The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, October 03, 1905, Image 3

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, =S®*® w 3 S’ £ir -. -A jOv, ©®©@©©©$®o©g©©©©®©© iWSa&fiin •X‘.:- ■ is* rn tt£A£fc*£*t*+*&»+&*-*•*«*; -> Wrrj Jtar. ?*«• * wfiai%n © a ® © © COOKS Fall Stock © C. E. of Miilinciy, the largest and best ever shown in Covington is arriving © © daily. The Trimmers are hard at work making their Pattern Hats and will hold a formal opening © XCednesdaif and Shundan, © 'Ceteber 4th and 5th. © 8 i Everybody invited and urged to attend. Miss Lila Arnold and Mrs. Seleta Smith Mobley are in charge and will extend to you a most hearty welcome. Most respectfully, © O. HL COOK. © © © J* ^rw 7^ 3 ( ~r^b ?^vr3T>T-3 ^>s\ TLocal Mews. ** ^o/~f I ^ if Travis spent Monday Lyers. Li ca n lady corsets at C. C. boil’s. I Henry Odum spent Sunday hsfield. and Mrs. W. Cohen spent ly in Madison. loC. C. Robinson’s for fall finter underwear E prisoners deserted tin* jail nna Friday night. Jesse L Huson left Sunday for South Georgia. E. G. Merck is bettor, after . ess of several days. the initial linen handker at C. C. Robinson’s. J. L Harwell spent Wed y with Mrs. W. W. Childs. P. B. Carroll, of Atlanta, Sunday here with his brothers I the swell line of neckwear received at C. C. Robinson’s. is Mattie Middlebrook is vis her daughter, Mrs. U. I , D. 0. Murdock and family one day this week for Yat Len 1L Broughton is con ug a two weeks revival in ion. |. and Mrs. C. A. Sock well Miss Mary, spent Sunday in |l Circle. I. and Mrs. J no. M. Aiken I Sunday in Monroe with the f’s parents. [• I Sunday W. J. Higgins returned after a visit to Fay pde, T«uo. jss phe Sadie Hutchins, of Atlanta Will guest of Mrs. Wick pm Sunday. p to C. C. Robinson’s and see paut ful line of ladies wraps e ’atest styles. F- R- A. Ratestraw, of Atlanta, It Sunday here the guest of I J. M. Bi lchir. I r - Walt Davis and Miss Mary M> °f Decatur, were the guests pends here Sunday. r C. C. Robinson’s and see pettiest f brought dress goods and silks to this city. [ f* IS - Claude the Adams, of Mans w * 9 guest of her sister, '• ^enry Odum on Saturday. f| 0 C. C. Robinson’s for Drew > Co. shoes, the prettiest, best moat stylish on earth for the iey. ;l Hchildren, lr a »<l Mrs. J. G. McCollman of Fayetteville; Mrs. ^ ra * M. R. Christian, of ■j-visited ■ Vri their sister, Mrs. RlA i, M dway Friday Superior Court convened yester¬ day in Conyers. Mr. Car'ton E. Greer has accept¬ ed a position with W. B. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs Henry OJtttn move to Wilder the middle of this month. See the nice tall and winter hats m all the latest shapes at G. C. Robinson’s. Mrs. Hattie Langford, of Cun yers, died at Commerce, Ga., last Friday while o:i a visit to Mrs. B. S. Bohanoa. The Central will run ft special train to Athens and return on the 4th and 5th. The round trip from Covington is $2 04. Miss Brownie Huson gave a par¬ ty on Friday evening in honor of her gqests, Misses June and Edna Huson, of Thoma3ville. Mrs. P. W. Godfrey left yester¬ day on a ten days visit to Madison t j attend the Godfrey-Newton wed¬ ding on the twelfth inst. Mrs. Dudley Williams and child¬ ren left Friday for Sparta on a vis¬ it to relatives before returning to their home in Kirkwood. Miss Lill'an Clarke’s many triends will be glad to learn that she will soon be able to be out again after an illness of two months. The maily friends of Miss C. V. Glanton will be interested to know that she is now teaching in the Belle Benuette School at London, Ky. Mrs. A. H. Foster and daughter lelt Friday for Ocalla and Tampa, Fia. Mrs. Foster will remain in the Land of Flowers for several weeks. Mrs. Will R. Stewart and child ren left Sunday for Montgomery, Ala. There they join Mr Stewart who holds a splendid position with a well known cotton firm. Missa* Sara and Bonner Simms, and Miss Lucy Dillard, of Wash¬ ington, leave see n with Mrs. T. M. Green, of Washington on a three weeks stay in New York City. Mrs. W. I). Travis and Miss Louise are at home again to the delight of their many' friends. They have been on a visit to rela¬ tives in Douglasville and Atlanta. Mr. Sam Boorstin, sou of one ot our most popular merchant, is studying law under Col. R. L Cox Mr. Boorstin is a bright young man, and bids fair to become a brilliant lawyer.