The enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1905-????, December 22, 1905, Image 1

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aD vkrtising. the advertisements in this u Vc b those who geek p , r and pationfoa bur trade VOL 41 NO 56. ElINGS EXECUTION STAYED Terrell Acknowledges Service ° V of Error. „f Writ Atlanta De ,. 20 —Governor Vrreil and Attorney General Hart r-Fnw' erig-d eervic" of dtn t i« h ca r-- th< Ka li'-wB nurdet to the supreme court casts writ of f the Unit'd States, on a D Saturday by Chief ifjc>r signed of the sup lustiee Wm. H Fish, court of Georgia, The gov ■ems general and attorney were rnor Hon. John r , R erved in person by ■Hooper of Macon, leading counsel [for whom—Leonard, the condemned prisoners, the youngest— one of penitentiary. is already in the Acknowledgment ot the service [of the citations on indefinite part of the stav gov- of ernor means an [executions Lnd of old Milton m»” J. and G- Jesse, Raw [gjj his sous, of whom are sentenced to hang #t Valdosta oil January 6th. It also means that Leonard, who has fcecn transferred from the Lowndes bountv [will jail to the penitentiary, be returned to Valdosta,where [he will remain until the highest coup in tin land has finally pass ed 111 < n lb case. Governor Terrell will issue a [stay of the execution which will [bold good until Attorney has been Cooper’s de¬ constitutional point cided by the United States su¬ preme court. Pythian Lodge Elect Officers. The regular election of officers [for the Knights of Pythias lodge was held last Monday night. The jorder is in a more flourishing con¬ dition now than in several years. The membership is live and pro¬ gressive and at the end of each sixtv da's a '•*«• qi et 'viii be served the members The order is w II officered with the f allowing: M. G Turner—Chancel!<>rCom¬ mand r. P. W. Godfre. . vie cmm nder T. G. Callaw i -, preiate. R. S. Everitt, master of work. R. R. Fowler, keeper records and Beal. G. T. Smith.master of exchequer Ji o. L Callaway, master of finance. A. B Simms, master of arms, M . C. Thompson, inside guard W. S. Scruggs, outside guard. S. P. Thompson, trustee. Borders-Edwards. Miss ( harlm B. Borders, of High Joint, and Mi. Tr,>\ Ednare.s o' C*>\n g on, wtu m .neu hist Sun¬ day afternoon at the h me ot the bride’s aunt, Mrs. J. F. Hanson, at Social Circle, Rev. J. R. Mo Cleskey officiating. Mr. Edwards is a well known young man and lias made Coving¬ ton his home for several years, hoi ling a position with th« local telephone company. The bride is < no ot High Point’s most young women and has a host of friends all over t be county. Mr. iin<* Mrs Ed ;tds are at • Imim to t heir friends at the resi dimce of Mrs L T. Bi x8 erB. Christmas. The twenty-fifth day of Decern - er 19 celebrated the anniversa¬ aB ry of the birth of Him who came ‘ Carth to bring pc . a ce and good W " 1 t0 We‘». and should beobseiv e • «sa day ot quiet bappinrs, 1'he irHS hfe should hi forgotten, au,i everyone should do something t • aud to the I appines» of another. Tin n i *•110 •ri, f . ves ,p. t . Inis ti ri-vi t t- npei.d th*- d I' IU • runk.-n debancherv iia- n ton CMnc ‘ P'5o at « I , f the true is da Let our P*. 1 in Ml*' 'Hy u q fRl Utvu u-.vv The Enterprise — IIP COVINGTON, GA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1905. PENSION DAY^v -UARY 21. Day Set For the Payment of Pen s«on$ in Newton County. February 21st is the day get aparr for the payment of ail |en sions in Newton county. There are in all 147 in the county who will b« made to feel richer and better on that date The fact that this day is th^ last day for the payment of pensions, has not added to the popularity of Commissioner of Pensions, Jno. W. Lindsay, among the veterans of this county Most of the veter¬ ans have criticised his action in delaying the payment until every otm*r county had been paid. F<>r instance, Fulton will be paid first, and as Fulton is in the same con¬ gressional district with Newton there should not be many days in¬ tervening. COTTON REPORT. Government Says Nearly Ten Mil¬ lion Bales Have Been Ginned The census bureau at Washing¬ ton issued a bulletin showing the quantity of cotton ginned from the growth of 1905 to December 13 to ba 9,282,191 bales, as