The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, November 03, 1905, Image 3

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'>- f . va^L^wr^ |||r1tr •39 | Wish to thank my many friends for the kindness shown me during and since the loss of by || Your kind words and help my store re. will always be remembered. © 0" .A. iMI 2U X 3 E3 _A. j 1ST © Iwill Jewelry . _ open up my Store in a few days in the front end of the ENTERPRISE OFFICE, $$3000300030® EAST SIDE OP THE PUBLIC SQUARE. ff r I • fez* 1 ? 5Local IRcwe. / X o ;9 than t.vo months it will I Jule Trippe returned homo Isiiay. [evening services at the city les at 7 o'clock. |best [jngton mans sweater ever seen is at Cook’s. Ijity days more and the city ktion books will close. jg • j* crowd was here Tuesday Rbe dog and pony show. bird season opened Wednes d will close March 15th. [o New York Store to find re almost as cheap as dirt. I Vera Stanton is sp>nding feek with friends in Atlanta. I gubernatorial line up seems [he people against politicians ! I onght to ste those comfort- 1 weaters for boys and girls at yB Nannie Aaron was tho isAof C vmgton friend Monday pAuesduy. A millinery department at ItxHs is attracting great atten ■lst tl-’W. jfly fljjhe farmers throughout the report that they are through ;<H>g cotton. A I. A. Stanton, of Brick tA will move to Covington at ^■ly date. A W. T. Bacon, editor of the [^Ionian, /Aesday was a visitor here night. As Abigail Stanton, of New A was ti e guest Tuesday of ■Annie Perry. Bbig stock of clothing at New A Bargain Store to be sold ex A at wholesale price. A cine *^y was a busy day with ■ill collectors. SeveraL nar ■scapes are recorded. A-1- A. Stanton, Jr., left this A to enter the Univerbity school Aoys at Stone Mountain. Aok’snew millinery is the pret A ever shown in Covington all Hors are return purchasers. ■is8 Tessie McClendon, of Maus¬ er A Myrtle was the charming guest of Byrd seveial days ■ week. ■ is9 Juie Norton, a charming l‘ig lady, of Chattanooga, Tenn: Ablest of Mrs. HE. Norton, Hi id way. A ■15(h) 00 worth of sample no just received to be sold at ■olesale price at New York Bur¬ ins store. ■he Methodist ministers of this | Pference nt y are which look fug forward to the I meets at Newuan latter part of this month. phe ■ Covington largest 9tock of underwear at Cook’s for gentle f [I 11 ' ^ a( hes, misses and children. am prepared to furnish esti Pies or. rough or dressed stone, ["ill be to your interest to see * s '- H. Wallace, Conyers, ^ ss ^ossalie Norton, after an Funded Corley, stay has in Atlanta returned with Cov- Mrs. ■ to ! lidway. gt, “ ail( f is with her mother in . . , New case 5c outing and plenty 5c RUigharas at Cook’s, worth s - You cannot cheated when ou trade get with him. New dress goods just received at New York Bargain Store. Judge Dick Russell killed his chance, if any he had, in his first effort at Monticello Monday, when he went into caucus with Clark Howell men. All eyes tested and fit guaran¬ teed at Cook’s, and he is always on the ground to make them good with Hawke’s New Eves. Advertising is of more advantage to the business man of today than it ever was. The people need the papers and the man who adver Gses gets the cream of the trade. See those new bed comforts at Cook's. They are the best value you can find. The public scho Is of Newton County opened Monday. Commis¬ sioner Adams has selected a corps of excell .nt an l well eqiippid teachers and is expecting a m .st successful year. More money saved in buying from Cook than in sending to the catalogue house. The Magath building which was destroyed by fire Saturday will be rebuilt at onco. Nine hundred dollars insurance was carried on it. Rev. Magath says the building will be completed by January 1st. 86 inch glaze silk, the prettiest waisting ever shown at C. E. Cook’s. The municipal election of New York City comes off next Tues¬ day and a red hot finish is on in Gotham, There are three munici¬ pal candidates in the field: Geo. B. McClelland, Wm. R. Hearst and William Ive9. The new king quality shoes at Cook's are the snappiest styles ever seen iu Covington. We are frequently told by our friends how a newspaper ought to be run and what it ought to pub¬ lish, and then the next fellow comes along and abuses the paper for publishing the very things that others complain of being left out. A new Buit bought at Cook’s means a season of pleasure to the wearer. Cooks and washerwomen, it is said, are hard to get and harder still to hold. For some reason they show a deposition not to work. The time is fast coming m the south when the women of the household will be compelled to do their own work or let it go undone. The stork has gained recognition in Georgia politics. 'Ihe Hon. John Temple Graves, candidate for the United States senate, boasts Oil the stump of his thirteen child ren. judge Russell, a candidate for governor apologetically points out the fact that he has but uiue and asks for time.