The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, November 03, 1905, Image 1

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Lnamaker . j he 5ucce»*ful Man Constant Advertiser.” i C ~ NO 53. T HAEL BILL QUESTIONED j . Tax for District Schools v Have to be Amended. is some doubt at the state fe constitutionality of (S to the B Mi c hael educational bill, rovidea for the opening of P schools, and their support jl tax co ileclable by county ( It is thought that possi section relatiug to the man which the tax is to be Col way have to l>e amended u-'.iiution < f tlie state p:o bat all Ux oflicers shall be I,v popular vote, The Mc i] bill, however, provides je secretary . .f each cminty jftitl, the aid of va h county (commissioner, shall levy The secretaries of school are e lected by the irustees by p *pular vote, It is the i who also ith the treasurers, lave a hand in the levying tax according to the Me- 1 bill. (ASSES TO ITS EMPLOYES Railroad is Clever to its Faithful Toilers. Central of Georgia Railway l, ted annual passes to all its hs and conductors who in faithful in the discharge i duties for five years or [Those Liven in service transportation fivo years annual L r ihn division upon winch L employed. Tims? in ser I will bn given annual trans in good over the system. |i service fift-en years and lull bn given annual trans la fur themselves and their [nod over the system. HE IS SMOKING. itton and Domestic Trou¬ bles Followed. a, Ga., Nov. 1.—Tea cent responsible for a domestic in Fayette county. Mrs. Turner called on the local esterday, and sobbing! y [tn tlut after selling two cotton several days ago at price, her husband bought f clothes, had his hair cut not been seen by her or by An sou since. Mrs. Turner ply, Liouul that her husband is a smoker.” Pipes p is at home and cigars jr now that he lias sold his j Since he disappeared the pis [n cotton crop has been for rent and the family ping to show for the year's ^ BOLD ROBBERY. window in Stephenson’s Mware Store Broken. I'f the big plate glass wm r *he hardware store of Mr. p. P night Stephenson was broken by an unknown Ind the window robbed of I caiiore Smith & Wesson p plate glass window like I e smashed costs between M forty dollars. The two Here valued at $30. - ^ en I To Pennsylvania. remains of Geo. W. Iloueche 5!er for Sells & Downs show : ed himself here Monday were sent to Meadsville, nesday. khe came to Covington on to bill the town for here on the 9th, and cm * as ta ken violently ill with Jtiia, f 1 Y, 't i r r *>«r-r <r" > o & _JL. * to fl 1 r- •• -• 5 j—■^ kvj $ ■ 'a. & "0V1NGT0N, GA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3 W ATKINSON WANTS JUDGESHIP. __ An Atlanta dispatch yesterday conveys the intormation that Judge Spencer R. Atkinson, ot Atlanta, will make tiro race for chief justice of the Sureiue court of Georgia next fall. A statement to this ef¬ fect was made by a prominent At¬ lantan who is in position to know Judge Atkinson’s intention, It is also rumored as practically a fact that Hon. A. A. Lawrence, of Sa¬ vannah, will manage the campaign | tor Jn Ige Atkins on. Mr. Law- j fence has been one of the suppor ’•ers of Judge Atkinson for the office now held by Chief Justice Fish, who was recently appointed ! to fill the unexpired term of the late Chief Justice Simmons Judge Atkinson has had the matter of making the race under consider tion for so Hie time. Death of Henry Thompson. Henry Thompson, the eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thompson, of Mansfield, died Tuesday night after being sick five weeks with typhoid fever. The interment took place Wed¬ nesday, Rev. T. J. Swanson, offi. mating. The death of little Henry is par¬ ticularity sad as his mother is down critically ill with typhoid fever. 500 CAUGHT IN ICE. Crews of Eleven Whaling Vessels Must Winter in Arctic Ocean. San Francisco, Nov. 1.