The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, October 06, 1905, Image 4

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I HAPPENINGS OVER THE COUNTY ¥s v -V | Paragraphed for the Enterprise by Its Able" n x ^ & Corps of Correspondents. *5 B B SgSSXiS SSSISSSSX NEWBORN. Mrs. Olio Pitts has returned from At'anta Mr. J. E. Ga ' and little daughter Eppie, of Atlanta, ipent Sunday here with r dat.ves. Misses Lizzie lone and Emma Kate Smith, of Woodfin, are the guest of their sister, Mrs. George Davis. Messrs. C. L. and G. N. Stanton and Fred Tolar, spent Sun lay lure with their home! lk=, returning m the a r ter; oo i to Atlanta. Mr. J. C. Adams, wife nt.d little daughter Eva, are in At'anta this week. Mrs. J. L. Epps and little Misses j Mary Epps and E izabeth Benton are visiting relatives in Atlanta. Miss Laurie Willson, student of the Covington High iSahool, spent i Saturday and Sunday here with ! her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sasnett came I down yesterday from Hapeville Sat- j urday and visited relatives here i for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Stanton, are now living at Porterdale. Mr. Stanton having taken charge of the depot and telegraph office at that place. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Harwell and little son Wilbur, spent last week with relatives m Covington. Mr Harwell wa3 on the jury. Mr. Robert Sams had his hand painfully hurt by being caught on the seed auger at Harwell’s ginnery Monday morning. Miss Jocora Smith, who has been the attractive guest of Mrs. G. W. H. Murrelle, left Monday for Mon ticello to visit her sister, Mrs. Hutchinson. Safeguard The Children. Notwithstanding all that is done by boards of health and charitably inclined persons, the death rate among small chil¬ dren is very high during the hot weather of the summer months in the large cities. There is not probably one case of bowel complaint in a hundred, however, could not be cured by the timely use Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. For sale by all in Covington and Bibb M’fg. Co. dale. WEST NEWTON. At a recent meeting of the tees of Livingston High it was decided to open school 16th of this month. A large tendance is expected and educational interest will be looked after by Prof. Cooley Misses Pauline Martin and Robinson. Miss Nellie Black is school in Covington. Mr. Bob Livingston and wife Washington, D. C., are relatives near Bethany-. The pulpit at Hopewell was cupied by Dr. Humphries of son last Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Black visited daughter, Mrs. J. P. Garrison, Covington several days last week. Mr. J. L. Elliott of Atlanta, was the guest Sunday of his ents Mr. and Mrs. W. D. near Salem. Mr. Elliott holds tine position with the West Lum Ler Co., of that city. The Original. Folev t Co., Chicago, originated Hon ov and Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on account of the great merit ami popularity of Foley’s Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the gen U ne. Ask fur Foley’s Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute oflered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. MIXON. We are feeling better after hav ing some rain. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meador visited friends at Leguin Sunday, Misses Amanda and Iletie Ivey* spent Sunday afternoon ve y fleas autly with Mis3 Rub:e Aiken, Rev. A. C. Mixon fi’led his reg¬ ular appointment at Red Oak Sun day. an( j >j rs j. h. p 0 >e v sittd jf r8i p ope « un day afternou. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Pope visit ec j j. Bol anon’s family g uuc Jay. Rev. Mr. McDanal will preach at Austin Chapal Friday at 11 o’clock, at Newton Factory Friday night and we will have our Quar terly meeting at Newton Factory next Saturday, Oct. Tth and he will have charge of the meeting for sev¬ eral days. Mrs. I. L. Parker spent Saturday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Pope. Mrs. A. J. Fincher spent Sun day afternoon Mrs. M. E. Yancy. Mrs. J. M. Holmes visited Miss Emma Mixon Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Ethel Parker and Miss Grace Parker spent Sunday after¬ noon with Mrs. J. L. Cogg’ns. : Mi-8 Ilene Ivy Friday af¬ spent ternoon with MissSallie Mae Pope. | Dr. Holmes entertained quite a j number of friends with a singing Sunday night. All seemed to have j a jolly time. j Cured of Bright’s Disease. j 1 M-. Robert O. Burke, Elnora, N. Y. | I writes: “Before I started to use Foley’s , Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night and I was bloat¬ ed up with dropsy and my eyesight was s i impaired I could scarcely see one of my family across the room. I had given up hope of living when a friend recom¬ mended Foley’s Kidney Cure- One 50c cent bottle worked wonders and before I had taken the third bottle the dropsy had gone, as well as all other symptoms or Bright’s disease. SARDIS. Messrs. Jim Berry and Hr nr Hawkins, two of Almon’s young men were visitors here Sunday. Mrs. E. W. Bennett, of Coving¬ ton, visited Mr J. B. Ellington’s family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Geiger, of Midway, visited relatives here Sunday, Mr. J. E. Smith made a business trip to Atlanta Monday. Miss Paulyne Poole spent Mon¬ day in Covington. Misses Mary and Lena Ellington and Ossie White were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gabe White Sun¬ day. j Mrs. Bob Lee carried her little son Cornelius, to Atlanta Thurs¬ day, for special treatment of the throat. Miss Eva Tremble, of Oxford, attended Sunday School here Sun¬ day afternoon. Mrs * J olln E,hs visited her <dau ^Lter, Mrs. Jim McCart sever { al da >’ s ,ast week - Mrs. Gabe White is spending this week with her parents, Mr. . and Mrs. W. A. Ellington. I /v ^uite a number , c from here . at tended the all day singing at Cor intli Sunday. , - Miss Bertha Smith visited Wal j nut Grove Sunday afternoon. j Rev. Carson, of Starrsville, dinod ' with <Mr an(l Mrs< !i ob Le0 g Un . day. . The place to buy clothing is from i W. Cohen. j m mimni tomom, Qi L directory] 1 - CITY DIRECTORY ■ Mayor—H un. M. G. Turner. Mayor Pro Teji—Juo. F. Henderson. Clerk and Treasurer—G ee. T. smith t mu- ok Police— Bradford Bob-man. Deputy Pouce— H \V. Clark 1 Deputy Poucr.—P. W. Skelton. Ftritt OvER.-r.EK— S. C. Jthebnrg. CocncIlmen— J. F. Henderson, C. C. Brookr, J. 11. Echols, J. I, Stephenson, .T. L. Whitehead and C. A. Harwell. Cocxcn, Meeting— First Wednesday in 1Iemlerson ch . limian C. C. Brooks. O. A. Harwell. Electric Lights & Public Building* — C. C. Brooks, chairman, J. F. Hen¬ derson, J. L Whitehead. Streets —J. H. Echols, chairman, J 1- Stephenson, C. C. Brooks. Parks & Cemetery —J. L Stephenson chairman, J. F. Henderson, J. I. White head. Ordinance & Relief—J. L. Whitehead chairman, J. II Echols, C. A. Harwell. Sanitary— C- A. Harwell, chairman, J. L Stephenson, J. LI Echols. City School Board —Meets first Tues¬ day in each month. ('. H. While, Chairman. C. E. Cook, J. G. Lester, N. S. Turner, N. Z Anderson and It. R. Fowler. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist CiiUi ch— Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. at 7:30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday morning con¬ ducted by Col. James G. Lester. Pray¬ er meeting every Thursday evening. R. C. Cleckler, pastor. Baptist Church— Preaching on the first and third Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 9:30, conducted by C. E. Cook. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. E. R Pendleton, pastor. Presbyterian Church —Preaching oi. the first, second and fourth Sundays at 11 a. m. and ’:30 p. m Sunday school everv Sunday morning at 9:45, conduct¬ ed by D. A. Thompson, Jr. