The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, November 03, 1905, Image 2

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*-j tLfoe Ssittevpiise. ESTABLISHED i»65< THE COVINGTON STAR EST. 1874. CONSOLIDATED 1902. SEMI-WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1905. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. CHAS. G. SMITH Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR Entered at the Covington Postoffice as Second-Class Mail Matter. Covington, Ga., Nov., 8, 1905. A Big Following. It is a noticeable fact that those, or many of them, who are opposing Clark Howell for governor, are the same ducks who opposed William Jeuniug Bryan for president. They stabbed Bryan in the back, and now, when the opportunity offers are putting the blade into Howell. And the among them is the Atlan¬ ta Journal. And what is more, every white and black republican in the state i9 patting the Journal ou the back with encouragement (no cash) for the sole pursose ot disorganizing and discouraging the democratic party in Georgia.— Fitzgerald Leader. If Hoke Smith gets the anti Bryan vote as charged, and gets the populist vote as charged, aud gets the republican vote as charged and then gets the mugwump vote us charged, it seems to us he will be hogging more than one man’s share.—Moultrie Observer. Yes, but think of the crime that Hoke is guilty of in permitting these republicans to pat the Jour¬ nal on the back. Oh! the way they are putting the blade into Howell is a caution.—Fitzgerald Enterprise. Throwing Stones in Meriwether, Two Meriwether county citizens, in a coloquy, became interesting. One was so good that lie could not Bupport the Hon. Hoke Smith for governor with his hotel bar repu¬ tation. “Well,” said the other, ••don’t you know that we have a hotel bar of our own down here at Warm Springs.” ‘‘Better pass that matter,” said the anti-Hoke man. ‘‘Aint Meriwether a tem perance county, full of Christian people? How came us to have a hotel bar?” said the other. “One of our legislators, out of the good¬ ness of his heart thought every hotel ought to have a bar; aud, by the way, I hear he is now opposing lion. Hoke Smith, and like your¬ self, is greatly troubled on the bar matter.” “Ab!” said the anti Hoke man, “aiut we 111 a pretty pickle. Who was our representa¬ tive who did us this great wrong?” The other fellow with a merry twinkle in his eye said. ‘’You ask brother Warner Hill and Henry Revill. They can tell you, or if they wont do it, look in the house journal of a few years back and you can easily see.” “Well,” concluded the anti-Hoke maa, “I think we had better brush before our own door before we go further against Hoke Smith.” The other “Meryite” chucked his friend a little and said, “Let me tell you something; it is ever thus. When you hear a mau speak ill against Hoke Smith about the bar he has nothing in the world to do with, you wiU'fiud his door needs sweeping before just as the Meriwether Warm Springs bar. No friend of temperance or honest anti-prohibitioust cares a fig about these slanders. There is no tem¬ perance issue in this campaign,and they know it, and this little at¬ tempt to squelch reform in Geor¬ gia wout work with sensible peo¬ ple.”—Middle Georgia Farmer. Hoke made “Plain Dick” look like a nickel with a hole in at Monticello Monday. - T _^W. £*-£* BWOT M rmw ^teia ^^ w LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS - ^ FOR NOVEMBER SALES..-*^-'' p xsssss^sisgstsss n ass sa as KBSis CITATION. GEORGIA-Newton County. To whom it may concern : Lucia E- Mitchell and H Z. Howell, having made application to me to be ep pointed permanent Administrators with the will annexed upon the estate of Sarah P. Weaver, deceased, late of said county. Notice is hereby given that said applies tion will be heard a; the regular term ot the Court of Ordinary lor said county to be held on the first Monday in November, 1905. Witness my hand and official sig¬ nature, this Oc-t >ber 2d, 1905. G D. HEARD, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—Newton County. J. A. Starr, a resident of said state, hav¬ ing duly applied t > be appointed guardian of the person and property of Rosi May Wright, a minor under the age of fourteen years, resident in said county. Not ce is hereby given that said application will be passed on at the next Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in November, 1905. W itness my hand and official signature, This Oct. 3, 1905. G. D HEARD, Ordinary. EXECUTOR’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Newton county, Georgia, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tues day in November, 1905, at the court house in said county, during the lawful hours of sale, the following real estate, belonging to the estate of Mrs- S. C. Spence, deceased, and situated in said county, to wit : 1st. Town lots, numbers 6 and 7, on which stands the dwelling house of said deceased. 