The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, December 08, 1905, Image 1

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prr-nTTfiTJco. Uob advi-»t‘“ , ' UieliI * iu t lit* »*••*■ those ho seek [and [>ati onize w 1 trade. OL 41 NO 52. m (% n 4 $ t IL ■ m Q r mm. m *w i m, ■IS m Si m ft mir m l/„ ■ i -i V S, ? m 1 V 5 ri:; i>S & m 9 0 ‘ ; St, i i I i) i *lr ' 1 v»\\\ la \\Y» ft L. A. CLARKE, J. F. ROGERS. Announcements For Mayor Appear in This Paper. m hose TY PRIMARY TO BE HELD MONDAY. ie white democratic primary he in minntion of a mayor, mmcilmen and two members e city school board, will be Monday, December 11th c polls will open at 12 o’clock svill remain open until six ck. ed are two hundred and thir re qualified voters in Die elec a smaller number ot citizens ing ill uiselves of this privi- THE CITY PRIMARY. Two Hundred Thirty-Five Qualified Voters. ;-counciIman L- A. Clarke and •— # ity Solicitor ,T. F. Rogers are mndidntes for the Mayoralty, will be voted for in Monday’s lary. The one receiving the lest number of votes will be ired the nominee and will be elected on the 18th inst. twardly, there is very little fest Bidales in the election, bat both have conducted a quiet. Ipaign, and enter the primary I confidence. pr the council, there are but avowed candidates, C. C. pks, for re-election and \V. M. lap, ftom Midway. [inouncement s • hereby announce myself as t; Mate for the office of Mayor pe city of Covington, subject pe white primary to be held Way, Dec. 11th. If elected 1 lR‘1 myself to a faithful and ‘Ess discharge of the duties of office. I will thank the vo* °f Covington for their sup ^ Very resp’t. L. A CEARKE n .... *1 mg to serve the city of “ UUm ■>« c ®psc)ty of Mayor ce my candidacy, subject “ST j"'’ ° ,h P'* r 31111 **'*• re.r cti.ti esi! th- office to of lL I believe b t:. ,in in P; giv- ° . tla ( ' JUS!ntS3 Eke - and lll , >mical admmistr t fi on o* , l8 le es and the entorceuient of laws in all conservative and fear- 5 manner. I W0l ,j d ur support. appreciate JAMES F. ROGERS. U following ticket h in - b— 1 U r publication: h°r Councilmen: C- C. Brooks, L L. Stephenson, U. A. Harwell, U. A. Sockwell, John B Davis, Jr. P- Thompson. Mr City School Board: E. Cook, A G. Callaway, M nr X? s " '"'X i "J X>r * y*T E COVINGTON, GA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, O' CD ; lidge than in many years. Many of tho city’s leading citizens failed to register and are therefore barred from casting a vote. Besides the election of a mayor and six councilmen to serve the city’s interest for 1900, two mem bers of the city school board will be elected whese term of office is for three rears The retiring bers of the school board are C. White and G. E. Cook. STORE BURGLARIZED. Store of J. T. and J. W. Pitts 0 Newborn Robbed of $50. The store of J. T. and J. W. Pitts at Newborn was burglarized Tuesday night and the money draw relieved of over $50. An entrance to the store was made through the front door which was prized off its hinges by a largo crow bar. Some few articles of merchandise were taken, the exact amount is not known. Messrs J. T. and J. W. Pitts run propably the largest store in Newborn, carrying a line of gener¬ al merchandise. Strong suspicion rests upon some white men, who we learn, have been “hanging round 1 j the town for several days. PRICE ADVANCES Local Spots Went Up to II 7*S Cents Yesterday. Eocal spots—11 7-8 cents. Cotton is on the upward move now, especially in the future mar¬ kets, and general opinion is that the advance will not stop until (lie price has reached 18 cents. Even though there has been an apparent j