The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, December 08, 1905, Image 3

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mr.;iwi r r ^; .w-gr : - ....—fr~r :^ J „^.„^ y ..,,.. ft & RIGHT IN FRONT S5 WHERE # 0 WE ARE FOUND! # 0 W4TH the best op BVBRYTPSISq at <$ 0 i 1 , We making ✓ the lowest prices. m cial prices are now on spe¬ La¬ Mens and Boys Caps. Ladies, 1 1 # 0 w v dies 1 ickets, Furs, Our Ladies and Children Shoes Millinery L - Millinery ! ! stock of Mens Ip: Misses and ■* 0 m Sweaters, Collars, Belts a iid Boys Hats : Several new shin- Our stock is rcplcn- /II ft 1 1M > 3 and Underwear. i I *; is full and Childrens ! i >«ents of Shoes 1 | isll ? d nearl J' everyday. i 11 f a P s and com- r. it j m-cd this week and and our tradc J '*? lar g KsJwiik | T he cut P nce ^ we are J pi cm and we have some I m especially we f. st five v enjoyed in this 'll ft air™ giving on Mens Under * special late new styles | fc : | Hoys,., Misses Strom; and Chil- on 1, “;, You sh ° uld see If ft ? • avear business. brings us lots of j to show that you can- l tjliljk drens Kinsr Shoes, as well as ,:1 "' . h . e 0 odel "* w ,dcaa and 1 we , in. »< #) ft m j not get eisewliere. 5 Ml i •: -w3S8k4 men Onality for the money we can save you le I! ft 1 Cail For Premium Cards. We Have Full Line on Millinery. # 0 Nice Premiums an <* The V are a Free for the Asking. Respectfully C F COOK II; I r _ m o r > %ocal H*lews. >e X o u y primary Monday. -• V * o weeks till Christmas. fe city was full of visitors on ay [aut : fu! carving sets. bon Co. Li estate values brought go<>d k Tuesday. Aft! Paul II. Evans spent 11 Con ye s. erling Silver novelties. The Ison Co. Dii local medic d association, did ie lm beet Tuesdav t L D King, Jr, of Atlanta. I Sunday here. e sell pictures—we make es. The Harrison Co. Il goods bought of me engrav leo. Sain the Jeweler. veral Covington weddings are fluted for this month and next. beautiful solid gold rings ^ladies or gent. The Harrison r. Lee Porter and Thad Wi 11 - of Newborn, were here Tues p.aud Mrs. M. f. Spearman, shady Dale, spoilt Tuesday in ity. l bys of every description, > lest stock to select from. The rison Co. is3 Abigail Stanton, of New f>> was the guest of Miss Annie ry Widnesday. Pttou values continue to ad ee. ' any believe 15 cents will leached ’ere long. .arge line Rogers 1847 silver ted knives, forkes and spoons. : Hat rison Co. p. ['cetera, and rs. R. the E. Nowell, of were guests of Mr. pnon during the week. pheriiV Wnesday, Hav going was in Milledgeville down to carry 4-yp;»r-old boy to the as\lum on’t wait until the rush but S' new and we will set your )Js aside fQr you. The fiarri- 1 Co. . • . * rhe regular election wii)% , heid inday week, actio’ the 18th at wmch th^ .,f the primal will ratified. I Magnificent salads, cake |rry kces. bowls, Rich fancy and china in odd beautiful. The prison Il)r. Co. W D. Travis andrjno. A. Uter left Wednesday imSming to in a pajty of friends at Savannah |r a deer hunt on OssabaRI. Books of all kinds. Large ock, choice titles. Poems Fic¬ on, history, linen and childrens ooks. The Harrison Co. Mrs. Connally and Miss Kate skew, of Greensboro, have re rned home alter a weeks visit to 'eir sister Mrs. J. B. Copland in id way. . All goods bought of me, engruv free. Sam the Jeweler. Less cotton is being sold now at eleven outs than was sold at nine and ten cents. - * You cln make no better invest ; nient than to stick your earnings in Covington dirt. Xmas v cards, . beautiful . ... , art , Cal- _ , cn( J ars fancy post-cards. The prettiest you ever saw. TheHar rison Co. , An important meeting of the Southern Cotton Association is called for Saturday at 10 o'clock at the court house by order of Presi dent Middlebrook. Largest stock of leather goods ever seen in Covington. Pocket* books, purses, bags, card cases, music rolls, you will find us headquarters. it t . tl The u Harrison r Co. i Mrs. J D. Mitcheli. of Colum¬ bia, S. C., one of the heirs of the Umplaiu |)ropertyi is m llie oity winding up the estate. Mr. Mitchell has been here several weeks. The matrimonial market lias had a decided upward tendency for several weeks. Cupid always gets bus y at ^ is seas “ of the land-office >' Par aud the Ordinary enjoys a business. Hons. J. M. Hurst and Geo. B. S anton, two of Walton’s prosper¬ ous citizens were in the city Tues¬ day. Mr. Hearst is president of two banks, oue at Social Circle and the other at Mansfield. Now is the time to do your Christmas shopping, before the rush begins. The merchants and clerks can wait on you better, and you can have a better chance to inspect and get what you want. The young lady lackiug in diplo¬ macy will be shy of Chrismus pres¬ ents. The average youth is very easily to get ‘“huffy” during the present-giving season. See? The wise girl will see, and practice diplomacy ' Attention U dir *c.t i d t" the new city ordinance published in thi a j issue, whereupon a fine of $ 100 j will be imposed on any person ’ f ° Und gUilty of exp ! odinR CauUO, i! crackers - etc ’ on the streets 0 CoviuKtou ' i The state and county tax books 1 will close in less than three weeks, , You will have nobody to blame if V' u are doubled taxed, for not pay¬ ing up promptly. Surely not the Enterprise. With eggs selling at 25 and 80c per dozen, to s'ly nothing of the good price cotton is bringing, we see no reason why all of our sub¬ scribers should not be enabled to settle their subscription to the En¬ terprise. At any rate we shall expect you to call or send remit¬ tance before the Holidays. Dolls, dolls, dolls. Bit* and little dolls, beautiful dolls, dress¬ ed and undressed dolls from Ic to $5.00. The Harrison Co. m mwm mmm m -.