The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, October 27, 1905, Image 2

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$be Bsntetpriae. tr#TA«USHEn iSO.f, THE COVINGTON ST AH ESI. 1*74. CONSOLIDATED 1902. SEMI-WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1905. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY' AND FRIDAY. CHAS. G. SMITH Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION SI PER YEAR Entered at the Covington Postoffice as Second-Class Mail Matter. i i Covington, GA.,Oct. 2 i . 1005. i ! T he Mac >n News is spreading j itself. Public sentiment is candidacy fast crystal- of j izing around the Hoke Smith for governor. The W u c comes tr* us t— r. -_V IIOIIS 17 lllli mfug Tull of local news. The News is setting n high water mark f-»r the weekly newspajiers of the State. Every J good business mail knows _ £££££? for those wh r > have things to sell, ; or who de|>end on tho patro age of the public, at d eveiybodv kt.ows th t the Enterprise is a good me dium. Harvie Jordan Not a Candidate. la a letter to R. J. Prentiss, of Fitz'er.ld, replying to a request from him as to his possibly becom¬ ing a candidate in the gubernato¬ rial campaign. Hou Ilarvie Jot duu states that ha is “not taking any active part m politic* of any character’’ and that *• there is nei¬ ther a probd.ility or even teinota possibility,” of his becomiiig a H > also adds that “it would be very unwise for any officer connect ed with the Sothern Cotton Asso ciatioii to become identified in any way with politics. Do You Lean or Lift. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, who writes some Rood things sometimes, has a ]»«n ou two kinds of people— those who lift and those who lean. She says there are twenty lean e s where there is one wh.t lifts. She is right, says the Memphis Scimitar. In every household there is some one who is the main depen¬ dence. That one goes ahead with the work, carries the burden and the worry, while the others lean. Usually it is the mother—more’s tho pity—who does the lifting? In every business it is so. One takes the initiative, does the plan¬ ing. He seems cut out tor his task of leadership and voluntarily assumes it. The others depend on him. It is so much easier to fol¬ low than to had. In the church a very few do the work and make the sacrifices of time and energy The others lean on the leaders. Are you lifting or leaning? There is a lot of work to do in the world—not merely big tasks— common everyday work. And some do more than their share be¬ cause so many shirk, There are tired, over-wrought eouls who break under the strain because so many lean upon them. Is there some man near you who is lifting more than his share of the load? Roll up your sleeves and give him a lift. Is there some tired, worn, ner¬ vous woman upon whom—f< r shame 1—you have leaned too long? Turn in and help the overtaxed brave one. Quit leaning. Lift! Another big shipment of Drum¬ mer’s Samples to be sold at whole tale price just received at New York Bargain Store. aasjs a^sassssssssasa as^sasss: 2#* * >4-0 5 * LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS g* H « K* $3 *14 FOR NOVEMBER SALES.'^' ZZZZZZZZZ^<ZZZZZ^ZZi CITATION. GEOUGIV - Newton County To whom it may concern : I ucia E. Mitchell and IT Z Howell. having made applicaL n to me to lie rp pointed permanent Administrators with the will annexed upon the e-tate of Sarah P. Weaver, deceased, late of said county. Notice is hereby given timi said applies t j on w ;j| he heunl a: the regular term ol the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Vondav in November, 19u5 Witness mv li ml a*.-I official sig nature, this Oct ber 21. 1905. G D HEARD. Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGI A—Newton County J A. Starr, a resident of said -tate, hav ing duly applied t > be app inted guardian ’ of the property or n s i v. ay ''right, a minor under tue age of font teen years, residt m in sa i county Not'ce is hereby given that said application w : . i be pas%-d on at the next Court of Ordinary j for said e unty. to be held on the first i Mondav in November. 1905. itness mr hand and official signature, This Oct. 3. 1905. ! G D HE YRD, Ordinary. EXECUTOR’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Newton county, Georgia, will be sold at public outcry, on the first lues day in November, 1'JOo at the court house in said county duiing the lawful hours of sale, the following real estate, belonging to the estate of Mrs S. C. Spence, deceased, and situated in said county, t > wit: 1*!. Town lots, numbers 6 and 7, on which stands the dwelling house o! said deceased 2nd The South half of Town lots num hers 8 and 0. 