—Cordele News. All ladies should see the beauti ful new skirts at Cook’s. The prices are so low too. With twelve columns of liquor advertisements iu yesterday a is¬ sue, soliciting fifty thousand people to send orders to the saloons of Atlanta for liquor, Editor Howell is silly indeed to rnise the temper ance issue in Georgia against Hon. Hoke Smith -Middle Georgia Farmer. Wright’s health underwear is what you need. Cook has a ful* case of it. IBS tSSSPfBB, ttmms u U. D. C. Questions To Be Answered at Next A\eeting. The Daughters of ihe Conbder acy will hold tbeir regular meeting Wednesday, November 8th, at the home of Mrs. C. A. Franklin, at 8 o’clock, p in. The f .Rowing list of questions in history arc to be used : 1. What state was the first to prohibit the importing of slave traffic within her b< undiies? 2. To whom belongs tho honor of having sent a congratulatory letter to Gen. Washington when he became president? 3. Who was the first minister to Great Britain from the United States? 4. What English NobDruaii for the love he bore for Georgia, was the first to pay him the respect due his high offie< ? 5. How did the legislature re¬ ward Gen. Greene for bis services to Georgia? G. Who invented the cotton gin and relate the incident? 7. What important action was takt-n by the Georgia legislature in regard to education in 1785?. 8. In what year was the Capi¬ tol of Georgia moved fr> m Suvau nab and to what plac< ? it. What memorable event was the occasion of muok gaiety and social festivities? 10. What is the oldest military organization in our state? 11. What gift from President Washington is still the pride of t iis company? 12 What caused the wildest . excitement in Georgia legislature in 1878? 13. Who was at this time Uni¬ ted State’s Senator? 14. What alluring offer was made to him by au eminent fudge if he would lend himself to the scheme of speculators? 15. What Governor signed the Yazoo act? 1G. Mention some of his char acteristict and give some speci mens of his limited education? 17. For what purpose did th-s excentric man visit Philadelphia, and who was then President of u. s. 18. What Georgia patriot re signed his seat in Congress to come to the aid of his native state and became a leader of the people? 19. Who was then Governor, and had the honor of the act recinding th e Tazoo law? 20- What prominent citizen of Georgia distinguished himself as judge of Superior court, and the only man who ever declined to ac cept, when n ominated as Governor of Georgia? made to 21. What offer was emigrants by Georgia at this iod of history? 22. What states availed them¬ selves of this opportunity? 23. Who founded the first Methodist church in Georgia? 24. In what year did Georgia adopt her third Constitution? 25. Mention six of the towns settled during this period? Show Brings Bi£ Crowd To Town The greatest throng of people seen in Covington in twelvemonths here Tuesday to see the Geu was tr y B roS ., show, The t re ets were crowded from s nine 0 ’ c i oc k until late that evening. The business done in the stor light compared with the cro.d m , that they w|. which goe. t,. show for pleasure and not on ball here ] ness. §9 #999999999999999999999 ## ROBINSON’S%^ROBINSON’S%^ O' .4-35. 9 ROBINSON’S fife h©« © THE GREATEST STOCK OF GOODS 9 - THIS SIDE OF ATLANTA. & &» Our Departments were never so complete, varied and attractive as a© 9 this season and new goods come in every day. # 1 be best and latest things of the season can be found at our store 9 and at the lowest prices. fit Our Dress Goods and Silks A splendid % are line of l adies Wraps 9 beautiful. noted for their Style. 9 9 9 Come to see us for Fall and See our StyTsh line of Hats 9 Winter Shoes. and Caps. 'J2& 9 The swcllest Gents Furnishing American Lady Corsets in all 9 Goods in Covington. Styles. 9 We carry the largest stock of Remember we sell Groceries at 9 9 Drv Goods and Notions in town. lowest/prices. % fC. 9 C. ROBINSON’S @ 9 UP-TO-DATE STORE. 99 9999999999999999999999 99 r •V :■> . SIB' ____ llpiSs? : fik f/ .-■? n : .4’ *1 % T-C0PTOIGtm?i.9oj«Y W4 SCHlBOSS % BROS.&C? ' Fine Clothes Makers \ BALT IMORE NEW YORK. ( ' I *1 In The Gents Department. v\ a j We are proud to say that we are still selling a ■ Schloss Bros. & Co’s. Fine Line of Clothing. 5 $ U' V NS CLOTHES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU in I S' If you want Fit, Wear and Style «Ti them. here is the place to get ii We receiving complete line of the well known Cl are now a : ■ W. L. Douglas Shoes for Men and Boys. J. T I, & These Shoes are HONEST from HEEL TO TOE, f 1 And when you wear a pair YOU’LL FIND IT SO. 1 & yteard, White & %o. (i|N V See The ENTERPRISE for First-Class Job Work. ANNOUNCEMENT! ( I E beg to inform our many friends and the f\ v \> public generally, that we are carrying a very ( strong line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Consisting in jjj part of a fine assortment of the latest styles of 1. Ladies and Misses Ready-Made (f Skirts, Coats and Jackets. CM i We are also headquarters for Ladies and Gents Underwear $ Ladies DRESS GOODS From the of CHEAPEST the latest to the SILKS, BEST. I weaves, T EMBROIDERIES, LACES, RIBBONS and the latest C'H novelties in DRESS TRIMMINGS. 9.) We have been for a number years and are still carrying j, The Famous Zeigler Shoes for Ladies, Misses T and known CHILDREN. that they sell themselves. Iheseare so well and favorably’ ^