—Eleven whaling vessels, comprising al¬ most the entire fleet which sailed from this city, have been caught in the Arctic ocean. They will not be able to get out until next July or August, and in the meantime their crews of 440 men must face the hardships of a winter in the north. This startling news is conveyed in a telegram to Lewis Anderson and Ford & Co., of this city. The telegram comes from Captain H. H. Bodenish, of the steamer Wil¬ liam Baylies, aud states that only this vessel and the schooner Mon¬ terey were able to escape. Insurance Claims Adjusted. The insurance companies who had losses >n the fire of Saturday night had representatives on the scene Wednesday and satisfactory settlements were made all parties interested. Mr. W. L. Adair, the heaviest looser by the removal of his stock into the streets, accepted the proposition made by the in surance companies. Mr. J. P. Sain was paid $250 the fall amount of liis insurance policy. Rev. Magath, the owner of the brick building, was paid $900, the full am unt of his insurance. Mrs. Price carried insurance to the amount of $450. We have not heard whether her claims was sel tled as she left the city Tuesday evening. Just received a car Dalton bran Granulated Sugar 25 lbs, $1.25, Arbuckles Coffee, 15c. Mascoutah flour, per bund. $2.75. Schnapps tobacco, per box, $3,00. R. R. Snuff, per lb. 44c. U. M. C. Shells, 2 boxes, 75c. 5 gallons Kerosene, 75c. Wanted, 20,000 Reynolds tob. tags Oct. 1905. R. L. LOYD—2t. Another big shipment of Drum¬ mer’s Samples to be sold at wbole sale price just received at New York Bargain Store. 4 See The Enterprise for first-class job printing * -INS SHUTTING DOWN. ! racing -:r .o a Close. '• More evidence of the short cot ton crop is had in the fact that many of the public gins in the country about. Codington are clos¬ ing down or else miming on short time one or two days in the week— and even on this shortened sched¬ ule there is little to be done. About all the cotton is picked out and the gins will soon have noth¬ ing to do whatever. From Mansfield Leader. N '’ l ,OU * ln t,Ie fature ue hope t0 ^ an pldnt ai >d * a ^ r works system in operation * 19 Clt ^ ’ Mr. Albert Johnson, who Is buy¬ ’ a K cotton at this market for N S. Turner, purchased 167 bales of the fleecy staple in oue day last week. We call that l t buying some.” Mansfield is a cracker jack cotton market. The fall term of the Mansfield school opened yesterday with Miss Josie Webb, principal and Miss Claude Harwell assistant. Miss Annie Webb, of Covington, has been elected by the board of trus¬ tees to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Mattie Heard and will take up her duties at au early date, possibly next Monday. Owing to the fact that the people of this section uro very busy finishing u«iefl e present crop only 45 pupils - ufcre enrolled on opening day. A Painful Accident. Last Thiti'scfay night while on their way to their homo at Pine Grove from this place, Messrs. Thomas Elliott aud Jodie Carter had quite an exciting experience, their mule becoming frightened in front of the residence <>f Mr. Tom Greer about two miles north of town and turned their buggy over, throwing them both out and pain¬ fully injuring Mr. Elliott. Mr. Carter escaped with only a few scratches and a pretty hard jolt, but Mr. Elliott wa: thrown on Ins back, striking an enbankment and inflicting a very painful injury. However, it is thought he is not hurt mteraally and his friends hope to see him out again scon.— Mansfield Leader. Jackson-Huss. The marriage ot Miss Lamar Jackson and Dr. J. Frank Hues, of Atlanta, which was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents Mr. aud Mrs. A. L. Jackson, Wed¬ nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock is a matter of interest to a wide circle of friends throughout the state. * The wedding was quietly ob¬ served and the ceremony was per formed by Rev. W. 4 ■ Grenade, of Conyers. The bride is one of our most popular and attractive young ladies and her sweet dispo¬ sition has won for lier the admi¬ ration of countless friends, who unite in congratulating Dr. Hnss on his excellent choice. Dr. Huss is a popular young business man of Atlanta and is a young man of bright promise. They left Thursday afternoon for their future home in Atlanta. May their present happiness in the years go by. * * * crease as Hayston, Ga. Show Cases For Sale. We have several nice show cases, which we expect to sell to the highest bidder on tho first Tues* day in Nov. Brooks & Smith. | FOR SALE— Appier oats. S. * R. Ellington. —10—«;0“05. OR. BRADLEY EXONERATED. v Chages »■ Against Dr. Bradley. Rev. II. S. Bradley, D. D pas¬ , tor of Trinity church, has had a trial before a committee of