—Monroe Tribune. At the receut meeting of the U. D. elected C. the to ^ll 0 ”^ 1 ^ Convention in Macon 4 ' on ^ Delegates, Mesdames P. W. Godfrey mid E. O- Lee. Alternates, Mesdames Jno. B. Davis and Tohu Anthony Porter. msmrmMwm n* Mrs. W. O Welch is on a visit to relative's in Eatonton. New embroideries and torchon 1 tecs at C. G. Robinson' s. Dr. W. M. Taylor, of Starrs- i ville was in theciiy Saturday. I Miss Emma Gt ok, of Machen, j Geiger. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. j Mrs. M. Levin returned home yesterday after an extended visit to Atlanta. Mr. J. E. Blockstock, of Ox¬ ford, will move to Forsyth some time this fall. Representative,!. W. King was among the well known citizens i ltMe Saturday. Mrs. Annie Stratford, of Augus-j : ta, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. ! Carrie Anderson. Mrs J. W. Black was the guest j of her daughter, Mrs. P. J. Gar-j rison on Saturday The store of Mr. Wolf Cohen ! was closed Saturday in conformity j to a jewisli custom. Mr. George T. Smith returned Saturday from a weeks visit to his { old home in Alabama. Mr. Jas. P. Sain, the well known j jeweler was in Atlanta Saturday '> replentishing his stock. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nunn, of Rutledge, were the guests Sunday ( of Sheriff and Mrs. S. M. Hay. W. z Thursday, Friday and Saturday The largest and most complete , stock of dry goods and notions in Covington at C. C. Robinson’s. Miss Jule Allen is expected to arrive today from Cole City where shfe has been on a visit to her sisters. Mr. Earnest Black was in town Saturday for the lirst time in six weeks, He is just recovering from typhoid fever. Miss Carrie Lassrter, of Coving ton lias been a|>|K.i.,led day opera tor at the Stain ai eepiune o (ice, and Miss Mamie Poe, of Uw renceville, at the Bell office i hese young ladies are we come i it crty.-McDonough Weekly. See the new finger bugs and belts at C. C. Robinson’s. W. L- Adair announces his dry goods and millinery opening for Thursday, Friday and Saturday next. Col. Jas. G. Lester spent Sun¬ day in the city with his family, ^ ho j d9 a gp | e ndid position with Maddox-Rucker Bank of Al lanta. A splendid line of ladies and gents umbrellas at C. C. Robin¬ son’s. Miss Cleo Farnsworth has re¬ ! turned to Covington for the fall after spending the summer in At lanta. Miss Farnsworth has many friends here who are glad to know of her return. §© ^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mm ROBINSON’S^ROBINSON’S^ROBINSON’S # {ijjSfc m > t HE tern spared BUYER markets effort for this this season store made longer for his than stay in usual the Eas¬ and m no to procure his customers the m greatest stock of goods in every sense that we have m ever shown in Covington. Our goods were m bought in large auanticies and for Spot Cash m We have for you the best and latest 'it V things of the season and at the m m very lowest prices. jS* m m Our Dress Goods and Silks are A splendid line of l adies Wraps it beautiful. noted for their Style. i i Come to see us for Fall and See our Styl sh line of hats i Winter Shoes. and Caps. i H&. © The swellest Gents Furnishing American Lady Corsets in all © Goods in Covington. Styles. © JT We carry the largest stock of Remember we sell Groceries at *5^ Dry Goods and Notions in town. lowest prices. © © C. C. ROBINSON’S •it © UP=TO-DATE STORE. © ©© mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm © mm From Conyers Banner. _ Rockdale superior court will con vene here Monday moruing. 