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. J. B. Ilillhouse, pastor. Midway Methodist — Preachingevery Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:3u p. m. Pray¬ er meeting every Thursday evening. Sunday School every Sunday afternoon conducted by Dr. C- W. Pep;der. Ep worth League every Sunday evening at 7:00. li. W. Yaibrough, pastor. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Sheriff— S. M„ Hay. Deputy Sheriff— T. F. Maddox and f. C. Nixon. Ordinary —G. D. Heard. Clerk of Court— J no. B. Dayis. Treasurer- J. W. Stephenson. Tax Collector— W. S. Ramsey. Tax Receiver—.!. F. Lunsford. Coroner— J. S Peek. County Surveyor— Wm. A. Adams. Superior Court -Third Monday in March and September. L. s. Roan, Judge, Fairburn, Ga., Col Wm. Schley Howard, Solicitor-General, Atlanta, Ga. County Court— First Wednesday in each mouth. Capers Dickson, Judge, Oxford, Ga., J. F. Rogers, Solicitor General, Covington, Ga. Ordinary Court— First Monday in each month, G. D. Heard, Ordinary, Covington, Ga. Justice Court— Second Monday in each month. G. H. Cornwell, Justice of Peace, Covington, Ga., Rufus Cruse, Notary Public, Covington, Ga. County Commissioners— Third Mon¬ day in each month. T. C. Swann, T. A. Perry and T. J. Speer, Commis¬ sioners. County Board of Education— Meets First Monday in each month. II. II, Stone, president, Oxford, Ga., A C. Heard, D J. Adams, L. F. Stephenson J M. Mitcham, Covington, Ga. Town Dist. 462—G. II. Coin well, J. P., Rufus Cruse, N. P., T. M. Maddox, Constable. Court second Moil day. Newborn Dist. 1522— Capers Robert¬ son, J. P., J. W. Robertson, N. P., H. II. Armstrong, Constable. Court seconds Wednesday. Hays Dist. 477-F. M. Hays, J. P„ J. C. Morgan, N.P., J. R. Dobbs, Constable. Court third Tuesday. Leguin Dist. 1513-G. W. Coggins, J. P., A. II. Smith, N. 1\, A. Willson, Con¬ stable. Court third Saturday. Brick Store Dist. 420—W. H. Stewart, J. P., W. T. Patrick, N. P., W. II. Aaron, Constable. Court second Saturday. Gaithers Dist. 546-A. M. Griffin, J. P., K. F. Dick, N. P., A. W. Yancey* Constable. Court second Saturday. Oxford Dist. 1525—J. N. A. Bender „„„ son, J. i p 1., J. t ur \ . I>ran. lam, N. v . P„ „ J. E Blackstock, Constable. Cojirt third Saturday. Brewers Dist. 464-J. F. Dick, J. P., i I. L. Parker, N. P., Samp Aiken. Con stable. Court first Saturday. Stansells Dist. 461—W. Ti Ogletrec J.P., P.G.Turner, N. p„ j.’h. MttK) y and A. G. Lane, Constables. Court ‘ S, ‘ l,nr,l ‘ l> - P *• vV w - Turn • urner, r N \ * P i~'n , D. Davidson, n K "i^’ ^ Con- 1,1 stable. Court fourth Saturday. Rocky Plains Dist 567- R. L. Cowan J. P., S. H. A very, N. P., Dave Lunsford, Constable. Court second Saturday, Gum Creek Dist. 1249— J. W. Giles. J. P-, Jno. R. Bird^N.P., a. C.,£M:es, ..Con¬ stable. Court third Saturday, A Simple Guarantee Of all first class work itttd pay¬ of all losses for collars, etc , me more work than all the of the laundry agents in ; combined. 1 like com it shows my work up and a hustle on business. Bring laundry along and leave it me. Wednesday evening of every week. It leaves the same old time. 2 cents for collars, 4 cento for and any old shirt lor a dime. A few prices for next week: La¬ fancy shirt waists 10c, white vests 15c, ladies shirts 25c. This should bring some business with the ladies. Well, that’s who the Washerwoman wants to trade with. LOVE LEE CLARKE. Attend Adair's opening today, tomorrow and next. New King Quality shoes at Cook’s. The prettiest styles ever shown. Buy your watch from Sain The Jeweler and save money. The largest line ever seen in Covington to select from. TRAIN SCHEDULE Georgia Railroad. TRAINS west. To Atlanta .3:10 a ni To Atlanta ,.0:00 a ni To Atlanta 11:09 a m To Atlanta ..6:50 p m TRAINS EAST. To Augusta 1:17 ant To Augusta 9:19ji ni To Augusta 4:38 p m Central Railway. Depart to Macon.... 9:25 a m Return from Macon. 