The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, September 08, 1905, Image 4

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9®fc ! i»apHOMaMi«S<S»fi®* l W*®®fc*fS<3fc—w. :»&■» MgM 1 HAPPENINGS OVER THE COUNTY ^ § Able *■'* Paragraphed for the Enterprise by Its g 1 Corps of Correspondents. & M & JSXiSSS* Is FROM WEST NEWTON. Mr. a id Mrs. J. W. King enter¬ tained quite a number of their friends with an ice cream supper at their Lome in the western part of the county. Revs. T. J. Hakes and C. C. liott are conducting a series of meetings at the Methodist church near Salem. Mr. Ernest Black, who has been quite sick with typhoid fever at his home in the westf rn part of the county, is improving. Mrs. Clifford Turner visited her mother. Mrs. J. C. Nixon Wed nesday. Sateguard The Children. Notwithstanding all that is done by boards of health and charitably inclined persons, the death rate among small elm dren is very high during the hot weather of the summer months in the large cities. There is not probably one case of bowel complaint in a hundred, however, that could not be cured by the timely u.-e ot Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rboea Remedy For sale by all druggists in Covington and Bibb M't'g. Co. Porter dale. LEGUIN. Miss Julia Willson one of our sweet young ladies, is visiting in Jasper this week. Mr. S. L. McMitchael and wife visited relatives in Conyers Satur day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Dick spent Sunday with Mr. Albert Filing ton's family. Mrs. Ilia Pickett spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. J. M. siter. Misses Carrie Beck Ozburn and Alice Thompson visited friends and relatives at Social Circle Fri day until Sunday. Several of our young people en¬ joyed the singing at Miss Grant’s Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McCart spent Sunday with Mr. Frank Cart’s family. Mr. Will Parker and wife visited J. L. Coggin’s family Sunday. Quite a crowd attended the sing¬ ing at Love Joy Sunday afternon. We hope to have Prof. Lunceford and wife to be with us again soon. Miss Alice Thompson is spend¬ ing this week with her sister, near Gaithers. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be needed in almost every home before the summer over. It can always be depended even in the most severe and cases. It is especially valuable for disorders in children. It is pleasant to and never fails to give prompt relief. W not buy it now. It may save life For by all druggists in Covington and M’fg. Co., Porterdale- 1500 yds. 10c. percales at G c. at New York Bargain store. DOVER. - Misses Carrie and Donie Mitch em, of Salem, spent Sunday with Miss Lois Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Colonel Peek have returned home alter a fwo week’s visit here. Mrs. Grass and children, of At lauta, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Hyatt this week. Mr. Harvey Moon, of Conyers, spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr. Robert Moon. Mrs. Emma Ewings, of Jersey spent several days last week with ber son, Mr. Tobe Ewings. Miss Pear) Dorsey spmt Satur¬ day night with her cousin, Miss Annie Moon. Mrs. John Byrd and daughter, Miss Blanche were the guests of Mrs. Mack Pec-k Saturday after¬ noon. an d Mrs. Tube Ewings and little son spent Sunday in Coving ton as the guest of their sistc-r. Mrs. Lou Harp, Miss Minnie Clotfelter. of Con yers, spent a few days last week with her cousins, Misses Ola and Lula Edwards. Miss Ola Edwards left Monday for Athens where she will attend the Normal. Her many friends wish her great success. Miss Willie Berry visited friends at Mt. Zion Sunday. Mr. John Richardson, of Con¬ yers, spent several days la-1 week with bis daughter, Ml'S. Newt Ber * 7 . Miss Kate Hdwards spent Wed nesday night with Miss Sadie Dab ney. We are glad to say that Miss Sadie and Donie Dabney who have been leal sick, are some better at this writing. The Diamond Cure. The latest news from Paris, is that they have discovered a diamond cure lor consumption. If you fear consump* tion or pneumonia, it will, however, be I best for you to take that great remedy mentioned by W. T. McGee, of Vanleer Tenn. ‘‘I had a cough, for fourteen j years. Nothing helped me, until I took Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump¬ tion, coughs and colds, which [gave in slant relief, and eflected a permanent cure.” Unequalled quick cure, for ; throat and lung troubles. At Brooks & ; Smith and Covington Drug Co.; price 50 | cents tie free, and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial hot .. .....