The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, December 08, 1905, Image 4

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® S»U, S ,™ D,ir a d 01 ,„u,« Worts. Agent. L. E. Waterm.a Po.nw. | # # # # # THE j i ▲ k RCADE # # OXFORD, OrESO^t-O-I^L. # COLLEGE DEPARTMENT STORE # -is \ (ffi Exclusively The College Man’s Shop m (0 == FOR IN 1 HIGH GRADE CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN ALL LINES. Full Line l atest Xmas Novelty Books, Wedding and Christmas Gifts. Jewelry, Loving Robes, Smoking Jackets, Order Agent. Maier & Berkele, and D L. Auld, Jewelers. Boys’ Sweaters, Through a Well-Equipped Mail Sporting Goods—Men’s Jerseys and Sweaters. m Christy, Fisher and Gibson Pictures Department You Can Secure Ag-nt, A G. Spalding & Bros m Framed in Sets—advance orders taken now. Drugs and Toilet Articles,—All Kinds. Morris Chairs and Furniture. U NIVERSAL Pictures and Room Decorations, College Posters. m Line of College Novelties. The Finest to the Cheapest. New Emory Post-Cards, and New NI VERS IT Y Engraved College and Fraternity Stationery. i i <D> Pennants, Hat-Pins, Fobs, and Hat-Bands in College Colors, TILITIES. Ag--nt, J. P. Stevens Engraving Company Clothing and Gent’s Furnishings, from tip to tip. AgHU. D. L. Auld. ' # Branch George Muse Clothing Company, Atlanta. College Text and Note-Books—correct prices. # Agent 1 Klee & Company, Tailors, New Y r ork. Agent, Hinds ifc Noble. # Prices Low You Dare Risk. i> m as as m $ The Arcade CSjELL^, O Tailor ^UIT®« ■ t l ’ v*. .- f 1 1 1 1 ©'S S ^S S S 5 ? S © HAYSTON. Rev. J. A. Clotfelter, of Con yers filled liia regular appoint ment here last Sunday. j Miss Irene Hays who is teaching ! school at Mt. Zion spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks here. Mr. H. C. Greer, of Covington, spent Suuday with relatives here. Misses Mattie Harden and Ber¬ tha Elder two pretty young ladies of near Monticello were the ad¬ mired guest of Mis3 Eppie Jones fiom Saturday until Tuesday last. Miss Nanuye Aaron spent a day or two last week with her cousin Miss Denie Allen at Eudora. Mrs. T. A. Richards was visit¬ ing relatives in Conyers recently. Mr. Whit Morgan and Miss Osie Willis were in Mansfield a short while last Suuday afternoon. Mr. J. S. Allen, of Eudora, was here last Wednesday. Mr. Leon Goodman, of Mans¬ field, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. J. M. Jones’ family. Messrs Gordon Wright, John Henderson, Irving Cofer and Venus Aaron and Misses Edna Lunsford, Eppie Jones, Edna aud May Richards, attended the enter¬ tainment given at the home of Miss Denie Allen at Eudora last Thursday evening anp all report a n ost delightful time. A number of young people were ~ delightfu ly entertained at the home if Miss Eppie Jones last Monday evening music was the 1 r uclpl * featur ■ tf the evening and altogether the evening was one i f much enjoyment. Ten thousand beautiful and useful Xmas and wedding pres¬ ents now in our store. We have the largest stock we ever had. Come around and look through. The Harrison Co. Advertise iu th# Eutetpuae. -* ’ v WEST NEWTON. Mr. Walter Latimore of North Carolina returned home after a weeks visit to the family of Mr. W. D. Elliott. He was accom panied by Mr. Elliott who is ex¬ pected to return Wednesday. * This series at Bethany aud Pros¬ pect were well attended on Thanks giving. Mr. W. 8. Ramsey and wife oi Covington spent Thanksgiving with friends and relatives m the western part of the county. The young people of the com¬ munity enjoyed a singing at the home of Mr. W. B. Livingston Thursday evening. Mr. C. D. Elliott, of Emory college visited hi? parents one day last week. Dr. Humphries, ot Jackson, conducted a meeting at Bethany the latter part of the week. The weather was bad but the services were well attended and the inter¬ est was good. A canvas ot Downs district was made and the farmers agreed to hold 200 bales for better prices. Misses Mary Loyd and Nellie Black spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. J. W. Black near Bethany. The bridges on some of the smaller streams were swept away Saturday evening aud as a result some had difficulty in getting to church on Sunday. Go to C. C. Robinson’s “Winter Goods Clearance Sale » » now on and take advantage of the big cuts on * lk'3 and dress goods. Moved. I have m< ve J my shoe shi-p from i tie basement to my old quarters, j upstairs in the Music Hull block. All work guaranteed. I thank my many friends fo: post patronage and desire a continuanci of same. yn. bailey.