inclination ou the fanners to self 1 at the high price, which is consul- : ered natural, it is not thought that the affect sales will be heavy enough to | tbn market. I A nntlceablw fact, iu calumctKW tho 1-cal cotton market is ,b - fcr P ners have been bitving larger! quantifies tlian is usual. Special Notice. The Major and Council give notice that any person caught ex¬ ploding fire crackers, cannon crackers, dynamite or any other noi»y explosions will be fined the full limit of the law $100 00. $50.00 of this umouui will be puid the purti*s who furnishes the evi¬ dence to convict. M. G. TURNER, Mayor. Geo. T. tmitii, Cl* rk. FOR SALE—Two good farm mules cheap by, J. T. Norton, Covington, Ga.—tf C S. THOMPSON WILL ERECT HAN DSOME NEW BUILDING »SS :t:rF.brrtE cated. % Toe ! purchase . means the tearing down ot this brick store and the : erejt'oa upon it of u murbk- build- NEWBORN REAL ESTATE CHANGES HANDS. r,ssr. born real estate among which = are 1G Je P^seofa ’ y N. Chandler, fine farm ofJeffar- near • son, a. lie has also bought the beautiful residence of Captain W. jJ. M. J. Preston, Allen, of on Shady Johnston Dale, street, has . it the pretty home and farm 0 ’ *' Haiwell and the latter has l>e?u 1 ,,|PCtlon °f a fine house on Jobn-ton street. Mr L ' )pklns ’ of Au S usta has > 0l,: - nl the valuable property of M. Holcomb, and Mr. Holcomb ^ 11 ie * Ull! kas bought a larm near ^ al me * ckurc ^* ^ r ' ^ ^ ‘ ^ a3 contracted to ——---- BROWN ESTATE SOLD HERE LAST TUESDAY. All the real and personal prop¬ erty of the late I. W. Brown was sold at public sale, to the highest bidder, at the court house here 1 u J. ^ a V I st ‘ - The sum realized from the sale was something over $100,000, the largest individual sale ever con ducted iu this comity 011 a public sale day. The Brown estate consisted of j farm lands, city lots and residen cesiu Covington and Oxtord, bank stock, municipal bonds, etc. All brought a good price. The three cheapest pieces of property sold was the Brown home with six acres of ground attached for $5,000 to M. M. Weaver, the Simms home in Midway for $2,000 and the Petty plantation with 195 acres to W. H Pickett fur $4,000. J The heaviest bidder on all city property was Jno. J. Corley, who ,t is understood, represented the heirs of the estate. The Major Davis home on cor ner oi Railroad and Usher street; | was purchased by Mrs. Mol lie BIG REAL ESTATE DEAL p h j|jj ps Property Sold Tuesday Covinfiton Men. ____ - The Phffhps pr< pci >,' ‘ ing 75n acres, situa ei 1 ! , district, in At ama. »a Ga S b:<ll.n at P | Aiken, E L. Jurm-tti , an • | , Z Andetso” The .ot | same was .n ...e 1 - g property t is situaUu . ! This fino of near Stewart, ten miles South Covington and 13 one of the fiuest; hod ie- of farm land in Newton con l' , mad Roberts was a ; ' prominent bidder at the sale. To the Citizens of Newton County | The Bank of Covington will ac cept checks on deposit on any ut in the world without charge po able to carry | To ,h »bo are no. bank account, we will cash your a checks without cost to you. C S. THOMPSON, Cashier. ' ill. w mi i hottipson has written tor plans and speciticati '"’s and dur ing the early p ., n () f next year, be hopes to begin °n the building, “■ t. chased a business lot in the | part of to#n and has a fine ing completed iu which he open a pharmacy, ha’s J. H. Childs about complet ed a beautiful residence on Main street at a cost of about $5,000. C. M. Gay, of StarrsviPe, has bought a pretty lot on Porter St., and contracted for a pretty resi deuce thereon. B, M. Whittou, of Broughton, has completed his arrangements fora fine dwelling on Johnson street. Dr. P. Wilson has arrang¬ to build a fine store house west of the courthouse in near future, Coolc for $8,855. The Stephenson Hardware store was knocked off to Dr. N. Z. An deraon for $-5,800. ‘ The ^ Headen store on the corner next to court house, including all that property in the rear, was bid in for $8,055 by C. S Thompson, who will erect a handsome marble building for the home of the Bunk of Covington, The Brown livery stable was sold to M. M. Weaver for $4,000. The Decatur Heidt farm, con¬ taining 886 acres was bid in by Geo. B. Stanton for $5,675. The Bud Morton place with 525 acres brought $6,600. The bidder being R. L. Cowan. The municipal bonds of West Point, Eastman, etc. were bid in by J 110 . W. Dickey, of Augusta, at a premium. The twenty-five shares of Clark Banking Co. st- ck was purchased by H. D. Terrell, of Atlanta at $125 each. A number of negro houses were sold varying in values from $800 to $800. All of them sold well. To Our Customers. The Bank of Newton county is glad to announce to their custom er9 n )a t they have been accepting out of town checks, without charge sinC e Dec. 1 19C5. We have re cen tly established connections ^ it „ ms can becleored without charge and tre gladly give customers benefit of same. ^ R sniMS, Cashier. House in Receiver’s Hands, The Thompson residence, iu Covington, to which Mrs W. C. Thompson has deeds transferred to her by her husband and which lie is uow endeavoring to regain on the grounds that she is suing him for a divorce, has been placed iu the hands of a receivei* by Judge Roau, pending the outcome of the litigation. Mrs. Thompson was given $20 per mouth alimony by Ike court until the divorce proceedings are concluded. A few days ago Mr. Thompson was awarded his two children. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. g p||n.q «“«'STMAS TM .» NOVELTIES. sm-nr,™ Most Complete Stock, Most Wonder¬ ful Variety, Most Beautiful and g 3 Delicate ings to Tints be and Color X found in r* the city and best of all the ^ I Arne r-r p The most fastidious will liave no trouble in satisfying their tastes and without doubt your C TJ Xmas allowance ^ will hold out J longer at C\ \TCDU II H V# I Ll 11 CMOHM’O LllOUIv I IAKUWAKt A R HUf k fl T 0 V TCi I UKt H r v O ^ Big Bargains in Crockery. ..FRESH Q00D5.. m E HAVE RECEIVED our new Raisins, Cur¬ rants, Citron, Nuts, Cranberries, and a Large Variety of other good things. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED TOjiBE OF HIGHEST QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT. Fresh Home-Made Peanut Brittle, Peanut Cream | ! and Walnut Cream Candies. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. I PROMPT SERVICE. I K 5niTH*VININQC? BANK OF NEWTON COUNTY, COVINGTON, GA. Capital, $31,000. Deposits, $132,000. Profits, $4,000.00. X The above figures show the confidence the K people have in an institution TEN MONTHS Ik OLD. We extend to our customers every courtesy © and accommodation within the bounds of consistent ® banking, and appreciate all accounts, large or small. ( T. C. SWANN, Pres. A. B. SIMMS, Cashier. T. A. PERRY, Vice Pres. DIRECTOHS: D. J. Adams, N. S. Tinner, J. iV. Kiug, Edward Heard Capers Dickson G. C. Adams, , « O. L- Holmes, I. A. Perry, T. C. Swann, TT J. R. Stephenson, A. B. Simms. ir FOR SALE—I. P. Henderson’s residence in Covington, 1-3 cash and balance to suit purchaser. | Address J. P. Henderson, Geu’l. Delivery, Atlanta, Ga.. or Dr. A. C. Perry, Covington, Ga.—lm COTTOX MARKET, Middling bringing 11 7-8. Market—Unsteady. Ladies skirts at cut prices at C. q * Robinsnn’a All goods bought of me engrav ed free. Sain the Jeweler,