4:31 pm Get my prices on watches. Sain, The Jeweler. All Justice of the Peace blauks can be had at the Enterprise office. CA.STOHIA. Bean the The Kind Yon Hate Always Bought Signature 4> Covington & Oxford Street R. R. The following schedule of the Covington & Oxford Street Rail¬ road will be run until further notice: Lv Covington Hotel at 5:40 a in Lv Covington Hotel at 8:50 a m Lv Covington Hotel at 10:45 a in Lv Covington Hotel at 2:10 j l ID Lv Covington Hotel at 4:10 p m Lv Covington Hotel at 0:30 p in Lv C vington Hotel at 7:30 p m T) e Oxford car n ''ets all trains at t e depot. J. F. Henderbon, Prks. J. G. Lester, Sec. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be needed in almost everj- home before the summer si over- It can always be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is especially valuable for summer disorders in children. It is pleasant to take and never fails to give piompt relief. Why not buy it now. Jt may save life For sale by all druguists in Covington and Bibb M’t g- Co., Porterdale. Sour Stomach No appetita, loss of strength, nervoua n ** s - headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov¬ ery represents the natural Juicea of dige* combined tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties.. Kodol Dys¬ pepsia Cure doe* not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing puling, the sweetening membranes end strengthening mucous lining the stomach. ! .. byi 1 * ®.- wMh R»*en»weod, W, Vi. — „ sour stc*n»ch for twenty years ** * r * now u,ln « “ 1“ milli Kodol Digests What You Eat. Dome. the trial Prepared by E. O. OeWlTT ft OO., OHIOAQO. OIEYSK id niyC IJRE k miui ! GEORGIA ► THE RAILROAD w ILL SELL ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT Reduced RATES FOR THE FOLLOWING OCCASIONS Agricultural and October Atechanical 2nd Fair at Augusta, Gaor*' ^ to 7th, 1905. Northeast Georgia Fair at Athens, Georgia October 3rd to 6th, 1905. Georgia State Fair at Atlanta, Georgia, October 9th to 21st, 1905. Georgia Farmers’ Fair at Macon, Georgia, October 24th to November 3rd, 1905. pOR 1 the above occasions call on agents of Georgia Railroad for rates, dates of sale, informtion, etc. A. G. JACKSON, G. P. A. -■> # We Will Have 20 County Displays at The I Eifes/t© I # j v ■ u air € i ATLANTA, OTOBER 9-21, 1905. t # § If Newton Comes. A # This Fair will be the greatest Georgia ever saw. I Fine Live Stock and Poultry shows. Farmers Union Day, Oct. 12th. I m All Day Singing, Oct. 13th. ^ King Cotton Day, Oct. 19th. i PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DAY, Oct. 20th. ^ Races, Balloon Ascensions, Eruption of Mont Ptlee. \ W. D. M R. JOYNER, HUGhES, Pres. Pres. Atlanta Ga. Agricultural Society, j Fair Ass’n. m For premium lists or information, write to ^ FRANK WELDON, Sec. & Gen'I. Mg>, ATLANTA, GA. j m Spfli o J I DON’T! i n 1 Buy that Farm Wagon until you see the GKM nnd \( h get. our terms and p:ices. The GSM wagon is shop i built and superior to factory built wagons in every I I ■■ ’a way and cheaper in price. Any size and weight you 3j I want on sh^rt notice. General repair work a special¬ $ L-i ty, and at prices lower than paid before. A}' 4 i you ever Just see me at Alliance Warehouse before you buy, * I will 38 save you money. *« ] Mahogany Furniture refinished equal to new. Jf| IRVING PROCTOR. W. PHONE 195. COVIOGTON, GA. Sr* ■ O' LaRG E§T x Al<T0J1^y; IN TN6 WOfitDfu\ kA i -~p- ks > When you get raa-over by an “Auto” appte yj£3b, DR. TICHENOR’S ANTISEPTIC Then l>oe* it sit like down magic—No and watch pain, the wounds suppuratio h**J no 11 Good also far COLIC, CRAMPS lad UDIBESTIO* 10c 60c and $1.00 a bottle /. .J* BRON-CHO-DA *•* c “ ,ch MM Irw the breezes, use $0RE THROAT ... II. Cur.* COUGHS, COLDS and V ^-- SHERROUSE MEDICINE — CO., 2BC * b ° tt,a Hew OrleansjA. T. Mfrs. and Props., Subscribe for The Enterprise.