The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, October 06, 1905, Image 3

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-V' ■ iocal Mews. XT Id reus suits at \V. Colion. urge cr w d \\a s in town Tues , i L line ladies skirts, Chenp j lok’s. I p 1 Osborne has returned hunta. p \V Godfrey is in Madi bis week. Ink D xoti lectures in Oxford [day L night. has been Jno. W. Nation ill this week. L tl d Adair’s opening today, row and next. L i a test in men’s clothing can LulatW. Cohen. I un j Mrs the A city. C.. Stamp, of ta, are in ; City registration books an ip.*ll at the Clerks oflioe. rill pay to try a pair of Bay shoes sold at W. Cohen. L o'a Robertson was the [of relatives hero Tuesday.’ A.D. Meador attended S 11 - t Court at Conyers this week L biggest selection in dry [and dress goods at W. Cohen. Dudley Williams sprat Tues ight in the city with friends. I the swell line of neckwear received at C. C. Robinson s L J. A. Quillian, of Lithonia, [guest, of Mrs. A. N. Hays e Newton County Medical As kion was in session Tuesday splendid line of la lies and umbrellas atC. C. Robin L. I. A. Stanton and Miss Stanton spent Thursday in ty. [s [lie Lamar of Jackson, friends » here f Hayston, Wed guest )’• ss Pearl Bush, of Atlanta, is uest of her sist»*r, Mrs. A. D. lor. |ssrs. E. W. C. Dobbs and J. j. Colt, of Rutledge, was here ay. ■ ■thing but the latest and best Keverything to be had at Cook’s ^Htore. HBliUle girl arrived Monday to ■■the home of Mr and Mrs. H. Tripp. 1 ■ports from the cotton fields ItBate that the picking process i W. T. Edwards of near Ox is attending the Atlanta : 'H r Robt. Childs, one of New own citizens was in this week. B: latest styles. Cornwell, of Monroe, was : Suest of Col. and Mrs. G. H. -well Wednesday. fisses Carrie and Willie Ilar • of Mansfield, are tlie guest b*- C. A. Harwell. 1 0- L. Holmes, of Stewart, in the city Tuesday attending bdical Association. pterion h-fits right, clothing, the right best and on wears s r ight. Cook sells it. | py rs ; ille, 01p is na heie Pritchett, of Mil* i on a visit to her er > Mrs. E. H. Yancey. your laundry in the box at I deliver it ^■ r nutee all work. Leo Reed. Coh^ti oan always save you * no:,p y on a ‘iy purchase. Sio the linen hsndker c h> ( Ms at. C. C. Robinson’s. Mr. Ed A. Heath, founerly of Covington, is now running a news¬ paper ut Carsbad, New Mexico. Miss Annie Osborne returned to Atlanta I tiesday after visiting friends in the city several weeks. 1 he largest and mo3t complete stock of dry goods and notions in Covington at C. C. Robinson’s. Mr. Fred Flemi-ter is the En¬ terprise authorized agent to collect and receipt for subscription to this paper. Go to C. C Robinson’s for Drew Selby Co. shoes, the prettiest, best and most stylish cn earth for the money. Mrs. Luke Robinson attended the marriage of Mr. Raney Nowell to Miss Gussie Hays in Monroe Wednesday. Mr.,S. C. Varnon, a former resi dent ot this county but now of Eastman, is visiting old friends here this we^k. Messrs. F. R. Heard, G. T. Smith, Dr. Ragsdale, Robt. Lee and E. W. Carroll were in Mans¬ field Wednesday. Ready made shirts, pillowcases, comforts, white quilts, blankets and most anytning else you want at Cook's, cheap. Mr. R >bt A. Livingston, accom¬ panied by his wife are at homo near Kings after spending the summer in the North. All eyes tested and fit guaran¬ teed at Cook’s, and he is always on the ground to make them good with Hawke’s New Eyes. Frank Dixnn, the well known orutt*r will deliver his great lecture Oxford Saturday night at 8 o’clock. Admission 50 cents. Drop t our laundry in the box at the Enterprise office. I deliver it at your home every Saturday and guarantee all work. Leo Rf.Ed. 1 The singers of Newton county will practice at the Fresbyterian church here next Monday. A cor dial invitation is extended all sing ers in the county to be present. The swellest line of gents fur¬ nishing goods in the city at C. C. Robii.sou’s. Smith Day at the Macon Fair comes on the 28th inst. Hon. Hoke Smith and H 011 . James M. Smith, candidates for governor, will address the Smith’s on that day. On nnllnery we can save you 50% remember the place at W. Cohen. Mr. T. J. Harwell returned Fri day from Covington by private conveyance, bringing with him a horse and deliveav wagon tor his steadily increasing furniture busi¬ ness.