The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, September 05, 1905, Image 3

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3 Locai Iftews. y' L is coming in fast, ly 0 O iirt Wednesday. un le McCalla is visiting rers. Hattie Horton is visiting L in the city. Ld Lta Mrs. Irwin Proctor were last Friday. I store busy checking and g up new goods. A.C. Stamps is the guest ives in the city. oar d of school coinmission |lin session today. (9 Bas en j. Anderson, of Stnrrs here Thursday. lud Sunday Mrs. P. W. Godfrey m Madison. L. D. McGregor, of Warreti¬ ns in the city Sunday. on is opening rapidly and niers are marketing it. Doris Clark is attending lanta Business College. and Mrs. T. H. Greer visi mds at Huyston Sunday. ew applications for pensions e in the the office by the Lilly Irby leaves today for to er.ter the State Normal Clifford Henderson spent v and Monday here with his is. Julius Magath preached f morning at the Methodist is Bessie Osborn, of Social spent Sunday here with her ir. 8 Pearl Grant was the guest is Emma Lewis one night eek. |b Ine Lucile Meador has return alter a visit to relatives lanta. Is Minnie Pitts, of Atlanta, lie guest Sunday of Miss Ed lylor. Iter Jim Hardee has returned ■Jacksonville and is visiting lodfrey. I and Mrs. McDonald were liests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs I. Everitt. Iday was one of the warmest jof lood the year. The thermome at 93. p Lottie Flemister returned ly from a weeks visit to rela Iin Atlanta. I* aud Mrs. Tom Bryan return |eir |t the home week. iu Florida the mid f* and Mrs. John D. Kent, of r oe > were the guests Friday of I John Aiken. ps pta Arlene Sunday Almand returned to after a visit to 0- F. Adair. F* and Mrs. S. H. Adams, ! roe > W( ' ; rn the guests ot rela te here Sunday. ta. Tames G. Lester and ,Ie ^ ae Lester are visiting res in Marietta. lsses Lucile and Martha : the guests last week of a Belle Ad a ms. Nses Ethel and Ruth P». will attend the Forsyth .6 College this fall. ^ rs Birdie Shepherd, after - l3ailt v ‘ s 't to her parents ttrned home Friday. he f a nners meet in ® -oday for the of Vlll their purpose g organization. Cowan, of near ^ °als, was here ' !t >g hands with friends. ' e blU collectors had a time , pcating their men ou the * er « was a change in teiueBs h nearly -use in Covington, The funeral of Mayor Chappell’s mother, occurred last Thursday. She was interred at Columbus. Mr. W. N. Ramey, of Willard, has accepted a position with Mr. C. C. Robinson as book-keeper. Mrs. J. E. Bogle and little daugh¬ ter returned home Sunday after a visit to her parents in Forsyth. The $15,000 electric light and $30,000 water works bonds of Mon¬ roe were sold last week at ICTf. Miss Annie Laura Taylor return¬ ed to Social Circle Sunday, after a short visit to Miss Edna Taylor. Mrs. W. T. Rossman and two little sons, Jeseph Grey and \V. T., are the guests of Mr. J. B. Lewis. Mr. Eugene R. Black, general agent of the Prudential Lite In¬ surance Co., was in the city Sat¬ urday. Mr. Carl Mobley of the United States Navy is visiting relatives in Newton county for several weeks. Mrs. Henry Odum and little Miss Gladys 3pent a few days last week with relatives in Walton county. Miss Essie Hyer left Friday for Forsyth where she has accepted a position iii the public schools of that place. Miss Ethel Godman has return¬ ed to her home at Langly, S. C., after a visit to her brother Mr. S. O. Godman. Mrs. J. F. Kelly and children, of Ingleside, were the guests of Mr. J. B, Lewis’ family sevoral days last week. Mr. H. Claude Cook arrived Saturday to spend a couple of weeks here with his mother ou Railroad street. The Singer Machine Co , have rented the Lula building which has been used for a restaurant on the East side of square. Mrs. J. L. Stephenson and Mas¬ ters Walter and Ernest are visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Warren, on West Peachtree, Atlanta. Capt. August Boyee left Friday morning for Greely, Col., where he goes to superintend gathering his crop of beats and potatoes. Mr. Will F. Edwards, who is selling stock in a gold mine iu Ida¬ ho, was in the city a few days last week. He reports business good. Mrs. J. H. Padget and children are expected home today. They have been on a two weeks visit to relatives in Madison and Godfrey, Mr. T. A. Perry, Jr., of Decatur was in the city Saturday looking after business for his father. He will enter the State University this fall. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Dannavick are in the city registered at the Scruggs House. Mr. Dannavick is superintending the erection of the compress at the Georgia depot. Remember Leo Reed is doing the laundry business of the town. I collect and deliver at your home. Give me your next order for a trial. Mrs. Dr. P. Willson, ot New¬ born was the guest of Mrs. H. D. Busil on Saturday. Miss Annie Perry accompanied her home, le turmng Sunday. A much needed rain fell Friday night, the first in about two weeks. Many of our garden farmers have been looking forward to it, so that a turnip patch could be planted. Dr. Seals Belcher, who is fast gaming the reputation of being one of the best physicians iu this section, was iu town Thursday for a few hours. Mr. G. F. Hardy visited the family of Col. G. H. Cornwell last week. He holds a position with the Railway Mail Service. At present his run is from Atlanta Chattanooga, fak MfMpMim t MxofdX ga , Mr. 0. W, Flowers, who is in the mechanical department of the Marietta Journal, attended tbs fu ; neral of his grandmother, Mrs. Brown Friday. Miss Dessa Hays will have as her guests this week Miss Louise Tim¬ merman, of Forsyth; Miss Gladys Tilley, of Conyers, and Miss Elinor Dallas, of Lagrange. Mrs. P. W. Godfrey entertained Thursday afternoon in honor of Misses Laura Boyd of Savannah, and Lucy Reese Dillon, of Wash¬ ington, the guests of Miss Bonner Simms. Monday being Labor Day and a Xatipnal Holiday, the three local banks were closed. Bibb Manu¬ facturing Co., at Porterdale cele¬ brated the day by giving all era ployees holiday. Mrs. S. J. Swanson and three children left Friday for Tuskegee, Ala., on a two week’s visit after which they return to their home at Lake City, Fla. They have keen the guests for several weeks of Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Swanson. Did you take our advice and try Blue Ribbon Vanilla or Lemon Extract? Don’t be predjudiced but just try Blue Ribbon Vanilla or Lemon then you will see what you have missed all along. For sale by Hutchin’s Grocery Co., M. G. Turner and Fowler Bros. The merchants and clerks have certainly had their hands full this week, judging from the number of new boxes in front of their stores, which are being unloaded of the fall and winter goods. Most of them have bought heavily this fall and it will be to the interest of everybody to inspect here before buying. L Home Mission Notes. J 1 Conducted by Hr*. A N. Hay*. WEEK OF PRAYER. A week in Oct. day 15 to 22 has been set apart by the proper au¬ thorities, as the time to be observ¬ ed, by the Home Mission Society, for special prayer and thanks giv¬ ing. It will be a good time for us from now on to think of the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. May each one look back over the past year, and recount the many blessings that have come to us from God, and may each show her gratitude by putting in the Lord’s treasury a sum that will honor His love. It has been said, "Some can go, Most can give, All can pray. If all faithfully prayed for Mis¬ sion work and workers more would give and more would go.’’ 2 COR. CHAPS. 8, 9. In these two chapters we are taught the grand motives and prin¬ ciples of Christian giving, and even paradoxed on giving. These ex¬ amples were given by the Macedo¬ nians, they are as follows: 1st. They gave out of the abun¬ dance of their poverty, not out of plentitude of their wealth. 