinary.
Notice lo Urlilai's ami 4 Veili lorn
All persons having demands against the
estate of Mrs. Ellen Fields, late of Henry
county, deceased, are hereby notified to
render in their demands to the undersigned
according to law; and all persons indebted
to said estate are required to make immedi
ate payment. This Oct. |H<)|. Print
er's fee $4 50 J. P. WALKER,
Adm’r of Mrs, Ellen Fields, dec’d.
All guano notes given the
Farmers’ Cotton Oil and Mfg.
Co. were due on the 15th of
October, and they are com
pelled to be settled at once.
This is imperative and must
be attended to—don't delay.
S. B. Kivbell,
iij 11 1* ft ti e,
Is-again in Jackson, and in
vites his friends wishing; Hue
Photographs to call, as he is
prepared to do better than ev
er. Caller}- in Watkins buil
ding, Main and Third streets,
Jackson, Ga.
J.Yo T. I'.WI
I carry a full line of CONFECTIONER IKS and Canned
Goods, which will be soid at Rock Bottom Prices.
I shall also continue to handle FRESH FISH, FRESH
OYSTERS and SAUSAGE on Fridays and Saturdays ot
each week. Your patronage is respectfully solicited.
JNO, T. DAVIS, Locust Grove, Ga. *
-R. C. BROWN--
Low Priced Goods arid
High Priced Cotton.
V ith a life-time experience and the Spot Cash to buy
with, 1 am prepared to meet, and even excel, any ot my
Bear in mind, your notes and accounts are DUE. 1 also
hold the notes and accounts belonging to Arch Brown, for
collection. lo save any expense on same, call and settle.
rt O. BROWN,
We are selling WAGONS, BUGGIES and ROAD
CARTS as Cheap as the Cheapest.
We also keep a full line ot Coffins, and are prepared to do
First Class Undertaki ig work.
All of our notes and accounts will tall due the first of Oc
tober, and we shall expect )ou to come forward and pay up
at oncc - GUILL & SMITH.
Is my Bid I Your Trade!
_ p :
My tall buying has been done with the view of offering
you the Very Best Quality ofgooc’s for the money,
Superior Good-, and prices that will surprise you —1
keep everything to be found in a first class store ot
General Merchandise.
Now, as the money season is upon us, please come for
ward • nd pay your notes and accounts.
I will pay 1-4 c above the market value for
Cotton for the next 20 days to customers.
I am still “in the ring.’’
c. p, wones.
We have now on our counters, ready for
sale, a most exquisite stock of
EVER SEEN AT Locust drove
We have a limited supply of PLAIDS, STRIPES and
combination suits. Latest styles in Wool Goods, plain and
striped Henriettas, Ladies Cloth, Siscilian, etc.. Trimmings
to match. Our Notions unsurpassed. We can suit all who
wish to buy. No house can sell them cheaper than we have
them marked.
We also carry a full line ot Supplies,
of the very best grade. CANNED-GOODS of all descrip
tions. Every department is full from attic to cellar El I R
reach cf all.
Miss Sal lie McKenney, of Thomaston, will take charge
She has had several years experience in the business, and
knows what she is doing. She uses the well known But
tenck and other Magazines, and will with untiring enenw
give the ladies any information concerning ‘*what to wear
and how to make it.”
Now, gi\ e us a call and look through our mammoth
stock, and call for what you don’t see. We've o- D t it and
will take pleasure in showing our goods. Our price's are
the Very Lowest fo! Hrst class goods, and qua'jty guar
anteed. Respectfully,