The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, September 15, 1905, Image 4

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a HAPPENINGS OVER THE COUNTY Vi a » Vi Enterprise by Its Able Vi paragraphed for the p M Corps of Correspondents. 14 Vi iJZZZZ %%%%% STARRSV1LLE. Mrs. Carrie Anderson, of Cov ington, spent a part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Janie Ander¬ son. Mrs. H. D. Terrell, of Atlanta, was the guest of Mrs. A. J. Belch tr one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Johnson, of Atlanta, were the guests of Mrs J C. Morgan a few days last week. Mrs. Nannie Starr spent the past ts\o we-ns with h* 1 s.-ur, Mi.. Oscian Benton, near Monficello. Misses Hlorne Harwell .of Cov ington, Helen ain -tie ar\\e ’ < f Lenkton, were guests <1 . is K. I.. K„„ S Saturday an,. Sum.av. Mrs. B. J. Aii eiooti 1,1s return ul home fiu.n a p a ant \ .it t her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Edwards, at Zobulon. Miss La Rue Morgan returned to Conyers Sunday to take charge of j a private school nei r that place. Quite a crowd from here attend¬ ed the baptizing at Huyston Bap¬ tist church last Sunday. Messrs. C. U. Skinner and J. L. Kpp. have purchased the gm and sawmill 110:11 Mrs. \\ . B. R. Pen mngton. j .! i Dr. and Mrs. . _ Ta i . c.ier, , ... > : Eudora, were visiting Mrs. A. J. Belcher one day last week. ’ Mr. R. M. Kakvstraw , , and , Miss Mollie, are visiting tlie family of Mr. P. I). Diggers nt Dixie, tfa>s week. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Taylor at¬ tended the Salter-Weldon marriage near Leguin last Wednesdey. Mrs. R. L. Epps entertained a merry crowd of little folks Satur¬ day evening. After many delight¬ ful games were played delicious ice cream, etc., were served. Mrs. C. V. Skinner has ns her guests this week, Misses Cloe Ma Laier and Mamie King, of Sunny • Side. Next Sunday afternoon the 17 th, at 8 o’clock, the Sunday school at this place will observe Orphan’s Home Day with songs and recita¬ tions. We hope to have a large congregation. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be needed in almost every home before the summer is over. It can nlwa 3 - e be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is especially valuable for summer disorders children. x It pleasant , to take , Hi is F and , never fails . to g,ve prompt relied. Why not buy it now. It may save life For sale B '“ .'V'.i kfJ % A ■j. y* im n M i&g&cS' DON’T! m m §1 Buy that Farm Wagon until you see the GEM and ft P m f. get. our terms and prices. The GSM wagon is shop built and superior to factory built wagons in j 5 'U ? way and cheaper in price. Any size and weight every you jt . B want on short notice. General repair work a special¬ ’ • -j ty, and at prices lower than you ever paid before. m I will Just save see me you at Alliance Warehouse before you buy, money. A Mahogany Furnitnie refinished equal to new. SAV* §! V IRVING PROCTOR. i PHONE 195. COVIOGTON, GA. K a NEWBORN. W. H. Childs lias returned from Greene county. Miss Birdie Nash arrives Friday to visit Miss Neiie spee?. C. Pitts on Sunday. Mr. J. L. Epps is here from Alabama spending some time with his family. Mrs. Will Murrelle has return¬ ed from a visit to her mother at Monroe. Miss Annie Loyd visited rhe sister, Mrs. E. H. Adams at Hays ton, this week, Mrs. J. N. Stanton was the guest of Mrs. R. G. Franklin at Mansfield several days last week. Miss Mary Childs ha9 returned from a delightful visit to relatives at Monticollo. A. J. Stanton and Miss Nelle Speer were the guests Sunday of > he Mi«e. Kolley at Maxwell. Grady Smith left Tuesday for Stone Mountain, where ho will en ter th , Iniversity School. Mrs. Enolia Loyd and little daughter, Myrtle, rtf Atlanta, are TiliUng W . S . ^d’. family. Miss Clara Blassingame, of Monroe, is receiving a warm wel come from her many friends at this place. Roht Childs visited relatives in Jasper county last week and attend ed the Primitive Baptist Associa¬ tion near Forsyth Friday and Sat* urd “ 3 ' Miss Maggie Blasingame has re¬ turned to Monroe after a pleasant visit to relatives and friends here and at Pennington. < Miss Minni? Ellis who has been the guest of Misses Annie and Ida Loyd is visiting relatives in Jasper county before returning to her home in Atlanta. N. B. Ford a successful life in J: sjrance man, lately of Mansfield, is now boarding at the Williams Hotel. Dr. J. Lee Porter