2nd- The South half of Town lots num¬ bers 8 and 9. 3rd. Town lot number 17. 4th. Towi, lot number 25. All of the aforesaid lots being in square D, Coving¬ ton, Georgia. 5th. 250 acres, more or less, farm land, lying in Gum Creek district, Newton coun ty, Georgia, and known as the Spence place, having thereon a dwelling house, two tenant houses, one barn and other out¬ houses, and bounded on the North by lands of Poison and Owens; On the East by lands of Allen Lovett and Win. Bently and Wingate; On South by lands of Miss Wallace and Mrs. Hardwick, and on West by Yellow river. Terms, Cash This October 3, 1905. J. T. VAN HORNE, Executor of Mrs. S. C- Spence. AGREEMENT SALE. GEORGIA— Newton County. Will be sold, to the highest bidder, at publie outcry, for distribution among the heirs, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following property, to-wit : One hundred and fifty acres of land, more less, lying and being in Stansell’s district, said county, known as the G. M. Cunning ham home place, and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of R. II. Vaughn ; On the East by lands of J. C. Nixon and O. P. McCord; On the South by lands ot Loyd Bros , and J. VV. Stephenson and on West by lands of Mrs S, M. Sullivan. The above land is well improved, has a five room dwelling, two good tenant houses, and one store house. Said land is located one-half mile from Salem church and one mile tram a good school. Terms of sale Cash. This Oct 9, 1905. C. D. RAMSEY, Agent. For the heirs ot G. M. Cunningham. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL MUNICIPAL BONDS. AND BANK STOCK. GEORGIA— Newton County. Notice is hereby given that the under¬ signed have applied to the Ordinary of said county 7 for Leave to Sell the following de scribed property belonging to the estate of Mrs. Mary M. Brown, to-wit: Twenty City ol Dublin, Ga ; 5 per cent bonds for $ 1000 00 each, dated Jan’v 1st, 1905, due Jan'y 1st, 1934 Seven 30 year 4 per cent Water Bonds, City of West Point Ga., for $1000.00 each, dated July 1st, 1902, due July 1st, 1932. Twenty five 6 per cent. School Bonds, Town of Eastman, Ga , for $100 00 each, dated 1897, due 1927. Five Electric Light 4 per cent, bonds for $500.00 each, Hartwell. Ga.. due 1919 For the purpose of distribution among the tegates named in the will of said Mary M. Brown. Twenty shares Capital Stock of the Clark Banking Co. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court ot Ordinary tor said county to be held on the first Monday in November. 190o Tins 3rd day of Octo ber ’ 190j - II. B. A NDFRSON ft J. M. PACE, Executors of Mrs- Mary M Brown, dee d. €138 fifé-TERIJEM zévmm; {Ii-Ag LEAVE TO SELL GEORGIA— Newtox Col.vty To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the under s'gned have applied to the Ordinary of sail c unty ior Leave to sell the Real Es tate belonging to the estate of Mary M. Brown, deceased, for the purpose of dis tribution among the Legatees under the will ot said deceased. Said application will be heard at the regular term ot the Court of Ordinary tor said county to be held on the first Monday in November 1905. This the 2ud day ol October 1905 H B. ANDERSON and J. M PACE, Executors of the will of Maiy M. Brown, deceased. LEAVE TO SELL GEORGIA— Newton County Take notice that on November 11, 1905, at chambers in the city of Atlanta, at nine o’clock, a m the undersigned will apply to the Hon. L. S. Roan, Judge ot the 8u perior courts of the Stone Mountain Cir¬ cuit f"r Leave to sell the undivided one half interest of mj ward; F'anforJ C lark Steadman, in all the saw mill timber situa¬ ted aud being on the following des ribed parcels or lots of land as follows: About 3700 a res of land, more or less, situated on the Chattahoochee river in the Twenty sixth district of Early county, in the State of Georgia, said lots of land being known and distinguished by numbers as follows, io wit: Three hundred and twenty three, (323)! Three hundred and twenty two, (322); Three hundred and twenty one, (321); Three hundred and seventeen, (317); Three hundred and sixteen, (3'ff); Three hundred and filteen (315); Two hundred and eighty seven, (287); Two hundred and eighty-six, (286); Two hundred and eiihty five, (285); Two hundred and eighty four, (284); Two hundred and seventy seven, (.77); Two hundred and seventy six, (276); Two hundred and seventy-five, (275); Two hundred and seventy-four, (274). Also the East half ot lots numbers Three hundred and twenty-four, f324); Three hundred and twenty five, (325). Also that part ot lots numbers Three hundred and eighteen, (318), and Two hundred and eighty three, (283); North of line from South west cor¬ ner of lot number Three hunared.aud eigh¬ teen, f3I8). to North cast corner of number