The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, November 24, 1905, Image 2

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tTbe Enterprise. i ESTABLISHED 1865. THE COVINGTON STAR EST. 1674. j CONSOLIDATED 1902. .EMI-WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1905. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. CHAS. G. SMITH Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR Entered at the Covington Postoffice as S*eond-Class Mail Matter. Covington, Ga., Nov., 24. 1905. Cotton Rules. During the recent stringency in the money market on Wall street, a Jeading financier of New York attributed the tact to the retention by southern farmers of their cot¬ ton. Had the cotton been brought indiscriminately into the market during the past several weeks at the prevailing prices it would have had the effect of releasing a great deal of money for circulation, and as this money would have remain¬ ed ajconsiderable time in the hands of the New York bankers and bro *kers an abundance would have been within reach to ward off the pressure. The acknowledgement is cheering and the fact is instruc¬ tive to southern tanners. It dem¬ onstrates that their staple is still a ruling power i« the financial world, a power that may operate to keep the various veins of the commercial world filled with a life-giving flow or that may by withholding itself cause these veins to shrivel up of inanition. The southern farmer will see 'in this what an important factor he is iu our national life. His land¬ scape may appear uninviting. His soil may have the aspect of an Arabian sand desert. These may be the outward signs that strike the eye, but the little fleecy knot growing on its slender stem is the dominating power of ever Wall Btreet.—Augusta Herald. Gives Ten Thousand Yearly, New York, Nov. 21.—Senator Platt was called to the stand and testified that the Equitable con¬ tributed teu thousand dollars yearly to the Republican State campaign fund. Senator Platt said the contribu¬ tions were in cash and were sent by a messenger to his office and he turned them over to the State Com¬ mittee. They were unsolicited, he said. Senator Platt said that ten thousand is frequently paid as an annual contribution to the state campaign fund, but it was not a regular thing and he could not re¬ member the years in which it wag The New York Life, he , said, also contributed, but not nearly so much. No other insurance companies contributed so far as he ] CU0W8> Mr. \r I oi latt ., said • j he i was expected , in return for the contributions to influence the legislature when any measures were hostile to the tusur ance companies. He added that he , does , not , . kuow Andrew . , Hamii- TT ton, nor anything about Hamil¬ ton’s activity before the legisla¬ ture. He knew nothing about Andrew C. Fields, who represented the Mutual Life at Albany*. Mr. Platt said also that he had received frequent contributions of teu thousand each from the Mutual. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be needed in almost every home before the summer si over. It can always be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous eases. It is especially valuable for summer disorders iu children. It is pleasant to take and never fails to give prompt relief. W by not buy it now. It may save life For sale by all druggists in Covington and Bibb M 1 g. Co., Porterdale- SiS!!SJS 5 S!SES!S!S 88 MSSESSi S 2 s£ * ^ “ M LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ¥ ¥* ^ FOR DECEMBER SALE^^ ¥ ¥ EXECUTOR’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE, MUNICIPAL BONDS AND BANK STOCK. GEORGIA— Newton County. Under authority of orders granted by the Court of Ordinary of Newton county, Georgia, at November Term, 1905, will be sold at public outcry before the Court House Door, in Covington, Ga., on First Tuesday in December, 1905, during the lawful hours of sale,—this sale to continue from day to day till all of the property is sold,—the following properties belonging to the estate of Mrs. Mary M. Brown, deceased, towit: 195 acres, more or less, larm land, known as the Petty place, about 2 miles South of Covington. 337 acres, more or less, farm land known as the Swords, or old Iliglit home, place, situate near and South of Alcovy Station. 525 aeres, mure or less, known a* the Weaver place, on bellow River, naar and South of Rocky Plain* 1 small vacant lot in Oxford, Ga., lying in rear of home of R. B. Sanditord. One house and lot in Oxford, Ga., situate near, and East of, Emory College campus. The following properties situate in Cov¬ ington, Ga: One town lot, next East of Court House, and having thereon two brick buildings store house and blacksmith shop. The Floyd mill property, having thereon a grist mill, and two frame dwelling houses. One dwelling house and lot, lying on East side of West street, and near Georgia Rail road depot, and known as the Simms place Two vacant lots on South side of Stone Mountain street. One dwelling house and lot known as the I. W. Brown home place. Meadow lot and gin house fields, having thereon three frame tenant houses. Two dwelling houses and lots on West side ot Railroad street, whereon E- W, Fowler and J. R. Stephenson recently lived. One dwelling house and lot, corner Usher and Railroad streets. One frame tenant house and lot, South side Usher street, and near colored Baptist church Two -dwelling houses and lot# on South side of Floyd street, whereon J. E. Bogle and Evans Lunsford now reside- One dwelling house and lot, fronting on Conyers street, where in Dr, Ragsdale now