—Washington Reporter. Rev. Dr. H. S. Bradley of Trin ity Methodist church, Atlanta, has been formally transferred io the St. Louis conference, and assigned by the conference to St. John church, St. Louis, generally known as the largest and most influential church in southern Methodism. The largest ship that has ever entered the Savannah port arrived Saturday morning and is lying a t the Seaboard Air Line terminals, where she will take on a cargo of cotton for Bremen. She is the American steamship Mississippi, consigned to H. Vogemann. and will take 24,000 bales of cotton. The Mississippi was built in Amer¬ ica in 1908, is owned by Ameri cans, the Atlantic Transport Com pany, and is the first American ship in a number of years to take a cargo of American products from Savannah to a foreign port. Go to C. C. Robinson's and see the prettiest dress goods and silks ever brought to this city. ks:.i -ff.J -.TX 1 mmm ?r*v U. 1*. C i« Halil Meiil Of*'... Til" bau^liters i t tils C"hrtder ; ■'JSCSSfSS -* home of Mrs. K. Q Lee at 4 o'clock p. m Tho following is a li't of tho questions in history *° be used: 1 . What Colon.) did Gen. W ashington take from his com* : mand and send to aid Georgia and the Carolinas? -■ What glorious victory was won by the Continentals in S. C. and when? d. Mention several Georgians who distinguished themselves in that battle? 4. What Wilkes County man was taken prisonei and cruely treat¬ ed at Augusta and by whom saved? 5. Give tho incident. 0. When was Augusta surreu dered to Lee and RicKcns? 7. In what city did the Govern¬ or and Executive Council take up their abode? 8 What Indian trib's again weie on the war path,” incited by the British? 9. What happened at that time to encourage the patriots? 10. What two heroes should be honored by every Georgian? 11 By whom was Gen. Wayne attacked before Savannah? 12.. From whence did our State get her supply of sugar, salt and many other necessary articles. 18. Who was appointed to ne¬ gotiate with the British at Savanah for peace? 14. When was the British army withdrawn from Savannah? 15. Who was honored with the distinction of receiving tho keys of 1 he city from the British officers? 10 How many Colonies were united as one government? 17. When was the treaty of peace made, and where? 18. How many years did Geor¬ gia struggle through strife and pov¬ erty for liberty? 19. What was her condition? 20. What was then done as to governm nit? See the nice tall and winter hats all the latest shapes at C. C. Robinson’s, _ Epworth League Convention. ; The Epworth League convention which has been in session as the Midway church since Tuesday ev¬ ening came to a close Thursday evening. A large number of delegates was in attendance besides some of the most prominent ministers of the conference delivered addresses. Rev. Joel T. Daves, of Milledge vi 1 le, addressed the convention on “Missions ’ Wtdnesday evening, w hich win one of the features of the session. A Birthday Party. Despite the rain Tuesday after¬ ! crowd of little children noon a gatheied at the home of Mrs. Whitehead to celebrate the sixth birthday of little Louise White i heud. The little hostess received many pretty presents. Games were enjoyed during the afternoon, At five o’clock the dining room doors were thrown open and the little people gathered around the table where cake3 and ices were served, Those present were: Eugene and Dorothy Lee, Claj born Cash,.Helen Smith, Kathrine and Mary Bruce Cleckler, Eloise Burney, Fannie May and Emily Henderson, Charles White, Louise and Mary DeLnney, Candler Har¬ well, Cay Swann, Annie Mae Big gers, Annie Laurie Gaither, Mary j Brown and Martha White Ander¬ son, Walter Stephenson, Jack Davis, Rufus and Bee Franklin, i Natalie Turner, Mamie Mining » Lois Ragsdale, Ralph Marbury, Frances Dearing, Ktitb Wei's, James Lester, Ailie Louise Travis, Isla Hopkins, Luke Robinson, Margaret Hutchens, Sam Mini: Jordan, Ena Belle Peek, Elizabeth Carroll, Lynwood Price, Burson Miluer, Vera Milner, Robert Milner. 