3rd. Town 1 t number 17. 4ill. Town lot number 25. All of die aforesaid lots being in square D, Coving ton, Georg a. 5th. 2 6 acres, more or less, farm land lying in Gum Creek district, Newt >ii ooun two tenutit houses, one barn and other out¬ houses and bounded on the North by lands of P dson and Owens; On the East by lands of Allen Lovett and Wm. Bentlv and "ingate; On South by lands of Miss Wallace and Mrs. Hardwick, and on West by Y'ellow liver. Terms, Cash This October 3, 1905. J. T. VAN HORNE, Executor of Mrs. S. C. Spence. AGREEMENT SALE. GEORGIA—Newton County. Will be sold, to the highest bidder, at public outcry, for distribution among the heirs, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following property, to wit: One hundred and fifty acres of land, more less, lying and being in Stansell’s district, said county, known as the G. M. Cunning hain home place, and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of It. II. Vaughn; On the East by lands of J. C. Nixon and O. P. McCord; On tlie South by lands of Loyd Bros , and J. W. Stephenson and on West by lands of Mrs S, M. Sullivan. The aboTf land is well improved, has a five room dwelling, two good tenant houses, and one store house. Said land is located one-half mile from Salem church and one mile trom a good school. Terms of sale Cash. This Oct 9, 1905. C. D. RAMSEY. Agent. For the heirs of G. M. Cunningham. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL MUNICIPAL BONDS. AND BANK STOCK. G EC RGIA—N ewton County. Notice is hereby given that the under¬ signed have applied to the Ordinary of said county for Leave to Sell the following de scribed property belonging to the estate of Mrs. Mary M Brown, to-wit: Twenty City of Dublin, Ga ; 5 per cent bonds for $1000 00 each, dated Jan’y 1st, 1905, due Jan’y 1st, 1934. Seven 30 year 4 per cent- YVater Bonds. City of YVest Point, Ga., f>r #1000.00 each, dated July 1st, 1902, due July 1st, 1932 Twenty five 6 per cent. School Bonds, Town of Eastman, G a , for #10(^00 each, dated 1897, due 1927. Five Electric Light 4 per cent b «nds for #500.00 each, Hartwell. Ga.. due 1919. F or the purpose of distribution among the tegates named in the will of said Mary M. Brown. Twenty shares Capital Stock of the Clark Banking Co. c - i .ppl.cauoi, i- will , be l.e.ri , « ,l« re e ,,l„„r„,„ ,1. Ortin.r, lw sai.l county to be held on the first Mondav l in November, 1905 This 3rd day * of Oe ber, 1905. H. B. ANDFRSON A J. M P.\CF] Executors of Mrs Mary M Brown, dec'd. IRE FS'TMPRW C0V!M70% 0A- LEAVE TO SELL G EOKGIA—N ewton County T o whom it may con-ern: Notice is hereby given iliat the unier s' gned have applied to the Ordinary ^1 j >ai 1 c unty for Leave to sell the Heal Es ute belonging to the estate of Mart M. Brown, deceased, for Die purpose of dis tnbuaon among the Legatees under the wid o: sa d deceased. ■•■aid application will be heard at trie regular term of the Court of Ordinary tor said c*>;::;ty to i>e held on the first M > in November 1905, This the 2nd day o! October 1 91)5. H B. AN L'El.'ON and Mary J M M.Brt P.tCi., J Executors of the will of wn, LEAVE TO SELL GEORGIA— Newt-ox County Take notice that on N. vetnber 11. 1905. at chambers in the city it Atixiua. at nine o’clock, a m the undersigned will apply t i the Hon. L S. Koa:, Judge of the . v u perc r c-jnrts of ihe Stone Mount* i Cir¬ cuit f r Ix-ave to sell the undivided one half im-rest of my ward; Sanford < isrk Steadman, in all the saw mill limbec situa¬ ted and being on the following de» ribed parcels orMots of tand a. fol.ows. .j.OO a res oi land, more or lees, the Mate of Georgia, .