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0 o O PAYNE A .s. il< 4- . rjf ESp9 '• *)& «.* -t eat Advertiser. m I ft i
x-wt. v±\mr.j
0 ALL GEORGIA by the remark¬
0 able demonstrations made
o on
4) Deafness and Stiff Joints with
4) his wonderful New Discovery
41 Remedies, will be in Covington
45 one week, beginning Monday,
0 Nov., he will make these dem¬
0 he did in
© onstations as same as
0 Atlanta this spring. The Great
45 PAYNE has a stage erected on
0 41 public square in front Coving¬
45 ton hotel, where every night,
0 4
0 With Rheumatism, Catarrh, Stomach Troubles, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Asthma, Piles j
45 of any kind. If you do, be sure you THE GREAT PAYNE while in Covington, PAYNE’S NEW |
0 see
0 DISCOVERY and QUICK RELIEF have made more cures than any medicines ever sold in Georgia. |
9 More than $15,000 sold in Atlanta in 10 weeks, breaks all records on sale of patent medicines. J
Mrs. J. L,. Epps has returned
from Pal Alto.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Stanton, of
Porterdale, spent Sunday here
with relatives.
Mr. J. L. Epps came down from
Covington Sunday morning and
spent the day with home people.
Mr. J. E. Gay and little daugh¬
ter, Eppie visited relatives here
Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Gay return¬
ed to Atlanta with them.
Misses Eula, Vera and Cora
Stanton, of Social Circle, were the
guests this week of Miss Abigail
Mr. Cell Benton aud Masters
Gay and Charlie Benton, of Pal
Alto were the guests Sunday of
Mrs. E. E. Gay’s family.J
Mr. B. N. Ford was in Macon
several days last week and while
there visited his Alma Mater, Mer¬
cer University.
Rev. Mr. Heidt, presiding elder
of the Oxford district, spent Friday
night here with friends. Accom¬
panied by Dr. J. T. Pitts he went
to Starrsville Saturday to hold
Quarterly conference.
Messrs H. H. Wilburn, J. O.
Stanton, H. C. Pitts and J. E.
Harwell went down to Ivy station
Sunday to view the wreck of the
freights that occurred Saturday
night near that place.
Misses Lucy Bush, Mag and
Kate Perry and Master Fred Bush
came down from Coviugton Satur¬
day with Miss Laurie Willsou and
Bpent a couple of days very pleas
antly at the home of Dr. P. Will
son, Sr.
i Mr. Lambert Hopkins, of Au¬
gusta, spent several days last week
with his daughter, Mrs. E. N.
Freeman and while here bought
the home of Mr. S. H. Holcombe.
Newborn will extend a cordial
welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins
should they decide to move here
Mr. Jack Allen, of Shady Dale
has purchased Mr. J. I y . Harwell's
home and will move here at an
early date. Such estimable citi¬
zens always find a welcome from
our people. Mr. and Mrs. Har¬
well wfil board with Mr. Allen’s
family until they can build.
The social event of the week
will be the marriage of Miss Janie
Sams and Dr. L. J. Pharr, which
takes place at the Methodist
church Wednesday afternoon,Rev.
W. F. Bell performing the cere¬
mony. Miss Maggie Blasingame,
ot Monroe, will act as maid of
honor and Mr. R. O. Sams will be
best man.
The brides maids and grooms
men will be Misses Birdia Smith,
May Childs, Mellie Pitts, Nelle
Speer, Messrs H. H. Wilburn, J.
T. Willson, A. J. Stanton, Dr.
Willson Jr.
The bride will wear light blue
and the maids white Jap silks.
Dr. Pharr and his bride will leave
on the 4 o’clock traiu for Dacula
to visit his parents.
Commissioner G. C. Adams vis¬
ited the Livingston High school
last Wednesday. He gave a very
interesting lecture on liis visit to
the Mammoth Cave. It was high¬
ly enjoyed. After the lecture sev¬
eral pictures w r ere taken. We are
always glad to welcome Prof.
