The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, September 12, 1905, Image 3

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Hocal Iftewe. X 1 fun show Thursday. ii | concert Thursday at 7:30 e e I y j,. Adair spent Sunday buyers. L Edna Taylor spent Sunday pciftl Circle. fpt L j business. M. Pace was iu Atlanta on L y. Cook returned Sunday a v isit to Atlanta. t0 New York Bargain store ugs at lowest prices. 'll Lothy Wallace will appear as Lessee Kent” Thursday. I q g Thompson spent Sun U Eudora with his parents. k, Robt. Heard, of Atlanta, Ld his parents here Sunday. L Wood Aiken and children J Lgiting relatives at Stewart. L 1 pearl Cofer is stopping Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Kimball. Lear load tin-ware at New L Bargain store almost cheap irt. J bssrs Jack T. Swann G. and spent J. L. Sunday Calloway in I bnia. L Evans Lunsford was in At h •i Ia8t wee k au( i purchased a | j iorse. flH r Hal Cannon has returned nWm a three weeks visit to Wal Hi J. F. Rogers, Col. G. H. ^■nvellspent ^Business. Friday in Atlanta Ht |Hr Joe Heard, of Rome, is the ^Bey ot Mr. H. B. Gaither on Hill. Hiss Madge Terrell leaves today ^KAome, ^Brter where she will enter College. f^BissGypsie ^Bie Landers, of Monroe, charming guest ot her sister, John Aiken. ^Btivick, ^Br. \Y. J. is visiting Peek and their wife, daugh- of ^B Mrs. Sam Hay. IBrs. W. E. Darden will have ^Ber ^■kston, guest this week Miss Lena of Sparta. IHir, J. 0.1,uminus a prosperous ■bug farmer of Snapping Shoals H iu town Monday. H |Blr. the R. W. of Davis, Major nf Atlanta, guest and Mrs. B- B. Davis on Sunday. ^Bus ^Kissinger contortionists and DeWitte, the fa will appear at ■ Opera House Thursday. B^ss Hattie Wynn, of Shady j Bh is the guest of Mrs. J. N. J Brbury on Academy Street. Blifsee Ethel and Ruth Worsh ! jf Bter leave the this Monroe week for Forsyth to | Female College. ■Mrs. J. A. Bryan returned to Bit to her mother, Mrs. J. W. Be. j Bbotton receipts were heavy hero Bturday. Over two huudred bales J Bre nts. marketed for a price over 10 ,-H. and Mrs. Dannavick return home Friday, Mr. Darnarick 'stalled the big compress for Mr. urner. Mrs - J ail ies G. Lester and Miss ‘"nie Mae have returned home 11 a Peasant visit to friends in , wietta. The Ponce De Leon Comedy '° m pany Begins three night a en ia^ment at Hie Opera House Thursday. ^Mr. X Ncwt0I1 j. w. Estes aud wife, of » were tho guests last 1 ay ot their daughter, C. Kimball. Mrs. iUiX X saved A tromendous lot , out of a fire to be X low Factory Cost at New .• Bargain ■ Btore> Free street parade Thursday. Mr. Hal Heutz is the guest of Mr. A. B. Simms. Mrs. J. E. Robinson will visit Ingleside this week. Don’t forget to see Baby Hope at the Opera House Thursday. Messrs. Ben and Porter Smith spent Sunday with their parents at Mansfield. The Enterprise added a long list of new subscribers to its list this week and last. The basket ball team will meet on Mrs. Godfrey’s lawn Friday afternoon at four o’clock. Miss Lucy Dillard returned to Washington Sunday after a pleas aut visit to Miss Bonner Simms. Mrs. J. R. Padgett and Miss An nie Lou Padgett, returned home Friday from a visit to Mrs. Luke Rob : nson. Mr. G. W. Aiken and Miss Au nie Grace Mixon were the guest 3 of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shepherd on Sunday. Turners new Compress perform¬ ed duty Tuesday for the first time. A number of people were present to see it work. Miss Elizabeth Walton and Mies Willie Ora Newton, of Madison, were the guests of Mrs. P. W. Godfrey on Friday. Mrs. R. E. O’Kelley left Mon¬ day on a visit to Monroe after spending last week here as the guest of Mrs. Cannon. Miss Jule Allen left Sunday for Cole City on a visit to her sisters, after a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in