^ MIXON. We are having some cold weath er and a large number of tine hogs are being killed in this section. Mrs. O. L. Holmes spent Sun¬ day afternoon with Mrs. T. G. Aiken. '-WV Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Heard spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pope. Mrs. I. L. Parker and daughter Giacie, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L Coggin Sunday afternoon. Mrs. F. E. Campbell visited Mrs. M. E. Yancey Wednesday after ft noon. A crowd of Mixon boys*and girls, spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Sallie Mae Pope and all enjoyed a pleasant song service. Mrs. S. J. Thompson sps-it iast week with her daughter, Mrs. Lee Pickett. Miss Ilene Ivy spent Sunday af¬ ternoon with Miss Ruble Aiken. Mr. Alex Bohanon went to At¬ lanta Monday. The singing given by Miss Ora ~ D , c , XT* • ^ • ’ She Tried Five Doctors. Mrs. Frances L. Sales, of Missouri Valley, la., writes “I have been afibek ed with kiduey trouble five years: had severe pains in my back and a frequent desire to urinate. When ridine I expe¬ rienced much pain over ihe region ol • he kidneys. I five physicians without benefit and then conelhded to try Foley’s Kidney Cure. After taking three $1.00 bottles I vus coLpletel. cured.” Manicure sets, toilet sets, shav¬ ing sets, brushes, combs, etc. The Harrison Co. WAN 1 Ei)—500 pounds clean Raslmd cotton rags *1.00 per hund¬ red. The Norman Buggy Co_tf .. Advertise in The Enterprise. V No One Merchant Can Buy All The Best O Things in «*««•••• CLOTHING -i-v* m Or in any line. We represent SCHLOSS BROS., in this saHEJJj territory, and in Style, Make-up and Fit, these Clothes have IHsHi Mm? no equal. 1 hey are made light, they hang properly and above all, they are worn by the b^3t dressers exclusive (, f I <7 all other ready-made Cloth: ng. L&qfi$&k'TH/sLABU V A glance at the illustration!- presented on this page will give you an idea of th<* smartness of style that charac terizes all of SCHLOSS BROS., Clothes, hut to fully appre¬ L mm ill gracefulness ciate t heir excellence of of material and workmanship, their and LI cut and perfection of fit, you must come •• Hj m examine them. L m t-COPYRIGHTED ISOsiay m SCHfcOSS BROS.&C? Fine Clothes Makers BALTIMORE 1 NEW YORK. f t Mus is < ur long suit—DOUGLAS Shoe for at P vurn r ° men, and | ZEIGLLK wo for t ladies . ,• and . misses. They , 1 an* the best and H market r that can begiu to compare ^ with them art 'I;/ rf !•'< This advertisement would be incomplete did we ; l! .• J j not mention of splendid line of NewJDress Goods, which r'-L? m are being added to our shelves each day. Our 11 Ki. ready to* P*V' > wear Skirts are the admiration of all the ladies who have m seen them. We can in t m *'• save you money this line and ' invite your inspection of entire * ■ i our stock. Meard, 'White <& 'do. :hlos, correu Bros-Ico. I '' 4 -y it FincCMHesNWi« * zn | &m rm/tie ■r- China and crockery at your own price in order to close out. Now is the chance, of your life to get big bargains. Come early and get the pick. The Harrison Co. % * • A ben billious take i ha nberlain’s - tom a, ' b and ! ‘ iv, ‘ r For sale by ail* in Covington and Bibb M’fg o , I’orterdale. ^ee I he Enterprise for first class C- -P f L QU,J S ... .* -KVR • | V -V FOR SAL-E. 010 of laud, kn >wn 89 the acres 1D Stephen Brown place, Will litiixM bulk.-on in fifty and ' He acre lots. Apply to S. A. BitOW’N.-*'