investi¬ gation as to whether he should be regularly arruighed on the charge of heresy, and the committee has returned a verdict stating that in their opinion such a trial is not justified. I his throws the wh ile matter info the annua! North Georgia Method is b conference, which is to meet at Ne\ynau, Ga., on the 22d of this month, at which place and tune Rev. J, N. Snow', who has preferred the charges against j l)i\ Bradley', will ask conference; to give hint a new committee of investigation, as he declares the evidence before the committee was sufficient to justify a tiial for heresy. ihe main feature of the charge appears to be on the graund of Dr. Bradley’s views on the death of Christ. It is claimed by Dr. Snow' that Dr. Bradley preaches and af¬ firms that the death of Christ was not necessary to the reconciliation of God to man. Dr. Snow says that five witnesses testified to the truth of this charge and that Dr. Bradlv admitted it. Enormous Total of Salaries. No one will claim that it re¬ quires more (Ability to fill the office of President of an insurance com¬ pany than that of President of the United States, but when it conics to salaries the McCalls and Mc Curdys overtop the President cf the United States and the ablest > railroad x^residents lii the country. The New York World makes this comparison: t t Daring the 116 years of the Republic the Govern¬ ment of the United States has paid in salaries to its Presidents a total of $6,700,000. During the last twenty years the Mutual Life Insurance Company has paid to three niembeas of the McCurdy family about $4,600,000. Against twenty ye ns of Richard A. Mc¬ Curdy, Robert II. McCurdy and Louis A. Thebaud must be set off 116 years of George Wasuington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Janies Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, Wil¬ liam Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Lin¬ coln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hays, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Har rison Williara McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt— and a bal¬ ance of $900,000 in favor of the McCurdys at that.” WANTED—500 pounds clean washed entton^rags $1.00 per hund¬ red. The Norman Buggy Co.—if -- Fire. L. D. Adams has been appointed agent of the Newton County Di¬ vision of the Fanners Co-operation fire insurance co. R. L. Cook re¬ signed, having moved out of the CQimty company is in fine shape, p u |j c j egui force aggregate nearly | : >oo OOO. See L. D. Adams at i Bank of Covington and have your property insured. Cheapest and safest insurance in the world. Strictly MutuaL Mjga Maude McCune, of Atlan ta, is here to spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutch sns. • * Sample hosiery at Adair’s. ^ ^VVWVVVWvvWVWVVvVvV*H C O T r o in ; The market is Steady. y Middling Brings to i-ac PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. & £2 m i r¥ v ■y $ I ■ g ■ < liL HLxf 3 * mmm m m m ■ I mm pi f ... i - r $ rt The greatest Cook Stove known to the American people is offered you in the very latest designs and sizes. There are other makes that cost more, but not that last j longer or give more satisfaction than the Excelsior Cook, s It has been manufactured and sold for the past sixty years, and is accepted as the best thing in the way of a Cooking Stove that can be made. Call and see the splendid line we are offering, whether ready to buy or not. Stephenson’s Hardware Store W SPECIAL NOTICE. I s Yfl E HAVE charge s. assumed of TURNER’S PLACE y f !< Vl\lrV and will appreciate your orders for FANCY J; GROCERIES, FRUITS, ETC. Wi propose to carry a high \ tn j\ grade line of goods and guarantee satisfaction and prompt V k service. * ' D •- l THE FOUNT will be kept up to its high standard t ') of QUALITY and CLEANLINESS. SMITH-VINING 00. I G4 V J* TELEPHONE NO. 80. W • • Do You Need a Watch? m Are you thinking of buying a Z./1 j £ i w Watch? If so, see my line and get prices before you buy. J Large Line to Select From. I ) All sizes in F.2662 Solid Gold, 1 Sc i- Gold filled and Silverine r-j Cases. Elgin, Waltham, and Hamilton movements Prices of any catalogue duplicated. My stock of Jewelry is complete. SAIN, THE JEWELER. ?4. In Enterprise Office. F-2724 COVINGTON, GA. Subscribe for The Enterprise now