has * returned to his hospital duties in Augusta, after a mouths stay here with homeiolks. K Misses Birda and Nettie Smith who have been the guests of Miss Grace Robinson in Montice.Ho re¬ turned home last week. After a week’s stay with her father and sister Miss C. B. Glass returned Monday to Madison, where she has a position in the millinery department at Tam mell’s. Target shooting is now quite a a fad with our young people and a number have become excellent marksmeu—“hard to beat.” J. H. Childs is rebuilding on the lot where his residence was burned last winter. When completed it will have one of the prettiest and most convenient homes in town. With Miss C >ra Anthony prin¬ cipal and Miss Lizzie Loyd as¬ sistant, school opened last week with llattering prospects. The building lias recently been painted white which adds immensely to its appearance. ’Twas a jolly and congenial party that gathered at the Lme of Miss Abigail Stauton Monday evening. Music, songs and laugh¬ ter made merrily the time that past all too quickly by. Iced cherry nectar was served on the porch during the evening. The friends of Miss Maude Hard¬ man will be glad to know that she has sufficiently recovered from her illness to go out driving. She and Mr. Paul Hardaman were in town Sunday morning. 1 he Upjinks party given last week by Misses Annie and Ida Loyd was a pretty compliment to their guest Miss Minnie Ellis, ofj Atlanta. Misses Ida Loyd and Ruth k Dtil e presided (over the punch bowl and many toasts were drunk to “engaged.” 1500 yds. 10c. percales at 6 1-2 C. at New ^ ork Bargain store. I HAYSTON. Mr. Lonnie Loyd, of Rutledge, was v isitirt^ relatiyes and friends bere Sunday, We are glad to state that Miss Lamar Jackson is improving and W us able to be out nt preaching Sunday evening. Rev. W. N. Carson preached two ade sermons here Sunday me ruing | atl j evening, Miss Bessie Dorsey, <>j Oxford, visiting relatives here. Mr. Charlie Floyd is visiting rel atives in Walton county. Mjj> Edna Lu „ sford , oue „f our attractive young ladies, is visiting rd j at , ve8 j u shady Dale. ^ ^ ^ | u , s re tutued home after an exten ^ j v j 8 jt t0 her sister in Cedartown ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ P.^ese, were visiting Mr. O. C. Cole’s family Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. A. S. Hays spent Tuesday in Covington the guest of Mrs J. Kimbell. Miss Polly Curtis, ot Fitzgerald, was the admired guest of Misses p Mrl ond Excer H ard,uau last week. Messrs. Irwin Cofer and John jj en( j ergon S p en t Sunday in Shady j) a j e Miss Irene Hays had as her guest fro|]) Satorday ti i; Tuesday, Miss Pear) c „f e ,, one of Atlantis sweet TO nug ladies, We were glad to have with us Sunday afternoon at Sunday school some cf the young people from Starr3ville and Mansfield. Mrs. Tom Hardman spent Sat erday night with her daughter, Mrs. Manse L«>yd, who is, we are sorry to state, ill at this writing. The ice cream supper given by Miss Edna Lunsford la9t Saturday evening was enjoyed very much by all present. Last Saturday evening Miss Irene Hays entertained a number of her friend in honor of her gue 9 t Miss Pearl Cofer. The principal game of the evening was a book contest , after which a course of ice cream and cake was served. At a a late hour the crowd dispersed, de¬ claring they had spent an enjoya¬ ble evening. Forced to Starve. B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky , says: “For 20 years I suffered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip so painful, some* times, that I could not eat. After vainly trying . everything ... else, , I T cured , it .. with . . Bncklen’s Arnica Salve.” It’s great for |*“c» burn8f cu ts and wounds. At Brooks & tl "e ,0 « d™ 8 Co. Only THE RyTERPEJSE, COVINGTON, GA. MIXON. <pj ie people around here are very | busy picking cotton. Mrs. Annie Jones spent Sunday very pieasantly with Miss Emma! Mixon. Mr. Wood Aiken’s family is vis¬ iting Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Heard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Heaid. Rev. A. C. Mixon and Rev. Har old Pace delivered two very inter¬ esting sevmons at Red Oak Satur day and Sunday night. Mr. T. S. Thomas was in our midst Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Ivy who has been quite sick for the past two weeks, is improving. Mrs. J. H. Pope visited Mrs. T. G. Aiken Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parker, of