The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, November 17, 1905, Image 3

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HA m r? bS*+A t& , »?*X*M*ZCd**£t * B 1 A *! MB •aa Hid ’] € •4. 1 TO WEAR. ? Ci B 41 i { i , 41 1. V i a Cook tlx heuattf MX-.3 »^ WW . E. o w ' m P. el Dry Goods, Man and Furnisher sells the lates err d best of everything to wear for both saxes s Large andcomplete line Underwear. r *" i W iit > win . ■<»< *-fwm i j _____ . r * * -* fast ir>mt'nra ies vests and pants 2oo each Misses union suits co u *4 u •• oOc “ 50o *• all wool $ Cn u Mens Under shirts 50c %« tt 1.00 “ Ladies U Ot tl ■ . Pants 50c fci ses vests 25c “ M $l.u0 “ u u jits % • 20c “ **w 90c .. t cash Fh r'^command can command. 800 'Come Come to see us andfte ^ to 0ar sail store for is brim &U oTthe°best weiring acpea^ for men, women and Children sure Premium Cards. O . E . C O O 1SL . ; rf-5 ^ i^r3^ -local Iffews. >5 X l f »e=!@ * I H. C. Cook is in the city [lew [ days. K. P- Bryan, ot Comers, here Thursday. I 0. S. Porter was in Atlanta Lgday on business. I aid Mrs. Luke Robinson [ Tuesday in Atlanta. [ and Mrs. A. Tuesday. S. Hopkins ha Atlanta on I and Mrs. E. W. Ragsdale | Wednesday in Atlanta. L Emmye Cook has acc-pled [ition with Mr. J. P. Sain. [. and Mrs. Wood shopping Almand in town Wednesday [.Preston I Worsham, of Easlej rela is in the city visiting J T. Wright and Miss he Wright spent Thursday in ta. ’ 9 Leila Shepherd, of Social . e, spent Sunday with her pa I in Midway. r. R. W. Davis, of Atlanta, ieen here several days in the est of his house, v. R. L C< ok, of Social Circle aere Wednesday looking after i business matters. ie Gate City Ginnery will run f day next week. C. A. KWELL, Manager. rs. A. E. C* ogl°r and Miss [ Lazenhy were the guests of ngton friends Wednesday. qsi Maude McCune has retnrn t> Atlanta aftira visit of two is to Mrs. Frank Hutchins. |r. I, Ky, J. B. GatlifT, prominent of Williams business a I, is in the city for a few days lisa Vera Franklin has returned |i ft. Atlanta after a twov weeks She returned to Eudora Bnesday. ft’ C. A. Sock well, manager of ■Gate City Ginnery, was look lifter some business matters in ftnta Tuesday. layne, the great advertiser, is Ing performances every night !>’■ I his raking platform on the square, is in the coin. |lr. I student Carl D Elliott of this city a of Emory, has been pen by Few Society as Wash [ton’s birthday orator. rfcou'fe all the town girls will K'Ut laming Wednesday night to see a Husband.” Good ehow r We H worth the price of ad psion. ahe Cautral railway U odvertis \ Tourist rates to Florida and ' a Tickets on sale See - now. L. Bogle about your winter trip Elotida. The hdies ©f the Bap’jst church in oi e of Mr. C. E. Cook’s ),Q windows, articles of fancy e <U« work to sell for the beenfit 'he Baptist Parsonage. ^ r - J- C. Nixon went down to icon yesterday. He expects to urn today with Engineer W. G. lr ner who was injured in the ntral ww k two weeks ago. Capt. J. J. Itttgiu, the popular soliciting freight agent of the At¬ lantic Coast Line was here Thurs¬ day. He lias a lot of friends in Covington who are always glad to see him. Mr. Lambert Hopkins, of the Augusta police force, was in the city a few days this week. lie re¬ cently purchased a fine farm neai Newborn and was here having the papers properly signed up. Rev. J. McD. RadfirJ, of Car -oilton, passed through Covington Wednesday, enroute to Jersey to attend the Protestant Methodist conference. He will ho the guest of Capt. Heard the last of the week. Work of rebuilding the Magath building which was destroyed by fire Saturday, two weeks ago, was commenced this week. Mr. J. S. Launiers, w ho has the work in charge, hopes-to have it completed by the firot of January. At the Opera House. Next Wednesday night Nov. 22d Ruff & Dean will present their great laughing success, “Taiming a Husband.” This Company is of the highest order and is composed of some of the best performers on the stage. They have a fine band and Orchestra, real comedians, singers, dancers, all the late musi¬ cal numbers Of the day. The play was written for laughing purposes and wdl surely bring screams of laughter from start to finish. If any wife in Covington has an un tamed husband and wants to know just how to handle him in the tu ture go out to the show and the lesso i will be given that you will never forget and which will show you how to put a crink in hubbies neck quick. Reserved seats on sale at the usual place. Prices, 25c, 50c and 75. OOOOOOOOOOO OOO OOOO0000000 o GENERAL NEWS. o o o OOOOOOOOOOOO OOO 0000000000 Before tho 3tate Board of Pliur macy, thirty five youud men stood the examination for license to prac¬ tice pharmacy in Georgia. The examination was held in Atlanta Monday. —o — Will Brice, the negro who crim¬ inally assaulted Mrs. Moore an es¬ timable white lady near Atlanta, plead guilty to the charge in court and was sentenced by Judge R oau to die ou the gallows December Sth. A movement is on foot to estab¬ lish in Atlanta a boys’ club, the purpose „f which is to provide a place of amusement and recreation and when necessary, a home for the small boys of the street, and to throw around them influences which will keep them out of bad ness and make of them good citi z ms. — o— Robert Whitehead, the inventor of the torpedo which bears his name died Tuesday at his palatial home in London. txsxmmis m-*.