Two hundred aud eighty-three, (283) ad joining Harwell,s line; also lot number Three hundred and fifty four, (351), except he small por.ion which is described in David S- Johnson’s deed of said premises to said Steadman, dated December Ilth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, (1863), as small portion is cut off by Hay's line as now designated by fence. Said sale to be either publicly or private ly, and for the purpose of reinvesting the proceeds of the same sale in bonds or other securities or properties, such as are pro vided by law or by the approval of the said Judge. Tbi3 October 4th, 1905. MRS. MAGGIE S. CHILDS. Legal guardian for Sanford Clark Steadman ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA, Newton County. By virtue of an order (rom the Court of Ordinary of Newton county, granted at the August Term, 1905, will be sold belore the court house door, in the city of Covington to the highest bidder, between the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in November next, the following real estate, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in said county, and known as the Jim Woodruff home place, bounded as follows: West by N. H. Piper and VV. J. Thompson; South by the old Win. Moss place and Frank Sheer; East by the Rebecca Woodruff place and S. P. Thompson; North by S. P. Thornp son and A. Piper. Containing one hun¬ dred and seventy acres, more Qr less. Also that tract of land known gs the Zaek Glass place, bounded on the West and South by the old Reuben Woodruff land ; East by Yellow riyer ; North by Smith Piper- Containing one hundred and forty acres, more or loss. Sold for the purpose of distribution among the heirs at law and for paying the debts. Terms of sale Cash. B. II. WOODRUFF, Adtn’r. of J- M. Woodruff, dec’d EXECUTOR’S SALE. GEORGIA— Newton County. By virtue of an order issued from the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Covington. Ga., on the First Tues¬ day iu November next, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash the following described property to-wit: 62J acres of land, more or less, lying and being in Rocky Plains district, Newton county, Georgia, and bounded as follows : North by lands ol G. W. Avery: East by lands of M. II. Davis; South by lands ol R. L. Cowan; and West by lands of W. J. Shaddox. Sold tor the purpose of paying debts and distribution among heirs at law. This Oct- 2, 1995. R. L. COWAN Executor estate N. O. Farrow, deceaEed. ----- ~ 1 ,me le,ls ! The Story, f * There ie big difference between the } a cost of making a first* I class sewing-machine, embodying the best of * Niateriah and workmanship, and one in the cheapest ^*nner, The buyer of the cheap machine soon pays the cliff of price in the constant cost for repaairs, to «rence of inefficiency. sa y nothing its annoying SINGER SEWING MACHINES DO GOOD WORK DURING A LIFETIME. Sold on Instalments. Old Machines Taken in Exchange. j! Belts, Machine Oil and Needles for all Makes of A\achines Old Machines Made New. The Singer Manufacturing Co, ‘‘Sewing Machine Makers for the World.” Headquarters East Side Public Square, Covington, Georgia “The Old Reliable” •i Georgia Railroad, S I Pullman Elegantlye Palace Cars quipped between trains Atlanta, between Augusta all points. 4 and 1 Charlesjon, also between Augusta' and St. Louis and s * Charleston and Cincinnati. Fas} Fi eight Service be¬ 9 tween the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charles¬ ton, Savannah and all points in Southestern ani Caro¬ I lina territory. A. G. Jackson, j General Freight and Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga, 1 THE U OLD RELABLE STABES” COINYERS, GA. Have the closest possible connection with the stock raising country, as the stock are shipped from whew, they are raised in car loads, saving the middle men' profits ; Guarantees every animal to be strictly as good as representated ; Makes prices the lowest, treats its customers better than any other firm in the business and would appreciate the patronage of all who believe that an honest man should sell stock, A large lot ol choice reliable stock always on hand, and the public is invited to come and see them and get pi ices. L. A. SHARP, Proprietor, 7--r I 0 L Let n 3 i!lu c trate vividly tlio difference in ..'/ail¬ v \ ing live; cf the words might a d will— the child might ill tlio child will live. Might impliesdoubt; " means certainty. Might live means might die; will live means will not die. These two w« rdi aptly illustrate the difference between Johnson’s Tonic and the horde vt commer¬ cial remedies on tlio market, and that vast horde of inert professional remedies which only bear the sanction cf tlio High Pricst 3 cf medicine. * USE JOHNSON’S TONIC fa . 