The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, September 29, 1905, Image 4

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uXMx 1 an Z_' afi-m ... ©©O©©©©©©©©©©©® 0 To Our Fall Opening ift 44 Come e 0 0 44 Cl 44 44 C. E. COOK’S Fall Stock of Millinery, the largest and best ever shown in Covington is arriving Cl ft 44 daily. The Trimmers are hard at work making their Pattern Hats and will hold a forma! opening Cl O and Thursday, Letcher hth and 5th. ft 44 Wednesday ft 44 ft 44 Everybody invited and urged to attend. Miss Lila Arnold and Mrs. Seleta Smith Mobley 0 44 in ft 44 charge and will extend to you a most hearty welcome. Most respectfully, ft 44 ft o C. H 3 c o o k: I 44 . . ft - ---------—- (| p E* HAPPENINGS OVER THE COUNTY fjj ^ ___ 1 j 1 Paragraphed for the Enterprise by Its Able H Corps of Correspondents. Hs&oEis P NEWBORN. Mrs. R. L. Singleton and little; Miss Sara Singleton have returned to Way cross. Mr. E. N. Freeman, wife and little daughter were guests of rela¬ tives at Rutledge Sunday. Mr, E. H. Adams and family, of Hayston, were guests of relatives here Sunday. Mrs. J. N. Stanton spent last week at Mansfield with her daugh¬ ter, Mrs. R. G. Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Hopkins were the guests last week of their daughter, Mrs. E. N. Freeman, Miss Annie Loyd is a guest this week of a house party being given by Miss Minnie Ellis, at her home Oil Nelson street, Atlanta. Mrs. J. E. Pitts left Monday to visit her daughters, Mrs. J. E. Gay in Atlanta, and Mrs. J. R Sasnett at Hapeville. Misses Kate Kelly and Lizzie lone Smith, of Maxwell, were guests last week of Mrs. George Davis. Miss Minnie Ellis, who has been visiting relatives here and in Jas¬ per county, returned to Atlanta Monday. Mrs. H. R. Niblock and Mrs. G. H. DeLaperriere, of Hoscbton, vis¬ ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stanton several days last week. Dr. J. Leo Porter is here from Augusta to be with his sister, Miss Helen Porter, whose illness is a source of regret to her many friends Mr. R. A. Pitts entertained in¬ formally Friday evening in honor of the visiting young ladies. The evening proved one of enjoyment to all who attended. Misses Birdie Nash, Lovejoy; Maud Kelly, Maxwell; Della and Ola Robertson, Shoal Creek, who have been the attractive guests of Misses Mary aud Nelle Speer, re¬ turned Saturday to their respec¬ tive homes. Miss Nelle Speer complimented her house party with a drive to Mansfield Saturday morning which was not not only enjoyable but very impressive. A run was made on the soda fount for Coca Colas. The little folks under the direc tiou of Mr. J. J. Carter, gave an interesting program at the church ^ Sunday y night for the benefit of the Decatur Orphanage. Miss VI,ca \fnrv Mary Speer had charge of the music and the songs were exceptionally good, By request, Miss Jo Cora Smith, the guest of Mrs. Murrelle sang solo, "Are There any Stars in Crown." The collection amount ed to $47. WEST NEWTON. Prof. Cooley, the efficient princi¬ of Livingston High school is a visit to relatives in South He will probably be' about two weeks. Mr. Sim Wheeler, of Covington, was the guest of friends near Zion Sunday. Salem devoted last Sunday to the interest of the Orphan’s Home at Decatur. After several appro¬ priate talks a collection was takeu which amounted to about $40.00. Hon. L. F. Livingston reached his home near Bethany last Friday. Everything takes on new life at the arrival of Uncle Lon. As a result of the Chain Gang camps being near us our roads ave in fine condition. Though are a little dusty it is a great im¬ provement on their former condi¬ tion. Cotton picking and singings have been the order of the day since our last writing. Three singings have been held and several ol our citi¬ zens have picked from three to four hundred pounds of cotton per day. The singings have been well attended and enjoyed and the peo¬ ple are very gratifying at their suc¬ cess in getting out the fleecy staple. Miss Eva Gardner was the guest several days last week of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gardner at Covington. The death of Mrs. Mattie Cun¬ ningham occurred at her home near Salem last Thursday. She had been sick for several weeks, during which suffering was intense. After a short service at home, con¬ ducted by Rev. T. J. Eakes. She was carried to Covington for burial. You can always get the latest style hat at Cook’s. The latest in men’s clothing can be found at W. Cohen. MIXON. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Chambers j s Kitchen P ent Sunday and family. with Mr. Johnie Mrs. J. C. Reynolds spent Sun¬ day with Mrs. VY. H. Ivy. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Heard visi ted Mr. J. H. Pope’s family Sun i Hjv day . . , Quite a number of our young attended Sunday School at Worthville Sunday afternoon, Miss Alice Finchei visited Miss Annie Kate Dick Sunday. Mr. ,, and , Mrs. , r Pelsie n i ■ AaBtm e • viBi- • • m m&psm. ted Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ivy Sun Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kitchens spent Sunday with Mr. arjd Mrs. '““"l P eo P ,e f f preaching at Pleasant Grove Sun <lay - Mr. and Mrs Hugh Aiken visit¬ ed Mrs. Potts Sunday. Dr. O. L. Holmes had the mis¬ fortune of losing a fine jersey cow last week. Mr. W. H. Ivy has giui.ed some¬ thing over three hundred biles of cotton this season. Mr. Will Thomas and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Heard. The entertainment given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Finch¬ er Sunday night was very much enjoyed by all. ■ 4 J All eyes tested and fit. guaran¬ teed at Cook’s, aud he is always on the ground to make them good with Hawke’s New Eyes. The place to buy clothing is from W. Cohen. SARDIS. Rev. J. C. Fonester, of Atlanta, filled his regular appoint ment here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. T. H. Smith and Mrs. J. B. Ellington spent Friday at Wal uutgrove with their neice, Mrs. Will Carter. Miss Fannie Summerour and brother, Jimmie, of Between, were the guest of their cousin Mis9 Jessie Summerour Saturday night. Henry Forrester, of Youth, was here Sunday. R. W. Boggus and family were the guest of Mrs. T. H. Smith’s family Sunday. “ R. A. Fmrester and Ren Thomp son, of Walnutgrove, wer* in our midst Sunday afternoon. - Mr. and Mrs. Powell Blasin game rejoice over the aTrival of their little daughter. Mi S3 Julia Dial of Oxford and Miss Sal lie Mae Smith were the guest of Miss Delia Eddleman Saturday night. Have you seen the long coat for ladies at W. Cohen. Order punts to suit you at rea sonable prict-s. Cook’s the house to please you. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. j This remedy is certain to 1» needed in almost every home before the summer is over. It can always be depended UpOtl 1 eTe “ ‘ ,l 1,1081 severe and dangerous casus. It is especially valuable for su miner disorders in children. It is pb-niant to take aud never fails to give prompt relief. Wby not buy it now. It may save life For sale h >’ ftl1 Jruiseiste in Covington jmd Bibb M’tV Co , Porterdale. ' A Simple Guarantee Of all first class work anti pay¬ ment of all losses for collars, etc., brings me more work than all the balance of the laundry agents in Covington combined. I like com¬ petition, it shows my work up and gets a hustle on business. Bring your laundry along aud leave it with me. Wednesday evening of every week. It leaves the same old time. Tis 2 cents for collars, 4 cents for cuffs and any old shirt for a dime. A few prices for next week: La¬ dies fancy shirt waists 10c, white vests 15c, ladies shirts 25c. This should bring some business with the ladies.