1 1 M##M ## f EOBINSON'SvsROBINSON'Svi ROBINSON'S a —“- - - V TZ “ISrSSSIsSi « A » greatest stock of goods in every sense that we have # ever shown in Covington. Our goods were % bought in large auanticies and for Spot Cash We have for you the best and latest m # things of the season and at the # very lowest prices. 4s m m Our Dress Goods and Silks are A splendid line of l adies Wraps * beautiful. * noted for their Style. m © Come to see us for Fall and See our StyPsh line of Hats m m Winter Shoes. and Caps. # 'W?' The swellest Gents Furnishing American Lady Corsets in ail # Goods in Covington. Styles. m # We carry the largest stock of Remember we sell Groceries at # Dry Goods and Notions in town. lowest prices. m & fC. # C. ROBINSON’S f m & UP-TO-DATE STORE. # ## ## jitome | Conducted Mission by llrs. A N. NolesTjj Hays. ) ' OXFORD DISTRICT MEETING. Notice went flora us last week, j that this meeting would be at Li thonia this w*ek, but afterward a card came from Mrs. Quillian at Lithonia laying the meeting had bean called off' for the present, on account of the illness of Mrs. Cook, our Sec. A notice was in the lust Advocate announcing the meeting to convene on the evening of Sept. 29th and run through Sunday, but we thought Mrs. Quilliam's infor¬ mation was the latest so our dele¬ gates didn’t go. MISS ANNIE HEATH, Who is in charge of the Vnshti home at Thoinasville, feeling the need of a better knowl¬ edge of Domestic Science, has gone to Chicago, for a six monts course. Miss Annie has been doing faith¬ ful and efficient work for the Mas¬ ter since she gave hersell to the Lord. MISS ALICE GROOM, The matrou of this school is also away, she is at the Scarritt Train¬ ing School to take a full deaconess course. We should help these faithful girls by our prayers and money too, to better prepare them¬ selves for the Lord’s work. Miss Margaret Chestnut, Mrs. R. W. McDonald’s private Sec., is going to take Miss Heath’s place during her absence. The Home is without a Matron by Miss Groom leaving. May the managers be guided by the Holy Spirit, to se¬ lect the right one to fill this im¬ portant place. “Consecration of one cent a day by each communicant, would bring teu million dollars annually to the Missionary treasury. This is only the sutface. What would it be if we should go down into the (jppths? Christ.” No Missions: No Teachers’ Licenses Sent Out. County School Commissioner Adams has just sent out teachers’ licenses to applicants who took the annual examination August 25-26 last. Eight teachers received first grade certificates, fourteen second grade and seven third grade. Three applicants failed to make any grade. that of Prof. Adams says some the papers were especially mer¬ itorious. * "" ,/^r.. LMI WATCHES, 1 K3 m • WATCHES. f life il WATCHES! WATCHES!! WATCHES!!! <2> All kinds ; All sizes ; All prices. Do you appreciate fine time ? If so buy a HAMILTON Movement. I also handle Elgin and Waltham Movements in all grades and sizes, Get my prices before buying. I can save you money. I handle only the BEST Grade Filled Cases. JAMES P. SAIN, Jeweler. ^ s> Southeast Corner Public Square, Covington, Ga. x 0 fi 0 SINGER MACHINES 0 ($ CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE d 0 It will pay you to see 0 Us before buy. 0 you OUR PRICES ON BELTS, BEST MACHINE OIL, AND $ NEEDLES FOR ALL MAKES OF MACHINES, ■ ARE - THE - CHEAPEST. 0 % We have just opened our Store on East side Public Square. & 0 We Repair All Makes of 0 I Machines. 6 0 SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. B East Side Public Square, Covington, Ga. TAKES THE PLACE OF CALOMEL, PRICE 35 CENTS. AT ALL DRUGGISTS,. fl< Tor sale by Subscribe for The Enterprise now