com¬ pared with 11,971,477 bales last year. The National Giuners’ Associa¬ tion issued a report, which is com¬ piled from every ginnery in the Southern States, representing the total crop at 9,678,860. Living at Home. A farmer should, of course, en¬ deavor to raise as big a market e*e*t, but lie should exercise pula m mi in hi- affairs If . mark. i crop is made ai the expense of his I 4 living crop,” and be is forced to pay out the money he has made to suppl the products that his tnurkei crop has prevented him from making, then he is no better off than if he had made no market crop at all. Let your “living” crop have first attention, then whatever you can make as a market crop will be a clear gain to you. If \ou devote all your attention, and land to producing a market crop nud fail to prodnee what is necessary for home consumption it forces you to buy such things at a price fixed upon them by speculators. First produce all that is necessa¬ ry for \our home requirement®—it i- - h b - hmik 1 cr-p > u an n ^na 1 —then mve what**\>- all e|| tioo you can .<• i tie raising of u crop for the market.—Washington Gazette. FOR SALE—I. P. Henderson’s residence in Covington, 1-3 cesh and balance to suit purchaser. Address J. P. Henderson, Gen’l. Delivery. Atlanta, Ga.. or Dr. A. C. Perry, Covington, Ga.—lm A duty you owe yourself and family ia to patronize your home paper, nut a9 a matter of chanty, but as an investment. A newspa per dot's more for the develepement of a town than any factor in it, and gets less for it. - * If you know any news—entertain ments, marriage», death’s visits. visitors, or unusual incidents of any kind, write us. phone us or stop us on the . streets , and tel In ... - Do,,-, keep ,t to yourself and then wonder wby the editor bad noth We sell pictures—we ^ rames - The Harrison Co. AH «Vj(f Pt-.'O !. Ian j, ? tHWJr W UiiU uy t»UV,lliUVWyj DELEGATES ARE NAMED. To the Southern Cotton Associa¬ tion in New Orleans. At a meeting of the Newton county branch of the Southern Cot¬ ton Associacion held last Saturday, delegates to the Atlanta and New Orleans conventions were named by President Middlehrnok. Reports from the chairman ot the various districts in the county shows that the organization is growing and that the people are in better shape than ever before and that a svstem of diversified farm¬ ing is Pbing practiced. The resignation of Mr. C. G. Smith, as secretary and treasurer, was taken up and Mr. W. L. Gib¬ son was elected in his stead. The delegates appointed to the Atlanta convention on January 8, are, W. L. Gibson, B. M. Leach, A J. Belcher, L. L- Middlebrook, Wni. Boyd, S. W. G. Lummus and J. W. Black. The delegates to New Orleans on Jauuary 11, 12, and 18 aro, L. L. Middlebrook, W. L. Gibson, J. W. King and A. J. Belcher. Low Rates to Cotton Convention New Orleans, Dec.—Railroads in the cotton belt of the South hive announced a rate of one fare for the round trip for the mass convention of the Southern Cotton Association to be held :u New r Or¬ leans Jauuaiy 11, 12 and 13. This is the Bame rate given last January when the farmers, merchants and bankers from Virginia to Oklaho¬ ma to the number of over 8000 met at New Orleans to organize the association. The coming meet ing is the first general convention to have been held since the origi¬ nal meeting and indications pourt ro ev< n a la. g^r attendance. Pres¬ ident Jordan states that he would like to see 5000 delegates at New Orleans and in view of the remark able and enthusiastic co-operation of the cotton producers during their eleven months of organ ization Mr. Jordan’s estimate may not fall much short of the desired number. The New Orleans meeting will be held under the auspecies of the New Orleans Progressive Union anu New Orleans Cotton Exchange who are defraying all expenses. Secretary Henry Mayo, of the New Orleans Progressive Union announces that Odd Fellows’ Hall has been selected as the meeting place. This is one of the largest halls in the City and is on Camp stree* fa-nur 'he square oppos’te 11 s H jum fjv.