- Well, that’s who the Washerwoman wants to trade with. LOVE LEE CLARKE. Sour Stomach r- f r ■ ■ No appetite, loss of strength, , 1 ; rvous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov¬ ery represents the natural juices of diges¬ tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys¬ pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, the'mucous sweetening and strengthening membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenawood, W, Va., says:— I was trouble wkh sour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured me and we are now using it in mill for baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. $ 1.00 Size holding 2'A times the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. O. U.WITT * OO., OHIOAQO. Covington & Oxford Street R. R. The following schedule of the Covington & Oxford Street Rail¬ road will be run until further notice: Lv Covington Hotel at 5:40 a in Lv Covington Hotel at 8:50 a m Lv Covington Hotel at 10:45 a m Lv Covington Hotel at 2:10 p m Lv Covington Hotel at 4:10 p m Lv Covington Hotel at 0:30 p m Lv C vington Hotel at 7:30 p m T) e Oxford car n "'ets all trains at t 9 depot. J. F. Henderson, Pres. J. G. Lester, Sec. RYDALE’S TONIC X New Scientific Discovery for the Bl©©» and NERVES. It purifies the blood by eliminating the waste matter and other i npuritiea and by destroying the germs or microbes tlial infest the blood. Jr builds up the bloo.' by reconstructing and multiplying t' ic ret corpuscles, making the blood rich and red. it restores ami stinui'afcs the in* ves causing through a full fre< fl jw of nerve forct »ut the entire nerve system. It speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous¬ ness, nervous prostr ,tion, and alt other diseases of the nervous system. BYDALE’S TONIC is sold under a posi¬ tive guarantee. Trial site 50 cents. family size $ 1.00 manufactured by The Radxal Remedy Company. HICKORY, n. c. For Sale by Covington Drug Co. FOLEYSKIDNEYCORE Makes Kidneys Bladder Right T ake TheEb ter prise for the news. THE GEORGIA RAILROAD. YY/' ill sell ROUND trip tickets at reduced *’ RATES FOR THE FOLLOWING OCCASIONS, Agricultural and Mechanical Fair at Augusta, Georgia, October 2nd to 7th, 1905. Northeast Georgia Fair at Athens, Georgia, October 3rd to 6th, 1905. Georgia State Fair at Atlanta, Georgia, October 9th to 21st, 1905. Georgia Farmers’ Fair at Macon, Georgia, October 24th to November 3rd, 1905. PJOR the above occasions call on agents of Georgia Railroad for rates, dates of sale, informtion, etc. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. ######$) m ##!##### #f We Will Have 20 County Displays at The State Pair m ATLANTA, OCTOBER 9-21, 1905. m m If Newton Comes. ^ This Fair will be the greatest Georgia ever saw. Fine Live Stock and Poultry shows. A Farmers Union Day, Oct. 12th. ^ All Day Singing, Oct. 13th. King Cotton Day, Oct. 19th. 3© PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DAY, Oct. 20th. Races, Balloon Ascensions, Eruption of Mont Pelee. D. M HUGHES, Pres. Ga. Agricultural Society. W. R. JOYNER, Pres. Atlanta Fair Ass’n. m For premium lists or information, writt to ^ FRANK WELDON, Sec. & Gen’I. Mg’r, ATLANTA, GA. ###### THE m world? r m 5L ^ i BRONCnOM^ s vN s M 5K 1 V - ► * When you jet run-over by an “Auto" apP*y dr. TICHENOR’S ANTISEPTIC % /fiV Then sit down and watch the wounds h®*| Does it like magic—No pain, no suppurat* 00 JJr Sort tlss lOc for BOc COLIC, CRAMPS $1.00 ud bottle IROI6ESTIOR y J and a “W from the brnit,. u»e THROAT lT _ BRON-CHO’DA „ n. CurM COUGHS, COLDS end SORE i SHERRQUSE -—- 3Be a bottle OrleuUf MEDICINE CO., Mfrs. and Props., Has