2nd. Their willingness e x ceeded their ability instead of their ability their willingness. 3rd They were urgent to be al¬ lowed to give rather than reluctant while those who received the gilt were reluctant to take it, knowing how deep their poverty. 4th. They make the greater gift first (of themselves) and the latter gift was less (their money.) Usually peoplo give the least they can to begin with, and have to be educated up to giving themselves at the very last. 5th. Iu these chapters value of gitts is reckoned, not by the amount given, but by the deg»ee of willingness and cheerfulness exhibited. 6th. We are taught that in crease comes 11 ot by keeping but by giving; that the way to get more is to give more, and the way to lose, is to keep. of 7th. And the crowning lesson all is that they regarded giving, not a privation to be evaded and avoid¬ ed, but as a privilege and a bless¬ ing to be coveted and cultivated. Can we do better than to follow glorious examples? 3 STEW "STOP? ns: § Bargain I $ HOLLIS BUILDING, COVINGTON, GA. 4 I THE PLACE TO BUY GOODS CHEAP. I c EVERYTHING ONE PRIGE ifti o AND & Strictly c fc : <g) — BARGAINS BARGAINS b. V pN • 0 7 1 33 'm m i ■. :r. ] HDl ill 'CM K m ijc -■ rS d m To the Pacific Coast—to California, Oregon, Washington — round-trip, long transit and return limits, liberal stop-over privileges. The rate is practically on the basis of one fare for the round trip. Of course, if you wish to visit both California and Oregon or Washington, the cost is slightly more. These reduced rates are in effect on certain dates in months of May to October, inclusive. They apply from all Eastern points via Chicago, St. Louis or Memphis gateways. The Rock Island System will take you up in either Chicago or St. Louis, or at hundreds of other Middle West points and carry you to the Coast in through Standard or Tourist Sleepers with unexcelled Dining Car service. tp X The Rock Island also affords a choice of routes: on the “Scenic” route you can stop off in Colorado—see Salt Lake City—visit Yellowstone National Park; on the “Southern” route you can go via El Paso, thru New Mexico, then “up coast” to San Francisco : * .i and Portland Seattle if desired. t on to or In short, these Pacific Coast excursions offer an unusually good 4? /'>; chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner. : ■ If you desire to go only as far as Colorado, there are excursion VffV'y*. rates in effect to that section and return, all summer long, specially reduced June 30 to July 4, August 12 and 13, m and August 30 to September 4. Extension also. trips to Ogden • T or Salt Lake and return at low cost A From September 15 to October 31, 1905, one-way a tourist or “ colonist ” tickets will be on sale to California and J the Pacific Northwest—about half regular fare. mil 1 Ik If interested, send and address this coupon, designating name on ll^k 11 which booklet wanted and to what point definitely you plan with to respect go. Name rates, probable etc. date of start also, so we can advise to SV'Lr . m Send Colorado booklet and rates. I I California Name. Address Addre**. JOHN SEBASTIAN, rZ uoL^iJo . EL PASO "R Pass. Traf. Mgr., Rock Island System, Leave about Vr^XX'jT' CHICAGO. Destination PATENTS ISnDENTIAL I„® TTNYs LETTER T^AT^PAY, Dg pA P 9 and belp inventors to success. I ■ fered ENT ABILITY. Patent Lawyers. 20 years’practice. Write or come Refcis- to Ins at 6*6-507. 7th St.. WASHINGTON. D. C. dpSWIFM See The ENTERPRISE for First-Class Job Work. KILL™*-COUCH AND CURE THE LUNCS New WITH Dr. Discovery King’s zjo ( /Consumption 0UGHS and EOc Price &$1.00 ^/OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cura for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB¬ LES, or MONEY BACK. NEW YORK TV V** PER I —s IS THE CftEATEET THEATRICAL I SHOW PAPER IN THE WORLD. S4.0Q Per Year. Single Cosy, 10 CIs. ISSUED WKEfcW'. Sample Copy Free. FRANK QUEEN PUB. CO. (LM1, * ALBERT J. BORIE, 47 W. . PUBLISHERS, 2iTH xsw Managed. st., York.