- ................. — HAYSTON. Mrs. C. W. Jackson and little son, Lamar, spent last week very pleasantly with relatives in Con ers - Misses Mary and Irene Hays, two of our most popular young la¬ dies, spent last week with relatives in Jersey. Mrs. J. C. Wynn and little'son, Ransom Hodge, have returned to their home in Shady Dale, after a very pleasant visit with friends and relatives here. Mrs. Wynn has a number of friends here who are always glad to have her visit them. Mr. Tully Smith, of Atlanta, is visiting his brother, T. S. Smith. Miss Mattie Harden, of near Monticello’ is the admired guest of her cousin, Miss Eppie Jones. Miss Claude Cunard, one of Eu doru’s charming young ladies, spent several days last week with Miss Naunye Aaron. Mr. J. T. Mayo, of Flovilla, vis¬ ited Miss Irene Hays Sunday. Mps. A. L. J. Hodge was called to the bedside of her daughter, J Mrs. G. A. Hutchins, in Atlanta last week. j Miss Evie Hays left last week for an extended visit to relatives at Rockuiart. Messrs. Joe K. Anderson, of Stirrsville, and Lester Lee, of Covington, were among the visi¬ tors here Sunday. Mrs. Lee Epps and little daugh j tei, Mary, of Newborn, spent sev i eral days last week with her father Mr. J. B, Epps. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Hollis have as their guests Mr. Watson and sisters of Atlanta. Mrs. J. M. Jones, Messrs. Frank and Starr Jones and R. L. Middle- TBE SUfTERPRUi COYJtNOTW, GA., day and Sunday. Miss Nannye Aaron left Moo day to visit Mrs. J. C. Wynn in Shady Dale. Mr. and Mrs. A. S Hays spent lasl Sunday with Mrs. Jeff Cook, Shoal Creek. " - Mr. Lock Graham, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mr. T. A. Richards family. Rev. T. H. Greer and son Mr. H. C., of Covington were visiting relatives here Sunday. Miss Mary Lillie Hardman, of Mansfield was the guest of Misses Pearl and Kxcer Hardman the lat¬ ter part of last week.* Mr. and Mrs. Hill Stewart and children, of Wiuton, w^re the guest of the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Richards Sunday last. A number of young people were delightfully entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Har¬ well last Wednesday evening. Many interesting games were en¬ joyed and a dainty icecream course was served. The crowd dispersed at a late hour, declaring they had never spent a more pleasant ev¬ ening. The singing at the Baptist church Sunday evening was en¬ joyed by all present. She Tried Five Doctors. Mrs. Frances L. Sales, of Missouri Valley, la., writes “I have been alHict, ed with kidney trouble five years: had severe pains in my back and a frequent desire to urinate. When riding I expe¬ rienced much pain over ihe region of the kidneys. I tried five physicians without benefit and then concluded to try Foley’s Kidney Cure. After taking three $1.00 bottles j was completely cured.” JURY LIST. The follewii g named persons were regularly drawn to serve as GRAND JURORS at September Term 1905 of Newton Superior Court. This March 25, 1905. J W Branham R G Franklin J L Epp3 T J Speer S R Ellington T G Aiken G T Smith R R Fowler W B Livingston G Q Livingston W R King T T Sullivan J B Davis jr A L Jackson S S Starr M C Davis A J Belcher C U Skinner J C Stewart W M Heard I W Meador O P McCord C E Hardeman W E Harwell SJ Kelley T W Hicks S C Fincher A S Floyd W P Odum vV E Stowe The following named persons were regularly drawn to serve as TRAVERSE JURORS at the Sep¬ tember Term 1905, Newton Sup¬ erior Court. This March 25, 1905. R E Flveritt W B Hurst R W Campbell J H Camp J O Black S S Hays Win Boyd J D Ellington T G Barnes J B George J C Cunnard J F Lazenby J F Harris J B Glass E M Elliott J H Echols E W Fowler A C Heard A J Banks G T Smith W L Adair W A Gardner W T Austin A R Bower A C Belcher J R Ellington W A Curtis T Cbal Cowan A L Bird J H Arnold R E Cowan J T Elliott J E Dobbs R A Bostwick Walter T Corley R D Dial FOLEY’S HONEYuroTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. Th« genuine FOLEY’S HONEY and TAR ta In • Yellow package. Refuse substitute* Prepared only by Foley Sl Company, Chios*#. Bean CASTOHXA. Ito Itind the You^HavsAlwa^s Bought Signature 9i PEACE DECARED. The Bloody Struggle Between Japan artd Russia Ended. Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 0.