The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, December 01, 1905, Image 1

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^ A A * A £2 R •The Successful Alan Vi ‘ ‘ Advertiser.” the Constant a) AA/*' K ^' - 1 ^,^sAA v'OL 41 NO 50. ? xT?- ■ta' * “• jrxa w ' j Jp| . S’ .(■ CT)5ar watfow Tooley . 0 NTENTED-LI&E, the siubbls field: »rc stretching in the tun, Retting «P sr.J thinking of the work th»t they h«.ve done, Aad etch rattling thoek of fedder rttchet forth a freckled k*r.d To touch the robe of Plenty as she dances through the land. The corn that fill* to gorging point the stuffed and groaning cribs Is *pi!iing out their open moutha end dripping through their rib* And the hay crammed in the barn loft* seems to raise the very roofs 'Long about Thtnlesgiving in the country 1 HE squashes in the cellars give a grant et honest pride. If you Stoop and roll them over or punch them in the side, And the press from which the nectar of a thousand apples drips In sn ecstasy of rapture smacks its cider-moistened lips. While the cabbages that dangle from the rafters overhead Keep a nodding. “How-d’y-do. sir?’ to the pumpkin*, blushing red. And the turnips and potatoes overflow their bulging bins •Long about Thanksgiving in the country! •' - r . • I mw s. ■ 1 _ i vm&vrmr ' L. L"> TH| Jl/. m&M v Hi : m JSafr m x w - ■■ ? r 11 miliiliMiTirr^''^ TdHE tun* th* brooks singing is a. melody thst's sw«*i M A song of mills s-grindin* oi the endless How of wheat. / And the flour from the boiling a snowy river ma.kes That flows into an ocean of bread and pies and cu.kes. While the honey that was gathered by a million hives of bees Feed* its rich and subtile fragrance to the halting, hungry b.-*exe. And the glossy turkeys gobble to the chickens' lazy cluck Long about Thanksgiving in the country 1 jV}HER.E the Jerseys moo, contented-like, a.mid the fragrant hay ^ The creamy milk keeps splashing in in a coaxing hundred kind of way. Till it overflows the buckets and runs e, seas OI golden, glcwing butter and luscious, yellow cheese. Oh, 'tis then a fellow chuckles and has peace for all the earth And his soul sings halleluiah as he loosens of his girth. And his thankful heart goes dancing to the smacking of his lips I 'Long about Thanksgiving in the country 1 : corraioSr- welton cooley t isoa. »v iucasi . V $ L ♦ * i. •' k l u * f.....^ If t /<?*'• -■ ' m : BEj s jjK . A i ■ '■'Skf. 1 . J LET US SMILE. I 1 thing that goes the farthest toward making life worth while, pat cost the least and does, the inOst, L j l|9 t a pleasant smile, pe [ill smile that bubbles from a heart that lcves^ its fallow m§n drive away the clouds and gloom. autfDoa'x the sun again; is full of worth, and goodness, too, with'maifty kindness blent; is worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t. cost a cent. pore is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smilu; always has the same good luck—it’s never out of style; (nerves us on ter-try, again when failure makesAis blue; lie dimples of encouragement are good furjne and you ; f’ Pays a higher interest, for it is merely lent ; s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent. smile comes very easy—you can wrinkle up with cheer ihundred time before you can squeeze out a soggy tear; I ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug, aid always haves an echo that is very like a hug. Oi smile away; folks understand what by a smile is meant, Is worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent. —Baltimore American ; ■] ms ^ ” WKBEmM km m ****** m ■■ i §m ® mzm I m lm i WM m m >0 ■ , mm * ■ mm U\ .■ j WSgjm 1 l \ J& . mmMM &7S& ^ 4 .I M mm si Lo;, j - 1 r ■ga m L - a ■M .