resides. One dwelling house and lot now occupied by C. G. Smith and next North of dwelling house owned by W. B. Hurst- One vacant lot known as the old ball ground. Two vacant lots, parts of what is known as Corley lot. One house and lot, known as the Jackie Baker lot. One vacant lot on East side of West street. One house and lot on East side West street. One house and lot on West side Spring street, and South of Central rail road. Two dwelling houses and lots on North side Stone Mountain street. Three dwelling houses and lots on what was for¬ merly known as the old base ball ground. Three houses and lots on East side Pace street. One town lot, South block public square, and having thereon, a brick store house and a stone blacksmith shop. Livery stable lot, having thereon a brick stable, and five cottages. One small, vacant lot, fronting on Railrrond street, and lying be¬ tween the Central Railroad and Dried In¬ dian Creek. The meadow lot, and gin house fields will, each, be sold in two parcels, of which plats have been made. Plat lias been made of the lot known as the I. W. Brown place as it will be offered for sale. The Livery stable lot will be sold in 8 parcels, plats made. All these plats are cn exhibition at the law office of J. M. I’ace. If turtlier in¬ formation of these lands; or lots be desired, apply to us. Twenty (20) City of Dublin, G a , fi ve per cent. Bonds for $1000.00 each, dated Jun. 1, 1905; due Jan. 1.1934, Seven, 30 year, for per cent. Water Bonds, City of \V#st I >0 ' n E Ga., $1000 00 each,, dated July I, 190-> ’ due July L Twenty five, (25) fi pur cent School Bonds, Town of Aast man; Ga., for $100.00 dated 1897, due 1927; Five (5 ) 4 percent Electric Light Bond#, Hartwell* Ga , $300.00 each, due 1919, AH interest coupons on above Bonds P a Va ' jl « on ,)r Before Jan. I, 1 90G reserved. - " pU ‘ l st « k Clark Bank. . Co., of Covington Ga, Term# CASH, ing November 8, 1905. H. B. ANDERSON A J. M PACE, Executors of Mrs- Mary M. Brown, dee d. CITATION. GEORGIA—-Newton County. To whom it may concern : R. W, Milner having made application to me, in due form, to he appointed per administrator upon the estate of Jesse Gresham, late ol said county. No¬ tice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary to be held on the first Monday in December 1905. Witness my band and official signature. This the 0th day of November 1905. G. I). HEARD, Ordinary-. YOU have something you Enterprise want to sell, and advertise it will in the 1 j go. 7 HE ENTERPRISE, CO VINO HON, SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Newton - County. \ \J Itjl. be sold before the court house ' door in the eity of Covington, en the first Tuesday in December 1905, within the legal hours of sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following property, to wit: ALSO—At the same time and place, One sixth undivided interest in all that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Ninth district of said county, part of land lot No. 307, in the North part of said lot and is particularly described by a survey made on the 20th of Nov. 1875, by Geiger, county surveyor cf raid county, and plat recorded in Clerk’s office of said countv, deed book T. page 542 3, said lut containing 05 acres more or less. Said property levied on as the property ot Lucinda Gresham, deceased, to satisfy an execution issued from the Justice Court of the 463 District, G- M..jsaid c mti'y in fav¬ or of S. D. flight, against the said Lucinda Gresham, to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of R. L Loyd, T. C., vs Lucinda Gresham tor Siate and County taxes for year 1904. This 9th day of November 1903. S. M. HAY, Sheriff CITATION. GEORGIA— Newton County. W. F. Marbut, transferee having made application to require titles to be executed to him to certain land described in a bond for litles thereto attached purporting to oe signed by Ike W. Brown, late of said eoun ty, deceased, the said application alleging that said land has been ully paid for. All parties concerned are hereby notified that said application will be heard before the Court ot Ordinary for said county on the 4th day of December 1903. This 0th day of November 1905. G D. HEARD, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA— Newton County Edward Heard, transferee having made application to requtre titles to be executed to him to certain land described in a bond for titles thereto attached purporting to be signed by Ike W. Brown, late of .-aid county, deceased, the said application alleging that said land has been fully paid for. All par¬ ties concerned are hereby notified that said application will be heard before the Court of Ordinary for said county on the 4th day of December 1903. This the 0th day ofNovOinber 1905. G. D. HEARD, Ordinary, CITATION. GEORGIA— Newton County. The Bank of Newton County, transferee, having made application to require titles to be executed to it to certain lanas de scribed in a bond for titles thereto attached purporting to be signed by Ike W. Brown late of said county, deceased, the said ap¬ plication alleging that said land has been fully paid for. All parties concerned are hereby notified that said application will be heard before the Court of Ordinary for said county on the 4th day of Deember 1905. This the 8th day of N'oy. 1905. G. D. HEARD, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA, Newton County W. R. Morgan having made [application to require titles to be executed to him to certain lands described n two bonds fi r titles thereto attached purporting to be signed by Ike W. Brown, late of said coun ty. deceased, the said application alleging that said land has been iu 1 ly paid fur. All parties concerned are hereby notified that said application will be heard before the Court of Ordinary for s\id county on the 4th day of December 1915. This 9th day of November 1905. G. D, HEARD, Ordinary. Cured of Bright’s Disease. Mr. RobertO. Burke, Elnora, N. Y writes: “Before I started tomse Foley’* Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night ai d I was bloat¬ ed up with dropsy and my ej-esiglit was so impaired I could scarcely see one of my family across the room. I had given up hope of living when a friend recotn mended FolevV Kidney Cure- One 50c cent bottle worked wonders and before I bad taken the third bottle the dropsy had gone, as well as all other Symptoms or Bright’s disease. FOR SALE. 640 acres of land, ku.iwn as the Stephen Brown place. Will sell in » 0,1 in fifty and one hundred lots. Apply to S. A. BROWN.—4t. HOLD YOUR COTTG For Better Prices. It is the general impression among Merchants n and Farmers that cotton will advance within the weeks. We You prepared are going to hold for limited a better price na'^ ^ V^ are to store a number of I the ROCK WAREHOUSE which is absolute ^ an P r °tecti against fire and bad weather. Your cotton will be 0 by insurance, perfectly safe and liberal advances covere Respectfully, TOildo q same. A. N. HAYS & CO. “The Old Reliable” Georgia Railroad. Elegantlye quipped trains between all points, Pullman Palace Cars between Atlanta, Augusta and Charlesjon, al$o between Augusta and St. Louis and Charleston and Cincinnati. Fasj Fieight Service be¬ tween the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charles ton, Savannah and all points in Southestern and Caro¬ lina territory. A. G. Jackson, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga. THE C( OLD RELABLE STABES" CONYERS, GA. Have the closest possible connection with the stock raising country, as the stock are shipped from where they are raised in cur loads, saving the middle men profits; Guarantees every animal to be strictly as good as representated ; Makes prices the lowest, treats its customers better than any other firm in the business j and would appreciate the patronage of all who believe that an honest man should sell stock, A large lot cf choice reliable stock always on hand, and the public is invited to come and see them and get pi ices. L. A. SHARP, Proprietor. 1 A Liquid ( J Vegetable Compound \ that tabes the / Place of Calomel f Contains no opiates, no mercury ' no dangerous drugs or minerals of any kind. Acts promptly and easily Manufactured by The Laxo Co., Durham, N. G Sold by All Good Druggists. 35c. >■ v jgvv- *15 ibJLi A 0 r r s' Strained, FOR \ i«d for Sprained Wounds or Son lilorits Kudos A f or THERE IS NOTHING “JUST AS 6000“a* Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic A dote taken when tired Is eihilaretino and refreshing IOo and SOc SBKimsi MKDICI.IK CO. Min 4 ftm NEW ORLEANS, I.A. Ilk**-' m P CITATION. GEORGIA—Newton County. To whom it may concern: Whereas J. King Stewait, administrator of J- A. B. Stewart, represents to the Court in bis petition, duiy filed and entered on record, that he has fu ly administered J. A. B Stewart’s estate This is therefore to cite all persons c meerned. kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dis¬ charged from his administration, and re¬ ceive Letters of Dismission, on the first Monday iu December, 1905. G. D HEARD, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA, Newton County. Mrs Ellen H. Harcrow having made application in due form to be appointed permanent aoministratrix upon the estate j of VI. W. Harcrow, late of said county notica is lier , by . iv( , n that said application i will be heard the regular term of Court a oi Ordinary lor said county, to be held on the first Monday in December, 1903. This 1st day ol Ncvcmbe:, 1905. G. I) HEARD, Ordinary. •mm *-i X w t oyal oaKing , Powder is made of Grape Cream of Tartar. / Absolutely Pure. Makes the food more Wholesome and Delicious. Moved. I have moved my shoe shop from the basement to my old quarters, up stairs in the Music Hall block. All work guaranteed. I thauk my many friends for past patronage and desire a continuance of same. J. H. BAILEY. Forced to Starve. B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky , says: "For 20 years I suffered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip so painful, some¬ times, that I could noteat. After vainly trying everything else, I cured it with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve ” It’s great for burns, cuts and wounds. At Brooks k Smith and Covington Drug Co. Only 25 cents. TRAIN SCHEDULE. Georgia Railroad. TRAINS WEST. To A. Junta 3: 16 a m To Atlunti 6:00 a m To Atlant. .. ........ 11:09 a m To AO ante .... .......6:50 p m TRAINS EAST. To August i •... ......1:17 am To Augusta.............9:19 a m To August 4:38 p m Central Railway. Depart to A.aeon 9:25 a m Return from Macon .... 4 :31 p m One Lady’s Recommendation Sold Fifty Boxes of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. I have, 1 believe, sold fifty boxes of Chamberlain’s .Stomach and Liver Tablets on the recommendation one lady here, who first bought a box of them about a year ago. She never tires of telling her neigh bors and friends about the good qualities of these tablets — P. M. Shore, druggist, Rochester, Ind The pleasant pugative of tliese Tablets makes them a favor¬ with everybody. For sale by all drug¬ in Covingt >n aud Bibb Mfg, Co, J i