*- f< I g pofsivtom ■,. , .. r. Wright, has petitioned the Judge for a new trial at an early dale, Three grounds are given in sup port o‘ iiis motion, lie says there is no court to be lield in any of the counties in the home circuit dur iog the months of November and December; that it will cost the county no more to try him now Iban at any other tin e, and that he presented a motion f< r trial in August last and it was denied. Since that time, he declares, gieat distress, both of mind and body, at great loss to his business and at great cost to the county. 0— Plans for raising funds to erect a monument in Arlington cemetery to the Confederate dead are to be formulated by a j out committee from every Confrd rate organiza¬ tion. The contemplated cast is placed at between $15,030 and $ 20 , 000 . — 0 — Harry A. Leonard the young Wall street clerk who start* 000 worth of securities from the City National bank recently, was entenced to IB ®r 14 mouthi itn irisonment in Kltniia Refor natory —o— Seven girls were injured and damage amounting to about $50, 000 was caused by a fire which de stroyed the five-story factory build ing in Brooklyn Sunday. In the building about GOO girls were em¬ ployed and some of them were too panic stricken to wait for the fire men to reach them and began jumping from the windows into the life-svamg nat. Several of the girls who missed the net struck the ground and were s ‘vere'.y hurt. —o— < < My business for the season is practically over,” said the dealer in hand organs, ‘■I have closed tny salesroom aud laid off'my sales men. But mv workshop contin ue s busy. All winter we will make organs and organ music. •‘Nearly all the organ grinders loaf in the winter. S >me stay here and others go back to Italy for the winter. Organ grinders are a prosperous lot as a rule. A good one has no difficulty in earn¬ ing $25 a week. The season opens in April or May and ends in Octo¬ ber or November—a long season, wherein it is easy to put by $B50 of $400.—New Yolk Press. Tilt county had its first jail de livery Sunday night when eight prisoners made g •< d their escape. The eight prisont s were in ti e steel cells of the jff and a negro woman imprisonet* by the city, was in the outside room, The wo man handed them a small scam ling about four feet long, torn from th« sand box of the stove, and with this they pried apart the bars at the top of the cell, forced open the outside door, and after diming the wall which surrounded the jail, were free. WANTED—Position by a man with several years experience In the mercantile business, with some Covington during the house m give references. busy season. Can Address G., care Enterprise. ise.—2t Take The Enterprise for the new E 7 * 9 I ^ ##########©*####©###'### BB B ROBINSON WROBINSON’S^ ROBINSON’S 'Up ^ B B THE GREATEST STOCK OF GOODS B THIS SIDE OF ATLANTA. '©S - B 1 Our Departments were never so complete, varied and attractive as B this season and new goods come in every day. «P ' The best and latest things of the season can be found at our store B B and at the lowest prices. B i B B • -JSMBKjm Our Dress Goods and Silks are A splendid line of l adies Wraps B B beautiful. noted for their Style. B B m Come to see us for Fall and See our Styl : sh line of Hats B Winter Shoes. and Caps. B m B The swellest Gents Furnishing American Lady Corsets in all B Goods in Covington. Styles. B m B We carry the largest stock of Remember we sell Groceries at B Drv Goods and Notions in town. ' lowest/prices. B ai C. C. ROBINSON’S 4 fP UP-TO-DATE STORE. B No One Merchant Can Buy All The Best _ Things in........ m In Mi CLOTHING Si 1 m m ■:ki Or in any lice. We represent 5CHLOSS BROS., in this :VA territory, and in Style, Make-up and Fit, these Clothes have u m w *■ j / 515 - above no equal. all, they They are made by light, the best they dressers hang properly exclusive and of aa are worn ..Hsi all other ready-made Clothing. i A glance at the illustrations presented on this page will give you an idea of the smartness of style that charac¬ terizes all of SCIILOSS BROS., Clothes, but to fully appre¬ i fim mw 1#' ciate their excellence of material and workmanship, their gracefulness of cut and perfection of fit, you must come and • 1 examine them. Si m 3Tj %■ COPYRIGHTED'190S’9V l SCHLOSS BROS.&C? nsJmsLASO. Fine Clothes Makers Leon | pL * BALTIMORE NEW YORK. j K ?*a K i ^ This is < ur long suit—DOUGLAS Shoe for men, and ST •- 3$ ZEIGI.ER for ladies and misses. They are the best and for solid comfort and usefulness there is not a mak ; on the with them. i rarrket that can begin to compare ifi! H This advertisement would be incomplete did we A ! fe not mention of splendid line of New Dress Goods, which are being added to our shelves each day. Our ready to- t&g -1 • wear Skirts are the admiration of all the ladies who have seen them, We can save you money in this line and invite your inspection of our entire stock. 443 fteard, White A %o. SCHLOSf Fine Clothes BRQSl&CQi Makers * &AlTlMQk£ N£W YOHJI f ■