-aid lotsof land being known and dii-tinguisiied by numbers as f-dlows, io wit: Three hundred and twenty three, (323)1 Three hundred and twenty tw >, (3-2); Three hundred atid twenty on**, (:52I); Three hundred and seventeen. (GIT); t hree hundred and sixteen, (3 6); Three hundred and fifteen (31A); Two hundred and eighty seven, (287); Two hundred and ' eighty-six, (286): i wo hundred and eighty i live, (28o); Two hundred and eighty four, i (284); Two hundred and seventy seven. ( 77); Two hundred ai 1 seventy sit. 276); Two hundred and seventy five, (271>>: Two hundred and seventy-four, (274). Also the East half ot lots numbers Three lundred and twenty-four, (324); Three hundred and twenty five, (326). Also that part* of lots numbers Three hundred and eighteen, (318), and Two hundred and eighty three, t’283); N rth ot line from South west cor- 1 teen, (318)- to North cast corneHof number T'wo hundred anc 1 eighty-turee. (283) ad joining Harwell,s line; also lot number Three hundred and fifty f ur, (351). except he small por.ion which is described in DavidS. Johns n’s deed of said premises to said Steadman, dated December 11 th. eighteen hundred and sixty-three, (1863), as small portion is cut off by Hay’s line ns now designated by fence. Said sale to be either publicly or private ly. and for the purpose of reinvesting the proceeds of the «ame sale in bonds or other securities or properties, such as are pro vided by law or by the approval of the said Judge. This October 4th, 1905. MRS. MAGGIE S. CHILDS. Legal guardian for Sanford ( lark Steadman ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA, Newton* County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Newton county, granted at the August Term, 1905, will be sold belore the court house door in the city of Covington to the highest bidder, between the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in November next, the following real estate, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in said county and known as the Jim Woodruff home place, bounded as follows: West by N. H. Piper and W. J. Thompson; South by the old YVm. Moss place ami Frank Sheer ; East by the Rebecca Woodruff place and S. P. Thompson; North by S- P. Thomp son and A. Piper. Containing one hun¬ dred and seventy acres, more or less. Also that tract of land known as the Zack Glass place, bounded on the West and South by the old Reuben YVoodruff land ; blast by Y'ellow riyer ; North by Smith Piper C> ntaining one Lundred and forty acres, more or loss- Sold for the purpase of distribution among the heirs at law and for paying the debts. Terms of sale Cash B. II. WOODRUFF, Adm’r. of J M. YVoodruff, dee’d EXECUTOR’S SALE. GEORGIA —Newton County. By virtue of an order issued from the f ourt of Ordinary of sain county, wifi oe sold before the court house door in the city of Covington. Ga , on the First Tues¬ day iu November next between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash the following described property to wit: 6-i acres »f land, more or less, lying and being in Rocky Plains district, Newt n county, Georgia, and bounded as follows : North by lands ol G. YV. Averr* L 1-iast "d, hv Iwd. „| M. H . D,™j W'ktt S„,„h h ol R. L. Cowan; anil by lands * OW W J ' * Shaddnv u < ' P " rP ° ie of , payin J He, aml , a d,8tnb , * »‘«>" among heirs at law. This Oct. 2. 1905. B- L. COWAN, Executor estate X. O. Farrow, deceased. #«*"** OO©0©0«H>^§0^000 **a* , fi r OT SURE TO 0 ■ * " 4 'A V * > THE ;9 •' V i fi fi Great Sale $ fi « $ ! fi NOW GOING ON AT W. Cohen’s J fi fi 0 THE ONLY BARGAIN HOUSE i fi IN COVINGTON. ii fi NOWHERE ELSE will you find such reliable fi SHOES, such new and attractive styles, and such £ LOW PRICES. fi THE FACT is we had ready cash and secured 1 ; Special Advantages fi IN THE way of PRICES and styles from I fi the : Leading Manufacturers, not only in 5 fi i fi fi 3 KE O E S i fi BUT- i $ DRY GOODS 1 fi 1 fi and-- *1 fi J fi b CLOTHING, ! f V AND EVERYTHING else. We are willing to fi give YOU the benefits ■ of advantageous fi our buying. * fi ! fi OU1 ! fi ! 0 STOCK OF CLOTHING i « J APPEALS to every lover of good dress. We * > fi wo n F ynn to rome and look at them, try them on, 5 i and get our LOW PRICES, and if y ou don’t buy : fi it won’t be the fault of the CLOTHING. fi « fi GREAT INDUCEMENTS : fi FOR \ OU in ail other departments. We save ^ money on everything. Lay in your fall supply now* fi fk W. Cohen. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. THE OLD RELIABLE STABE8” CONYERS, QA. I lave the closest possible connection with the stock i aising country, as the stock are shipped from where they are raised in car loads, saving the middle profits ; Guarantees every animal to be strictly as good as representated ; Makes prices the lowest, treats its customeis better than any other firm in the business and would appreciate the patronage of all who believe that an honest man should sell stock, A large let cf choice reliable stock always on hand, and the public h invited to come and see them and get prices. L. A. SHARP, Proprietor. COVI3ST C3-TO] TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31st