'The dockets, both criminal and civil, are very light and it is thought three or four days will wind up ail the business. In another column in this paper appears the notice of an election to be held on the first Tueaday iu December for the purpose of voting for or against County Commis¬ sioners. Now v .s to whether or not ^ ^ hav> Commi „. s j OJiers left entirely with the and the resu;t of , ho elec . ^ u proctio3lly kll0wlli ag , he r£ccn t petitions were significant of ^ ^ onr peop|< , don ,, want them. Geiger-Harper. The marriage on Sunday after¬ noon of Miss Johnnie Geiger and Mr. Vera A. Harper was an event of much interest to their many Covington friends. The rites were performed at 6:80 at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Geiger, i» Midway, and was witnessed by only relatives and a few close friends. Mr. Har¬ per i9 a young business man of this city and is in the employ of Mr. M. Levin. Mr. and Mrs. Harper are busy receiving the con¬ gratulations of their friends. Take The Euterprise for the new9. From The Madisonian. •* Miss Bessie vValton is quite sick at her home with fever. Miss Agnes Godfrey returned home Monday from an extended trip to the mountains of Tennessee. Mrs. W. H. Burnett will give a household shower to Miss Willie Newton on next Thursday after¬ noon. The guests are also request¬ ed to bring two or three favorite receipts written in their own hand writing. The guest prize will be a receipt book. Invitations have been issued to the approaching marriage of Miss Willie O. Newton to Mr. F. B. Godfrey at "Iveywood,” the home of the bride’s parents nearMadison on the afternoon of Oct. 12th. It will be an elaborate and brilliant social event. The Diamond Cure. The latest news from Paris, is that they have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. If you fear consump¬ tion or pneumonia, it will, howerver, be best for you to take that jjreat remedy mentioned by VV. T. McGee, ofVanleer Tenn. ‘‘I had a cough, for fourteen years. Nothing helped me, until I took Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump¬ tion, coughs and colds, which (gave in¬ stant relief, and eflected a permanent cure.” Unequalled quick cure, for throat and lung troubles. At Brooks & Smith and Covington Drug Co.; price 50 cents and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial bot le free. From The Madison Advertiser. ( « The city authorities have or¬ dered a street sprinkler to be used on our streets, Let us hope it will not be needed by the time it ar¬ rives. 11 Mrs. Zeldea Cohen is in a criti¬ cal condition at the home of her son, Mr. Louis Cohert, in this city. She has some kind of throat trouble, and can hardly take nourishment. The best medical aid has been fur¬ nished her, but nothing seems to do her any good, and the inevita¬ ble is feared at any time. We sin¬ cerely trust that this good lady will yet be spared to her children. Mrs. Cohen is the mother of our tellow townsman, Mr. Wolf Cohen and has the sympathy of his many Covington friends. Our electric lights only shine half the nights now, on account of the scarcity of water. The city and the Madison Oil Mill Ginnery use the same well. We respect¬ fully suggest to our city fathers that another well be dug, or that arrangements be made with Mr. Charlie Atkinson for using water from his pond. Give us more light, gentlemen! 0. C. Robinson carries a good line of groceries and sells them cheap. All Justice of the Peace blanks can be had at the Enterprise office.