— The bloody war between Japan and Russia is ended. The terms of peace were settled by M. Witt and Baron Komnra at the session of the conference this moruiug and this afternoon pre¬ liminary arrangements for an ar¬ mistice were concluded and the actual work of framing the “trea¬ ty of Portsmouth” was by mutual agreement turned over to Mr. De Martens, Russia’s great internat¬ ional lawyer, and Mr. Dennison, who for twenty-five years has act¬ ed as the legal advisor ol the Jap¬ anese Foreign Officer This happy conclusion of the conference, which a week ago would have been shipwrecked had it not been for the intercession of President Rooseyelt, was sudden drama tic. For the sake of peace Japan, »ith the magnanimity of a victor, at the last moment yielded every io L; ;:r' tura E To e ' or p“t given « through Ambassador Meyer. No idemmty under any guise, but an agreement to divide Sakhalin and reimburse Japan for the mainte¬ nance of the Russian prisoner were his last words. They had been repeatedly reiterated in M. Witt’s instructors, and in the form of a written reply to the Japanese compromise proposal of last Wed¬ nesday they were delivered to Bar¬ on Komura this morning. For the sake ot peace, the Jap¬ anese, with a magnamity worthy ot their heroic achievements in this war, met the ult.imatur of the Czar and abandoned their demands not only for reimbursement for the cost of the war, but for the repur¬ chase of the northern half of Sak¬ halin, Russia at the same time agreeing to division of the island. The Japanese also withdrew Aiticles 10 and 11 of the peace conditions originally proposed (de¬ mand lor the surrender of the in¬ terned warships and limitation of the Russian naval power in the Far Hast.) The Confederate Veterans. Covington, Ga., Sept. 5, 1905. —The members of Jefferson Lamar Camp, No. 805, U..C. V., met in the court house at 2 o’clock p. m., with the following officers present: J. W. Anderson, Commander. G. D. Heard, Treasurer. T. J. Speer, Commissary. W. F. Gay, Officer of the Day. J. C. Harper, Color Bearer. Rufus Cruise, Color Guard. Adjutant J. W, Lee having ten¬ dered his resignation, the Camp de¬ ferred action on the same until our next regular meeting. Comrade T. J. Speer was re¬ quested to act as temporary adju¬ tant. The minutes of the last meeting not being present, they could not be read and approved. Capt. G. D. Heard, our treasur¬ er, reported a cash balance of $26.27 on hand. On call for reports from special committees, Capt. G. D. Heard, of the monument committee, re¬ ported that the contract for our confederate monument had been made, and that the work was inw being done as rapidly as possible. On motion the following dele¬ gates were selected to represent our camp at the Macon reunion. Comrades J. W. Branham, J. W. Robinson, Rufus Cruise and T. J. Speer. On motion the delegates were authorized to appoint their own alternates, in case they could not attend the convention. On motion the treasurer was in stucted to send forward the per capita tax to the brigade head¬ quarters, in Atlanta, together with I the names of the delegates to the Macon reunion. There being no further business the meeting adjourned to 2 o’clock p. m., on the first Tuesday in Oc¬ tober. J. \V. Anderson, Com. T. J. Speer, Adj., Pro Tem. HOLD A Hill J We Have Several Modern Residences, Lying in The City of Covington, FOR SALE; A residence with 12 acres of ground, cheap f A price asked. or A farm lying six miles from Covington, C0n Gind 102 3-4 acres. 5 room house i place . and on near good sch ' About 18 acres in good botton land and 30 acres " in ^ T“ bered land. Now is The Time to Buy as All ul" Real Estate Values are Advancing. SMITH & JARMAN. COVINGTON, GA, COTTON ^ o . SEED <2 p - * HULLS. 1 " | sacked h« ls for sale. a 1 |R.’l. SEE ME cook:.! AT ONCE..... » The Old Reliable Georgia Railroad Elegantly equipped -passenger train be¬ tween all points. Pullman Palace Cars be¬ tween Atlanta, Augusta and Charleston. Al¬ so between Augusta and St. Louis and Charleston and Cincinnati. Fast Freight Service between the West and Augusta Athens, Macon, Charleston, Savannah and points in Southeustern and Carolina territory A. G. JACKSON, General Passenger Agent. We Will Have 20 County Displays at The I State I m Pair i § § ig- ATLANTA, OCTOBER 9-21, 1905. m % m If Newton Comes. % © f ^ This Fair will be Ihe greatest Georgia ev«r saw. % Fine Live Stock and Poultry shows. i A Farmers Union Day, Oct. 12th. i jjjgl All King Day Cotton Singing, Day, Oct. Oct. 13th. 19th # 9 ^ PRESIDENT Races, ROOSEVELT DAY , Oct. 20th, # Balloon Ascensions, Eruption of Mont Pelee. % m D. M, HUGHES, Pres. Ga. Agricultural Society. i © W. R. JOYNER, Pres. Atlanta Fair Ass’n. # m For premium lists or information, write to # ||* FRANK WELDON, Sec. & Gen’I. Mg’r, ATLANTA, GA. #########!######## WTmrraTmmrTyjwmfoEmfYfrafgmTmSG a : Job Printing* 1 \ i i w e are prepared to do all kinds of \ H Commercial Printing in a neat and : attractive style......g -< 4 WE MEET 5 I*H! COMPETITION PRICES i On First-Class Material and Workmanship. 4 •* Satisfaction Guaranteed G 4 4 •* * Come and | 4 •* let us figure with you on your Printing. 1 VK MAIL We can ORDERS save you RECEIVE money CAREFUL and trouble. ATTENTION, jj M ► THE ENTERPRISE. 4 ► COVINGTON, GEORGIA. jftmm a ira 1 ▼TTffft