Gentry Brother's FAMOUS SHOWS 1 Ncyv Baseball Grounds. SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA, Newton’ County. w ’ Ir.L be sold before the court bouse door in the city o! Covington, on ,he first Tuesday in November J905, within the legal hours ol sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situated ‘ lying and being in the Ninth precinct of originally Henry but now Newton county, an( , beill ^ known by land lot number 10$, and containing fifty acres, more or less and being the Northeast corner of said land lot Said land levied on as the prop er ty of James T. Connelly, by virtue of a mortRgj . e fi , a \ n f» VO r of U. R. Fowler and H I. Weaver, administrators of I. \V. Brown, said said fi la issued from the Su rior court of Newton county and against the said James T. Connelly. Tenant in possession n tified as required by law Ibis Oct 4, 1905 S. M IIAY Sheriff ALSO—At the same time and plaee will be sold the following property, to wit: A certain house and lot in the town of Oxford Ga , bounded as follows : North hv lands of YV. U. Branham, West by lands of W. It Branham, S.-uth by YY'a*S'>n street, and East by Asbury street Said lot containing one half of an acre, more or less Said un der and by virtue of a mortgage fi fa in favi'i' of A- L Dearing, bearer, against the said Hannah Cureton. Said fi fa issued from the Superior court of said count}. | Defendant n possessi n notified as requir¬ ed by hi.7. This Oct. 4, 1‘JUo. S. M HAY'. Sheriff ! ALSO—At the ■ me time and place, will ’ e sold, One lie use and Lot in the CI D Covington uid bounded as follows • ^ ll “ -' or, ‘- hy a t Alley or Street; on the ^ :ls V Railroad street; on the Nouth by H. A ha ay ; on the West by , | ^P Northwestern r 1 * 1 jg street 8aid f properiy the city of being Covington in the part < j near Georgia depot, Newton county ^' e r f?' a - property levied on with a Material Mans.Lien in favor of 1 hompson Parmer vs Mrs M. A. Freeland. Writ notice given the defendant in p sses sio " required by law. This Oct. 6. I»t05 ( 51 n(r U ! ALSO /\i Bftn>e time and place, will be U L e J° ll0 ' vin * described property, to wit * ,,r cotton iti field, less ... cs more or Di int 1 thousand *'*¥Js seed in house , less, , l , bale luu cotton more or - 7t>u. 450 bushels cotton .. secil, , , less, 1 more or j acre.-. field, more or less Said property levieu on with a Land Lord’s Lien, issued from the Superior court ot said c unty in favor ofT. A. Cook, again t A. B. Haynes. Levy made and turned over to me by J. C Nixon, Deputy Sheriff. This Oct. 3. 1905. S. M. HAY, Sheriff, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA, Newton County, F.y virtue of an order fiom the Court of Ordinary of said county, granted at the October term, 1905, will be sold before the court h -use door, in the city of Covington, to the highest bidder, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Nov ember next, the following described rea estate, to-wit: 150 acres of land more or . less, situate, lying and being in Downs district, said county, and bounded as fol¬ lows: North by lands of YV. B. Livingston; East and South by lands of the the Nelms estate; West by P. W. Turner and S. G. Hicks. Also 102 acres, more or less, same district and county, bounded as follows: North by above described lands; East by lands of Mrs. Bhoda Veal; South by South river and Mrs. Veal; West by p W. Turner and S. G. Hicks. Also 63} acres more or less, same district and county, bounded as 1 Hows: North and East by lands of J. YV. King; South by lands of Mrs. Y cal, and West by lands of the estate of Mrs Nelms, deceased. Said lands sold as the property of Mrs. A J. F. Nelms, de ceased, for the purpose of paying debts and distribution among heirs at law of said de¬ ceased Terms-CASH. Plat of ab ’vc lands can lie seen at the office ol the Ordinary This Oct 9, 1905 J. W. KING, Administrator Mrs. A. J. F. Nelms, deed. Doctors Said He Would Not Live. Ptier Fry, YVoo-Jrutr, Pa., writes “Af ter doctoring for yearn with the heat physicians in YVaynesburg, and still getting worse, the doc'orH advised me if I had any business to attend to I had better attend to it at once, as I could not po8*ihty live another month as there was no cure for me. Folev’s Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend and I immedialy sent my sun to the store for it und after tak tlirec bottles Ibegan to get better and continued to improve until I was en tirely well."*