Le guin, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pope. Mr. Bill Tomlin happened to a very serious accident last week by a horse kicking him in the side, j We hope for him a speedy recov ery. Rev. Mr. Pace and Rev. A. C. Mixon visited Mr. Henry Polk’s family Sunday. We are glad to say that Master Kdwin Aiken is getting well again after a recent illness. H.t;. J s u H nd^:“ I,s NV The Diamond Cure. The latest news from Paris, is that they have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. If you fear consump¬ tion or pneumonia, it will, however, be best for you to take that great remedy mentioned by W. T. McGee, ofVanleer Tenn. “I had a cough, for fourteen years. Nothing helped me, until I took Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump¬ tion, coughs and colds, which Jgave in¬ stant relief, and eflected a permanent cure.” Unequalled quick cure, for throat and lung troubles. At Brooks & Smith and Covington Drug Co.; price 50 cents and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial bot¬ tle free. FROM WEST NEWTON. Rev. T. J. Swanson filled his regular appointment at Zion Sun day. A large crowd was present and heard a very able discourse. The school house near Bethany is receiving a fresh coat of paint, This school, which Is under the management of Prof. Cooley is among the best in the county. The farmers of this section of the county are very progressive. Some of them are pulling down ero n e S . ,, ed relatives in Covington the lat ter part of last week. Rev. Alf. Hines, of Oxford, ited Mr. W. D. Elliott and family last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Pauline Jarman, of Cov¬ ington, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Jarman. Miss Carrie Black is visiting in Covington, the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. P. Garrison, Mrs. Claud Kinnett died Mon¬ day evening and was buried at Ebeuezer Tuesday afternoon. She was a former resident of West Newton but at the time of her death lived in Rockdale county, Before her marriage to Mr. Kiu nett she was a Miss Ida Cjwan, j sister of Mr. Will and Sam Cowan near Salem. She is survived by a husband and two children. FOLEY’S HONEYhdTAR Th« original LAXATIVE cough remedy. Th* genuine FOLEY’S HONEY and TAR 1 . fa » Y*How package. Itefaae lubitltatee. Prepared only by F*l*y * Company, Ohloago, HOLD AIM We Have Several Modern Residences, Lying in The City of Covington, FOR SB A residence with 12 acres of ground, cheap f price asked. ° r tf A farm lying six miles from Covington c °ntiini 102 3-4 acres. 5 room house on place and t near good schot About 18 acres in good botton land and 3 ° Acres in c bered land. Now is The Time to Buy as All Real Estate Values are Advancing. SMITH & JARMAN. COVINGTON, GA, ^ COTTON v>V/ I I * - * OLLL/ SFFO " H| 1 1! |C jg CArVET\ ^ALlkCD ilL HIT fC rryr» rUK ^ALfc, cur At, SEE ME $ AT ONCE, Al .. L- OOOIK., ___ A „ VA „ i2 ________.. . —_ - ^ . The Old Reliable Georgia Railro Elegantly eauipped nassenger train I) tween all points. Pullman Palace Cars 1) tween Atlanta, Augusta and Charleston, i so between Augusta and St. Louis ai Charleston and Cincinnati. Fast Freigl Service between the West and August Athens, Macon, Charleston, Savannah ai points in Southeastern and Carolina territoi A. G. JACKSON, General Passenger Agent. J We Will Have 20 County Displays at Tie ; State Fair ATLANTA, OCTOBER 9-21, 1905. j if Newton Comes. This Fair will be the greatest Georgia ever saw. Fine Live Stock and Poultry shows, g ^ Farmers Union Day, Oct. 12th A „ D Sjngj 0d , 3th 2 King Cotton ROOSEVELT Day, Oct. 19th. DAY , Oct. 20th. Kaccs ’ Balloon Ascensions, Eruption of Mont Pelee. D. M. HUGHES, Pres. Ga. Agricultural Society. W. R. JOYNER, Pres. Atlanta Fair Ass’n. 9 For premium lists or information, write to ^ FRANK WELDON, Sec. & Gen’I. Mg’r, ATLANTA, GA. ######$>#<§;!####### aaaaaaa AAAAAAA I TFyYyyYJYTTTJTfTYY*® ' i Job Printing’ 1! -4 4 ■4 W of j 4 e are prepared to do all kinds Hi Commercial Printing in a neat and y attractive style...... j ► ► ► WE MEET »►)! 3 COMPETITION PRICES ► On First-Class Material y and y Workmanship. i ► y Satisfaction Guaranteed^ Come and let us figure with you on your Printing- I ► W e can save you money and trouble. y w ATTENTION ► - 'MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE CAREFUL N THE ENTERPRISE. W > i COVINGTON, GEORGIA. li atii ikniiinri ’ 1