1 ^ in a bad case cf Grip and you will live! Use inert, cr commercial products, and Si you might live. Johnson's Tonic quickly drives out every trace fi and taint <f Grip. It is not simply good, it iff' 1 ' premely pood—not good as anything, but better than I.’ everything—a genuine life-saver. Those who believe their in it are lives. Bafe—-doubters Sumrn d are indanger Chill aud jeopardize and Fever "■i m up, J. bason's Thin Ionic i3 the Ix-st Grip medicine on earth. 53 the sober, serious, earnest truth. A JOHNSON’S CHILL 21 FEVER TONIC CO. At all druggists. Savannah, Ga. Ta’> no substitute* SIfcv *v 'M ■J|W A S. .-.‘i iVV, * , Subscribe for The Enterprise. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Newton County. \\71 Li- be sold before the court hoese ** door in the eity ot Covington, en the first Tuesday in N»vt mber 1905, within the legal hours ol sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following property, to wit: 4. All that tract or parcel of land situated-! 1)ing and being in the Ninth precinct of originally Henry but now Newton county, and being known by land lot number 108. and containing fifty acres, more or less and being the Northeast corner of said land lot Said land levied on as the prop erty of James T. Connelly, by virtue of a mortgage fi ia in favor of R. U- Fowler and R I. Weaver, administrators of I. W. Brown, said said fi la issued from the S 11 rior court of Newton county and against the said James T. Connelly. Tenant in possession notified as required by law This Oct. 4, 1905. S. M HAY. Sheriff ALSO—At the same time and place will \ be sold the tallowing property, to wit: A certain house and lot in the town of Oxford Ga , bounded as follows : North by lands of \V. 1; Branham, West by lands of W. R Brants.n, St uth y Wa'son street, and East by A sorry street- Said lot containing one half of an acre, more or less Said property levied on as lbe property ol Han¬ nah Cureton, defendant in execution, un der and by virtue of a mortgage fi fa in favor of A. K. Hearing, bearer, against the said Hannah Cureton. Said fi fa issued from the Superior court ot said county. Defendant in possessi >n notified as requir¬ ed by law. This Oct. 4, 1905. S. M HAY, Sheriff ALSO—A the same time and place, will bj sold, One House and Lot in the city of Covington and bounded as follows • On the North by an Alley or Street; on the East by Itailioad street; on the South by lot of W. 11. Whaley ; y the West by Sprirg street. Said pr ^fty being in the Northwestern par' of tli^- 'ty of Covington near the Georgia depot, 'on county. Georgia. Said property lefied on with a Material Man’s Lien in favor of Thompson A Farmer vs Mrs M. A. Freeland. Writ¬ ten notice given the defendant in p sses sion as required by law. This Oct. 6, 1905. S. M. HAY, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA, Newton County By virtue of an order fiom the Court of Ordinary of said county, granted at the October term, 1905, will be sold before the court house door, in the city of Covington, to (he highest bidder, between the lega) hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Nov ember next, the following described rea estate, to-wit: 150 acres of land, more or less, situate, lying and being in Downs district, said county, and bounded as fol¬ lows: North by lands of W. B. Livingston; East and South by lands of the the Nelms estate; West by P. W. Turner and S. G. Hicks. Also 102 acres, more or less, same district and county, bounded as follows : North by above described lands; East by lands of Mrs. Rhoda Veal; South by South river and Mrs. Veal; "'est by P W. Turner and S. G, Hicks. Also 63f acres more or less, same district and county, bounded as follows: North and East by lands of J. W. King; South by lands of Mrs. Veal, and West by lands of the estate of Mrs Nelms, deceased. Said lands sold as the property of Mrs. A J. F. Nelms, de ceased, for ihe purpose of paying debts and distribution among heirs at law of said de¬ ceased Terms—CASH. Plat o* h -y-e In ,ds can be seen at the office f the Crii lry This Oct 9, 1905 J. W. KING, Administrator M A. J. F. Nelms, dec’d CITATION. GEORGIA, Newton County. l’o whom it may concern: Joshua Ell s has applied for exemption of per.-o ialty and selling apart and valua¬ tion cf Homestead and I will pass upon the same at 1) o’clock a. m. on the 21st day cf November, 11*05, at my office. This Oct 28, 1905. GRANT D. HEARD, Ordinary of Newton County. CITATION. GEORGIA, Newton County. Mrs Ellen II. Harcrow having made application in due form to be appointed permanent administratrix upon the estate ofM. W. Harcrow, late of said county notice is hereby given that said application will he heard a the regular term of Court 01 Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in December, 1905. This 1st day ot November, 1905. G. D HEARD, Ordinary. Go to the New York Bargain Store for lowest prices on Fall and Winter shoes.