this county. Mr. H. W. Penn, of Memphis, Tenn., was here Friday the guest of Mr. Jno. C. Flowers. Mr. Peun was formerly of Monticello. Mr. A. L. King the big farmer in Rocky Plains district, was in the city Saturday. He says his cotton crop is a third short, Mr. F. M. Fincher, atter a weeks visit to his parents at Stew¬ art returned to Atlanta Friday where he has a good position. Mr. Sam F. Headen returned Friday night from a two weeks business trip to New York where he has been buying goods for his racket store. Miss Georgia Richardson is at home for a few days, having bad charge of the telegraph offices at Barnesville and West Point dur¬ ing the summer. Miss Pansy Boyd will leave to¬ day for Atlauta to be the gue&t ot Miss Ella Mae Thornton. Miss Boyd will return home by Coving¬ ton enronte to Savannah. Mr. T. L. Luramus and Miss Fannie Lummus boarded the train here Monday for South Carolina, Mr. Lummus going to Anniston to accept a position and his sister to school at Due West. A large quantity and a very fine quality of hay is being brought to towu these days. The farmers are realizing that in a hay crop there is good money and a number of them have gone into the busiuess of recent years. There was once a time when every farmhouse in Georgia had its pole of martin gourds and its pigeon houses. But those were “the good old days of the past.’ In those days every farm house also had its orchards of cherries and plums and pears and peaches and apples.—Campbell News. Mr. Franklin Wright, formerly of this city but now of Elberton, was the guest of Mr. Edward Heard last Saturday. He came down to attend preaching at Holly Springs church of which he has been a member for a number of years. He was accompanied by his son, R. W. Wright, assistant Commissioner of Agriculture. ibe EmsRPnm commit, oa. “The Girl from Tennessee” will be here Thursday. Miss Lottie Flemister is on a weeks visit to relatives in Atlanta. Georgia came nineteenth in tho annual Seagirt Shoot in New Jer¬ sey. Miss Georgia Richardson leaves one day this week for Bessemer, Alabama. Miss Ina Hardy is the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. H’ Cornwell on Floyd street. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Spencer were visiting the latter’s parents in Midway Sunday. Miss Mildred Kelly left yester¬ day on a visit to Mrs. Bicken staff at Cole City. Italy was visited Friday by an earthquake. Foss to life and property was great. Mrs. A. B. Thompson and Mrs. Dunn, ot Mansfield, were visiting Mr. R. H. Thompson’s family in Midway Sunday. Mr. W. C. Clark and family and Mrs. Addie Turner will return Wednesday from Morehead, N. C., where they have been opending the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryan leave today for Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., their home, after spending the summer in Covington with the lat¬ ter’s mother, Mrs. Perry. 0000000000000000000000000 ° HOME CIRCLE COLUMN. ° o o 00000000000 000 00000000000 Sympathy and encouragement are the spurs of greater deeds. One grain of sympathy can be compared to a grain of mustard seed but one seed planted and re¬ planted will be enough to finally spread over the largest field. A living seed once fell from a flying bird’s beak into the crevice of a rock. It grew and multiplied un¬ til finally it burst the rock in twain. Tliip is a scientific fact, a real happening. Be not selfish with your words of encouragement and sympathy. There is nothing so “cheap” and yet nothing can be more valuable. *** What this old world needs is more sympathy and more encour¬ agement. Why does a boy con¬ sider his mother his best friend? Because he can carry to her his troubles and feels that she under¬ stands and will sympathize with him. Why