* bl- k - m vau ,i --li e> is w e i heated and lighted uiid convenient to the various exchanges, the hotels and all street car lines. New Council Sworn In. city Counci i me c j Jho new nesday afternoon and took tlie. oath of office. Mr. 0. C. Brooks was elected ; Mayor protem. The election of clerk, street overseer and policemen will bo held after Christmas day. Estill Will Soon Announce. Editor Estill announces that ho will shy his castor in the Georgia political rmg in a short while now. Editors Hoke Smith aud Clark Howell have spent their powder each other, and the genial Colo on j nel will find gam* a plenty iu - sister state. e d h I ^ Llinta al , , ere rbnuld h ,......p-dv.l Manicure sets, toilet sets, shav in£ sets, brushes, combs, etc. Tire Harrwn Co. FiTZ DEFEATED. In Thirteenth Round the Old Gladiator Collapsed. Robert Fitzsimmons, the old war horse of the ring, was defeated hy Jack O’Brien in San Francisco Wednesday night. Fitzsimmons collapsed at the end of the thirteenth round. He fought hard, but nature could no ongcr stand the strain, and after the gong had sounded tor the close of the 18 round he walked to his corner and Jsat in his chair. Then his head fell over op hia breast, his whole body coilapsed and the fighting wonder of the age was “ail in.” Before Fitz left the ring he made a little speech in which he said he had done his best. Ho said he had fought his last fight. Large line Rogers 1847 silver plaited knives, forkes and spoons. The Harrison Co. Mr. H. B. Anderson Improving, Mr, H. B. Anderson, who was taken seriously ill last Monday afternoon at the court house, is improving and he hopes to be able to come up town in a few days. He has had the sympathy of all his friends during the illness. Clocks and bronzes in all sizes and lovv prices. The Harrison Co. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Mr, J. W. Black, a well known farmer of Oak Hill, was here Thursday. Ml P S. Thompson, of Wal nutgrove., was here Thursday on business. Dr. J. Lee Porter and Dr. P. Willso'n, Jr., of Newborn, were here Thursday. Misses Mary and Nellie Speer and Ola Robertson were shopping here Thursday. i-. Toys of every description. Largest stock to select from. The Harrison Co. Perry-Phillips. The marriage of Miss Jani; Per¬ ry and Mr. Janies E. Phillips next Wednesday afternoon will be an event of much interest to their many friends. Both are leading members of Covington society and are well known over the state. Miss Perry has for several years been connected with the city pub¬ lic school and is one of the popular young women of the city. Mr. Philips is assistant cashier of the Bank of Covington and ouo ^ t jj C> c Gy’a prominent young bus _ men. mess Books of all kinds. Large s tock, choice titles. Poems fic¬ tion, history, linen and childrens books. The Harrison Co. Corry-Davidson. Mr. David Davidson and j^ elia Corry, of Siloani, were mar ried j ast Wednesday m the Presby ter ; an church near the hm e of the bride. Mr. Davidson is one of the prom ruent young men of Oak Hill dis trict and has numerous friends all over the ccuutv . Ten thousand beautiful and useful Xmas and wedding pres¬ ents now in our store. We have lhe largest stock we ever had. c«nie around and look through. Thb Hafrlsoh Co. COTTON MARKET. - Middling bringing n W* Market—Unsteady. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. « I GROCKERY-j-CROCKERY f t CROCKER Y!! 1 Our stock of Crockery and China ? is entirely too large! We are compelled to reduce it, even at a sacrifice! Come in and make your selection and we will make the price to suit you. ~ We guarantee prices lower than any in Covington, and Best Bargains Ever Offered you at 1 3 £ Stephenson's Hardware Store f I . ; Buy your Christmas Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Fruits and Fire-Works From 5 niTH*VINIMQC? N “The Old Reliable” G BORG 1A RAILROAD. Elegantlye quipped trains between all points. Pullman Palace Cars between Atlanta, Augusta and Charleston, also between Augusta’ and St. Louis and Charleston and Cincinnati. Fas; Fteight Service be¬ tween the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charles¬ ton, Savannah and all points in Southesfern and Caro¬ lina territory. A. G. Jackson, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga Royal Baking 1 ^ Absolvtely Pure Powder r I__ Makes the food more delicious and wholesome HQV»L BAXtwa POWOER CO., MEW VOW. ^ Patronize Enterprise Advestisers.