Adams and his visitors are looked
forward to as a source of genuine
pleasure. m
Messrs. John aud Wick Porter
and Lon and Live Loyd enjoyed
a hunt one morning lust w’eek.
Messrs. Otis Mixon, Howard
Vaughn, Diamond Almand and
John Stokes left Monday for At
lanta where they go to enter school.
We wish them much success.
Mr. T. J. Ramsey recently pur¬
chased a fine pair of mules.
The show drew a goodly number
of our citizens to town.
School opened at Oakland last
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Monday with Prof. Martin in
charge. There was a large enroll¬
ment and a successful yeap is pre¬
dicted by those are in a position to
The home of Mr. C. T. Ogletree
is receiving a coat of paint, which
makes it one of the prettiest homes
in the county.
There is much complaint on ac¬
count of lack of water. Wells are
going dry and it seems the expe¬
rience of last fall will be repeated.
-- ►
The people around Mixon ?re
about through gathering.
Mixon school has started up
again with a large number of pu¬
pils and will have more in a few
Master Olen Bohanon happened
to quite a painful accident Satur¬
day by breaking his arm. We’hope
he will soon be well again.
Rev. A. C. Mixon filled his reg¬
ular appointment at Red Oak Sun¬
day. !
Mrs. J. II. Pope is on the sick
list this week.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L Paiker spent
Sunday with Mrs. I. L. Coggin.
Prof. G.C- Adams visitl-d our
school Friday. He gave u 3 a very
interest mg talk on Local Taxation.
Mr. Howard Vaughn ‘Visited
“dear ones’’ near Rock Creak Sun
We are glad to 3ay that Mr. Will
Thompson is still improving and
we hope he will soon be well again.
Tlie singing given by Miss Ora
Parker Sunday night was enjoyed
by all present,
We have just received two large
shipments of Millinery from New
Vork which prepares us to please
yon in millinery. W. L. Adair.
New dress goods just received at
New York Bargain Store.
At 7 p. nu, he will £ive one of
the best free Vaudeville shows
ever presented in Covington. |
The show is moral in every % g
sense the word. Mr, Payne t
will wear one his famous coats (I
adorned with $20 gold coins
for buttons, also his beautiful
collection of large diamonds, (j| j
more than $12,000 worth. Be
sure you see the opening show f t
"t ■f, - : '?
Bargain Store,
Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Gents
Furnishing Goods, Tin Ware, Etc.. Etc.
Strictly Cash.
Entertainment at Snapping
The young people of Snapping
Shoals will give uu entertainment
Masonic . hall the , _
in on night of
November 17th. They have prg.
P i ail entertaining , . • • program and ,
all Who attend will certainly get
value received for the small admis¬
sion charged. The proceeds goto
the parsonage fund of Salem circuit.
° n d ^ S R e ^ ehTmb 31 0 " ^
F,ny xe s !
Stomach and Liver Tablets.
I have, 1 believe, sold fifty boxes of
Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets
on the recoinmeudation one Udy here, who
*’ rst I )0 U kI> 1 * box of them about a year
n * i ' K ^he never tires of telling her neinh
bow and friends .boat the good qualities
of these tablet8.-l\ M. Shore, druggist,
Rochester, Iud. The pleasant pugative
efleet of these 1 ablets makes them a favor
ite with svetvbody. Fot sale by all drug
gists in Covmgt n and Bibb Ml’* ' Co
Pcrterdale, ’
Safeguard The Children.
Notwithstanding all d' ttt ,s g,
boards of health and , y|.
the death rate among 81111
persons, the | l0t
dren is very high during citl»
of the summer months in the large ^
There ia probably one esse of
not ^
complaint in a hundred, bo we j
could not be cured by the timely ■
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera •"
rhoea Remedy For sale h> «
in *"ovmgton and Bibb M t *
Patronize Enterprise* (jyertis^.