‘ ., MM. ‘A AL U. D. C. Meeting, Daughters of Confederacy hoU tht-ir next meeting at hom- of Mrs. Tins. Wednesday, Dec. 13th at 2:30 p. A full attendance is requested. A Card of Thanks. Words cannot express the d< e; love and gratitude we fed m ienrta to the citizens and or Covington and community Hopewell church who have been SO exceedingly kind to us and ou < * eaJ son and brother, William, m his recent illness and death. trust and tcel that each of you have your reward from Him doeth all things well. J. T. Lasseter and Family. In Memoriam. __ On last Satnrday the 24th of X T God visited the home of °v., Mr. and Mr8 ' Frank Porter a,ld th * @ptnt of our dear sweet friend Helen” . ,, . borne heav was away to en. She was as a flower just budding into pure young woman hood, when the angel of death came and plucked it to bloom brighter and brighter in God’s vineyard. Her life will cast its rays of pur¬ ity, nobleness and truei.ess over each and everyone who knew her, aiid she will be missed by all. Her class in Sunday School was her gin associates, some of which, where from childhood, will indeed (eel their loss. In the death of Helen our school has lost one of its best and most faithful pupils, her teacher, one of his brightest schol¬ ars, her classmates, one of their truest sisters, she was always at her place, and we shall ever miss her, lor she always brought smiles aud gladness with her kind and sweet disposition. God has seen best to take her from us and as we mourn her death, yet, we can say «i Not mine; but Thy will be done” then-far be it, Resolved, 1st. That while we deeply mourn her loss in this sad dispensation of Divine Providence, we recognize in it, her great gain. Resolved, 2nd That we rejoice in our hearts that in the life and ,,f ( mr sister and in 1; r I- -t testimony, she has left us the as suranC e of peace with G >d aud the hope of a home in heaven. Resolved, 3rd. That for the deeplygrievedandsorrowingfam- here il, of our deceased sister, we by give expression of profoundest feelings of sjmpntln at d con o ence. Resolved, 4th That as a Sun day School we will ever cheerish her memory and endeavor by the grace of God to live consistant, Christian lives, and join her at the close of life in her home above. Resolved, 5th. That these res olutions be transcribed in the min¬ ute book of our school, a oopy be furnished the bereaved family and insertion of them in the Enter¬ an prise, be requested. Dr. MayCbUde, M urrell, j Newborn S. S.Coin ___ Ladies jackets at cut prices at C. C. Robinson’s. WINTER QOODJ C-uEAK -A-J STQTn A T ,th A Sweeping Reduction in Prices From Now Until Christmas j ON Silks as I ®r« Soods. We wish to thank our friends and customers for the liberal patronage given us this season, and now in order to make room lor j our goods which will soon begin to arrive for the new year; we have To The Quick. The buying public can well remember what our big "Summer Goods Sale” this year meant to bargain seekers. Our “Winter Goods Sale” means the greatest bargains we have ever vet offered. B S #0 c. Covington, Georgia. Teachers institute. The first monthly meeting of the X,nvt011 conut >' leaohers wil1 (>e at the Covington High School, Dec. 0th 1905. All teachers will be required to attend in accordance with the pro¬ visions of the school law. Hon. W. B. Merritt, C. S. C., will be present at this meeting to discuss L*cal Taxation. All citi¬ zens interested ir. schools are urged to attend. 1 pir ‘ > ^ ram ’’ 0W8 10:00 Anthmetw-R. A. 7. hit. worth. 10:20 Participles and Infinitives —Mrs. Spencer; A. H. Foster. 10:40 History—-Jas. P. Cooley. 11:00 Incentives to Reading — Kate Butler. 11:20 Discipline—J. O. Martin. 11:10 Drawing—Fratudna Sin¬ gleton. 12:00 Hon. W. B. Merritt, S. S. C., Local Tax. G. C. ADAMS, C. S. C. Clocks and bronzes in all sizes an d low prices. e The _u Hamson h • £q The Death of Mrs. Nation. Mrs. Nation, mother of Mr. J. W. Nation, of this city, died at her home in Canton, last Saturday at noon at the age of fifty-one years. Her illness had embraced a period of several weeks. Mr. Nation was in Canton during her last illness, returning home Tuea day evening. There has been a tremendous advance in shoes, but you can go i t«» c. c. at old Robinson’s prices. store and buy j shoes ■Oc^a 0 For Wedding Presents 0 (J)j 9 See That Line............... 9 0 sterling dilver 0 0 0 AT= O' 0 0 ams 5 Uf 9 0 The Jeweler. 0 0 v, THE ALLIANCE WAREHOUSE Is making a special bid to the farmer to store their cotton while the price remains low. Place your cotton where every pound is insured. You run no risk in case of fire. Liberal advances made on all storage cotton. Respectfully, P. W. GODFREY. Subscribe _ , t , tor f 1 he enterprise _ r now