does this self-same boy grown to be a man seek a mate? More sympathy. The companion¬ ship and encouragement of a kind¬ red soul. We say man (and that includes woman also) marries for “love,” and what is love but sym¬ pathy? The way of life is filled with dreary places. To most of us, our pathways are stewn with bitter disappointment. Our weary feet, instead of treading velvet cushions of green sod, stumble over jagged rocks. It is then, that we seek an oasis of sympathy. We long to pour into sympathetic ears the tale ot our troubles our hopes and our ambitions. It is then the value of human sympa¬ thy is appreciated. Meeting of Daughters. A meeting of the D. A. R’s. is called for Wednesday afternoon at four o’clock at the home of Mrs. p. W. Godfrey. A full attendance is urged. Cor. Sec. Mks. 'V- D. Travis, Mrs. P- W. Godfrey, Pres. Bent Her Double. <*I knew no one, for four weeks when sick with typhoid and k.dnev I was Annie Hunter, of trouble,” writes Mrs. Pittsburg. Pa., "and when I got better, although I had one of the best doctors j eluid get 1 was bent double knees and when bad to , rest my bands on mv affliction walked. From this terrible escued by Electric Bitters, wInc 1 was r and strength and restored my health Tney now I car. walk as straight Guaranteed as ever. simply wonderful.” to are and kidney cure stomach, liver at Brooks i Smith and ers; 5Qc, Drug Co,; price ace am Si 9 9 1TEW YORK Bargain 9 Store, e 0 $ v (') HOLLIS BUILDING, COVINGTON, OA. 9 9 9 ill Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Gents D Furnishing Goods, Tin Ware, Etc., Etc. 9 9 9 THE PLACE TO BUY GOODS CHEAP. §) EVERYTHING ONE PRICE I!) 0 1 AND in Strictly Cash. ft 9 9 BARGAINS BARGAINS 9 1 9 — — Opportunities in California The trade in the Orient is opening* up. Our exports to Japan and China multiplied during the last year. There will soon be a tremendous increase in the trade of the Pacific Coast cities with the Far East. Big opportunities for the man who lives there. Why not look the field over? Only $62.50, Chicago to San Francisco or Los Angeles and return, May 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 29, 30> 31, June 1, August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, 1905. Tickets good for return for 90 days. Rate for a double berth in a comfortable tour¬ ist sleeper from Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and many other points in California,only $7. Through train service from Union Passenger Station, Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & Si. Paul, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Line This is the route of The Overland Limited, leaving Union Passenger Station, Chicago, 6.05 p. m., and The California Express at 10.25 p. m. The California Express carries tourist sleeping cars to California every day. Both trains carry through standard sleepers. Complete information sent free on receipt of coupon with blank Fines tilled. Name W. S. HOWELL, Street address Gen'l Eastern Agent, 381 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY, City State or F. A. MILLER, Probable destination General Passenger Agent, CHICAGO. CALIFORNIA » 7 A S^pnmjruTTn>M»| land help inventors to success. |,*1.«T* P Fff. 0 MPciifoNSW! ENT ABILITY. 20 years’ practice. Regia- to ipred Patent Lawyers. Write or come us at M5-607. 7th St., WASHINGTON, D. C. I 4 See The ENTERPRISE for First-Class Job Work. I KILLthe cough and CURE the LUNCS WITH Dr, King’s New c Discovery ONSUMPTION Price OUGHS and 60c & SI 00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB¬ LES, or MONEY BACK. KfcW YORK CLIPPER i3 THE SREATEET i SHOW PARE! m THE WORLD. Per Year. Singie Copy, 10 C& ISSUED WEEKLY. Sample Copy Free, FRANK QUEEN PUB. CO. (LHl, ilvNAGm; J. BORIE, 47 W. PUBLISHERS, asm hr.. Nsw York.