The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, December 08, 1905, Image 2

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§ W. COHEN’S SLAUGHTER SALEl 0 ---------- : -------—---- 9 O My entire stock of Men’s, Youth’s and Children’s Clothing, Hats, ------ — .wuws ,y 0 GentsFurnishings and in fact everything 0 Millinery, Umbrellas, Notions, Jewelry, Ladies and kept in a 0 First-Class Clothing and Shoe House, will be sold at ° CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. 0 75 0 0 ---- : ----;---- the Big Slaughter 0 This is the biggest money saving sale ever held in Covington. Look for Sale sign. 0 W. COHEN, Covington, Georgia. ^Tbe Enterprise. ESTABLISHED 1865. I THE COVINGTON STAR EST. 1874. CONSOLIDATED 1902. .EMI-WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1905. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. 1 | CHAS. G. SMITH Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR Entered at the Covington Postoffice as Second-Class Mail Mutter. Covington, Ga., Dec., 8. 1905 King Cotton’s March. The government report issued Monday put the cotton crop at 10,107,810 bales. In a flash cotton had jumped a score of points, and a score again and again. Within five minutes nearly $50,000,000 had been added to the value of the south’s staple crop. And Georgia with more than 1,500,000 kales lo her credit acquired about $7,000,000 as her portion. The crop is fixed, prices are set at their lowest, and from now on it is simply a question of the care¬ ful disposing of the cottou now in the hands of the farmer. An this amount is far from trival, for the man who made the crop is now holding the major part of it. Here tofore the crop has been hurried out, and to the brokers and the buyers weut the additional prices. Today the southern farmer is happy and prosperous, No frown of pessimism rests on his sun browned forehead, Cotton is king and the farmer is the power behind the throne.—Constitution. The Common People. If there ever was a time in the history of American politics when the people were more determined to rule than they are now, we do not recall it. They are asserting their rights aud demanding a square and honest deal. Long live the common people. — Chattanooga News. It is said that the voice of the people is the voice of God. Why shouldn’t the common people as¬ sert their right to rule? They toil and swet aud produce the wealth that makes greatness and strength they always rally to the common defense of the couutry when war's trumphet sounds to arms; their brawn and brain have proven po¬ tent factors iu making our couutry the greatest on earth. Then it should not be thought stange that they should assert their manhood in our system of government in demanding a place among its rul ei’3.—Marietta Journal. The bcBt way to build up Cov¬ ington is for everybody to patron¬ ize home industries. Womzn and The Ballot. Discussing the topi: in New York, “You'd it he wise for wo¬ men to use the ballot? » J at the of the Epiphany, Sunday, Dr Madison Peters said: ( t It is not a question of simple as equality with a man, but it be wise? I do not deny right of women to smoke ctg or to use the rough lan¬ of men, but I am inclined to helive the women who do these things, are, as some one has put it, ‘No gentlemen and if the sexes are to be equalized, I would rather it were done by refining the men than by the vulgarizing of women. < ( Would a woman’s vote alter things? Yes, if only good women vote. Few good women would avail themselves of the privilege, but all the bad women would. The responsibilities which would logi¬ cally follow this advance of women would mean that henceforth she would not be represented by any man, and her exercising the lull function of citizenship would make such a change as would make her more a man than a woman. A female man, an affected, driveling little doddle, a weak sister dress¬ ed up iu man’s clothing is enough to fill you with disgust, but of a mannish woman, good Lord deliv¬ er me from expressing my opinion lest I should say something not in the prayer book. > J Shipping Oranges to London. California oranges are now be fng Hhipped to London at a rate of $1 per 100 pound, that cnaige covering both rail and ocean fteights. The rate across the con¬ tinent to American cities is $1.25 par 100 pounds. The California rate to London is said to be much lower than the rate allowed Flori¬ da, giving California oranges a decided advantage over Florida’s in the London market. But if the Londoners are wise with respect to the flavor of fruits, they should be willing to pay a great deal more fore Florida oranges—the finest in the world. But that is no reason for a discrimination against Florida. Bent Her Double. “I knew no one, for four weeks when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble,” writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg. Pa., “and when I got better although I had one of the best doctors I could get I was bent double and had to reel my hands on my knees when I walked. From this terrible affliction I was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength and now I can walk asstraightas ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney disord¬ ers; at Brooks & .Smith and Covington Drug Co.; price 50c. If you know any news—entertain¬ ments, marriages, death’s visits visitors, or unusual incidents of any kind, write us, phone us or stop us on the streets and tell U 9 . Don’t keep it to yourself and then wonder why the editor had noth¬ ing to say^about it. r? * OCOOGOOOOOOOO o GENERAL NEWS. o c o ooooooooooooo The government report added $7 per bale to the price of cotton. Representative Livingston has introduced his bill providing for an appropriation of $1,250,000 for a new public buildiug in Atlanta, Judge W. A. LiltL, of Colum¬ bus, has annouuced that hereafter no divorces will be granted in Muscogee superior court except on strictly legal grounds. Will Bradley, colored, was hang¬ ed at Leesburg, Ga., Tuesday foi the mucder of another negro Mark Twain was given a big din ner at Delraouioa’s Tuesday night in honor of the humorist’s seven tieth birthday. About 150 promi¬ nent men and women in every walk of life was present. Df. C. W. Byrd denies in the published statement in daily press to the effect that disbelieved part of the A bill has bpen introduced Congress for the appropriation $100,000 for a national sts sanitarium, same to be ed at Florala, Ala. The spead of consumption in the few years, is the cause of the introduction. Yincton T. Sanford, who is jail in Rome for the murder George Wright, has been bail by Judge Moses Wright. The government estimates ton crop at 10,107,818 bales; National ginners association at 9 028,000 bales. Thirty-four divorce cases tried in the Superior court at annah Tuesday in one hour twenty minutes, the record that time. Dr. J. H. Matthews, who is ing held at Greensboro, N. C., tha murder of his wife by ing has made two atteraps to com¬ mit suicide. Doctors Said He Would Not , Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., w rites “Af¬ ter doctoring for years with the best physicians in Wayne-burg, and still getting worse, the doc’ors advi-ed me I had any business to attend to I had better attend to it at onee, as I could not possibly live another month as there was no cure for me. Folev’s Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend and I iunnedialy sent my sou to the store fur it and after tak three bottles I began to get better aud continued to improve until I was en hrely well.’’ It is a mighty good habit to get into—that of saying something good of yopr town on every occa¬ sion. Suppose that every letter— business and personal—that went out from Covington closed with some pity remark about the town. little aeon,,' ' NoUol *’ T' ! assure vo., 7 q T 6 y0a Mr M, ' ' n » r > i aw v tie. Our Clubbing Offer. We will send the Semi*Weekly Enterprise the Atlanta Semi-Week¬ ly Journal and the Home and Farm, all three papers for _oti^ year, for $1.75 We will send the SHni-Weekls Enterprise 1he AtlantaSemi-Week j ] y Journal and the Southern Cul¬ tivator, all three papers one year for $1 75 The Semi-Weekly Enterprise the Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal and a wall map of the states of Georgia and Alabama the United States and the world for $1.75. The Enterprise is a four page paper of 24 columns published twice-a-week, and it makes the clubbing offer a very fine one. ——-------- Safeguard The Children. Notwithstanding all that is done by boards of health and charitably inclined persons, the death rate among small cliil dren is very high during the hot weather of the summer months in the large cities There is not probably one case ot bowel complaint in a hundred, however, that could not be cured by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar¬ rhoea Remedy For sale by all druggists in Covington and Bibb M’f g. Co. Porter dale. Covington merchants have as nice and cheap a line of holiday goods as can be found anywhere in the state and none of our peo¬ ple need go or send away for Christmas goods. We do not be¬ lieve many of them would spud away Ur anything they can get here, but we just want to remind the few that this practice is abso¬ lutely necessary. You should not wait either till the last minute to select the articles you want, but go early aud avoid the rush that is always customary during the three or four days previous to Christmas, as you are sure not to get every¬ thing you want and what you do get is not just exactly up to your expectations. Royal Powder Baking is made of Grape Cream of Tartar. Absolutely Pure. Makes the food more Wholesome and Delicious. ify ° ud °" ecd ^ a " d Si "" ’ ight now - wil1 pay you t0 *° t0 c - C - Ro1 icon's “ nd *et some of those great bar gains to lay away next year. Payne’s Discovery New KOR STOMA* II. ROWELS, LIVER AND KIDNEYS. $1.00 per bottle, three for $2.50, six for $5.00. Payne’s Quick Relief Oil, 25 cents. Payne’s Medicated Soap, ioc. All Sold by BROOKS & SMITH, Covington, G a . LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. CITATION. GEORGIA, Newton County Whereas G B Stanton Executor of II. T. Stanton, represents to the Court in his petition, duly tiled and entered on record, that he has fully administered H. T. Stanton's estate, this is, therefore; to cite all persons concern* d heirs and creditors, to show cause i( any they can, why said Executer should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismisgi n, on the first Monday in January 1!>0G. G L) HEARD, Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA —Newton County. Notice is hereby given that the undersign has applied to the Ordinary o'" said county for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate ot Jesse Gresham, deceased, for the payment of debts and distribution among the heirs at law. Said application will be heard at tha regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in January 1906. This 4th day of December 1905. R. \Y. MILNER, County Adm’r. as Adm'r. ol Jesse Gresham, dee’d LEAVE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. GEORGIA— Newton County Notice is hereby given that the under signed has appbe f to the Orcinarv of said county lor Leave to Sell the lands belong* i g to the estate of Mr*, -allie I*. eaver, deceased for the purpose of paying the debts oft c estate and distribnt on. 'aid application will be heard at the regular tern: ol the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be hold on the first Monday in January 1906. C. y. THOMPSON, Adm'r with will annex < state ot Mrs. S. I*. Weaver, dec'd. The Diamond Cure. The latest news from Parts, is that they have discovered a diamond cure tor consumption. If you fear consump “on or pneumonia, it will, however, be Lest for you to take that m t mentioned by W. T. McGee, ol Va leer Tent). “I had a cough, for fourteen years. Nothing helped me, until I took Dr King’s New Discovert for Consump lion, coughs and colds, which jgave in stant relief, and effected a permanent cure.” Unequal ed quick cure, for throat and lung troubles. At Brooks A Smith and Covington Drug Co.; price 50 cents and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial hot e free. Our line of solid gold jewelry is the largest ever displayed in Covington. Watches, chains, crosses necklaces, stick pins, cuff buttons, lockets, watch charms, P lns . rings, etc. Th* Harrison Co. Cured ot Chronic Diarrhoea Al Ten Years of Suffering. "I wish to say a few words in praise« < hambeFain’s Colic, Cholera and 1% rhoea Remedy.” says Mrs Mattie But|| "f Martinsville, Va ' 1 suffered (u • hronic diarrhoea for ten years and dun: that time tried various medicines with obtaiaing any permanent relief. Ljudi mer one ot my children was taken »i cholera morbus and I p-ocared a bottle this remedy. Only two doses were repair to give her entire relief. 1 then decided tty the medicine mvselt, and did not t all of one bottle before 1 was well ml have never since been troubled with tk complaint One cannot say too “"tclj favor of that wonderful medicine" H remedy is for sale bv all druggist in Cji ington and Bibb M’i’g. Co., Porterdak Covington & Oxford Street R. The following schedule of I Covington & Oxford Street Ei road-will be run until fuitl notice * Lv Covington Hotel at 5:40a Lv Covington Hotel at 8:50a Lv Covington Hotel at 10:45a Lv Hotel al 2:1A|> Lv Covington Hotel at 4:10p Lv Covington Hotel at ti.’ifOp Lv C vington Hotel at 7:80 p T1 e Oxford car u ~ets all trail at t o depot. J. F. Hkndkrson, PM* J. G. Lebtkr, Sec. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholcrt Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be almost every home before the summer oyer- It can always be depended li * 1 even in the most severe and dangeroM cast It is especially valuable f r sunu®* 1 s. disorders iu efiildren. It is pleasanttot and never fails tagive p*otnpt relief 4 not buy it now. It may save life F° r *1 by all druggists in Covington sad Bw M'l'g. Co. Porterdale TRAIN SCHEDULE Georgia Railroad. TRAIN'S WEST. To Atlanta..... . .3: Iff a* To Atlanta ..6:0M 09*H • • To Atlanta li : To Atlanta ...6:50^ • - • • TRAINS EAST. 1:17*1 To Augusta ......9:19*1 To Augusta • • ■ To Augusta . • Central Railway. Depart to Macon 9 : 25*1 from Macon. 4:81 ol Return Mr. J. T. La^iter has 1 the agency of the Butler and Granite Co of ^ ane [ , rfj He* Ordinary G. D who resigned.—