___ _J ’lSN’T SHE A BIRD V* / Vi 3 tf HU % ms. -< V. r Kv. ‘ v J p®*?' X % 8 *■ ¥ «J£L. dj j ; -A. -JL ^ F. * «Sli * •r'j^ & COVINGTON, GA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER I, im. MINISTERS ASSIGNED HOMES. Rev\ R. C. Cleckler Returns to Covington—Dr. J. W. Heidt Presiding f.'der. Rev. R. C. Cleci. - has b-en re tu"ned to Covingto i for another years work, whiei makes his third year as pastor of the Covingtoi Methodist church. The return of Mr. Cleckler is in deed gratifying for he is one of the most popular ministeis that has ever served this church, and holds a strong grip upon his membership Nut only strong with his own de nomination, lie is equally popular 1 with the other denominations of tile city . Taking the Oxford district in the whole very tew changes in ap pointnients were mude. Dr.J.W. Heidt returns as presiding elder after a service of two tears. OXFORD DISTRICT. J W. Heidt, It t iding Rider, Oxford, Midvva ind Mission— G. W. Yiirborotig;; Conyers Circuit nJ Mission— Firley Baum. Porterdale Mission—J, II. Pace. Conyers—R. B. 0 England. Newborn—W. T Bell. Mansfield—W. It Stilwell. Social Circleam fission—J. R. MeCleskey. Shadydale—R. Graham. Eatonton—\V. T. Hud-on. East Putnam—S. A. Harris. West Putnam—B. D. Cantrell. Putnam and Mission—L D Coggins. Monticello—J. P. Erwin. Monticello Circuit—M. B. Sans. Clinton—F. R. Smith. Milledgeville-— Joel T. Davis. South Baldwin and Mission—G. T. B. Golden. Baldwin—F,. H. Wood. Covingtuii—R. C. Cleckler. Lithonia—J. A. Quillian. Stone Mountain—Nath Thomp son. Missionary to Hebrews—Julius Magath. College—J. E. Dickey Emory and R. G. Smith. Conference Miss rary Secreta¬ ry—J. T. Daves. Salem Circuit—.. Eakes. ; ATLANTA DIE TRICT. J. H. Eakes, pres ding Elder. ' Wesley Memorial-—R. F. Eakis and--'Walker Lewis First Church—C E. Downaan. St Mark—C. O. Jones. Grace and Copenhill-O. C. Jar rell. Payne Memorial—W. T. Huimi cutt. St. Luke—G. W Griner. Inman Park—H. B. Mays. Trinity—J- W. Lee. Asbury—J. H. Little. English Avenue and Claia Street — B. E. L. Tiinmm e. Walker Street—W. L. Pearce. Park Street— ML L. Troutman; st.. John and >V ie Dodd—J. N. Snow. gt p au l—H. L. 1 dmondson. St. James—T. 1. Kendall, J-. Kirkwood—E. D HaB East Atlanta a' J End—0 C. Simmons. Epworth-A. M ierce. Decatur and Soot- dale Cliar t-s H Branch. Caldwell. Bolton Circuit-W T. Atlanta Heights Circuit-E. . Jones. West hide C. Battle Hill and L. Pattillo, Jol,, East Point-H. W. ® r - Point Circuit— M. M. Wal East raven. R—W. H. LaPrade, College p ar South Bend— E. K. Akin. Wesleyan Christian Advocate— N, J. Cofer. Education— J. S. Secretary of Hammond. Preachers’ Aid Society— Agent Evans. C. A. C. A. Jamie Orphans’ Home— son. Colporteur _L. Conference Underwocd. C HOLIDAY Q00D5 $ I and Clocks. l'ancy China, Bric-a-Bruc, C tit Glass, Silverware a I We have now ready the most attractive collection * of Christmas novelties that has ever been offered \ have only you. I ou 3 weeks in which to do your Xmas shopping, and we advise you to come now and let us show you our stock before the rush begins. s Our attractive line of Art Goods is unusually at¬ tractive and must be seen before you c m form any a idea of its variety and beauty and the prices are lower than ever before. Let us sell you a full loo piece s ~ dinner set oi handsome china for $15 00. Our collection of decorated china is the admira¬ I tion of every one. There is no present the housekeeper would ap preciate more than a clock. We have a choice selec¬ tion of the famous Seth Thomas clocks, the best time- Z keeper made. s See our special tables where you may select pres¬ ents of every variety lor 10c, 25c and 50c. s Stephenson's Hardware Store j? L_Z / v \ ..FRESH QOObS.. urn E rants, HAVE Citron, RECEIVED Nuts, our Cranberries, new Raisins, and Cur¬ a Large Variety of other good things. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED TOjiBE OF HIGHEST QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT. Fresh Home-Made Peanut Brittle, Peanut Cream and Walnut Cream Candies. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. PROMPT SERVICE K 5niTH*VllilHQQ2 4 ■o SSS^f. . Hiew $ccds, \ IV. * L ■M ft:? f- ■ 2(ew Patterns. ^ w- ■nm k 4 - F.2662 If HAVE just received a shipment of the nicest line of Silverware, such as Cake Baskets, Bread Plates, Bon Bon Dishes, Card Receivers, 3 Piece Berry Sets, Confection Dishes, Bake Dishes, Etc., ever displayed here Also nice line New Pattern Fancy Clocks, My line of Watches and Jewelry is complete. I can supply your wants. Inspect my line before buying, I’ll appre date it. JAMES P. SAIN, Jeweler, East Side Public Square, In The Enterprise Offic e *>* Subscribe for The Enterprise now NEW COMMITTEE NAMED. A. B. Simms is Chairman of New Executive Committee. ( :! / 'iv a i L y>ks, of the denio era: c < xrc itiv committee, called to brde ' tii n£ ^ meetitig at Court I ue- !a\ evening, which had tor i s purpose tlie election of a i new democratic executive Cum- j mittee. Mr. A. B. Simms elected I was Chairman of this committee by acclamation. Col. J. W. Ander son, R. P. Lester, R. W. Milner and S. ?. Thompson wore n’ected the without exM&tive opposition as members t fj committee. The term oO fficc of this co in mittee will expire on the second Monday night in January 1907 "hen a neiv committee will be elected In Mass Meeting assembled, After a lengthy discussion a: to whether the primary should be a white primary or a white democra tic [ rimary, it was decided to hold a white priuury, allowing all white c t’.zc-ni ol iBe town to participate, provided siiid parties agree to sup¬ port the nominee. Chairman Brooks announced his intention of again offering his ser¬ vices for tint city council, which brought forth a ripple of applause. Oa adjournment of Mass Meet¬ ing, a meeting of the new executive committee was called to decide upon date of holding said primary. Must sell my goods as I am Ie f t s\ith too much of winter stock will sell everything at 75c on the dol¬ lar at Cohens Slaughter Sale. PRIMARY DECEMBER 11TH. Candidates For City Offices to be Elected on That Date. A Primary election has been called for Monday, Dec. 11th for the nomination of Mayor, six Councilmen and two members of of the city school hourd. To is dat xvxa decided by the exe; it ve cum mittee Tuesday n V t F\_i I; will op n at Twelve o’clock a id .vi 1 close in six o’clock. The official notice is as follows: To White Citizens of Covington: “It is ordered that a white pri mary election will be held in Ihe city of Covington on the second M >nd. y in December from 12 m., to 0 p. m , for the purpose ot nominating a Mayor and C uncil for the ensuing year, and two members of the School Board for three years. All white citizens who are registered and who will support the nominees of said pri¬ mary in the general election, shall be entitled to vote. . . By order of the Democratic Ex¬ ecutive committee of the city of Covington. Nov. 28, 1905. A. B. SiMMS, Chairman. r. p, TESTER, Sec-etary. F )l. SALE—I. P. Henderson’s resi; ei ce i.i Covington, 1-3 cash and b: lance to suit purchaser. Add-esi J. P. Henderson, Gen’l. Delive.’V, All: ’ la, Ga., or Dr. A. C. Perry, Covington, Ga. — lm -m - NEGRO KILLED. Paul Freem?n is Shot Dead by Roach Tuggle at Dance. It is reported here that Roach ’ q" U ggi ej colored, shot and killed Paul Freeman, colored, last Satur¬ day night at a dance near Jersey. Tho ghootiug occurred on Will Barnetts place and was the out coine G f jehusly. and has Tuggle left immediately not been ge en or heard from. FOR SALE—Two good farm mules cheap by, J. T. Norton, Covington, Ga. tf COTTON 1 The market fs Steady, Middling Brings n i- 4 C PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY.